THZ MICHIGAX DAILY R~ather a pei tirl(nt and pointd question, to be sure, ut our oh- ject in asking it is to itet you in our Sueror1'Sort (f Taiiloing. If you are not alrallyvia aton11 of our, we w ld like the pleas ure of laking your' [all Suit. s a test of 0o1ulility 1o i, adl lase you. There's Nothing Beyond Us In Garment Making. I Our newWoolenls are a choiei Sseletioll from the lest (f foreign and folflstie 1looms. a*Wesho many h Iand~some11'and1 exIIlusie patterns lconfined lftl us flr tis foality. You 'e ferfe tl sfe illpla- ing 'yo' uree!'ills svry fhigf, ir, when youlieacrl'111rer wtf 0s, for yllUwill (lver inet withl any disapfpo~intm~et. Iate and fleasinig-((eSIC fanlil. seasoni, ' lyorfutue' patr'(((age wl I take 'ire (f itself. G. H. WIRl) Co. 311 S. State St. Your Football Suitt iaidlevtery thing youIll need lin fht way of IFolot 1111ll p~lis aefiterinI Yo111ll11 1111 the et qutyif .P111lfIbut,11 i ~ AT Sheeha's Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamnitds or other personaffproperty. Watches and Jewelry repaird. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds tiles at resdnce 331. Lietylt Anti Arbr JOSEPH . WATTS THE MICHIGAN DAILY. -il-, --- ecided . ptarilmc -- i lkvl t en x il. ' I relit i ofi Il Pulihed dilly loudysexe pted)lll illg o I 1, i l if I,.Ii' '111111 oul he college year, ati 17 last Wshigon stree. Belphnei892. fHoe poe 76 Ii It ,t+: gl ititliir i,' - MnaiEi' . . . lydti fC. tattlicilill I :.A1 tid<.a i a 01; IltI'r '11n1de Ii'- I.IIITIManaIrI -CI ?. i n:t d. Et i i 1 1 1i- c11tel o jon Ittia N S ll il George A. Osorn ~m'' I iiilii IIntll Atltc .... ...Itf .Ole rt . C a c - 1 d :-.n h n+ o < >~gtg NcS ... ........ avid F. tevenson 1 'IId lt i ill, ttii heeyi e I fri F> arillrlt' I f.arhabfS . N Sill hrl ~ h rlytct~n i% tlls EDITORIAL45 STAFF tie lm ite ajo itl te 11111 11111kv J. Earl'Wn Ogle, J . har i l II11111 li. fi T s s5i pr pi, S, ii ii pi i 'I be(l i i II pI I a for a h ii .1 'o11 , rr EI TOR..Hnr'F.S c ult'Ha ol C .S m th nux n i n i ~ li a l 'i le ll. ewil '11f Caitrenslce F, I. idge Aohn ss. W rzs h tdntbd adhl. Nte' II 11- Fl'ci 1, Te , Wn.t illiamPe. A t. in:ncsll till' 11111111 lii i t Would GP.n M..Braley nc. Fditr.7aIlsetne. iinii5 Oi.iatt li liriI student1iiiii 1tI Ir R'f FR11 i I I 'pa ided ' III I ti ck 'i 1111 ;1. 1' ' i'l'le le e ID. Shiro .rN' 'IWil o ith I ~ ii 111 t ' ifire BUSINE S STAF 1' rprc" e>I~bit, and I-o".ilil 1111 tae l le ecc ill Mot ~f po ula chicet . t JonF tt f P I AI. 1N4'John I aWamibolid Addes: 1HA.1 . W N T A ,B sies te1,tttl i .ee 111 i~i ly a nil '((. Ofic 1H ur1 2-30l 'a oF1iii'.and. 6:30. toli' 3fi I,iia nfall 7i 1 Ic ard tofil, imb lllot-1 IlDally1.IIi 1i'ii111 lzi rt if ('IPrlfitailgA'n alul 1dtr71M o. Phioteif4 Ill f, 'I'llnIth 't n h ll %a:, ofgood Off'(ie4111ursa 2 to 51. I 11 111l, i'I " a d