The Michi an Daily VOL. XX. ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, 'l' U ESA 1",\I_ RC 1122, 1010. Ni). 120. RICKEY INSTILLS GINGERAND "PEP" Baseball Men Given a Good r- Workout Yesterday=-Practice On Ferry Field Today. Giger and1 irssis ibin rsosare tns (qualities wichh Coachsi Rihe is ots edieaorig"toins till isis suadttiof tar bseassls ipilaiters 1f the ieter- minedispiit ad arid iiwsokicihewere (iplalyediat te Mitsui isftroo prac- tiec at the ihir r slt iicout foritliianyt- ting Aic-shig willthavieea stog, stll veteranitertoil. Eiery isaitsonsste suisbeisn Iis eforts twas-rtinsinttg the cssos- sssselstiosssof Iis tttr sitdthe ecoaci is settisg a hith stntdridiiifesIettes' itscosequene of te sprteidsills through wihsti Isputs the sueiveery afternooniiscikey ~is gining (M utea reputtatiossa isBurrlstspt 5t5 si" amls Iis sies t tututhe artest finstsoslssthirssg to eenusa5iMondiy trties. The iiailt ititbetwe eitwtsopickeds isses testscut short\'sMondaytetuatute ififelssiigt reeite a theoroughs slil Withtwo sissmens esserisg ethltositits aitd taking tunsst te chancesaffistrsde tlems, the ecoaelsratties lardiigosis-, eect assdltoleesite ecissersl th it-ise te isess raiss their nsekslhillitse vterani, std itelell ihelsilistsisItt basse intuer. 't seeodottiwasis llsr autd N's tite rise re sttionedhi iile Drske asslSetl ldiidesitheguarisnsi sht of the siller cornser f te itmomiil betweens theis. Alyers andssi rsittitplay-i freacsi huspositui' i t theompeittuionig fkeseptan sseathsoanlis giigtheetsuis thatlssiis its Alhosuegh te coithtelvtiedtsmst of Iis timsie tsttsi sliteach 5inlst'hist i- fielers isiesebia1 ll asiteimissplayi le ikett sit steoit nNIsi lonsg, high sisne sssd firstitheis coacheitsiwastsr theisturingflt'themiiioni antd lie kslpt a tiuickel- isotit fis this hrillianit casls s~tshe el situ lidMays of the mitt swlit wir slitasitgithe lists ouie ismostiotis tS oi ike~ co sendtioettetssfs tse- sti squa s is tirses prctc sillthe rssghsud srfsceeonths ir grituiitds. Todaisy i stshe sisi orsot sl its Ferrs htsd, ansithetil issi i isissii si sill i lsu i s rtnft heis ing ri swill legn FRESIIZ N \ilCI,' iN lI17T Qt T lii ' C I l'' \''li'-i ITe rsshmtnsitnIst sinaqit ilesansst isais sascesebsitdsitn itsasger's uissei isualtarm its campingssroofslist ing ii in etilsyitetrs its ging'''sn'' ssi sritul W isg etaul iests(li t ii ireeecleslliiaffaitsthe fessitions isi siaetl scsess ']'hersits li' sssarslts-si hundred i oi p les-il e is fitsor iiwh itn itsissiocs-I tl s-se-siilthtss-ormasil pro'samitssistilts 'ias-sanIedt sil htslisofthessspartyi idulslges its a repa st moresi ii usr ii ltst-a wsit tiitl sThei Ispecle a-I tres iofltheeess it"siretshue slsss1Is Robsiert alety -Niusuilts e"Is N\-tsl' i" ossludtlthiomusicsaliiprograit T s iss ti of st eoa Ii - i-i Ii)13 is sissie wilI a r sh slush osfithe- \l is FI rs Ississiet NV 'Smsitht FI SCHR FEATURES FOR ('iTHOI I1C STUDETS' CiUBF Stilists C isis sill tik l ac ee lt s ii is eteitilg Apr stl 2,is turshsithsall stne-stflistr Issbssessnstsalledsandit ii inerorreected, mtaiigilthelitha ll slit sf lthemst caspacs and prseltist its the stte I' sshrs oreestsaiof Kla- mazsooi, ttill furisis s temsitissichsl still essisist uf the Isatest musiseailhifts. tlsls- 8o ticetsils1le sldladsmemessi of tls e, lubl isill hlis ts-iisil Arili 4ts MINSTREL SHOW A BIG CLASS PARTY A Musical Revew--New Songs, Snappy Acts and Repartee Make it Successful. Wihsthe-riigt of iithe ecurtainstsi Sosoe'lockt soitthe oteing atesofit titior lt msisstrl sliasstnigti, usi tile hush it iii; te30 a ai Sra C'swsetll 'Angell Hlliwis i lstsil t s eof sie of the lbiggesitstell issitssitfilhs most sccsesfulsiof lisfuncis.stl For tiose iswIo compsioses the itsg auiience wicuh pakediitheishll s stll asi fsis tissue ithest,1tesafa itseis resentdslsssptit of the highest Itie Tsisws sts sitei slthles ore Itsy itformas lits, iiriediliestis itud high atpprecsit i iionmotstsd .tSt-iiianituorig"-ia i slitsred it ism ssIntwilthte i t ist 1ieuar i Silts 'tositsiCin .Johson-GsoodC ssslNight wtheclastosussisisis alencsr e si C'hes'te 11 Sapls itroi-ingsit list i'd YusitI kitsle sitOxfsors Chaic?" secoesiiishit situwas icstll liatskrepetslls lhistsongtith sillss i FischerI ilIshotiy lsi ctisedlion theit martkltinl issid ss tsecuhillsidil Tsesesondulact opened1sitoilts dakeesd NIagetitle isotitftieusit rom sstreeI sir ' sitias. Iion B ssi 'iNn m site s sp t Itu \si listaiisibyst l Ho sedshill in dasli ndslit ng rMxIi set Ifllowds}irs kw lisn tshisin impi slersnatiossiweriteis tue strs of t veing t Ts- list st ws-impo~sdi ofimustical lthsesiwhstousparticiilatedintssislitas 'Te handillnsg of ite lfistss ithtsl hans ofssiG.IS Iashcrs-sgeneral 1 -Isit- mantand tictor Fisran k EIIBeelitani sisusical d ireto ssr; rthurssI Curtilsits bun pubsics itychirmani;isRatuh Jl stscJ A Atr the shts ll peetrpie dits liwaiss itordesunsiss idnlisistsr - NOMINAsItsOs-SVOSit . s A.tislil sissisigl Nomiitonsis ssfoofifceris of iteSts sitss (itilst Asssitioss forIs lii a--uslir t litvit ju s tilt adepulicIniti y t ssnssinin hgisosmssissi lies l mst ---lcitos sill le eldiIhlissayievisingtils Mc h s 31, i N \itNl its Il-ll -l suits IyIts-slsflthesass''itsisnaesalowd i ;tssote. Tsesflltngsaeeen irstils '.il C N Irits rStudn six C istislt Asoiain L. D Aveil;tish, set Kinsbuy; iceprein. Teltisi.Blis S.rsfn t ser; tresusrer Y. M.f.C. sA. iCharles F. Shaw. TWO FAST TEAMS CLASH Junior Lits will Meet Junior Engi- neers in Basketball (lame. lit t s It s-i l' o5 teiits ca illIsittt1eisls ttalli s c s p ttill iftilt liscr-otestell 'Fslt ilt l sts il ls ciihmiosh tils ttus tseisstigs1 this- 1 il h o lssthich tlollst si l a~ lsts frill isl hissts-eiiterlss its cregit.sAus tu sibt iselhiss si swilmiligs-sofssce ass stshessIdg- silel it a itsdetemntsi 155t tis ta s i s lii seylit,;sitarit player, iisexpeitedhi ba sess fetntsait iite the ittro i'it c)dsilt. malthsb ee sse ivs s f ss te jno )rt sINclssestxtiIll msitt is t Itsl tse iissII gsissue 11155.15 > t it itS lstill Slts i-ip lit the to larclst a d esit ,,its ll (it il te lualltlu his s-i si t gains11 Ca ll l'elh t li te hfottltltsChamspin hichsusrIe'utites fhas cy, te l~pt tisitsee ddis tl lunch15511ci aco~mplshcd tskith sport, s to wll fro is tigtslThste SCS; Icltintt o mn~ slits sis plas - agastil ht