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March 22, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-22

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The Michi an Daily


ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, 'l' U ESA 1",\I_ RC 1122, 1010.

Ni). 120.

Baseball Men Given a Good
r- Workout Yesterday=-Practice
On Ferry Field Today.
Giger and1 irssis ibin rsosare tns
(qualities wichh Coachsi Rihe is ots
edieaorig"toins till isis suadttiof
tar bseassls ipilaiters 1f the ieter-
minedispiit ad arid iiwsokicihewere
(iplalyediat te Mitsui isftroo prac-
tiec at the ihir r slt iicout foritliianyt-
ting Aic-shig willthavieea stog, stll
Eiery isaitsonsste suisbeisn
Iis eforts twas-rtinsinttg the cssos-
sssselstiosssof Iis tttr sitdthe ecoaci
is settisg a hith stntdridiiifesIettes'
itscosequene of te sprteidsills
through wihsti Isputs the sueiveery
afternooniiscikey ~is gining (M utea
reputtatiossa isBurrlstspt 5t5 si" amls
Iis sies t tututhe artest finstsoslssthirssg
to eenusa5iMondiy trties.
The iiailt ititbetwe eitwtsopickeds
isses testscut short\'sMondaytetuatute
ififelssiigt reeite a theoroughs slil
Withtwo sissmens esserisg ethltositits
aitd taking tunsst te chancesaffistrsde
tlems, the ecoaelsratties lardiigosis-,
eect assdltoleesite ecissersl th it-ise
te isess raiss their nsekslhillitse
vterani, std itelell ihelsilistsisItt
basse intuer. 't seeodottiwasis llsr
autd N's tite rise re sttionedhi iile
Drske asslSetl ldiidesitheguarisnsi
sht of the siller cornser f te itmomiil
betweens theis. Alyers andssi rsittitplay-i
freacsi huspositui' i t theompeittuionig
fkeseptan sseathsoanlis giigtheetsuis
thatlssiis its m.is
Alhosuegh te coithtelvtiedtsmst of
Iis timsie tsttsi sliteach 5inlst'hist i-
fielers isiesebia1 ll asiteimissplayi
le ikett sit steoit iotfietsldes.it nNIsi
lonsg, high sisne sssd firstitheis
coacheitsiwastsr theisturingflt'themiiioni
antd lie kslpt a tiuickel- isotit fis this
hrillianit casls s~tshe el situ lidMays
of the mitt swlit wir slitasitgithe lists
ouie ismostiotis tS oi ike~
co sendtioettetssfs
tse- sti squa s is tirses prctc
sillthe rssghsud srfsceeonths ir
grituiitds. Todaisy i stshe sisi orsot sl
its Ferrs htsd, ansithetil issi i isissii si
sill i lsu i s rtnft heis ing ri
swill legn
lI17T Qt T lii ' C I l'' \''li'-i
ITe rsshmtnsitnIst sinaqit
ilesansst isais sascesebsitdsitn itsasger's
uissei isualtarm its campingssroofslist
ing ii in etilsyitetrs its ging'''sn'' ssi
sritul W isg etaul iests(li t ii
ireeecleslliiaffaitsthe fessitions isi
siaetl scsess
']'hersits li' sssarslts-si hundred i oi p
les-il e is fitsor iiwh itn itsissiocs-I tl
s-se-siilthtss-ormasil pro'samitssistilts
'ias-sanIedt sil htslisofthessspartyi
idulslges its a repa st moresi ii usr ii
ltst-a wsit tiitl sThei Ispecle a-I
tres iofltheeess it"siretshue slsss1Is
Robsiert alety -Niusuilts e"Is
N\-tsl' i" ossludtlthiomusicsaliiprograit

T s iss ti of st eoa
Ii - i-i Ii)13 is sissie wilI
a r sh slush osfithe- \l is
FI rs Ississiet NV 'Smsitht

Stilists C isis sill tik l ac ee lt s ii is
eteitilg Apr stl 2,is turshsithsall
stne-stflistr Issbssessnstsalledsandit ii
inerorreected, mtaiigilthelitha ll slit
sf lthemst caspacs and prseltist its
the stte I' sshrs oreestsaiof Kla-
mazsooi, ttill furisis s temsitissichsl
still essisist uf the Isatest musiseailhifts.
tlsls- 8o ticetsils1le sldladsmemessi
of tls e, lubl isill hlis ts-iisil Arili 4ts
A Musical Revew--New Songs,
Snappy Acts and Repartee
Make it Successful.
Wihsthe-riigt of iithe ecurtainstsi
Sosoe'lockt soitthe oteing atesofit
titior lt msisstrl sliasstnigti, usi
tile hush it iii; te30 a ai Sra
C'swsetll 'Angell Hlliwis i lstsil t s eof
sie of the lbiggesitstell issitssitfilhs
most sccsesfulsiof lisfuncis.stl
For tiose iswIo compsioses the itsg
auiience wicuh pakediitheishll s stll
asi fsis tissue ithest,1tesafa itseis
resentdslsssptit of the highest
Itie Tsisws sts sitei slthles
ore Itsy itformas lits, iiriediliestis itud
high atpprecsit i iionmotstsd
.tSt-iiianituorig"-ia i slitsred it
ism ssIntwilthte i t ist 1ieuar i Silts
'tositsiCin .Johson-GsoodC ssslNight
wtheclastosussisisis alencsr e si
C'hes'te 11 Sapls itroi-ingsit
list i'd YusitI kitsle sitOxfsors
Chaic?" secoesiiishit situwas icstll
liatskrepetslls lhistsongtith sillss i
FischerI ilIshotiy lsi ctisedlion theit
martkltinl issid ss tsecuhillsidil
Tsesesondulact opened1sitoilts dakeesd
NIagetitle isotitftieusit rom sstreeI sir
' sitias. Iion B ssi 'iNn m site s sp t
Itu \si listaiisibyst l Ho
sedshill in dasli ndslit ng
rMxIi set Ifllowds}irs kw
lisn tshisin impi slersnatiossiweriteis
tue strs of t veing
t Ts- list st ws-impo~sdi ofimustical
'Te handillnsg of ite lfistss ithtsl
hans ofssiG.IS Iashcrs-sgeneral 1 -Isit-
mantand tictor Fisran k EIIBeelitani
sisusical d ireto ssr; rthurssI Curtilsits
bun pubsics itychirmani;isRatuh Jl stscJ
A Atr the shts ll peetrpie
dits liwaiss itordesunsiss idnlisistsr
- NOMINAsItsOs-SVOSit . s A.tislil sissisigl
Nomiitonsis ssfoofifceris of iteSts
sitss (itilst Asssitioss forIs lii
a--uslir t litvit ju s tilt adepulicIniti
y t ssnssinin hgisosmssissi lies l mst
---lcitos sill le eldiIhlissayievisingtils
Mc h s 31, i N \itNl its Il-ll -l suits
IyIts-slsflthesass''itsisnaesalowd i
;tssote. Tsesflltngsaeeen irstils
'.il C N Irits rStudn six C istislt
Asoiain L. D Aveil;tish, set
Kinsbuy; iceprein. Teltisi.Blis

S.rsfn t ser; tresusrer Y. M.f.C. sA.
iCharles F. Shaw.

Junior Lits will Meet Junior Engi-
neers in Basketball (lame.

lit t s It s-i l'
o5 teiits ca

s c

s p ttill iftilt
'Fslt ilt l sts il ls
ciihmiosh tils
ttus tseisstigs1
this- 1 il h o
lssthich tlollst
si l a~ lsts frill isl
its cregit.sAus tu
sibt iselhiss si
swilmiligs-sofssce ass
stshessIdg- silel it
a itsdetemntsi
155t tis ta s i s
lii seylit,;sitarit
player, iisexpeitedhi
ba sess fetntsait
iite the ittro
i'it c)dsilt.
malthsb ee

ivs s f ss te jno
)rt sINclssestxtiIll msitt
is t Itsl tse iissII gsissue
11155.15 > t it itS lstill
Slts i-ip lit the
to larclst a d esit
,,its ll (it il te lualltlu
his s-i si t gains11
Ca ll l'elh t li te
hichsusrIe'utites fhas
cy, te l~pt tisitsee
ddis tl lunch15511ci
aco~mplshcd tskith
sport, s to wll fro
is tigtslThste
SCS; Icltintt o mn~
slits sis plas - agastil ht
<i uIt hac ti slt 15thug
is ate alut efits-u
sTihfsrmerhis hits
e d stiuldit asuitsats
F thetussl. l~leeo
seerlofth thma
slWCA Walli s Ches
n apoite. Te se

Antsiler olege organiainuhsNNAuris asdcddt ae us usotTT
lutssheleh o iaiss~u AN1'UAJBA NQUET
idea was forustally adoustedl st us reeent Faculty Members of Law Depart-
mueeing of this socieet-. met Talk on Important Legal
I is hplnnted o hple at soue suitablue
ssh qis thinescapuss a argne earved Problems.
stosseAroisud this the linitiaes swil1 ___'_
assemblhue, hitoat the ecominugsof the The annuual iuanqeuet of Wsoosck, the
iolthssocu sill heathth it uiattn wiple leur sumwlihonorry soetey, was given
sufthr sslet ihee hurlustutisui t-lllast eening at the Msihigans Union
le coetsieed. cluhossuseiMeber of the organiza-
'TheItruids is site f the etser amu- titus owere etertaoedh y a program of
sis organizaions, hbeig fosudedeibyt-thin toasts ii ishihi the faculty of the aw
senorsofthelieray epa -mnt ufeasrtmsentl was promintuenty represent-
the seelass eof 1909 ed. Chantcelor Abot officiated as
toasstmsaste nd tushe following memers,
FRITZ gREISoR wth thersuihjects, responded to toasts:
"NationalI Corporations," rofessor lH.
APPEA S TO IGHT L i lgs; 'Ohie Dictum," Howard
--L.arl dull;'"osergencies," Professor
N. FBuker;t "The Lawyer at a Puhlc
Sentasuit Profeso B MThompson.
Famous Violinist Will be the Professor Wilgus, in dealing with the
Last Choral Union Attraction ehorporations probslemu, outlined the
Before May Festival, gross-hs of the oporae form of us-
ness ognsiatiofomss the inception of
the governument He stated that in view
In luefi the fewsiresslly "lg" msicaulsoii the enousssses development of cor-
artists silt colnits AnnusArbor ti porations and the growth of the trust
near will be heardpohshen the CoaUnnprbeteonsly adequate method of
concrt oniht-rit Kresle invioi ureservinsg the rights of the people lies
erseal r.Kreigis-Fr is Kneeousvfsltsheis federal licorporaion The staes,
greest liinspoentiss o the ilnwills their resricted sovereignty and
grettet islig xuoususs o thn iolstdiversity of laws, cannot adequately on-
tush is it artist us every- sense of the trol corporations wshich assume nationali1trmbtoeHedsntpsesth
tfethsoushsite Hdesnotmposesteproportionss socs as the Standard Ol
ness.tha sees tobe nseprabl efro unpanu. Professor Wiilgut also cor-
sot manshllsf thosse who call themsselves unssed out the administration ill pro-
artits. ut ith he ecepion f t isisg for federal icorporation and
quai-lity ofi nost duious valie, hei tsuit suggested several inpovements which
artst f he igestsot, osessng he cosiders nmight e proftahly made
-wotterfultehnhigueshasoraubsessppleg us the measure.
citiosuefultemusiq us. n onasr- Ex-Chanceellor Barkdull in response
F rt Kresluer is ass Austrians, andts the toast "Oiter. Dictum,"considered
Eurpe as eenthescee o wht hvesome of thin porposes of Wtoolsack and
beshenserhatshut gretesmunsical ti- the reaions of the organization to the
uenps. H hasplayd beorepachi a eatet Professor al vr oa aiyo h otnn Bunke dealt with the need
tash in Engandand hiss een loaded foradquate professionsal study which
wills gifts and prase y tems. Bot will enahle thin youg lawyer to grasp
whil appeciaion as benmnifet ite oppotouities which present them-
us l ith e unteanner, isu esshausiselesesdiurling thin first years of hisprac-
equa suces inhistour ofthi cop- ien Thin youg lawyer, he stated, who
iselieuiped ad ready for the
ty Thisesmpiestsraightforwsardsnss emegencies which arise in litigations is
with hichhe pays as geat 1owertthe one twhom the highest success in
illsttractd the genuneness of thein l iepoesoni serd
bheind shthug violin shissadded msts tIs Frofessinisssuredcnidrd.h
s ussicalseopuaritSialtosas areaeyt Proesieh hmso osdee h
assuredl huythin msseit of his wirksuns thial aspeetuoi thin legal profession
depeds n nithe "lng air"norec-A lwoye, le stated, should promote
celtrsit aner "issegftar' urhe-the esonomic ad social movements of
a plyeris reiefto udince acus-the dat' He should, as a lawyer, create
Iustomed to these supposed ear msasrks o respect for team. Two of the essen-
tis tsteudeveopment of this respect
geniu'siuand oteert f at it o Ir thinlasty 1t he pulic are: first, the
Choal nin cncrtswhih recdeeimiattiontof deleays hut court proe-
ite Must- festival It will e held it dire;I ad, secod, the independence
of te judiciary Judges should de-
Uck iserut- flaihl sueSegns at 8soo0 eie cuses imspartially and without
o'clookk A programssof lreadthandstud uhtofth
. variet has ben thoanght wof Siten-Possihle political conse-
r tii toIslteeiss andrase -llsc aSwess- qoeses,suh asusthe effect of their de-
eson ou the next election Professor
s sosuneessaretoI the shoroughiellot- Thomptons suggeted that to insure this
1 ume Stsofatrecitall enblon w:uudimunpartialiy, juges should have a long-
(a) onaa, majr ........ IludO er eiure of office or should hold their
Andanteo; Allegro eiergico; offcee Iosu life, thus, as far as possile,
inrghello; Allego diorcing the eshe from ipoitics
-(i) IPreludue and Allegro......
I ... ......CG.Pugnsanis(173-170)-
ColliesrltAmnr.....Y 1B Vieti LEE SPEAKS ON S LA
11 Allegrol modrast;Ashasits NEXT FRIDAY LEVENING.
t legrnil spirishuts.
s(a) 3 Ias s Ireduss usBlieu(710-174) GsrldhuhStluee Lee, eior of Mount
-()Chianusn SLsassXiIisiSdPavane, Tom, anituSacospicsous figre in the
ttList Couperins (1630u1.f65) IFsld of let,wivil speak in University
S1 (c IAllegreto, LA helersss(s743-i8o5) lail et Fridayt'evenig under the
lull.dI Lagheto 13 fitatsusr.... eer auspipces of he Students' Lecure As-
fs (e Resndot , Gimaaoe...tin1.sueMusaStsoeatuoss
PolonasisA maor....s sus 'i s
5 TiltS 13. IIIIAMS SIehehtU 500TDAY5-
- Mu.Jahises 13.'silliast seetsart of 1. mll Save a liied anount of oig-
cthu s scatuaedth ClauiSes osiDetro it iiSallegeti suitSMarha Wiashingon
sill leeture t Newberrys IHall ShiIae-schocolaei sr hster Give me, or

tunsisss st 5:00 Io'clck The subljet shionse yur ordher early. Large line
o sf Mr. Willianm's address will he "The of Giihert's always in stock. Thee's
Opupotnsitlies of Social Service" Drnug Store, 117 So. Man it. 118-19-,0

Allen T. Burnis Points out the
Social Evils.

lists stit ntl <1111 i
ltne 5b555111 11 .1 ,l
e e lli i ll IA-T
nost trulyh lic h
53 1- ,55 is 1r sis11)115 n()

tl is itsla
Id sllussI
i t~ lit

(I'll hitI-id
is~p viy

;urn oft s PIittsburug,
Th tviso1111111u1i
asndlCorcv, idses
I iittu s itlli
.t elrd Mr.
cit\ sts ill <sulchush-

alits in i va55lites if a te- ret steel
-?)wheret uls st~ (h ithe amms i'is l-Is
vaia Id'h' laws5555 i ll w in illsuc
hite. o it hasI s t lIiii l5551 eths reu-~l
its 55 Ilailliland s in H i tl y s hausslthse
c h ihts ineh i sthss h siuon the peole
as n iusbug. ill se ll s notsi
isd thu u n) I 1151 ia c ih e
gard io M Is are sstitlytsenforci d.t
Iletr u l witi h il t uits silts ii i
Mrlurns "s~uis -s ihINnivda
life ofi ts ii 1111 1 loo15 isthi th i re o
or av id sita l t lussitio ss ein-s
dcde is fromse iso the cnit uit

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