The Milchigan Daily ANN I\ III(HI,1 I _1\. t ll\1.A 1. . 1CI \ 17,1((). p . VOL. XVII. Not. 122, - --------- SOPHOMORE ENGINEERS WIN AT BASKETBALL;_t ISt S~ TI L~Lt1 ND?I il wi. it t SI I\o uit t Ii It a r l tt N Ill lit I f Nit ill Iti t l Nt- I(,f t l- ast fNw .M r sf c~flt fftlfis l tIts flty, oit is se,,ti-t'Isisis \xi e d firts i f cm idualk ingu atbw ad thItm th g itu- t Ntssicag e t seldo~ t tu rs Thedtlloik iestsbrotkentihentucis- sisti sl i sleft titgtilarilt-st isisittitisilt sndtilletwi anii easii baskeht.t-iWNitt les th amtetiittsadfits lt ht Ic ki g thlinatutl score ItN 2.h tis le Ili : 1(09 nger. oo nger. Nhest I Cap F.R F .M lilsiiei "1"tintibi II - - I, ..... . -elisttg t s Field gals-DunitsmofeTle .wts- Goas irom ols -\V( I l 7s ii n - Referee--'als dw s NsW suitiat an hits is-il on i i-- itt r its i i gatsssirttstlstk ilit machprve t oix 51 liilt s est iltsi e ~~ n threel iittli isere11mat s1 I 55~ tstilt0,i isema tch in theil tli igltiscitss in ites sitactive or , is. lt si t itlit t -ndiiersontsfili l istsoIle liar o( deid d in Ies - hanl t w isi is . A a lTisiirce its 1), Ixs-s--cs ner sits o n ilssp sndit 1 is lit- r KIlliandTist ssisli ifollos-d i n sth tiiettls-st li , ofi thel-is s iig i~t e tsimedttoIsis sitt ills s l tull trck st the -slit thanithit r it r'~ sor i itt-ti noti atiall incssl d to i rk ig-. I sexritis at ernirtthre inn tou he Trii l t tt's ill til s iito thesit itt-i ii and Kcisit el e ttoo itoo list a tissliislsssrltist\\stmorelttiii ima-i itsh, It ssit tlsi ts sits commoly kno na ac -luitchgilss l ists1 trw leitsitisisti t o scnsi t er ts to l:ihols:t istilt er tshspat Keni l d's it-eih t refis h antilt il itstldIts il( cessonthuswinin tns sary ustilt it three bstil st Tie sImaltigsima tc s rthe ilts, sc 5itin ftheevni T he woit v we i ts -siillc t i lt sit tlislan Id i i-tiest sitesie lstce ive ithu -slth Isitc ap la se " i7ty is- tills d h .Ns eo sit it it- .ssli forced theIis sue, lii sow ig suiti iisitag iit-. IiAf ter lie mill liltstof st u neavots- lits- sut y ise stiet ait iarmt-t lockt landi prs sd starkt da ceof se-ea tiltir gist l l itih' I stiltlitse -tiss Ied at he omng daie "t 1 1