The Michiga a W \tXX. GOOD MATERIAL AT FIRST PRACTICE Rickey Well Pleased-Indoor Work Will Continue Until Weather Softens. Overflfty e aeaeda at the open- ing baseall practice yese te a ater- noon 11 Waermanellg laasi aa. (if NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'iTURSDAY, i1titRU AtfY 17. these e wee 'luc ll( een all- l alt dtheir initealtiaiifatryn o tile pitchlinglt aff.i 5111111' the ecandi- daets wihatil I t Ht fori the fir st iirac- tice tiie reseerl ho alelromitet of15cc1 igino a squl it)ii i itsoingoli mndsie ecil laa ive sellin heali tiiiilie tIt is expected that before11thele lid f h wee th sie o th sqadliiI ll 1be1 doubld itndthe iilCachlicanIithe11 tileeli pr o euiwiteitule Atilastlilfie ftheiiiiew miiple set ireaiiaiilseriiearerailiitiliiiiais evaiisen anidiaii houiii i i stoear1111. pectedtatel theylIII e 11 li e n thei finaastutihslbeenellee Coach11 ill - i il eg rd to th ptie 1 nt Ci IlV peas1d1111 h fiue' lir it t a i ael othis oll it e nt than Siever ithat 11e sill beCale to pro-1 duce 1a11 in ictiiiteamI C lii is hilS e iset- bacs tathav ben ecived.ii Somiecii with the o i ild lnte il bandi'ii'i' e11w1I I ]hake a t1iile s ti e tle elttl I c t ill contiiine i ni he iceii on;.dprticte was lie fst hn I the b lll vrllf the ]leutishiie d i cleit di Ole ttiiSeisli C iorsthe man- tiC NDt KS DAY I I 5055 ORYiiATLAST Ocilg ,tile tr hatllst lid ' lielfutnders IDayi'celebrsion f the RECEIVES DESERTKI'\IIs tiii tca 'ssfuil ilia,,f h-(ia111Hca mieical d p eti 111ct iwilt bl i ve xtii jli"1C1(iiitletilia'luclisi,'iiii huh Itlilde'will o - Tu sdy-______iSrh__ ,x l :in a111 be n lii suppilile lit issuell this yeal', gall hutl at eighut a'altec.The plam111 Student Points Out a Few of the Thiii 1 N al cletamotne is dcillei iunider thue ice o i Il t e Errors and Som'ie of Their iithidheC ill'I lilaunh f ite c"- StiudienHs Meiacisoiciety iiidialliieeiivlised oi eslila SoCiild to paic e alsac '111(i 11111 II 1111te il itciei I - Results.lieI111 ii ISi- cal" Wien arcinitSac IoIitttid. eeFollow- therefroreie' \i li'iIHHP lcareu toi 1111111 ia lii- sill. belie liieii liithe ipalorsilof Bar1111'our '11,. 15 lii ie til elu, ithatis myi a1 the tle e Clut Ill ocihcstira will iii rno hcttr I tdlts ~rc i-ievrlselecetioinis dciratii'sai'thei even-eeh siiiuii WItL GIVE 'FAD PARTY' in-' Thiire'a will lie' noi charge' for ad to . Asa tuln c mp le to 1fr mi Pes ! I1.Ctiiiiiiiigelif tii iautiu eeact I i' 1le I -tel tha t h1-h<1 unior anid Senior i (un, Unite in Mieiiiealoi ey i s1w1 for flr e w ai in-iIiiii iiiwell nfern ll i llyel i uiiii''Love Feast. iri~tiet ii remiirks.c IDean'ii Vuigiii 11w ill e nir ei od sne isi a~i~c I h u ttnei -ih~nss) seatcet 1 Th11 FtuareC'of the' Mcidi- by its1 ,1 ese1 les ero s. AnIn wIii sal 5 1111 e li e 11l oPte tuir nl C,11 ii iauii 1i' Coiutii,'li",lii a'i' i llil-w ii 1151Cl''ilir'C5 sillalit biililtle iiii'e'i t1''il lie Cel,' i ii ill i\icitigu.' lilaeloiiili"w es h e ar fraught kliiI lili :-ll t>> 1 IIs \ci 11 SQUIRRELS STARVE! I eiethdietrp-tns()adltrpsette )fh't Ice Sheet Proves Severe on the stutdeants awi l ellilillts iof the faltlty i n 111' luautd Tleafaris hollel liii 55i ibie studetels aic'slipinlg (and1 slid- I mllthis illesupposiliion111 Is-;is ll'' I Iis p tltilir'mie 1bem 1 ich t t 1 t i i S :r ,l e t c c e Ll c stt) rc for all 1 gll Nhue- C(l' i; lu-1au' i- daete hasntt en Cdefinituey set, hiut it thaue tsuuat l ttutu' if pu-('u t II sill is thobaule u tcht ii til e ii lii iuitui wiii lae phle t te M st i c tu atiu re huo- t iii plcecurly iti ay ighuN uteu t dt hueeuaudevilthumeswl Te pltut'fhull' hiue casion1 is 151115 it tentirulyI diffeeut lfromuuthose hut thu utititnits J.IFredt I lutuult hulitt list half ofhuhtie tech. Thetuexuss - teehuhasthut autthoroumiyt fth gamrlbeanaliiomedytaffir stilt lyis: tlal. ~avoIha ushtClenouh m11hsiHial tuuhi hutictouugi'e' little't hyo hesbeeltubutt utis gait tile lul eu vituleii lturuthahit and eal kn w tht it elu iii tut tuas tetile 'od ar a hir oiif clevueru'geurls g'u'neral ideatuu ue11itnu h Iu utdu ilui l a itwholieu ulsentttu i esileuacitiult of stu'- the lay iSniusheudiaitiutcuwithinseveal es. prssctc hii singinglh linehu Bouthtlie Cre- tile C it lul eel the cuet l ahiulittel hull s uucslscull g ulils 'aunut Comel I ill the newdtrama111ucwtiubeihprolemr uu i e eeehul rcmended.l Situcee lo Jtust w'ih tup'oblemu'ht w'ilt be expoitllell Muttvaney- will ofiaitt ie'- adsolethertlinucoueld o cacr vitellduut hue t'lurch I iichechBrters eune.ilupresent aicoedyla crobaitie let tet Th' la1 il e1ien ami s tutirtuly ifhf'erent Ifromuuuthuat tuf eany slhtud itt Iaht andtut herhe iitt ii tup)s- t uat uhaeapthareh ere i ns lthue tasht. hu sililits that.i Sevurhltofut heut c ktui tsutito Majetic showlutonuuighiit i u' 'ea lypiceal plydlaing'roe's in uuecent uu eltuc- hull hevuile blll andi one1lre scei for Lion , 11 11.ake artini this hlty, 'uu''inttui u onlee -. the a ttr h l fhs sno ct h fa'cu'tuy wouhll ook closi I et iothliC clt se.5 WSiihthirt euiselt aspeilexamnatio uhd h i vc. T i a n dn iuu'hii'e. Ineink-e piion the h nc o ta h er h' e~hhhtint iou 11 Sil d epei d tla gely uoll he t cll iti n. fl ththe a t iuun eendeidiiin theew oesm se' liee fie sue t ert ik; ofae' l ie uel a le orl uponlli someti'technhicalttu t ik thu 'tcltyll' uldii aullowit heiti IC dent umtuii h al' n'eeeu l to ae h ihues s Suiehihii wiilhbe huel 'Cut euuuhuuaftuerenoo it hei ts hell mn stt t :,) h magaz,~tu iin eidifufellnt parts 11111''writ- tt erthetitu'tt''h'l a'I soil hoI urit ll hte ueo ed, it uichii it eu Pi i lliai t C faculty-us 1adihuh 1 'rii iuu'us euf uittiI()IIIt''Ii aet I'uuuu ij oal