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October 14, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-14

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* ~ tillthe v*,ion' 'ollieeo. In no o'aoe ohall
the lnt' lieetdfy that anly one to
f eleolv0 1 to ay office 'tiii", lolb '1'i'
the1' (1 oi is'of all1110 00100 (r's ca- for
Publihetd Ily:1' 0:1000 sxcptrd) dnr0 glthe 11l colaoes for (hot ot'toffc.r;l hat c-
tGollrl 1( ue Yea1(1r.a at oiol 1
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN! h uold1t},1the jld,;es to 1 011011e.
M1AI0 0FFICE0: toRANCH1 OF1ICE. Al.ri i'e 1 I' Te Q(lloiho1(111, oif
Argos Bid r. in St. 3t .'State Street. F:'1, 's
not 'Phroes13.- coS 01' '0' 1:01" 182, 10 . . v('111'0 (If iii ' 0100111
0.10.0100. '111 1 Ii be'.1o-' 11000 of11(11.
BUSINESS MANAGER, So. 2. '110 110010000 of file Ctioto )loy
I'. E Gi1,10,i1 O 11off(ce'"0-011;11 111 11001'ose oily oto 1'110
EDITORS: llldi'tco P a fle (ltlel'of Bololot
AiTSLETICO. - G. 0. Htlrllor, '01 E. of 101100 0w111h1111'la cloass(If '01.

Shoes going
at a Sacrifice
1The sway 11111shtoes are going witll
01 01(1St 3y01, and the pri ces that
o re makintohleir go 001115111pritt
03(ou till tmore. It 10111 be profit-
able foi youito be tsurpisled. 13001
10 10-day aondl tryit.
1 O9So. Main Street.
Open evenings5 until ANN ARBOR, MI CH.

A.H.t100,OLK.,'Oi~E. Iv . Tit, '01 L.to e eof olliteit 01011 It' IigenIl el :T RH
Miss L .,K. tolot '11'3 ca tso 0 K'01 thloe lproide'd foi ' Lei i 0l'1as0es'ofotf. fl
A1ltc -' Secial 01111 'otettol 0111' -lls
See. 1. 11n('110s10 ('001111et-in oany A l og but the ttt. GOr ~
00111e'Is10a11011 l th aov11'o1111131' 1ll'til busness 1S merely to bing you- a
Thll r pti pr ice11 (0:0o t i. o 02.500 a 11110'l'll''t ill 1011 f'i10111to fill tha t
tfore oneOooo yarit00' :o, a (idil(111C1 00110 itiii il(1)111' 00 ':lit al1(1n1.11111 ' i110to our storeand see or
1(11(11nd1othr at er O ilended 1(10p(bli ca- ior liiFALL ANDte y te le- S IT
100o 0 must(1be han(ed 1in11tltto' DAi:: (irO11111(((11FALL(01( eoi:ltte SITS ADOVERCOATS
they 1'ar 0(0ee(0 (0t(((11ea(. The P ineton, IBeverly, S01 e
.51::1r' 1or St tract - ( ,n o r ,ll5o.(. 10(111 ]n al2. l i ('110(0 l'l1(i l ee- o leigh iii Suits Tbe alanl, W i-
fa 0 01orbt.i o :lo:p o I, 1(1,Tapft11((If at'lth'i113 1 11' .111101111lltoll oanh Raleigh iii swell Overcoats from $1x.00 to $2).0
the ffie btp. , te dat p-,", _ hatCosts Nothing to See Them
DEAN HUTCHINS' PLAN. 'r'ond olol Sha olllbe ltlllhda '(l 1 3:1 :: AN 11Sot
(n1(11 s1(il1 be:'1111a1. &04 E TFURNISm HRS MaiS.
(Continued tfr~XomY serday.) SI':. 3. .Ally I 1 e lecionfi ng;1( 'to02 10 1110
(:c) 1Th 'e oiidutl ndl ily11o(f e'et'Ooi se1000 1':' u'' n a l :111 t111111 .1
hill he (asfolloe'': '1eos l'l'lts haill b1::'old, and te onli
(1 l o 'oio valyeeofCiritrnpovddmth i- A T H ENS T H EA T R E,
1)e 0 to11be11 11111 11:1 I (1(? Ioe 1a1anyl'll 1(101111 on1:' lllbt1,iit li 11(1ll D A N F. E .B LT ese n ij
elto fthselts hl o]rudpv _ ft__ _ _ __maFR1DAYr CO C T.t19
1(1l1)l'10 111:,0011I. dueItl o (11ltl~0l(13' A S lOt'SSIIE NN 1, This Seasons Silcess Afred E. Aar0o10 pesents the
tul iih+1,a ec lco 1t n t: oy-1l'ies, 0 I: 1 l':'l(:ue', 5c. :GORGEOUS (GAIETY'
twoI d113-5i oful'ontill'd(113' of '::I tio ' 'olii tI igLo- tI I crisnI, iio HIari''y Kelly, Etinte Girotdd , Ed ward S. Abeles, Mrtini
and ((oft 1'here 1111 1(tine-ball Isom ale-1:n" o c. Ask, your dealer or th:''f:r iI,O'Nell, Snitz Edwards, Lawence Wheat, Wiliain Btt-
l'Oll Genplee Hll,"Ader"fal suts nd ess, Olive Wallace, Caolynl Hentis, Geotgia Cult-
(21 Tio:14.,'t: ' 1rt:: o 111ho :111(111ol 1t")oecots t l ai l i lth stn i Rle. ndhat, Esther Matell, Ethel Moore, Effie Fx
Ih lc hsl o ('(tin, as111'':: en- olW tiinitan&Rot.Mrie Alleln, Anne Dale, Muth AMantell,
101(111':',}3'iii:' ditto iitt l u-i>c .10.0' (1 Bicycle I'la(3iig (trds 011:1 PokerotEthel IHoag atd Cioas ol" Sx-ia.
vide't ([1d ill'n tiIneline :(1(1 al11(11te"4 Moths in NewYor, .3 Months inoston and 3 onhs in Philadelphia,
(('iII 111(1' lllt each and nor- worei
(M1(1011 11ll non1t1ht101 t iltl bid: 1 io :f Ihhliu tl o'his Cig rettes, uio PRICES: Gallery 50 and 75c, Lower Floor 75 ad $.00, First 8 Rows $1, 50
ill' dih ilthi 111d0- .tl i h~'' I ts ''er s'=inudhe,. sk your lote orliupeial Reserved Seat sle at Hngstere's, State Street.
O.iIa leti sh11 all111 0((1 1ei'ipia pare1i\l'OVdhai Io. 13't0& Revi (('0resole I~fltfOAOAhCY AOAOA4.S!
hi 0 '0 hlll. 1101' 00 taasl os llltt'I lll' 030110 1for l Illlti uderiwear.______ ______
tli he s(1iill vf tiltoI: ieCUU on
oeilil, 'lllha ifhl:'iei:votes: for (000o((r Printed lectures for all depart- THE OLDt REtLAhLE STDtENTS' lIE\ttilt (loll
(+) l aI iiiprepli'ed'he( u1"i:bal(l1(1ths nonskfthiniesiy writing and lumeographiug. P R O
v,(ind:' pasl1(100front'till'voilg ipl-i' (o- rSlueoai's stiestrietBRUNSWICK BALIKE COLLENDERI TABLES.
'Iil :l lidl'13. ____________________________WITH ~
r nii1'Ihtil'for '1)(0' (or 1hllel'5illlt g emond, Kerr & Co GENUINE C l )11 Fl\ ill
1113' 0:110so1t1shall be -ailded'thniIli10huh I"I RHIGH G RADE----
1111' room11 alll00l'lfor a 0:11 log "phaco or BANKERS,
abutih dear1s(10 (f t111111 litli 41 Wall Street, New York
I'W1oI~ tt~fe th taly atecloed, Tinsutta generia basking buitness.
tlhoo fPci ~to111 ua 1 Reoeiro deposits sujeot 1o drat. Diidendo I)AILY BULLETINS OF ALtL SPORTING EVENTS
(I) The i:' hin:'Jili(Stshilil toili'ut f (lirad interest collected and remitted, Aol as E tcs~u
Gnt11oblosll- ict aeFisaiAgentetfor-and negotiate the isseo SCCESSORSO OU T H
'eiut 111' l~lh1i '1001(1( L tili~'railroads, sroot railways, gass companies, ec. ) .ETOD'TATET
their' ntuiii i~ r a-ll:490 lt'Ititu l('0 f lt'Seorilie tos-t and solon commis isn } 'T T
ers a([ntiiinulto sar:' 111111voig s:(I- Moitrs NosY ort a5bs0Oe., ' EYN j4LQ S ROSETO AIOR 312STRE
113' Cod bytee ho fi it of leticlots DEAL IN
eheeked byll (1 1(101 lks lst irit iiofttHIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. SA ITA Y PUMBNG
prlovided'll ae 'tli'u:tif of 110 eg,:'iiol ltfutnoitig etnapia ion C U 1( CNTUTO N IPIS
P0110ar on s111al ao. IHIA1)LPIA COIiEESl0ONDENTS. F. STAMl AD1101 IWATER I1 A'INOa,
()t Ii'of (I'llblotsholl]ii'in(ead1 GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 207 E. Washington Street. AiTIttlOG S ANOi~oa't~rcio- Fix-i 111
thle balts olo il(['t1: hei:' ill- blIsHOGRAE MIANTEL ANt GRATES.
0111111 rep'll)0 hei reslto i ideho t,,Ienly,
--he bl~lo0tl ' baii1(1 :111 t'o'll -C Iu i 'l e o
thin. illes clo sahfiienifo
(' Aftto o iI osf3ha-te eetntlo Ic
tliug ihioso la- ene 110 )01l'tOl -

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