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February 23, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-02-23

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TheMichiganDa ly

Vol.. XV II.

No. 104.


Prep Stars Are Among Entries
For Preliminary Meet-First
Round of Relay Races to be Run
Michigan's indoor track season of
1907 will e formally usered in tonigh
with the preliminary met. As is tlti
case each year, tis meet is givei efors
the fresh-soph aid varsity meets in or
der to give a line ott the nwthev ien as
well as to help to get te old tmen into
coindition for tle ttets to follo. To
night's tmettill egiti protmptly atg
o'clock. 'The cotestatnts in te shot
put andI the 40-yard dashs are expected
to le ott the floor at tat timte.
As tsual, there till e proaly few
of the veteratn track imes to take part its
the first triet. However, CattaittGr
rels till atpear in his regttlar indoor
evett, the sot-tput, atd Hodgen is cit
tered itt the huirdles, although it is
doittftul of lie will compete. Note of
the vars ity records are in itatger to-
light, tutless it siold e te quarter-
mile, whihtDaey migt sitccee itt
shatteritng if he extensshimiself. PTe
fortter Notre Dame runer has beti
itoinig great work this year, and a-
though le lbegait traititgbt two weeks
ago, recently hroke te recort for tw
laps, inegotiatiig the distce in the re-
miarkable tind of :28 fat. Davey lar
torte good work ini the qiarter-miie, and
teas last year looked upon by Keene
Fitzpatrick as a comtig star. However.
having tbeent out of atletics for three
years, he fouins it difficult to get ito
shape and his work tas a disappoint-
ment, liltotly really good race eitg
iii the varsity otioor mieet last year.
when, after rniniing a griellitg quarter-
tule race, le entered the 22-yard dash
and was practicaly left ott the mark.
hut gradually cigltand pssed Clark,
Bowmn anrtd Bristol, finishing close on
Stewart's heels. The dificutly which he
expierienced last year ii startiglist
Patterson, the 1). U. S. high jumper,
who is this year iieligile oi accoiint of
the freshmtiani rule, should ae little
difficulty itt catiring the high jump.
although Leete has een sdoitg arotitid
5feet to iices ii practice. Atoter
trep star wiltitake his varsity dehut, in
the persons of Arthur, also front Detroit
University Shoeol, who will do the koni-
os ini the shot-put. Cotiitetiig agaitst
such stars as Captain arres atid
Scl, le at little chatce of wininitg
the evett, ut his piast records are troof
that tic will nake a good sowig. One
innuovatioti of the preett itdoor seaon
is the sorteting of the short dash.
Wh~lile it was formerly forty yards, it
itas itmpossile for the sprinters to slots
dotwnitbefore hittitg the icliie aid c-
ttliesd in freqiett ijuries, so itt the
future it will e mate a 35-yard course
Bristol attd Bowmtan ook lio' the prof-
a' le candidates for hotors ii this eveit.
'Fhe complete list of entries for to-
night's imeet follows:
Slot-pt-- ms, Rby, Schlz, Ar-
thur Garrets.-
Thity-five yard dash-Cotton, Sut-
ton, Hunt, Bowmtan, Bristol, Maloney,
Kern,Keitto, MKinntoi, McGregor,
I. C. Eldridge, Pierce, Merritt, Fores-
Forty-yarsd huirdles (high atd los)-
'allmnadge, Cottoi, Frith, Smith, Cor-
son, Harker.
Pole valt-H-tunt, Allerdice, Wheat,
Levintson, Greet, Marker, Bihop.
Qiuarter-mtile-lgart, Frith, Wuolit,
Ditnan, Forshee, Maloney, Pierce, Mer-
ritt, Davey, MCrath, Boynton.
IHighi jump-Leete, Wolit, H-oppin,
Patterson, Smith, Green, Gill, Dodd.
tHaf-mie-Berry, Stoepel, Bohsacke

Jest, Elis, tall, Mothuersil, Clifford,
heltis, Shiaifroth, 'alidieck.
'lThe. drainigs for the preliminiary re-
ys for thie class cliamp~ionsthip are:
)07 fIts vit 1955)lii i 90ofitliiivs. 1910
is, 1907 eogineers vs. 1909 lairs, 908S
ceis theists, 909 sisedics vs.Iphar-
ti1cs, 5908 eninireersvs. Iiio cesgitneers,
,o8 las s. )90 enin~ eens.
i()\'u RS "JItI APPE'AR IN
L~elanid 'I. t'owers, te irellkisowni
npersoniator, still appear in Uniersity
tall on1ii Mday eveiitg, Febh. 25, uder
'le auspilces ofi the Stiieneuts' L~ectiurt
ssuuciatiesi. The suibject elhoseii is "'The
'iv-als,'"1R. hB. Sheridlan's iseli knuowri
Mr. IPiwers is the recougiiedu leather
if Iis tprofessionu tinthat tiadle so manty

Recep'lon, Dance, and Address by ___
Dr. Dock Given in Barbour lAWS V4PLAN A SITATE CON-
Gym Last Night. bSITUTIONAI. CONVENTION New York Executive Laid Special
_____Stress on the Duty of Lawyers
hounsdters say, the greatest event eer Lawst-stusdents are plannringtsurganu- to Society in Coming Era.
ivcen by the ntresica tdeartmtetnt, took ize acsiuititutuiisnaltcouur-uuiiuiott tke -
)lace last night. At 8 o'clock the fac- uru iudeail lthetmusdy of the stisse cson- "Nioonue canm le sallowusedto t get a
iry, its calm anthgon-i, studetti attd;titution,std tos reporsteiisirableaenduutu- umoirgge'.an le' g'nerathlitosperity f
;stingathleredh ittSarah Caswel Angell vits. Iis Ibelieed this till b lsmsle eciuntury; sri'oslit suits r ant uyoise to
Ball atrust ihiatomnor to the fountdsers inuerestinug lise f suidy, uss:ai-eallcon- otiais a irtslie ths ir~e tinutgs utoiwhichr
if the sdetartmset. 'The progrmib egan enthi nssuthisuroselustsbleensi tuth- the puulii hus a rightfultclaim,''ai
vithi the singinig sof "'Tis of Michigan princes t he titers f Mtichuigans aumitGot. ('harls h-. I us ets sitNt-wrYrk
W~e Sing." Piresiudemnt Walker of thet resolutioimsprvidlingifur ste eleutionuius his addries-s ys-teruday sit-rnoinu t
Stndrihus' Medlicalsociety thetnintro- f udeegaies is our being consiuerd Uiersiy I sl.''Reusmasrevery rs-
lucs'd thre steaker of the evetig, George its the legislatureit-c A prelimuinasry trut- j us-usly niiiproporti onateto t het-sill
)ock, AM., M.ID., Sc.D, professor of ;tg of those intersedu is csalledl fr to- or ente~rprusiseivsted-i, andu sre largely
ieuiciuie, who tspoke onl "ThreMedical unightu at 8 ocloini- Rtoom Buu I, Ilaw build- se ito le genersl saciiy f thetpo-
ihrsry"'' -ig,swhtenm sasucommiee sill usrumpo ut ile.''
Prifessor hDock saitd conicertnitg the 'n~rt h rore.td The lesos ws-uhshdepesudusolsr
sIer instrucors ini tiesdeparmett, "It hopedi Ithast5 (overunor IHuges'swo-rslu
s irell to keep greemithueirmtry.BBYuO EIcT Etrwiusomsotast i attd
's a lte etcomer I sidt tot have ute op BB-OW S H s-intecoing prets idsens t i samuigni
torutumiy ef knosrinig or seeimg any of NEW BASEBALL COACH a~ isappited, li'sthespaul rskuudsidu
lesestem. They Iate comte sown to cutlIforefully suduilerlry svitthe
s-t a s msere pedagoigutes, ut a. true Detroit 'a Star Utility han WAill Taketustios c frnt usingthle smricinsrsctu
niverstyuLtuachers." Charge of 'Squad About hilutdusthue keynoe sithis dr
Ile enumstole of the history of thus'M:~ r h 1. bentheulsrlsatioinuof the putubli sievant
seirsl librarysof thetjUiversity, say- t isIcustitstuent5s sanditoiste sate mn
tig, "'Thueresre two'uclssses cutfumedical Acrigt ttmn ie u ecaGvro uhssoe
hotsinumthe Uitesd Stats's. irst. ash ighstIy Grsiuasts-IDirector Baithe 'litsist ihviihuusls, ci'iardtheim
hsiewhich grewir uoundthohsustitals, te- lobtuy Isuswcthe stsr uilitiy miiioit thus u tutheIirghstiofI te' u-ituuuniuy ruh
enudingcielyu chicefly stauvathge, upuru'ssn mstliinica-sglcclih, siahtcuaslltl---gues, s m iti-futgsradiu
itt udiudnot, hosever, enirly outit the scuredto srscchthus-vasrsity hibasalohI he rs situatsionu, "sitdtrutri for
'ueuircticsuh tmethodiuof teaching. The teamtn his seassun. Ne-gotisationusste' exsstg evis. It' sowiduimus eftoibhe
itier class taut thueir beginnigs i 'teems penduing with [.osee for srse trie, ttcintstri-st ite'but. vigosrosreformier
'insl tonus-ns andtut ihmthe exceputionm of 'nit the uncertaiunyasitohiswhuthcr' u-notu)ppotusediti macuie hu-'ile- i poltuilrsadui-
'e dissections te eaching was theor- Managsr Jenmnigs oftutlhe Tigersriwouul uuiuuis5 rtiuun, 'innshfigting fr theuutli-
i. I speak of the uieica library as ;e swilling toletngus it Lowec luss madtuaio tn of 'theali.unesetotntpublicInetuuuswiti
laatoroy. Early the Uniersity of t s ouonin doubuluun. Yesteruday, hotw- cmutbhiustiouns o ital-usst
ichigan sdepsartedhrom ut rely theor- eer, Msanasger Bairdltlked-ovetenhe ''"Wt'shingtonuateslreveuri-sruggles
ticsul teachihng tby introducingthe client- long mdistaunceteuchuusnsuwithtihueDetritit-iuly s'saul ihed hne U1notn," sidh Mr.
'at lsaborttor-y, alhoughmt the time them-nn'em',who ssidthtlhewotuldhtotstunhetts''stntILincoi l,whint-utituis ui-
ignificsunce teas mut appreciatedh. smmnd mumthessway tnt tune's-sacceptng tint itftthe masinenasncre ofitis unituy
''The meia lirary was hegunmut thi s titlinso the dalshwasutchiosd.No tuustrt-htshtii''usttunl
45.4wheni there sere onity six pofes-sal.aryfigureciwireegivennouts. Li-uedhUnions unstres eredto itsut ('nst-
sus in ltesdeptrtmnmt, yet atmonthlesemAlt repotiuntorunworuklabotu t he instt it intntly t~lsy wsueunris utuesrtistntof
vere Ssager Douglas, Gunun amd Punter ith, ndlmstunmtit haststi tne' thur catdittt ni titaus niotn asndththhufreedom- fromtuu
t wast tetuntril 187 that the bhons hoes will5contuinueto hourkuntnin tuusii uetions ihtalsts gie,,tspmostriuiy
ri-re shelved. Insi860 thre lirary re-the sup~evsionuofnut' sr"Ssanger fonsheiintvestigatiittntoifthu r- uteis -
ecivesd its first lrge apphropriaion of 'ilIseuushbtaeseblwoks+sitfasunhlstcsit- ioil nssswshits Initsire tessingthe wosld. 'lhe
T50o. Itt 1871it consisted of 1,500 vol-cut only tnt waruing uptatseice for thus 55~5mll5nllle5ch tstiis sue inut Ituuse tnt
'ries. 'lTere is a tradition that a large 1)tthniter tint the first nut this weseinrigusnuolicy, ut ositcrnuns- nnsu-
isnatin of hooks was refused ecause ste wsetsetant till hbe cllteed utnd muti sn
lucy were messtly in German. In 1887 lighultiattinig matie s teeth s wrkuh etes -tneyiulvsushsi.'~
'he lirsary receivedt its largest appro- intcking tutu grosunduers sntohussng tie W resrogy - -dalsi h
uit ,$1,000; sice then these have si nuud -l u ier ieuct 'nt:hAmnie-au-is-stuau fs sthast svs-y my
snitlunun I illbllstsari-nits-ils tessuevenuthe isen,
-tueyt teens less. At tpresent thetoed- h-llaeah____toshwwhaisi
'csal librsary cosntasins 10.000 votsunes, annu )1.JP.ON Ih ~E il, ndtauts t'situts-riussumhouy whounis
peioduicashsare regularhy received. PusIDtinO IHCAtuitve ,ho rablest- antl p-e'siste-ntcnssmthasves
'his doesEnotinNludeaOPthIIetAcal) fainn show his getthe ristlts nf his
'ssunalis ublishned, there being ,300ow Dr. IHsuny Prtt Judsnutu, winesseas thinswork.
egularlny issued, filly of which are punt- iteek lseedehpre'susiie t ftie nts - SitseIby-sideth- sn-il duivishnsmismmis
fe iciniiParis atomi.''he jounmasre-s sit fChicamgo,lustsbeens te-stn itin uat t hsiikeenrren'si itiosnosithIes'rightsrut
eveduthle sdepartmnent are ks-tn u theinstsitutioni luer nnmany yas.ns Situceu'thus- tue-Co'unity incnnctions ithscllwhlich
-essning roomn the tnts imIefthe year udesthsof Inresideno t riue, lD. Jusnsssi shu id ights stS his u-siru int.
re fuons." lustsbeen seeing s ami-smg pmensie nun 11Its fselnIssehsing tusus-udutins' uiftusissu
I Ilneuenutedstsatistics conoparin-' Hils eetiomn tinthelsesh ip onutthin ittinroserity hl to-tahs muew ewdof
'e libraies of olier schosos withmthis unvesity wassunsanimisitss. Peidethsnt pmuuuhhus lts it-tiit-lstasnusgive-n
tyimg, "Libraries are effective nt so Judusonm i immn tunnuus nil Williascol-rust alue o5f uniferpioill's moneyis asrs' nitrne
tunelshbecause of the numbiher of volumes, lege. careul fih Ihun tr tier I. I is its lotnger
'-nt bescause of the contents of these - ----- -------- --- - a qsueuson f w-shchcrtie lss ts i or
e0 :s.hresidtent uuItlssn-sitUnsColumbia sks fr ins smb a rivisal onte,utuhatultfhn
Inn C01utnlnsisni he saidt: "Readh wits a $12,M000in lth isityears stuanl epotuti (Cotinsuelsnm 'ar 'T'mo.
'nisiesmi eye snseta ten it hand.rel, Out .- - - - - - _..
'en- rainy Saturdasys youu camur ioven as
mucs grsousnd as a lieturer cmii ro inia
ua. hue ith-nunro this at tine cx-
--nsitesityoun egulasr stork iItusecomeice
-t dissipastiosn."j
Dr. I-uster tessselectedls I. inult'
rersetattive of tIne meical uociey foIn '
the comning year. Inmmiediatey ater thn'
ecture followeduthte faculty receptiomn tre
flue studuents ands guests inth~e harlor=
'at Banrbour gymnasium amd the servingr'
'f refreshuments. ThIe rest of the even-tv
snn nas sit'nt in saming, music enm"4
furnmiesh tiy Fischer's orchestra.
Coundson,, Erigland, will litre the O ym-=

ure 'anues next year sandu is preparing.'
don theni Iy planuning an immense st-
'tinr to holst 37,000 people. It silt he
necatest just ouside thne city proper, and rl'cumin tistt iw evnnsu. nuu:;uus-uss.
will huave two three-lap tracks and a Thme Old .Struct-urme WhFaife FlestHoment of tin e Iau'pmuntmue Organized Fifty'
swimmnig pool 110 feet long. J Sevei; Years A gus Yesterday.

t1vi..ssu in'T. POWERcnS.
friendss ini snnm Anrbor sauieniceuthants
lire huts counk. to hue negardedl us essentlial
so every i-unrue itt lecieunes giveni y thur
asssciamtiosn. hutrecent yeasnlinclust ut
minssedl smsesosunwithutnumuengagemrens
Iinner ho 'itlsnItus-smenugagemntm
the. Powes'srs usill tbegins promthlyty l
s'cloack. 'lienmanuuuemnent thereeore ne--
qinest s ta t lipatrnsnhte itstheirinsest~s
intfone IhasIt tle, to hpresvenut possihlm
Conference Withdrawal Left to Its
Decisi-n by Board of Regents
-Other Business.
Atuthue regentns' mreetinug, wchlwtas
countinumesd suno9 o'clock yesterduay muorni-
su.iitewssdsecidledtho lease the siues
hionstconcerninug University athletics ins
tine hnandsosithliesenatme annulboarsndlof
cotroili. 'This adtionuh ofutht ie policy n'
noni-icntrfrencin" inn lie Counfenenuce
iinunatin coimues asnssmresultn of1 sie aciosn
onf the senaste inn neqmustinsg lthat sithn
thus bosasrdlsi controul heislnvsestedthil
frull control.
'Tist regemnls conutenredthrie degree of
71.15.osituh. S. Peuersoun. tDn.hurus
teas ruate sdirectornonuthl~e omtanical gar-
sA confeene ofiitine coummnitee our lie
iMeismrialhhmuilinrg wsasosmheist yester-
slay- safternoon, limt nut actionm beyosnd a
general tdiscmussion ofut plas fornu lie fa-
ilure u-sis takenm.
'Thnevaniomus litnraries of the U~nier-
sty' neceived 11u8e6ncur bsooks last
year, makinig a tolat of a66,568 volumes,
of u-hicts 163,479 are hutred ihutme gen-
eral lbrary.

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