l°11 YC 41 fA "7>7L
TITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. o' 11-yiiiiithx:ttialin.Ilci
-' - - -ii H'i' i ' i-xx Ih , Ni Hi
G. H idComfpally n
.7langintg Idior i.'"hxi 'iii '.irx
aMERCHANT MRHATTAILORS a C,, Ind "rIx. iEi ixu iixxcr
CARLNCE 1::. Aix xic. I e H s ,., , m m ,r t a y t r
We have complete lines CAL HiO.ADAi xxie ixtl
of fine Woolens for Suit- 1, t Adrs.NLCLS xi .Pesild. i
iLsgs, Overcoats and Iron- Iastixtd street. °" -i'xi x -i -
sers, Fancy Vestings for ililhee Hours: Mxi~agL igEditor,"Sfl
190mand190. . IL.Buisiniesiaager , a.78 p t . x. 'i ''ixtxWx' c 1 d~ iI
19 4 a d1 1 .Except iSiundy, Both plotix. fteI''xxt' h" ct ut st ,l,
iii i xi iii i i,
We m akee Ful Dress EDTOxRSx. oxxi ix xxxit h xi x ax acx~(i xin
Suits a Specialty INexxs. . . .sBroil c1,.n(>iiit., tig slxxxiii
New ......... . . . Ia ii r'xxx x i i 't~
At ..e ..... . \Willur ID. LEllixt 'x ix.tihrIt~t
CALL AND SEE US VWomen .......... Frieda leitxsix~ ntt,1ni -i>ailiradbe Kttx'ix ~ln.x
Muisi aiil Draia .. I lili S. B'akr x--
311 S. STATE STREET exchatnges ........... Ml. I. Nc~lgh erT ,
At tir NeiwStore EDIORALS fti Ii i , xih~i hc +i"
cnx xne l w n ic <"}u.ill, ' . N " xx
Jatmes K X akits ix Nrrioti Slixxrxxhii. e o i xxijx; 1 ci
Charles Good G. S. ~ashr u-ttn hl,
xssxxrtA cc unxtl intt .,sBiel ',
G. H.Wild Comfpally A 'xi aroS ,
Leei Whittix \Walxer 1K, T xxxxrs t i I i "i iN4
\retr B. Nliehllitxitx iitill 1U. xiixx ' .x ii ' lolxi \x 'I' . s x
Correct with Full Dress or Fredi Iawxxtn I hire x 71 x sit , xtd ' rm i N in a<r f. .W .. . . . ..
Tuxedo, equally proper with a Iiixll'iio Ilaxrri . Fh ix x xxi ich xx~i xxii xi h.l 'i r is ix ~ x .i
business suit. arl Tiu1), dl
\\' B w an raiixrh.)"\'iliil . x i i 7II ' , i<I i i, lc ic t
Walter______________al___Ihic , d lp i n ub iS - eri
gyp' 11 ; 772 1 isit).
; COLLARS&CUFFS. "R I xxx tui t xxxi-.dii iii' xx
I kII1ALX.NO\x17.\l ;[;R 7< lo. tii. ix xxix I xif ii 1d d i x N_\ Ck\i \11I ' N(iiiI."
2 liii ' /odxxx -ty is xii IJI x x\'rii x i i , . i
READING ,,,1x . _I it ,I~
FRONT 2 rI. BACK is IN. ix:. 'tixox atl lo d dcldxirlx''tiiiil 'xxii iiixx'i xxi r i 1c. x .' c i ' N
~tc ,.x'ci ", i ,, i d xt i 't' i ii i anxax,
Warranted linen 7D\I\ 7Ins'FX C' Xxl7'lt.R..ix h i ' x iii x-! x.tli i,. i mit n)
WACNER & CO. \ i xo _let ,n, o i x i i' i,x 1i
Xxi i J iii ll5 H. Jtixixr F
Stat Sit Sig et the big whits she. xictx"-x i.i
A. G.SPALDING '&CBROS. lCixixxicoutrse 'l rir a1, 81, i .P . tO l \t 'ii H i . ri i ' e : trer
Bk. Qn lid axtiixiL'itirO ' x .\ot 12-1 icletart}xscix iii~ i N ait t' xi n xi
Trade-Mark of OFFICIALE QUIP liliadelilphii. ' "dtetl ro i xii, r;i ,Iiii h i id I i, '<.-
MENT,tstalath ltitc ' xx iiltgi tx'iLii . Xli. isix i iw dxxxiii x(ith-- -
xo~ prts adpastimes. 't.i i- fihxi x res xi \s :\ii
i y I o0 li yoaii nt'ierest- oiiii x i xx N it,
edxxini Athletic Niii xxxgait.N
V.xiii xi 'ixix aco y Xxei. 1iS (lxx xi iiieui kiii ___it__\_____________________i________________\1,____
i y f te s'ciiiiii Cait- x Ntcci lxe Vt."x ,,, x x~
., ' n iioxi. 2tix nil cxxi Noi , Xi. 2i .lichiligxxi, s' Niliiiii taxx It 1ii xiiie ~U iversityotl MichganUnion's
rxixx/tcixxiiiitxxis.ii C zIIs a sesx un ba. Shop
Liii'woriO as ax wNt's'ew i Sprt
Osaaoe o iis ix xciiifret ie x Xxxi-\nt. 2-IcliitgxiiiUnitonxxbaniquiet. ih iGr "oeC EO. V. SlOL, Proprietor
A. G0s. PALDING tom, BROS.
Chsi~oa Detroit I 'doe xno semcilt xofi placectolxx
xor xiiit o ixalici'toiii iii ixx'xixix'
an iri t icS x(iion the exxsiti' ofi xxxi
vv's.o'l oflftheirbiSirits iiwhilin acrwdan
G m a i m tig t lrxiii. Inthe lx' x tittixxiix') xxx
ie~rt ttendil onei'of the downtowlnsii
___________________________acry__ -h ih iiginaxlly bIoutix nlit le x4 .x' I 4'7 x
d~ii iixxxisxxxxxi11: ixtx'itcx i
Footballrlltfkedlfor a littic. txtiiicc xxiiThei I 't I ix c'
RunnillgShoes I x~irxrxliix xi
4' gx ixixihcxprixilege ofitlcr xitu e t o" L:xx ' xx_..
det xel rth e r e li tii lixiti' 'iid
Jerseys. Therithtigixisixr thaxit arxsexaxi'LOOK AT THE PIC'T lES
Irowdto iatixwhetheti lx'hexggestionit
is oo tilba, andilutles ni ndxx ~xixivil 1 ys how Sii t hoLi the 5 Motlit VI ttliiI.xii rLLIiitlt oC iii tSi wLii it sixtor
xi 11wCllng to drat; ifs li'xi LH lx into aLnd Lx clearix xs'thi. 'I'lite x xpa i il LxxitenixcoNrdedsno trtlig ttixl xxx
An thlkinds o~f AhletescGoodAt meaddsl 1xisgrxice, xch xxil suiggesitxect 7yourLLthrit a i d xiii x i t) oxlwrii rc ax Imsxit ixitete NI tix
Ietowelprtces. inxotig oxthelacxttercriaxcteicx. is ' Oerxax xx giiipi l tii i ii y Xi t xilxi lii'' t ig i
ixeles' xsit( yitatsuch anxindiixixi l is detailedl xoiii are fit ,l (lo di (l > i it iiI L 4 71 1 S a exii i'Xivili. CTe
noliE~s B O S OR xi tworthiy if aLny coid~xiexraiit. liexs
STUDEN S BOOK TORE nistntly anL xxiuniesixale"ycn ixxratix liprices xre Sexy tn(itxttat
STATE ST. sooner the iii viiierxity is ri ofxilthe x OURP IAT T )1+;YA S IXlihII S i is a uu lxxii xxi ti'se' s'sxxLL' ixlix
betritLisLxfox ill x'xxtcextncd. sty les.
Sh leChlani8 &lo.xxx lxsie cnntree xeit( WADHAMS ea ..CO.
Iheiiiy ixttty ire a artOfxitlgreatxi clothlor'A Hatters ~F'....vsthe.'
tI e so1te les Co5Seal ai
iloci Mi I itxx5xl it L iSta p
xiii i 7 Colox...
25 to 50c per box
Die s xaind I x caixl
plat i n correcti iLn I 111) t
11101cards froLmLyourL pate
University Bookstore
C. [ ARHI[[I
Largestx Stoin ii hlit itt
I: e c-txCIximitd I ax iBooks
xii xxc~e ie Nixwii xxiiS"i
Ol loIoxxks tken inxxI xx atgx
Secxd FIo lx'I . 71
Pins, Fobs and Spoons
Optical ' \x Dept
line. LWati LiaLndIJrweiery eiring
HAL111'S it [Lull SOR
216 Sout..h Mahnxs5So
With somethingsgood to eat
E. E, CALKINS, Druggist
324 s. State St.
121 Washington tL
RANDALL & PACK, Photographers
Phone 595