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October 14, 1906 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1906-10-14

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THE MICHIGAN DAILY _____________ ________

Who makes your Wloth:-?
(lather aot itnentanfll foilti
q caertion, to hesu~rehut our ob
fee''t in aikinor it i to intttrt'-t yoo
a our Sup,-rror Sort of 'Tail ring-'
1If you are iot lre-ady a patronl
ot ouirs, we'ww uldIlik,; the leas-
tire of making your' [all Stilt. a
a test cif otir aillity to fit andl
pli"s~e you.
There's Nothing Beyond Us
in Gjarment Making.

THE MICHIGAN DAI LY. irt ii ins ur fir tt Atr o-Xiritithe ffll JE 1. \'FIANU,Y IF1
r t r Arbo Poto;: e : psrtct <f Michigit:' fOtly ufitT h'li felloinig itrogramti t tlt given tii
Piibintird dai7ly titondaysrotxciettd)duing o teme it lg, r illinig toit r-i ay ito in
' sre. Belltphoe89--. houme tihone 76. li tt i it -'i.t I'itti 'Iiit


11 at _ I'dItor -.Arthur C. Pouzzcl. In 11carly :ill of the c 5tc ru collct;e -.
Busli --; Manager--C. . Wi11stead. .11)f tl 7 <etricttl<ititt,- y(M .ore ec3 nlre3lctl
to p;ev from $ to $r , directly, to thc t
r _
t;t t s't xs. tthletic a-;,wiat1(m tr)r ;Ithletc purpo,;( .

too-u', Vt-litc~y

N ...... , .D fid F. Steenson
Mosictut.AilIDrma... PiuIl S. 'lotttret

if ir n# wa Vitileti'aritt'ci eii
otoitiionfo Ittu e t o f foreign
and I oloot' .i , looms. e sow
oatt 'iii confinedtotit,, fittatls
I Iota lity.
'tYotire porfectly safe in plac-
ing your expeotatiios very high,
Sir when you tonot' rdeti I'rits)
uo, for you twill nt tour mteet withI
any di. tiffoint inotiti
ate ad t~ 'l '--ttgttr fttnu'.
If toe otlti' yo it 'ttu tif'i
aillI tke' careofitset~lf,
t 311 S. State St.
New lBooks
F'or 2c per Day
IOt. per Week
It's co'reet to fitrif
itt antI pick git oofi
tft h ofitilatthovelf rtomt
tfhr sevrral htttutref itt
otitr Ijbfrary, to readf at
yoitir feirutre, atnd the
smtall cost tmikt's-uit at-
trattfve', t, ftt insteadi
re'atintg youipfa'-y2c firt
Sheehal's Bookstore
Money Loaned
Can Watches, Dianmonds tir other
personal fproperty.
Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Bargains in Watches & Dianuonds
Offic, at residencee 381 Ef.Litherty St
Nounse:t8 to 11:30 a. In., itto 330di tso
0 p.Ma.
ALL BO81i4Es8 (00 SIDETitIA!,

Per ris N. South George A. Osorni
J. arI Ogle, Jr.
1IIr roFI. Schulti' IHarold C. Smtitlh
Clarencite F. FlIfritlge Jiohnu F. Wurztt
1:ltitil IN. Jontte's VWilium A.MItlherut
J. \\. Mcu''andless tarl k.Motiret
A . F.Ii Itce m Jesse. I). Sliro
John I-. Wurcz . John Wamblsd
RATES: $2.50 per year, or $2.ss if paid is
Aiddress: CHSAS. Et. WINST'iAI), Buinessoo
Manager, 22oi S. 12th St. Pahiine707 IL.
Office Hounrs 12_30) t 1:30 and 6:3to t7;30f
P. M. aly.
Adidress: ARTHlUR C. POUND, Managing
Editor, 715 Monroe. Phoer948J.
(SiteHears; 2 tii 5 P. 11s.5Daiy
Ittur totday- Williamt A. Motfftrit
Ocl.ilt-Pri. S(1hailf Matthew,
l'iest'A,fNicago tIf C~ilt
1 i ll, 0 :,totp. III.
son, it 'f.oil itt Ihall, h6:300p.III. i
Oit. ,tt IFirst conctert of ('foral Uniton
'eiestti ivtoetrsity IHall, 8 pt Ill.
(i. u8 -Df. S. M. attttr,iof Atabita,
at 'htc olillanttff11l, ft:30 t. Ini.
Wt re 'a stratnger ttihappentIIotIiiaocrouwd
liiy ill i'ititon (M lt e gl alt ttfc Iit-tig
taken totsk)t mice.T eywoldt l
tIo-tia ttn ton t'- the g e ta ss o mettIi ngiii
forw~m11 ichganisto fi ''ttoitIand
espeiall to he rtog intit onehldt a
wasipattitdotfulltianditt Iig toetith
Illk~n anxious to i tt'oha cIto ie I
M it gali"T he y witi-ouol'd'tell ittoi ow
ture afteril otlivfirfthe g la t iot
wlu- ol tt ii' lihntoaitwitts t uu
a Di fest il : ihiat'stototrcoldto


lI( It1 ut. t i e tig i li to raa o til iiwith te oeit-i) 'tit tlite-itv ali mgri - We t i
,al- ii } til hiatly iw l dy fy our h't'ir ii o ' thi; t iii itut - -y on
tlic tltic tactivil tiuiil oit. ui rsit. lg tog... ' -rCar~
t>1ic .igaltugot ig;thht'beo'fo'r'edtt fr A lvyan o te 'l- - -sino
lil too litt-i-tiltaie sttucuetit' iii.r2lite___ il___ 1
t i tlotut l i u nl 'utu as t e ti n oty ' u ri vit ed to atetuhsegce.
til t ii o tur l b lo t-h p ei d entu u g t ut, a m e s ' .li t - ing ctutuiitt liii it r c o v e r'oflfr o
;a erou o eraio M llth t iou tutu rug-I\t;IiIo 0 .., f ti 'Ito-t.
:tl otk phsd ties astohet h.1-d
sor uuu ht tu e. tutu-itt. ned o sy o omina,- tt u I ~it ( tted t ouuuloviii' ftce
ulhankfuu...Tte r'gard' ig' i t Sles ic -pe iden t, . C sI f or stutu t y
idci toilngell is 'held 'is 'to o n rlyfltuv lrleutor reaurer J'Io 'oC Slh -
toc s11i ))(Ittlnee comment.'I lit, t--hg i i Ctt.A. Peason hgi i it olait. 11'
Itoha -et' nout i utgoil iat tu'ot'ticeit he ffuIou',eat
O'laehnitt'itt'iguig u ht i' oitionofti aie;fa fobl na aeJ
thet tooaltult its.health as evl t ide-i-utlt'gt 01 N JIAl F , AN deroIf I , 3
tho everil deprtor m e t andill (* ',y arryo l la 1ff " Ih.fG.'ItttN 'of' fofIN bfseball
I esa tv h t utvery tu' to-re t ' otltroie 't'c ii louIuu'
ini ael ii li T i eeig of fr t'ack imtnagerif Ito' I. Shaw,'t . .Io
in -re f Mldlregard fo r 'ouftuithe a fo uriii lo itr . fou lf -'t. 'ot, ft hu
lm rto sieony fto ll'lito beii't' foot truk ouoi
andiioogenc -outIag igiuo'y liceof f the u'uII'dfe u''m- 'ftI
tuioit'tt'th i lt ou dt' iieout his o llteu 1h, o'JO DANGhu1;
oi~i~' fl'h f

75 cents
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00
$3.00 and $4.00
- AT
The fBooksore tfuat's Never
721 N. Univ. Ave.
lfI.'ofA)IQU ARff't'JS FOR 0(1.
Kodaks and
Photo Supplieso
Amateur IDeveloping
-and Printing
Scrap IBooks
P~ost Cards
Yout arte invoitrel to co-neic it
iittthfit' stal.il tofu 1')
pi cturei.s.
The Ann Arbor SavingS Bank
'apitalst-uk.,Ot50,000. Sou hru, $200t,G00o
Res'ources', '$2,.it,000
A Gesneral Banking Busainess Transacted
Oiri ts: (liar, F.If. isc'uou'k. ['res.; W. ft
hhuerini uo. Vii ' Irto. - A. J.Frito. tasfti'e
Sphalding's Officil oot
huhll Guide Containing the
New Roles
'it oht;- to' ia t'tor
ituouta ii. ",Itetool --iWltero
i camp.ittO i uu i t ; out Foo
0,00h) tot ii a t t iteol, titi Iout ilu
to Fu-u uI ott oot bi nfr a
oriuu~il''h t ion:tuu' -'t

Ill NlilfRiI}N I If- flS 'TCKfET.
flyo8lu aw cii lass- nominaited 11 P. 'o.
tlnd r o utr -iden'uut N6lotitiiii s
ituu t-i st tilt, Otheur nuominaionsuut
Brackett; secreitary, fi r.'osts,'ando Mr.
'o d a :uuu th i ta,-tiut. hF II. Well,;;
tc~st~isur I.C.Illio otzi'a rg~at at- i
urmit flu Bighot atool ifl u nit ;hi iro-
Vatugh ad Iit lahnto; fotll
mano tiuet -Januo Gahmt ad . A.
hlecttion ii tll he heldl 'SatiuaO to-
bel o,- fi 0 11 ' )u t o 2 ocok

'flit 'febsu'terdue.atinug societyo-foilhue
Ia uhuIuorutiolet tous electethe ui ftollow-t
tug officetrs :
P'rrosidet---R.Hf.IIN'rcl utttou
Viice-pridnt--1.i4h . ioh fotiul urg.
;secre-tary.-J. }F.Chapman.toi
'ft'iaotutr --Mr. J utuitl.
('roi t.('u Crnetl.
I (1 ff I NfI' --arge' douleltpatreos
ruiftaleltfur fourot $ opr ut-i-u- It
S. hwo thtotret. - 4. i6, uS
fLatustnoveties. 0o.Ii1I. lottr. e. wea'ler.
F0> '?. 'rlii}1tolean. uSa21
lasso'es repaireul. -Eye crefully-'lfited
an etd eoirge IfHaler, Mistui ret.
- u-tI

ffatcohI, jetwo'lry and eyto- glasso refpair- Satitsfoctory.toiloring at satisfactory
tog by skilledl uworkment.uIlberos Jew>- truces. Fullerr-& O Contnor, hug F. Will-
dhry StonreoMain tttret. eoot iat street. t f

Pennsylvania Ys. Swarthmore
Tie University of Pennosyftatita 'ootbafl'Tanm, Saturday,
pfliyed tfhe strong Swarthmoure Tleam'ontitt Franuklin iI'eld. Coacfh
Yost 005an winterestleidspectator. Hf ilif in oiobt take nste
of tntaty of.Petiisyfvo.nia'tis strong poiti's. Oite point shltfd not
be ovterfooked. Tite Untiversity of Pentnsyflvantia utses VictorlFoot-
ball goods otafy.- Matty otfier uniiversities are tusintg te samte
kindof tfgoods Micfigoitt ietn can obtaitiltetmat fte Co-Op.
Store.. Rememttber always that Ifte osers of Victor goods d oes
nt pay 5o0lien cettt extra for a tiamei. Everything is on the
dutality. Yout wiff find at thte Co-Op. a ftulffinte of goods--foot-
ballsfheadfgear, sfin tgurds, etc., also tnose andi face gtuards,
mad~e withi the c lebrated. Morriff patent, uhf at reasottablfe prices.
If youn ieed atty-thing intthfe linte of GymnasiutmtSuils or
Shoes, IntdiatnCfltus, Dumtib-Llls, Boxing Gloves, or Ptuching
Bags, tw-ccant supply volt.
The Store ofte Studensts, byite Sttudents, jiwi the Sftdenits

Prof. Shailer
University of Chicago
5tI'AK5 A'i
McMillan HaJ1
Sunday, October 14th
6:30 P. 11.

Studellts' Lecture Associa'u
Tickets for Course
Now on Sale
Mway be gotten eithen from Stutdenit Sel lets, on at
S I, A. Office, Maiti Corridior, Uniiversity Hafl.
Office Hourso-4 to 6 P. M. Dail



117 South Flain

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