The Michigan al
ANN\Z' RBOR, M\ICtII 1 t\I).\ Y, t }NI\ )i> 111'..i}, t()(()
Vol-. XVII.
(v. I~
Game Hardly Satisfactory But
Several Brilliant Features Stir
the Spectators.
I crdi af lteciiionii)ls guzylthat id
no ul aiythe i svv noI '
crowdil I vin ii v lpaIii iwith i',cae
dovvvivcuiii i °th cab.''isiai,iiiiiiored
fvit hal;h ati iiin h e cnd hlf th
i, .cr.ivpcsiinv iithe promc c-o
lit 1\ vnsi yi le. Th i iii ii
gni n iciii iii Ii the ciii iii
im lll vcripp ic hi isvv ic lhe Peoii
opno h t ii n ii fetii ntc
o llkc lw I chkaycipiichii i
lvan ii rethiii theyii itoayoeo e
aii ipvii'i . It iiiiving veirlly fell
xi hi fc wl li> ',:eve iiieen i vi vap
parnti ihroiii - s a aninsrd
lii l ivi eltiii ,; i (11vi ere deii v ed .i i
liv i h ii o ch I.Ieitc i iias kimit
their igiiliiv wll. f liivivv , i it a
vrviwcl ,voiviiiig the mvore iicns
1)a0ic ad 4 ik f hehv iciir aiii
iiirivexpiiriviiiiiplaivvrv onithe varisity.
Tliii giiiiv ad iti s brilliantiifevliiiii,
foloin itiv coacin iiigof CapainiiCur
tis iaind iiiiihe cv intrec of I ivvvvc i. lh
acom livi thi i ck.iv viivv le o
agin lliivhis billiantviashvviiiieiiGarii-
iinitiepa. iio vikm in vynd ii ivivvv vivi
metadipreciisioniitihanihe hs irrt
forei incediiviieiisiiiviientl i fastviii
dih mselfi of the habit oiiifiinvaiablvyvvi
ugiirn iig foraiv ee a t chivi. Iagivii
wetinifoiiiveiiiv t fewinutesivviiv cf play.
iiahes vneth Oiinufarv whiovso
disiiniigiiiiimiielfvi Dykv,. llvivis,
for thev oviiehumroi
vioolid' viiiliy the scrub in thev ic-
viiihlf.iiLanvgviyiiookl cuiiiavfew mo-
ments ivand viwhispevedito eaci of his
men iihat aforvardviisvivavs cmiiing.
Whienivlvviiii v dd iaper vvrsvvleli ina nti
loss o f iii yardsi toiilei scruvbs.
Thic varity isegvavvthiegamne lipegis-
terig a iviucvdvinvivnvoniie vmiue f
laylGavvvel gvvvg oe afieth scubls
had fumhvvd the kickoff Cvtis kicked
tiis goal aviv thiec oiers with an ase
tha viaks iny fviv thisspvciaty dring
ithe rest vf thlsea sen.Sckicliovgtv'
ithe cvowvitovitifeevibyiruvinivvg back
the scrublsi kick-off 30 yarvds. Wokmvai
wentvovev five atouvicdoiwn.
Tivneit play' wirthy of ioe was
Paicks dash aovndinildviifivet-,yards.j
Carrvels rievd a field goal fvpivitte 40-
yavd line, lvii the hal fy11 short. A
hutte later, how ever Gavrelv kickdi a
I1rfc t lc'g(iv l viiiro vithivo vividlitre. liO
yard and Q vvi )an!lyii. Aci
inlintltrii r' are~ 0vId i
'iv " ciii a'Wi ,W e a fa15 r1p i.lpc
C'_trtt;. ("~ tu! . ).;c] ' IL' 1, 1
viii viAllow, i
I ab :i (iiiivi I nk vvviiudv:
SS. Stein Chvvsen Baseball M~anager
Without Opposl ion Report
j 'biiancial Secretary.
~1il , I' . l :l rflc1 , t. i~ r . i 11;" r,
ri l 'i
11.)t' 1,1; v i;1". l l i, '1 ' . .
res. clb, Vi' l. lv iii ;
Scrubs: lII vii hir i lili1.lli I vr'ii
~llm ev' XX Wavkins, fuvllback.
ilveis. ilivivlinesm in--Harr
Thl fhlvesvi.2lviii vviv vii ci
SCi1. s v lvi l ai I isi i i i In.
Civivaivivg viviveviivi ii Iwith the iiillii
Xvariii vivivilvl evviisiaivi, teitr
-asiv Cvrestlfvrthyeiresivective iteams
sit v da viii'ivinng oe iniivc. lTi
'fis emt svivhave thelv'aiivliiige civic
lie iothei-vclassesviiv oereed'. 't'hey
vide prep viischoovlimateiial, gofvvwich
toi vv)e vufei frov an iverdoliseviii vii
it) thiicsitndieslvionsequentii ly tiii ihard
lask vii getiivg viui lihevivillaves faiis
viii lieirespeliive mlanagers ivnvdlcaptvais
Thvevnginvinig idevarvvint isiii aii
lom it' ithlitihreatenving pvoinenvic'i
ini thy rave viesh-
mnave coniving outiitio viactice ilavge
inumbelvrs anvdlvomvpveiinis keein. tiViev-
enlgo, RnbiyKelly, ivtilei, tanie andv
othersciareccinvg lbainkedI liinlto vepvvsent
lie vstihiroivici wi iilivte juiorvoilervvi
miakersv vxpvvvt toifall sack lovi svchivar-
siteyi maevri a a (GuckenbegrGuievnthier,
SmvlihI acvidsvIvlavks. iVVeiiniauvand
Blevgen. ITle grave viid senvivovshavv
,lot. goit dowvnvto iviisiiiesv viell vs yei.
lbut pirobiably Xwilappar ivbevtevlater lvi
ithi suchi govodl iev)iniitheiie5ldias
Vyke. Bvrlevi. Niesi Hlland Ind
Tlie li> ave aneig lie istrvnuouisi>olvii
Thse freshmnivisup vis adtohv
seveval high schoolvarivybuy is not ex-
cepitiionaliX large. Ben IIairislihead
covach of visejunissa~ys stocivts oli
ai raise. Thle svnioreitsli>areivjustvivi
loiokiing braefuvlsince the reporedviad-
dition of "Dunk" PieceHarry Potter
vail Bob iSinclair tvi lhiirvnks,.vaidipless
pects have lbvightenedaccorvdigly.
The intverclaXs schedule is vise as yei
civet e,.althouvghlit is pracically mavie
outi. In ths-meantime all nmanagers iv
captains ace requested ito ihanud tve
vaomes if vespective canvdidates foe class
teamsvtolInteclesasManager Rowell at
Directovr kaivi'i ofice before Miaviday
'';a rhall , ..
i r wk
1:",othall ....
Ic"tiitis .....
( "cticra l .. .
$ I .ii.ii.ii
,f,.iivp. iii
I ii2ipyii
Physicians and Friends Report [hat
Our President Will Soon be
Ablo to be About.
Xiv' ll it asl tvnivvi Matui l4. .11vip'1i
I ll, N F:ti
O\i INt:Il IT ilil1ticev lv l'vv
vii [lilgi Ill nip. lund, I ivicivus
hilt'e'r 1It, 4111 1, ) l i l li' 1 ) (Iii cf
ii 111vin Xlv'at i11iii ix1ll tis> ililliil p.
i a Ili tt )v 1t1 ttl atl tilukvivv ivi ii 1Xvi
111111 ivivivivi lif e dv.. lccsiic lvi.
tlcii i li siv vitis'tlyItIv'uvug l I iai' in
:'hangedc ifrlviiiall Other lv' vii c- ;vidithi (,f !pliti~lli i'v''iuVii', andi theri ic>
l'~ ii i s Pniil ,( vi i'ii tvii ill vii l
The operati io I ivuuiiviiiiiiI )lv I li'
dii 'aN uvuvuvuI e vin I l- i iv fc vii vi i ii
t'esi h spta. nd vhii liicomplexil«a,
:t vii . 5 vvis liii vi vipers
c1' losst fiii wcl irt viii igi
viii vi 111111 Ili- i :l~\ I l "
Dr. dei N;Iviii i"il as igh."I).
Ange i s lviii "'iii ,livivv' vl s vei las td,
ipII c ivcrc It liuM lcd ifiv.ilfviv r-,-
i vuv' c~ivi u iivvl vii i iii'u'' thatv
heisagsiinlii pi tovibei balckv1 iiiiulip l ic5
I )V Ri Tvi ( Ni iiIIdII vNI I( ivl vii
iV anderbIilt Idefeatedvv thivi ' i vii iuvi of>
Pn fso lviiiI ixs viivi iii nva I vIii'l
l apiit (l~ reII t is liii'~
iv1 ' XX i ivii XNI/.,iv'iION
I, the li lii lpvivils itrt e 1;1 vipiui n. n &lcp
t lviii vi ale'theii' viiigiipa gi-' ,
C S" f0Y l.V iii lull >11 iii viof lii
liv lihad d liveri d aniailvi o JkI
sp is lilrivil o " r tnztilI' le
wasolw d i v A 1 I u v ,i ho
XX iii viii1 'I lI ivan o ilvI~uivi I'rvvv> c v v
']'iIt( (lit]) silnywXi v its i tirst year of i
cxsc lu, a ig 1 ly vi cl i cd I vi
vii' andv i 'is inIaviii vi viii 1ev c,*
lii i n ii if ius11ll dri ng, the preci
ci. lt a e ti s l an li ivili liv ca
vied ii vit iloii' h atip l li vii
c11111r cv will hic >iliiiviic i i a suit(
u) omssocivi c oniiStatc vstreet
0110 ii P11Ii IHLD S liiCivIiOv
At ii'vcving last Friday ip ghtpivihe
() i)v~t l ' iv'vl'itedh tle iuilloI vvy'i
P eI det Aivi i i. f. I ilulligic
VicielprisvcvXide-N.iV. i iviivvvvvvvi.
isicc cilnp 'sAh. hBrower,
I vrvaune Ii-. IB. Gextor.
vIi ii i vviviv iiv'v.111kv Ncv
il(: 1. i.r ve, I. . Kuigvl, XV. V.
itrcaitti C. X. iviivv-vi.
levi ii'viuv ile ihank cfor lviii iinui.vvi
It will h e nicvedlthay lu{ lrvll is v y
lurcius' irtluvile~talliildialonivgsidle of
fo"III as vasill suppoting coi.~'lletpvc
'po iii Secretary Patton was fllow( dvv'
'uy harrny C(oustrvauerliloc f vithie asii
slvii. vluivi whcreportniwas a culrifi iii
,fiitheiii'le nrcvuliit
viii elecilg. waylieunithrownv ivviiili
fo. vr>tl itlvims alvil I v oliiii il i
gwlv'ii,were to r'helcro~iwdl
vi> cd ii uhiai i i iniiveit),ii
uiaiusc a,.I lie vili'vilofoe vaviivlav
livfie other werev lvictureIsin ghvwivuc
I l):. 'lthe ",ic> ilivuiiiviuuvwas tnadrli
ivy Caa~'vuin uctiuds l'civied'vii
eah audi Xagofl. i nclaiv u
Iam livby Spuui ide"Ce ainilsevovdIvil
Iy Hivugivl diiji aviilit]Im~ell. lviii
'lit euin incvybers vif Mihviga ~tiiuiu
"lviclisv>a Dltha Kappati'.pvsilvviu auiv
Mlir s a iiv'ivyiivv if Delia Tat Dlia,
there its viiiOppsitio t 1 ;ett!'
lon~iatiso as h vul iiivigei' alll 11c
Ala, elecdlip accivliaivon. 'liv eli.
or thei rac cnilect'ionvvvwere Ili, hPi 'iv'
Daltvn, vivuuvg. ivvvv'v uuil IR,,iv'
Maalger lci Fividtcer, avii viifIc
lvii ltchtiirv of Alpenavuu .>islc
'ulivlviltiinugin itve Dhlvivuu 'uiii'cc
-ip' Pililiuil, we'huvne ie lapel ttl lii
1) viita l nd vfootbll tiiiis, alsi, hldl
II ivvntih~teyl oni Page 'ihrcee.)
. f,. A.'lICKP 1IS2
vi"nxal iinest.ivsbeinglig nhis ii
yearvi lit h S. L. A. lectuire civvvvcc.
'Xiuvuvvv avevo tickec ave 111w lan 'iuc
hands ofistuenti sellrs avdiviviicaiiiiui
coarse ~i ll,,year in -sevucially Xstrong a"vi
all if lie igmaik ees are well kvvvvwvv it
Tickvt* ave inow oni sale at the S. I,.
Aofice viin i 'evcy flil hidaily lfromi
4 tu i 't li.