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February 23, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-02-23

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THlE MICHi JAN DAILY. with intelligence of a high order. It
tnat e icthat we tave s en andIi. tene-d
Xnang Editor-Artlinr C. Pound to a fntntre trse tii. X h a en o71~ f
illaa;;r-C.E. instad. his t},pe aiee to nse the ettutitry from
II inssMaagr-. . inted. tim(cngoe oin the otte handi and
a:xT6RoS. the iltrtsit 'on the other, tveesitaite
to m'-it in thehltital sneer of college
"erns.........David F. Stevenson t1titt0atitpatrty 1plities.
Xtlietie............Robert 1H. Clanecy ____________
1: c inrt.........'Glenttt D. Bratdley
Xl usieatttlItna..Paul S. Irowrer Pristctt rutittrs thtat potlimstiateires
XVomtten's Editor-....Louise 'VanVorhis tiere ipuileitl ie ittttettC.ottncil elic
tionoare tobeheardettiottltthe camtps.
tEtITORIAL STAFF. In sptite of the getteratlyateptteildoc-
George A. Osbtorn J. Earl Ogle. Jr.t tnetani repwateiladmintitinthtiat te
Ilamold C. Smith Cotitcii twas otsitde titetitle of petty

6.e Us W~id Cos
311 South State Street
If You
Base Ball
or mitt, or in fact if
you are going to
buy anything in the
way of Blase Ball
goods, you'll find
the largest s t c k
and the best selec-
lion at
H"EHAN & Co.'
Thit tulets' Botokstore
Banners anld Pillows
1 4011
224-2Zi6 S..State St.


William A. Mulhern FloydI H. Jones
l1ies V. Sc ilte Carl R. Xttitire
.X F, 'Ritchielic X'liamttF. Gradltpht
Chtauntcey Bouceter George H. H-obart
11, Johni XXWamboldii I irain S.('oily
XW. McCandlless Guy P. Bluss
ii. hI it \illiamis LeotnaridC. Reidi
f XX r isWiti BeliI lacris
JlihnU'. Wurz IHarry IHili
Carl F-I. Adam

toities, witt rtic th a it somet'of titi
iensetecildtojtile stiuienst affir;cefori
thecoming yeir securedi their eliesttioit
'uithmetn wihoe itgritv it tiircto
is imtipttginiled ci ilitrebukedat utcieplls,
ise IDasily wottldIhat's remaointedlsilcint,
reflusinug to point the mitral that decet
rin',stiest ct tiit. ut now iti'is1as-
-cried iiicontiditence that onecciritmore
111,1 ithso cihioosedt ta skei'n' unirtt ad-
%-;itage of their rivasls, as well as vii-
ilatintg tihe enftilciwe of the studient
iidy wx iereieecid ovic their itisre con-
siitiiitt', fellowis.
XX'- hesitate to accept thie mrts'
assufiicieint groundtis for publlisintg the
n same ste ticnitwihoiipuiireilthe tiies,
althiouight sour iiocmtit s aperdt
lhey haei e ee'I iircted, a'sit e sic
to seiithem ihaorgetheir truists rcoin-
scietiouy. e iwid suggest, hoii-
'tscr, list ini fusturie otitisil electionis
closer' iwaithi'e ciii if the s'anidaiiste'.
If it is possil toi' keel)ciitioliticsal mthl-

.spsollsibile fo r the desire of the people'
Ito sateeIceidomin iipolities. Ottofci
i the motideipiiorasble' eivisof psilitics isI
thasi tmen i d iie riior if titr'cttiLr'i Jolute
'thy vist'slie power cgainedulby their ciii'
strio ithithespalieu'fir thirown
land sthtI atiof tiseii'pic'suonailIfrind,..
"''use t'ill:ioi the extenisioni iiof st
powseri lite nt t ioter oriii 'gis iig
IiirhIsfederal contstrutctisn, bhu tilie isi
;he ieicioit ioftie teitile to Ittie a
o ic il hr Ii 'ii is ti l. Intt atsse cotta
Al( ]'C' i no cxtelsixll of oe ; it is
Mereily thiii sic' f te pweral
is*ad sutal . T ee is n iit t o i
tt 'sitiisc' ''leiiist incihict oi
iii hcas 1rovedisieiat'ousitoshs5i
iles ill the past
"N issi ii usthicrie aitimewheli a
'ii 1 ivitii as micii ri deis noiw.si' Thes
is lehsbenrisedif o ir''lans.
Ists'. thrs havis bi' nisirti i tiiscis'itl'cii
ii is' butt'ssraistyisf tpee's
iito 'l- lei' ir i'co l'i' tlc' t e e Issir' ss's'
itslsitbtithtravint beeniicondo'ned. ic
sist i cti sis t itisitihout te counlitry'
Tihc'ccis ss'gen'e'ai 'spir'att isicfrwhtls
is good.-i
Aic. lil s thn dscused tihe.itold
should take any tiase h t'rlii'sclien't
lssi er s houl 'Is' s iit'e''ctual
ingeutiy iniiiscrsiitelycifIncright ori
liii.alymretanas siss mail
shoul resrt t ally meth d of tr'ai-
'sctingtg issin.
111ded "whe la v t sili iess qua -
:lc the us isi i befsthe lca l"' ti ' Is h si's
tinii e'ii att mptt i t iinu iiify theilawi s.
'itiisii' thic i st oigtg ionii. P o l
nos i ny nots' t'ht sita si's w ciii

Drautglstiii ' Inrstruin nis
L,,1 nratory Acce sitties
Eitgitteers' Supplies
Everything for the second
Excellent Selections inl
Law, Mledical, Literary and
'lie Bouik lor I'liat's Nev em
Ui r0111.

X C(s 11sis iii Iiii ltss i '.m th turh. si st ii onii if it istuno t ian iib hle
"i'i ni usr ssi berrtlec t urIsihi. __________________
llai c ss i ' Ceatures's bandis. S. L, .1,
bobby sLie hs te 'eputtionmiosf
Xii str y iiiiit r . hi. XX. XXiiansstisit of si'eig asge'nh'tmn, atbll pi l', anth
th ivrsity of iC (hsic'agoiiiSttratht 'uoodisudge stoystf tieit. 'Tosuc tceildices'
C''te l lAXngs'l Iallsil . t x.in a c l i cr l ill thte'i'' iiitsities. XX'e
tall: oiDrencsti n sy. witim sinig. s ihit i ckith
Xtsics is fitisi'Ce'scli' e 'tutt' us
C ONiMii 1'iN IX IN''FIIES ''
{i )liiyi i i t rithefatttslt'e l siil AS'l l 1l:S' Xt 'l'.'IiX' H V hh1
s..susss'soiing it iitsmiiiiqia'tes c, thesre-
s ill be is'i'tn'o ttu'issitttitwmorig. Is ntiuuu es om age One.)
freedom tstt ii i tftiimttothsrc c sittua. q esmtiiins lissgitvci
-- -- risetoiusvetst itions 5stsoshesthter pub-h
XXisi Ii swl r siis iii .Xigs'I rfere t'e r usitsi'are '' ei ng pripeilc i isscrged.
Isvrni Hughtsiiitsital'coiitnt herlitsthis gut istiitttasess, wihsts m
tt ite pisideciii e . t'gav's c t oiss's manii it usi t ltut entitlesd-ito?.Xcs' theme mii
c it s in t h it iby many'. IHike thtttu ituher ibiiuiisi to ii iulm i t i on'ii'mlasy'lits
emnntcief Iiexecutiv'e, Gitr'verClee-treas t uh mc franciste ust as'if it tweres
laudsiwio addre sit sniaudiece:s heres'this' eulti ofpeiteunmdeirtkings ?'lTie
ini i'sitts i rtiiihday jusht i'tbe-tn sei is phla i 'siin: u ace ttccoiuntaiile
fore uuuiititg hisicanimdaicsuy, 'ie uslto ' thetpublic Iichthissgivecityou his
ii isrgisss may fi t dst this giosvemnois ip of trisIiiiitiind tiltmutst dias't qsiurely i ii
t~wl~ripre ta 'iasteigsintois iithis pubulic.
th hieI os .Xlthoitughi XII -I he riiislm sitd Itagoismto-it
1i 1t bc sryd t( flights of iimrati'y itardh ciiriporate iorgaizaostiosss is mottdits
an ut id iedtoi''scrie Pgttsuis, hits'otthis' fist tha tcaitatilutas beenul tcgm'
l~ i udec n imp irssion imus . It's t sifat tutthese titt-
' eittbuisuiutislied andtutu itspoukcn.'u itiosuutakei advanstatge' of this'streigit
ih beeo hestoicil'igti'uressinIr i'isinthmyhit e iiiritr'enious tarray~
i ecth dsi its reci tes ofhlisiaptiaitiott oifi uicap o'iatsc'ei'iimtsadv'anutatgcs.
ii s~t;ths e trn sltses if lie man h im-uT Ihet rnidy is fior thi s t ' s it'gti-
1tf luca reifa te this'pret' ty'buti zei and act 'hnor iiy, thei''e'by builinig
itu t hrssi e's'v'es'iearn e oassso- t i ulwittrkiof desfi'ise agtainst criti-
ust wt oficehldcrs. Governtor im.Teattatuartysdicttors
llit'itsc iuuuprus sith I tthiigauiu hemitsui ato a vets frequillt i enctercdI litti taltlia ce's
s tr issue'combh iintiug ihiiug Diwer ith capsital sutiuisisiuumulots is Iagatin m's-


l ist atis Ilk he'n'hitns t pize
besitow. AsIXeete'acs' f,1-' ths Co7r7Cperids
co tlngie' it'ell critiplt fo Etc
tutlii sort-ice sidt pu blctut ih
a luh they't 11iet rusteI d, i 1i thati
(Goh 'tus I tathuscouuc'e'.' CASH or EXCHANGE
Prcesidth ne llX g ave.h riln-st te .Eor Old Books
.olw l i 'lrssluiit1 toinlt~ n Olte
duty if sert-ultheis'eetisoftepb- C E. B R M L
l utu in fhontutus l itosffice s iiif itust . B R' 'I
ithu speuc'ialIapplicattui totheis'life ttua I Ted 11. 326 S. State St.
duties otf theIs iii ir It wa s a goodTei l
(.)n thus sift sit lut ii' toe eerise's - -.
iicc( isi Govenoitu ghi s,'t Governor seXu t r-X'sic- o" t" SEND YOtR NAMIE Q
ler e lJcb S ih )- Il 1, " TO' Q ( ' rml
an e.ch hres sottiKcntste bo ttuu'h f JrGc Ii Spa 1d ilnl A
if the isscys s tushnd mini stiers ofiAXn i OTrA , c t t.lo~uz Of
Xii ran 'tic, sut Ii '', susu Iii'essoif thur sit'ea''
hrcixlatiut's. Spalding AIhIctic Gi ods
'rleu rcepstio wicsi ihi tils givenit(Gii- titMentinwtsot li u :rirtu liii' 1 i a n
e'o H ugh s a sctIthe D taUsi lontush sum foruea l isit litti' andit ii'ii hie
his u st'iserdaiy sftrotuuutwutu ai t hor-ii ( tie S l'desit n tul'' tcirt-r
uughlhy cusisuthu so ucia u ction ris 'luc' cony. °'ciifose'in,t i st .ii
Ileiu t ('ii 1hu sei'is pttttt si cslrl' ii cii 'iltiOrdn' 0D pt
Idouiatnanalas hne~ A. G. SPALL)ING & BROS.
(Coninuei on T'ag Thre.) t26 Nassau Sit. New Yirk 149 Wabash Ave.Chicg
Leland T. PoweBrs
"The Rivals"
University Hall,' February 25, at ,8 Pt11

SText BooksNe and
Drawing Instruments
T:,'iv,,I tig: ittsei un ,Mledltcual amid Literary IN'fText Books
A i i a i C,''itoit1.o-ti siuenms. Tablets, Note Books, etc.
Eugene Dietzgen Co.'s Celebrated Drawing
Instruments and Supplies.
See the Genuine Richter "Hoods-Bow" set. See or
Sitcial U. of M. Sets.
Remember, Every instrument is sold. under absolute guar-
antee. We protect you.
Thte store ifthIle Sttmsents, by thme Stuclents for thme Studetnts.

You are needed on the
Pacific Coast. Do you
wish - a higher salary
and a better chance for
Do you need a change
of climate and an op-
portunity to see the
wonders of the Great
West?) Write at once to
The Pacific. Coast Teachers
164 [. 48th St:, PORTLAND, OREGON

It - -- p

1i' -Jj


Phone 598

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