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October 12, 1906 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1906-10-12

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R~ather a pei tirl(nt and pointd
question, to be sure, ut our oh-
ject in asking it is to itet you
in our Sueror1'Sort (f Taiiloing.
If you are not alrallyvia aton11
of our, we w ld like the pleas
ure of laking your' [all Suit. s
a test of 0o1ulility 1o i, adl
lase you.
There's Nothing Beyond Us
In Garment Making.
I Our newWoolenls are a choiei
Sseletioll from the lest (f foreign
and folflstie 1looms. a*Wesho
many h Iand~some11'and1 exIIlusie
patterns lconfined lftl us flr tis
You 'e ferfe tl sfe illpla-
ing 'yo' uree!'ills svry fhigf,
ir, when youlieacrl'111rer wtf
0s, for yllUwill (lver inet withl
any disapfpo~intm~et.
Iate and fleasinig-((eSIC fanlil.
seasoni, ' lyorfutue' patr'(((age
wl I take 'ire (f itself.
G. H. WIRl) Co.
311 S. State St.
iaidlevtery thing youIll
need lin fht way of IFolot
1111ll p~lis aefiterinI
Yo111ll11 1111 the et
qutyif .P111lfIbut,11 i ~
Sheeha's Bookstore
Money Loaned
On Watches, Diamnitds or other
Watches and Jewelry repaird.
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds
tiles at resdnce 331. Lietylt
Anti Arbr

THE MICHIGAN DAILY. -il-, --- ecided . ptarilmc
-- i lkvl t en x il. ' I relit i ofi Il
Pulihed dilly loudysexe pted)lll illg o I 1, i l if I,.Ii' '111111 oul
he college year, ati 17 last Wshigon
stree. Belphnei892. fHoe poe 76 Ii It ,t+: gl ititliir i,' -
MnaiEi' . . . lydti fC. tattlicilill I :.A1 tid<.a i a 01; IltI'r '11n1de Ii'-
I.IIITIManaIrI -CI ?. i n:t d. Et i i 1 1 1i- c11tel o jon
Ittia N S ll il George A. Osorn ~m'' I iiilii IIntll
Atltc .... ...Itf .Ole rt . C a c - 1 d :-.n h n+ o < >~gtg
NcS ... ........ avid F. tevenson 1 'IId lt i ill, ttii heeyi e I
fri F> arillrlt' I f.arhabfS . N Sill hrl ~ h rlytct~n i% tlls
EDITORIAL45 STAFF tie lm ite ajo itl te 11111 11111kv
J. Earl'Wn Ogle, J . har i l II11111 li.
fi T s s5i pr pi, S, ii ii pi i 'I be(l i i II pI I a for a h ii .1 'o11
, rr EI TOR..Hnr'F.S c ult'Ha ol C .S m th nux n i n i ~ li a l 'i le ll. ewil '11f
Caitrenslce F, I. idge Aohn ss. W rzs h tdntbd adhl. Nte' II 11-
Fl'ci 1, Te , Wn.t illiamPe. A t. in:ncsll till' 11111111 lii i t Would
GP.n M..Braley nc.
Fditr.7aIlsetne. iinii5 Oi.iatt li liriI student1iiiii
1tI Ir R'f FR11 i I I 'pa ided ' III I ti ck 'i 1111
;1. 1' ' i'l'le le e ID. Shiro .rN' 'IWil o ith I ~ ii 111 t ' ifire
BUSINE S STAF 1' rprc" e>I~bit, and I-o".ilil 1111 tae
l le ecc ill Mot ~f po ula chicet . t
JonF tt f P I AI. 1N4'John I aWamibolid
Addes: 1HA.1 . W N T A ,B sies te1,tttl i .ee 111 i~i ly a nil '((.
Ofic 1H ur1 2-30l 'a oF1iii'.and. 6:30. toli' 3fi I,iia nfall 7i 1 Ic ard tofil, imb lllot-1
IlDally1.IIi 1i'ii111
lzi rt if ('IPrlfitailgA'n alul
1dtr71M o. Phioteif4 Ill f, 'I'llnIth 't n h ll %a:, ofgood
Off'(ie4111ursa 2 to 51. I 11 111l, i'I " a d <en11 i t-e e c m
1111114 hireiii'n liis at iii lilal 11, 11111
ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t n 115 IImla ll liy, 111 1 1 1 I '111 'iiIi laaill
-- lim1'-i'fltale1111' col1-b1loodedIIorOi
1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lo '11'.l11.all I aIll Ii 'I~isoldiinoIt shi'eld11him
117.\ . Cl"'11' elI'131 00(. 1i ahi sh en he otlr Iahi

71Ci. ANYii is1 1 'llilat~ii f ~ A '
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et\ i z.I vial a l ."'(I.ll l " i I
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lihig 1.'Yilil- lici' ala ''lv Wi
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'\ 'ill liich eadsyhii''a i allyig, ita
.vest a venil is to111' n1 e'rth lil


75 cents
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00
$3.00 and $4.0t)
l v TVI I'. I R111 IS
721 N. Univ. Ave.
Kilduls utd
unit Printinlg
Pos t Crds
th~ If C(rll(1
all ' iili I a ip tutu
ithep t l' lohi ,r
pcliii a .

II. Sllla aevenlin r ofIi . h illr
cago. "Alecturel atl 11Oiilimni1i'i

£NSlN OChF N 5k'lalY
411'h1A1'$ TI

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Ii f mcc iug o ti 4 1 lie Is '.11' 1

Pr f.). I. II. ' il elser
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ca111111.1for II8 I 41'a '(4
in th fiwll :a is lfe inte
Slol o l Stateil 41111111All ii c
p lii 1111to 1th illubI l l be 11 ,('

in.The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capta so al s 1 r l 1' i )0OO
'(I') A Genralriii I i iea Li s Ta a n~isacted
ca ii i i. ill Iha . i I ~i 5 . I : a .1 1
)I111 vs 'l 11i1 rri lti ,P ,s: 'J. F! 1ki f to'as il'
:' I' al


1 i,

Undoer the Control of the Unoixrersit}'ilf Mitigani Co-opertatixve
S. P. Weaver. 'o7 Law, Supt.
Eug~ene Dietzgen Co.'s
Celebrated Drawing Instruments and Supplies
See the Gelnine Richter" Hoop-Bo",'" Set. See
tfhe Geni Unioni Set1 will thle " Bot-Thrul 1 joint. See thle
Special Anin Arbor Sets:;ifdurable construcetioni and speciaf featuires.
Every Instrszrx.en~t Is Sold Vnder Absolute Gxsar-
arntee. We Protect You.
Thec Store of thle Stufeints, fai the Sf1111ents, fio' thle SI nifeuts

Prof. Shailer
University of Chicago
McMillaun Hall
Sunday, October 14th
6:301 P. 11.

S 1. A. A n noyu cl nt
W. J. Bryan Booker Washington
Chas. A. Towne Sanmuel W. (joiopers
J. Lincoln Steffens Leland T. Powers
Robert M. Lafollette Albert 13. Cummings
Frank W. Gunsaulus Oratorical Contest
F. Hopkinson Smith Creatore's Fand
$2.00 GET TICKETS NOW $2.00

FURNISHERS 117 S uhl i

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