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March 17, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-17

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The Milchigan Daily
ANN I\ III(HI,1 I _1\. t ll\1.A 1. . 1CI \ 17,1((). p .


Not. 122,

- ---------


ISt S~ TI L~Lt1 ND?I il wi. it t SI I\o uit
t Ii It a r l tt N Ill lit I f Nit ill Iti t l Nt- I(,f t l- ast fNw
.M r sf c~flt fftlfis l tIts flty, oit is se,,ti-t'Isisis \xi e d firts i
f cm idualk ingu atbw ad thItm th g itu- t Ntssicag e t seldo~
t <Itt't'Iiti o tlt' o flc'lt ,t +s practce \\il I ~ it-v A o cay m f l'
rt~," ~ i/ttg ill ar at}lr c~lt r itit 1 I t~ tlr tiiitui i rclll it )

Intercass Series Ends With a
Fiercely Contested Game---
Wrestling Seen as Feature
of University Athletics.
A f-ir -sied crwd id tc-ssed th
champtionstthip iterlass basketball gaei
and te finls inthe resligtouiira
tiht retling ea- aiiy
lo.adalthoutghi palrt ofth bos
wre in teresting, th crowd dilunt n-
Ohise kreatly oer the sprt.
IHoweerthte baketalllgamne tbe-
sieralle roitintg te iiiterest being
minittaiiedlby the clsees of the cii-
eit, which tas iidouiibt iiiiil le gn g
aiinoiutnteidthe ienil itttite,iLe sphoit-
inres leding iat the enil liea scotes:oi
As, ail bueniexpctdltheiiidulitial
lii- t n hegime itwre lit epcia
interest. lDitnsmotre lelihtning ftie
wardote innitiie;, ire tIayilto a
to get il aty littliesinstionl it et
wehiiht ae t ac trizedIlitwtrkt
ttthghouiiithelitertlass seie. Miller
was caletd repeatedl for holing.btil
aiparntlylhe twas pasyitg oniiteter
that tite sit is less atmftul ttwo. ee
AthouighiMilker lii ii lti iiIttm
fromitimaiting mtrie tianitwotesofthe
sistissi res tuoits . te little forwtid
tas ini le gamto ithe fiis, aIand -it
hsopnt giesing IiihIisatmpsl
ts ket imiticovere. Nitst atdtEla-
stilt. 'West fittttd it ips sibleltoiget
aiwayfroim th it-lg fresmantitatan
cionsistence, ut te sophlomotisire aptait's
iwork inthlrwinrtg gals ritittoiulsieoni
the gamte for his teamt.
-eaitu wortk andtlthere fu-edesevid-ii-st
tictuory, toithle fresmtentibelntgs ithe
honoreseof.laingithle idividulialstitre ot
the gatme i McEltouleic. The- litte'
forwardth lreii- nless tat fiutrioftthe
feldl goals soed byItle Its- ters ant
was alimporitliitantitfactorithe Iisgame'.
romthwlisteto tiweistli. The fat iiait
lit shone sit brlliantlyte may hairetben
partially duiltoth le-ietittisswith tehiceli
heohrstars uweretmaached-s, bttiat
an ate is twotrk toodsoutshiadslit
sholdttiers abode cil thattf leothtertnie'
tutuet. Inithe scondsuihsitfi wlelie tie-i
up ithe seoe-witilta'baskset frtotuthe-
wih issctsistnttwosri dttsc-ti.
iettok te siililttilrcs offtilhlei feet
l,, rutnnersutilookediitlike tile' iere
site eatilisiAt tiatitits esteser.
le spomoiresiregatined-s possessin sit
ilheir shssies itI Ith issio Icge osithIt
game. andth tt-e rsntitie-ofstheilfsll
te-slisc-stta.ewiththechaionlie t
ctmsititanig 10 is 7.
lTst rismen-iweren-gtte tilt :c-orsd
fine p is iiin t ellieconI tlllitftirt
thit oi spponnt, c-tiltdltralls. I'T'he itrs
peled ful sy li tilerreslrt iinN st
stoitsig tti-olpiit" thus tig te >tu rs
Thedtlloik iestsbrotkentihentucis-
sisti sl i sleft titgtilarilt-st isisittitisilt
sndtilletwi anii easii baskeht.t-iWNitt les
th amtetiittsadfits lt ht Ic ki g
thlinatutl score ItN 2.h tis le Ili :
1(09 nger. oo nger.
Nhest I Cap F.R F .M lilsiiei
"1"tintibi II - - I, ..... . -elisttg t s
Field gals-DunitsmofeTle .wts-

Goas irom ols -\V( I l 7s ii n -
Referee--'als dw s NsW suitiat
an hits is-il on i i-- itt r its i i
gatsssirttstlstk ilit machprve t
oix 51 liilt s est iltsi e ~~ n
threel iittli isere11mat s1 I 55~ tstilt0,i
isema tch in theil tli igltiscitss
in ites sitactive or , is. lt si t itlit t
-ndiiersontsfili l istsoIle liar o(
deid d in Ies - hanl t w isi is . A
a lTisiirce its 1), Ixs-s--cs ner
sits o n ilssp sndit 1 is lit- r
KIlliandTist ssisli ifollos-d i n sth
tiiettls-st li , ofi thel-is s iig i~t e
tsimedttoIsis sitt ills s l tull trck
st the -slit thanithit r it r'~ sor i
itt-ti noti atiall incssl d to i rk ig-.
I sexritis at ernirtthre inn
tou he Trii l t tt's ill til s iito thesit
itt-i ii and Kcisit el e ttoo
itoo list a tissliislsssrltist\\stmorelttiii
ima-i itsh, It ssit tlsi ts sits commoly
kno na ac -luitchgilss l ists1
trw leitsitisisti t o scnsi t er ts
to l:ihols:t istilt er tshspat Keni l d's
it-eih t refis h antilt il itstldIts il(
cessonthuswinin tns sary ustilt
it three bstil st
Tie sImaltigsima tc s rthe ilts,
sc 5itin ftheevni ng.si T he woit v
we i ts -siillc t i lt sit tlislan Id i
i-tiest sitesie lstce ive ithu -slth Isitc
ap la se " i7ty is- tills d h .Ns
eo sit it it- .ssli forced theIis sue, lii sow
ig suiti iisitag iit-. IiAf ter lie mill
liltstof st u neavots- lits- sut y ise
stiet ait iarmt-t lockt landi prs sd starkt
da ceof se-ea tiltir gist l l itih' I
stiltlitse -tiss Ied at he omng daie

"t 1 1<t z

l Is 1 l
2 1t lit c1t I
' l\'i t tt

list iak tihNe l,;it ([ it 11 II li
st{f o i t Idts( sill I t lli
!k l s'"a till s lt-t lit si
l, h c ists It{ r i I It ll li
e t~ i lt itlllts-st 51 i a)
s ltl i l t 5-s l sl l -~r ill


n 1-c;f.

tiFAI-set-I1II NJl+IN
sucessul Sailt at i s, itlay
Itt 55 55 55 ti l sli t c l rc i a
silsit ssitc ld s alillcc e vs i wetrei
Ilcls ts lihi itat l ts-- ihc lca
itt Mapac 5somvl iclr~
+lcrt (I the alit,, Ns sli ts hitt ' tl
ciftheaffir.and Mis I lit Mea-twssit
Weesit tt b It:, s gil e t iles
ait llcls l it i rts li Thliic t, (I
the mc - i tiwttilt tilt- list i rl, of i
is- edca -lp r ist t-I Pi lui
Is 1 t V lelt 5 t Is cla thesit jilt.
I-- H ~ ~ fr " vawste"

iok scAlls its Wis p ctite, are
601 th swl itad his players,
li ats i lt tl t Itasitysquadlt twaNtts mad-
155 atil s iesto)ls Is sir bat trIsistts
T e ou ae -s tiltare sfl owi- tts: It-
555 A. silthullvin, lst 4 i br. at
s-tian W L )ltsIiine, O lt Ittapi-
It, si't s s t ttitli st stilt iiilaty
st, (llhus stim lt uuitit slit-
1clm ig hec\lt I lst b stilt so-
ciacAsistntCo Ic S t tel--image fir
ir s i lts t iltn it t ltis t its i under
lih si l -a r t t s-i-ia ofisi tiss t hirty
shnaey ti l lii s ilt sil
fart r ttu s tlt titlist Witg ltns
wh i ill thentis1(ttbttleig.witlisthsitthi-
Nk itsto555 iitiprac 11 t il T etitt it is
diisi cclt li\ i lCl i -i-- -itit ae oil
stssct- nti teict i-ast e ssitae iltic
n sn lists siCoali 's ngitsrIannothis slit- t
gistim hu) av ntseein W show s
-sit Itpracstg )ti l l it isvstils-s st his
its- lifors tilat is by ripts-sings tti cu
luri5 Nin i--lutise t s lii is iii
II\ Vl Ri s it liii ltiti
1'1()t titsit l itsi-- ( hts its thead ho lltht
Ntrit sssistor t-s e i ithist llt-
N stial Iiscry" l t titlst I(.hallrp
slm;i osdrdto beste bastiaut-
sit-Isi Ami ca n lsih is t tltor itin t i-illun
tr. Inj mk l i- s NtetiltayN Asi-
ii it itst-tt isrsistn 'a csc A iss-u rusaid, " titu-
tci-s- it- ilt-s luistthis- titiiic-s sitf isl
hisittit as ttt d th irsut l ace t
ln m a e Icnhst ryIt eachers. it e
lstnls t ft eIieriy a , e til

Members of University Cosmopoli-
tan Club Succeed in Novel
'it ipr~r~ l si oft hutcn ccut
tris jotiined handtsIantil I iiitsli oi-il til' i
thet iott- i sit i 'iini litcc ti ctiis oithtil
colle'gueuler i SiesiisCaste-it Nns-It
Hlilasit igh.T het 'memberlitssitfithe
Cosmopousslitans - hh esiteu-st hitt-tialt
plne fr thus-varioss tIuuti ofu t irtsi
tiltrtii'iiaind enoyethis l st sititt of ie
par uiciating iluteut tI e vsuit -Nu ts hlit
Ss ee Po ue sitll-tia teer ait Ar lls
'I'lie li t'Itnsi-it-i-sw Pogram Nia
mena." It %; aclve -h1ffaircicsal
actiitig iit t iti ltwic ii eu stitltiti fromtu
NArmenissa particliipted. I wsill owtised-u
tsp this-rndtit n tig sit a sssrtons oth -
I ita ti l te iorigilt I lug bIy L. 1'.
I-i sitiis, a ila t'i of - -Nv. lAss -
iahoesitnu eninItg- un a husissush-
sht ilances-yiTeIrry antushhiui''ety
c m le-t tlthe lia(1):1sui t he ptit-rogrami.u
The t tiltrt Icoliist t iftwhto
stttain ilt tusl sit iatsAmNicantsin ia
thus- si-esnt",saIdtil(t-sas i
realtstic repretent tioof a ch l tit i
Tht hird t it iu it ii of titu, lprogramh
w tils hit mitt si i luts 5 Md ittliului a
stilt'-acii tsrc 'uite "~ e lt it-hp-'s
Suteiudge,-wrte Its-u li-rl- R. NMooire-
us'me sie illf hthe sail hting 1 silt-u
.1 thes- lusn lush u stilt. i'ii ssiuuti us's
twls w ten iut ls it NhsMoore', isillrte-n
istictlytt hutsmosrosus -styli'. IThet-fase i
sne~w : ilt sitthur ts btyip the is- f-e
lit lispor sis i t it giislthei i i
ight sit all coniuenus(IprvedIa plutistsill1
ftur ofts itthus- rgram.s
-iin I hoiessl ene, I a- Lu l ight, sitsd
hu(t iacit ip ul Nts sil Tol e nf
su aa iyNoISiu rai, a Japaese ~s
siatoo patrt t 151 t this l tst t uer. ll
this ttssso-MNica eussi ttitu uui s chSltlt
trnut Nits irisadTuteIsrep- girt- ani ite
"sting essiil tit s ,it ithis fail.
I N\1Ok< AI iS111IINNtkl
hissNIaits-litnsrhet-Newss YorkuiesituNt-
hlt ic iltlo for iii ths i1(ii it nl s inhl-s
ileols owitsuingug uasih it rg-suitoi
will lec thrislftSu d IiltswellsuAngells
-Ittl thex tiur sdaipe-titgIts N uus-uiss
on iThi ~ nv stil h ats tsits, tAmerstian
I titt <t int this itssui ol umnttiiit-
~f he R-il1-1, aid -wih issstrsst
in lif t i~i uit \I1 ittuu isitt i tt ii i t-h
; p- ter of ;its effo t, , t ilt sit -or
~ s f it d ac , eit-itl-i iam
Its l'1miti t11 11 u ir l~
lust i, ti n s sut o il" drama." sus sil
lusitt iitt lii \lit 11IJ, tliit-i+iTt
I~nim cl b, itts lilg- l :a l r rit-ise
ten s ~tr- hs- sssto sit A u t is th suiiteh

ThitnnalJutios I tsuuussau Is at cut*
still theain-ut }3 lila

It'la I- itlitihip s/ of lulti 't IIICsIIsssfssstits Ilitb

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