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February 17, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-02-17

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The Michiga a W

Rickey Well Pleased-Indoor
Work Will Continue Until
Weather Softens.
Overflfty e aeaeda at the open-
ing baseall practice yese te a ater-
noon 11 Waermanellg laasi aa. (if


these e wee 'luc ll( een all-
l alt dtheir initealtiaiifatryn o
tile pitchlinglt aff.i 5111111' the ecandi-
daets wihatil I t Ht fori the fir st iirac-
tice tiie reseerl ho alelromitet
of15cc1 igino a squl it)ii i
itsoingoli mndsie ecil
laa ive sellin heali tiiiilie tIt
is expected that before11thele lid f h
wee th sie o th sqadliiI ll 1be1
doubld itndthe iilCachlicanIithe11
tileeli pr o euiwiteitule
Atilastlilfie ftheiiiiew miiple set
evaiisen anidiaii houiii i i stoear1111.
pectedtatel theylIII e 11 li e n thei
Coach11 ill - i il eg rd to th
ptie 1 nt Ci IlV peas1d1111 h
fiue' lir it t a i ael othis oll it e nt
than Siever ithat 11e sill beCale to pro-1
duce 1a11 in ictiiiteamI C lii is hilS e iset-
bacs tathav ben ecived.ii Somiecii
with the o i ild lnte il bandi'ii'i' e11w1I I
]hake a t1iile s ti e tle elttl
I c t ill contiiine i ni he iceii
on;.dprticte was lie fst hn I
the b lll vrllf the ]leutishiie d i
cleit di Ole ttiiSeisli C iorsthe man-

tiC NDt KS DAY I I 5055 ORYiiATLAST Ocilg ,tile tr hatllst lid '
lielfutnders IDayi'celebrsion f the RECEIVES DESERTKI'\IIs tiii tca 'ssfuil ilia,,f h-(ia111Hca
mieical d p eti 111ct iwilt bl i ve xtii jli"1C1(iiitletilia'luclisi,'iiii huh Itlilde'will o -
Tu sdy-______iSrh__ ,x l :in a111 be n lii suppilile lit issuell this yeal',
gall hutl at eighut a'altec.The plam111 Student Points Out a Few of the Thiii 1 N al cletamotne
is dcillei iunider thue ice o i Il t e Errors and Som'ie of Their iithidheC ill'I lilaunh f ite c"-
StiudienHs Meiacisoiciety iiidialliieeiivlised oi eslila SoCiild to paic e alsac '111(i
11111 II 1111te il itciei I - Results.lieI111 ii ISi-
cal" Wien arcinitSac IoIitttid. eeFollow- therefroreie' \i li'iIHHP lcareu toi 1111111 ia lii-
sill. belie liieii liithe ipalorsilof Bar1111'our '11,. 15 lii ie til elu, ithatis myi
a1 the tle e Clut Ill ocihcstira will iii rno hcttr I tdlts ~rc
i-ievrlselecetioinis dciratii'sai'thei even-eeh siiiuii WItL GIVE 'FAD PARTY'
in-' Thiire'a will lie' noi charge' for ad to . Asa tuln c mp le to 1fr
mi Pes ! I1.Ctiiiiiiiigelif tii iautiu eeact I i' 1le I -tel tha t h1-h<1 unior anid Senior i (un, Unite in
Mieiiiealoi ey i s1w1 for flr e w ai in-iIiiii iiiwell nfern ll i llyel i uiiii''Love Feast.
iri~tiet ii remiirks.c IDean'ii Vuigiii 11w ill e nir ei od sne isi a~i~c I h u ttnei -ih~nss)
seatcet 1 Th11 FtuareC'of the' Mcidi- by its1 ,1
ese1 les ero s. AnIn wIii sal 5 1111 e li e 11l oPte tuir nl
C,11 ii iauii 1i' Coiutii,'li",lii a'i' i llil-w ii 1151Cl''ilir'C5 sillalit biililtle iiii'e'i t1''il
lie Cel,' i ii ill i\icitigu.' lilaeloiiili"w es h e ar fraught kliiI lili :-ll t>> 1 IIs \ci 11
SQUIRRELS STARVE! I eiethdietrp-tns()adltrpsette )fh't
Ice Sheet Proves Severe on the stutdeants awi l ellilillts iof the faltlty i n 111' luautd Tleafaris hollel liii
55i ibie studetels aic'slipinlg (and1 slid- I mllthis illesupposiliion111 Is-;is ll'' I Iis p tltilir'mie 1bem 1 ich


iiig t" cacsses leer tile sihiets if ice
wlchaec'oveedc',iHeri'liig in innAu
Sribor ior the' test Itwoiwe'ekisthe squir-
sillv offerIcis smill impiiedimient to tthe'ir'
aciedgigill searchiofathie'ir store-
11oussc'Sif hilts, btai aero ieis
moi than the squ(1cila irlslcn ig this ough.1
titingeris ieeakill hsqu Cirrl cii i 111 -
fuliyltime anditelisilnoIll usltl1sig1 t
tis' lastllweekltoisee one1perched onia
holrilllanliat11empt ills I it a lnut
Thieiiimi'iti fiial u ir e 111111on iiif
Ann Arborstmstipi'cturesque features
d lri i abutlteii i pu, b ll
toi esrsaetc itike itlefunls
themwit fod utilte illIlllthe'n
the'ir 'el luppiliii's a rrlaintae avil-
li to than, l Ii li ,iiariec 'isiur e 't (li land,
infcinane iiiavellleady111perished. fll
fi ill illste helnees of theilciii etpei
andmae ehveo iceomptlleto tile'
rece irieAtilgeiiu nufroms'tuiuig tmlig ill
Cairir-Srihsuiresruhthierw. er
11'eutfeedi-fthei'qirls tclelforlin
joiein ~ i siipiplyigthieie piilie'agie-
f]'assufor'ifo'dt mor'c 24 i meaes uplfor
the smaletil iiatiid.gTfetiities
l fthe \cuiiiteiutoohavebernquieactiv

M First comiiiainht a'ain stite ii
is 111 ii oilthe-rundlllthai t allnumlleu f h
memer t of the faiculi ty liiiot1iclu1 e
inte ist . i aniiii tliha tiihe 11111mleoill
Ill sl t e tiiiii lI'I'arellleihoited u l-
liiid it niii dilsarrangll' el in the'direcor
asto e lo st to alllyone1 not11informed111of
phoneiC Ihh hulles are solfrequenlin r
ror ill to lcause 1111 tel still ii ryhi
but isuiiltitiltheiiiii ofi IC C vil per
ator11s andiiitasge'dilanldies
In one11'intce the management ofI'lhil Iii
tile'dirie'tory'llists vli ihlitriipicte
a tiig in i feruenitIresiieucesb
bck Futein this patilar-case
the namlile' of t lsre i nsillie i
Wlhaetishalioei ayi T cirieiliil
is, ofi c'urase', still somlle ii iusefl, i
W11 ii u in'ieiiaie oi i l/utuhuuicouldn'i
thei'e'titori r~ed proof1onit and11iinat
some o the 'rudclie istakes 5thuat ale
Thi less hieall iet's 5_11st~slo *'
1 Siel \f iii hiN't'iiS'i'
The lush iof tiuuchiss oraticahtl co1111
tests wiill tk pae iru r 21, inl
rom IIiftihei iiaw iiiiig at i8
11111L 1Tlure iare Iniumerouls caiies,
in alli the contests.TwoIIrepresen'llttives
wilibe cenfro11111theusellior luw ll's
two fro11111tile junior liht, one eachfro
comphie te ini the thu i\-ri ii conte1st1\h
man11ini tis countescitiwill heceju\e the'
and ill itsoiurue iureent the illci'Situ'ill
tile \uorthernu iOratrcaii iL1111'e'uuuu lust
tou li e l at it Sit a iitcS \ill i.
Thle admtilssionllfte whichiestusall
beenuha ttredflulltie le ssontstswil
bei dispenused th itisyeahi
Fe.2st u i lit; eli '4th, ohiuii-
' ououure lit : e . 2 t, Frs m nlI
Feb.l20t1h Senhuh hut:Ci li Si 1tul, Cut-
In addtition111 iit ilte list oil l St ii Il
111111n inICongress' 5 l giv e' sterdais 1111 -
itg inlthe' \icuhit'n il i s A.iR.Johni-
mm Ilas of tS7, flieu ile l i t tuhdis-
truit ufu i oTsliuuuittoalo
ionale'geislat url.

'It s to
s iilte'

Sic I

all r -)II ft llt)l (
5 is tIac ui(e'utuh I
ae liii canti 1 lii

:\IrS. . ca1 n Is R kl h v
Icle li IuI'Ilu'u us steeil I ' t'li l.
'l l lul uuuuuitttct1 . Stuippula, "lii taick t

C' 11111111I11't'
111,.E Ilicl11l

ut this' tuthiui''
iCuethe .Sluuhi'u'Sieuu

tll iI ar flu ltld il l iut hIu I c ii
Ini A-1tIui' i t s st, 1111 ; 11111 a id
the cnti'is -7 1e in I I 11im 111 w thu iiut
j( l I 111111akd liii , at hull re
tid pim kl il unt he l l.
SieNiale o kt ; ' ),ms ii 4 5CC Si t t 1/ a
C' d t ( S e md NCI iiiISiSt 'fIS'

any Ideas Are Under Advise-.
ment For the Big Gala Day.
Stnglh-oult tileis to ble acI uisy gate
imfrtice membtes f the seior li
laif thirl rs ofuiteechss cncary
ii ghtheir lns I ercifre tle
hii ot lahieln tbut a prate arunda
Lc campItsusytie senioilrs cldinapHi
alleottolowiedt biyutIshrt exercises
Stile thetie luloeoruedluteuceeremonha es
ttrauteiconulsderale atit etitoitiromu
eell-hertillc i tn s %xhouu toc tato l ' on,
le larieuc uips seludomuneuiacc tuch i-
erest CC i lnt hiailsil 1511eh111up~oiit a
onhue g otiu If alllordheal
If tie le'at noeul he ig ahidet Ii
a'lrsaoi~theenSuir gils is adoptu-
(I ifstk iti's'will he uadede thr the
heio itsuthichewitiltmake te etire
a teth pitattresqhie asuiteiresting
;Atsupper fr theees ad ir tns oathti
lauss, to bhe givenu i arbour gmaium ~ti
fter tilestillg-euut exercises, s oet
oftil ewutidueas Followig titl in tie
ceinsoecatlebrationii i atichithe
e tire Icass anC p1at i c te is pluneitt.
Insteut of giei atdanaethe taiers
auniom sr iif ianipenl air ecarival.
SAuterii tuovstionwihiltis eitg
I locetIdis I tee plnting. Ith, htaius
heelet'veral eas sicehi cess hshe aut
a Ire -llalting.I fitthi s eior its arc'
tohaelne thits tear thee' tutn to cil-
bieit uwithuthe irotei ceebruaiionus on
''Cg-ut tay'.u Iheiigirs f the setiort
classhueki tie pastI had ai lreikfast
dlurn tee oHmmtuilcemnt we see. Te
tutulaleeo "he a b lreakhetsfor tu
ell thee lmortin iingsof uigliutit
tle theeatei shnellit tis tmet
11111ppova 1fom teuembsues iof
th cas t hit iihslbeeni rescitd.
Prusident 111111 extressedt timselt s
lcn eerililtutu it vor1 ufthe tprjet.c
Itikitheailit exceclent iduec,"he sci
"tsihuladdulihuhe aint reshutch s whuuathi
haiheein itie jst a r'theruu''neentfui
era heuceDany1-igs suthoihas
hear hac'iely-avrnguhthe priopsit inu
sad I thinthutlaCss shoultde take somehu
mas tee giveladetduhtiteres t swig
out. 'Ther1e shoiuldihbticsmuuetig oiti
ill thecNiteihlt hlit i11ittnteest tit
entie cass.1 aso eel ttitthecls
shouldhitua' ashill Ttherc s amupti
ahuliitt it tilee css i cni e utiied.t
Dal) So uciuchirm f te stcil
cnmtheeCs tanoltherI iwhou ifavrstte
newide. " hcevetheu planiiacptatli
one, hesitt 55Wile the suptper might
ofncsiyheucnfinetoiiiIite seiors
uf huulteraryt clhss iftusink tt at hei
511io cla ises sithouluchutnvitedutotur
tiipattte ill tile c rniuvat i tule is tt he
genlinIltieeteniltile I aso beieve
thtet the huies ofii the sniour lit ea
tt~ 1 ell marh uil hr th h n -ugtes it htl
thci ~r iso eel laiss intusedt letseprat
ing 11111 as intheipst.
\ltitents from t he Ste otflMici-
li oreuhtodeues sholarshp itt e
unce lihttu cci 111o1fthe cmmittee tu
behuel tna.1 1 apintmuuuuenhts frohti
Cmlost o eel t ete sites htvecs'edy
hcen mae ut tie \ichigan c ommuittie
tsreelayeIdu util maing uteits seectiont bii
thelultul II huic abseic uf or of its
mebesNPesdeutaik uotcf titsdle.
eIhCi 'auuucsr' t IV IRD101
Puofehessoru Jaes c'tBirdetf eut hi e
Ill i i auepatmencu t w1il lecturi le oe

the' 'rcl ' irc t M ruitmui 7 tuItuetut
hal a ; . ~ th fternoonsuuuuil'es
Icts rnas" Nr.krdeied
this lcuebfrthue Cercie seveareu
years -() a c) 'as'er teeth receiveud.
Th htue vIIltihe itntFruueenh uatd us

ar l1d it (mcs il e utile
all his su'eeuuuu i is t rh ur
att hel, rl'i' s a c~lci i 'l l c
tll 'X111111a ll o i ril~

111 '
c stt)
all 1

gll Nhue-
C(l' i;
lu-1au' i-

daete hasntt en Cdefinituey set, hiut it thaue tsuuat l ttutu' if pu-('u t II sill
is thobaule u tcht ii til e ii lii iuitui wiii lae phle t te M st i c tu atiu re huo-
t iii plcecurly iti ay ighuN uteu t dt hueeuaudevilthumeswl
Te pltut'fhull' hiue casion1 is 151115 it tentirulyI diffeeut lfromuuthose hut thu
utititnits J.IFredt I lutuult hulitt list half ofhuhtie tech. Thetuexuss -
teehuhasthut autthoroumiyt fth gamrlbeanaliiomedytaffir stilt
lyis: tlal. ~avoIha ushtClenouh m11hsiHial tuuhi hutictouugi'e'
little't hyo hesbeeltubutt utis gait tile lul eu vituleii lturuthahit and
eal kn w tht it elu iii tut tuas tetile 'od ar a hir oiif clevueru'geurls
g'u'neral ideatuu ue11itnu h Iu utdu ilui l a itwholieu ulsentttu i esileuacitiult of stu'-
the lay iSniusheudiaitiutcuwithinseveal es. prssctc hii singinglh linehu Bouthtlie Cre-
tile C it lul eel the cuet l ahiulittel hull s uucslscull g ulils 'aunut Comel I ill
the newdtrama111ucwtiubeihprolemr uu i e eeehul rcmended.l Situcee lo
Jtust w'ih tup'oblemu'ht w'ilt be expoitllell Muttvaney- will ofiaitt ie'-
adsolethertlinucoueld o cacr vitellduut hue t'lurch I iichechBrters
eune.ilupresent aicoedyla crobaitie let tet
Th' la1 il e1ien ami s tutirtuly ifhf'erent Ifromuuuthuat tuf eany
slhtud itt Iaht andtut herhe iitt ii tup)s- t uat uhaeapthareh ere i ns lthue tasht. hu
sililits that.i Sevurhltofut heut c ktui tsutito Majetic showlutonuuighiit i u' 'ea lypiceal
plydlaing'roe's in uuecent uu eltuc- hull hevuile blll andi one1lre scei for
Lion , 11 11.ake artini this hlty, 'uu''inttui u onlee -.

the a ttr h l fhs sno ct h
fa'cu'tuy wouhll ook closi I et iothliC clt se.5
WSiihthirt euiselt aspeilexamnatio
uhd h i vc. T i a n dn
iuu'hii'e. Ineink-e piion the h nc o
ta h er h' e~hhhtint iou 11 Sil d epei d
tla gely uoll he t cll iti n. fl ththe a
t iuun eendeidiiin theew oesm se'
liee fie sue t ert ik; ofae'
l ie uel a le orl uponlli someti'technhicalttu
t ik thu 'tcltyll' uldii aullowit heiti IC
dent umtuii h al' n'eeeu l to ae h ihues s
Suiehihii wiilhbe huel 'Cut euuuhuuaftuerenoo
it hei ts hell mn stt t :,) h
magaz,~tu iin eidifufellnt parts 11111''writ-
tt erthetitu'tt''h'l a'I soil hoI urit ll hte
ueo ed, it uichii it eu Pi i lliai t C
faculty-us 1adihuh

1 'rii iuu'us euf uittiI()IIIt''Ii aet I'uuuu ij oal

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