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October 10, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-10

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U. " 211 Allcandidates for the 101 elms foot- -he
' ~ bll titeam rport 01n camfputs eartMte .n5 1
PublshedDaiy (Mnday ceted~uri g m. daily fo- practice 1 4 dp. in.
CleeyaratF.1IIIAIlISO, (Capt. at a Sacrifice
THE UNIVERSITY 0F MICHIGAN DICIO( I A T NOIE ITN~ 1he wav our shoes are goigo will
MatlOl o teso r r r tsl0 n t o11410 osurprise you, and the prices that
AllIuteiti dtoiriug toFgoCIt-tueato making teim o will surprise
Argn Bldg Moln St. 33 S. Sat Srt. NCtr are lrtested to reister t sure g gB 1'hns1. NwStt Pott2.a hean: otsoe o tllm r. I ilb rft
- - io tiritaix tcikstrc.xouotil tore It rtl beprofit
MANAINGEDIORable foryou to be surprised Drop
MNGN 01EIONOIPICE. in today and try it
. . Bo. N,'ii All fresliteia of the Literary anid E1-ts
BUSINESS MANAGER, gimItrriug lassesSshould register at -ItG LASS'S SHOE STORE,
F. ENEH,to, oncl".i the g ymasiumniclte for class 1 09o. Main Street.
EDITORS: wtirk. KEENE FITZ'I'ATtltCt.- Open evenings until "ANN ARBOR, MICH.
ATHLETICS. - G. 0. HBrosror,' titiittei- fr--8 P. M.
- Ci dae tfr il-freslitiait foottall
A. . lMc~oisiA~liii E. xw.A. Koxo, 'Sit l e L omiii tt inttthe Trigdiy Riotm ~ it
MiL, K Soot s'03 C o i. Ooo o 01 littdd tx'it 4 K. L.IPOTTE.
u. u. xvooiio - te x-itititiiitof iaddtes for (ll I U -
liii(eeiclub poitonts xtill ,te held A d tt1
IS idnciyi x-Thursday list Friday, a i nt hli, bitt the trtlh. Out I
T~r-.i(.ri1iiO eio Ciii - 7 I ).2o ti iti lit iontI24. V'. 11I lt Tu iito business i itler(l to bring you
Tile i ab-11C p r t1ac, i ofiS .Dgi.r '"oi ntuei: e or n ro
tatheix c>Ite ciiil-.( Nli i (iitii}ii' C5 deJanerytiilel toO u011t. ire ittan l se 0 il
tsasan tier - maour iilw rdd o Imblicia-_______________
Soloco Op. t b.eocoiiilcdin atShecliic((o1-,.t 1.FALL SUITS ANiD OVERCOATS
,Ci ili pet~~apt ii Al nris f hle, eioCO ICthr Thu Pr neetoit Beveri, hi 01..
iSui ICcii ninil breft tlt ~ere Sc, wtin itft el Wx raenof.ah 1111., , iuiqi
\Iceci, ist itc- si 15 CII . 11 or iii0Ct. i iii 11xl It10'11011i (II1C1il. 1e i Su aits. T e1110 alW l
lto bt tii cc( ncig iiorull 1 Cit.th is t elt 8 ll lda.Ocit . 1) 13 i4
ililar icctI o~ esc nt liiI er. . ~ ~ tn and Il aleillitswel Ovrcroats from $515.00 to $25.00.
All cl sle t-ex in advetiig t'ei mutle i ll K. 1(POTTEI
trt ot, i3 . n ,th di pt~iol t tht ss PoibllMalngrCosts Nothing to See nThem
on iwhiic ltey rti peai -. _........ _____
Th amn f heI'll!iei -Oiy aiticsilfor 110)2f~otll lean)1(roeiAND 211 South
(101e pr iill l li~lliIttillO I fer iterijoit1(if.Clottil WedneslayTi7lillyf).WU ERTi' FURNISHERS Main St.
al1s1(11- fotue :nd he r IlIaioitt ut i ii ltr Yl.AV M
blctil ytot he1ir'5 il 1 lilililliot11:1.) dpilay. .ct . 1t7p. I., ill roomsl"20), Lni 'EAJ3M.LT, Lessee (f(l ]J( fp
oi thu 0 (1(0.111 (trii C Iln hrrt It c i ll Iii
itbo tsCAilt laiti~ M A IR K S B RP 0 5.
1(100Ia telili- (((((00(((Itl~l Iill-' S ltt iii 15111HiI liielil()1 RA ATC 1U NuJ VIL4
of110(0 I'll1 ie~ll 10 11 to 111t inIe (lont silI t~1 i tilil i i
(((xi l 1M~HISbeglil- OCT. 10
,t d(1fl(0 tahta f a d ty ofatoZll A e t tybeI1
tu lil( utdi flt u i ch m (( ilt i r . andt (i t eri t al1t i ci ng C ( o b
11(' ilt~ 111 ii-ity Ii ii 11 1101100 (ll~ili0 lCliithI (((klt Prodtucing the latest Dramtas and (comedies. The latest
it i tiiii(I 0.1410 hll '(lltO (01 iti((itI (0 li ililtitilstil0 itgi ug and Daneing Specialties. The Great Cineiteto
111 iIIiir(Io ii ti reusiy (-grp. The Latest iiloving Pictures.
in hefalanspingioi l ctaaili 1(1 B y orSeats onl sale at Haler's Jewelry Store.
wea" ((lfulit Ill Cct I A sill1d71 its SATURDAY, OCT. 13
lai- lin 1a1(stife lui- i ti IO ft LLINCOLN 'J. CARTER'S BIG PRiODUCTION
lily t~ : o- i ti o soud n t to
ofc-dn~t~u.''l i sn rao R O S YS '
and1 lo i i heotherI.il ill~xit ii a e tires11K OlD REtIAPLE SilTUDENTS :11) l ~t'1'lll
"wulll le011ib10lyie h(IPt(iir I chance Printed lectures for all deat I L A DP.A R J0OR
________tmnsohthant ierpi.Tp- REMIODELED, REFITTED), EVEYTHING NEW.
1,( 10 1111 ILB O 1I I N S ,hthlhiA.S II IN(l 11 8 IllserSierttoox) Sttae Street tT111'hON]t-
O (I O(h-1e T SWIDh1i-hlS DIh ith KENIII JL JM Y. -1L4l IAiIJJ} Il]IIIVE hi
- ______{1: Redmond, er & CO., HIGH GRADE=.-_=
Al Iiiltli((u l 01 ((hin the11 Fill- 41 Wall Sree, New York 9Rs To oo, C 4 E T S
- illy wIl vote in ok c unty- Ihl.
01 Icl oln eletionilaiwill po tiil li n;etgne I ncn uins.DItY lUll El INS 0Oh A LI SPTitINGbIEVENTS
si res O ~enteo e a d a adngtt ethetesAtaeoxA I t f
1000 aiibtiteeofci.rillily(di tlil:itro B~renir eoiswsot m10DrStetcd I-IL ..o 1 1 2 OUTH
rigcil ii lIii 1(1 (ii I5(1 i ie s-rou sd omnegos hi one t ElNOLDSTE
Io takei (vtrl~lg it liiof 'th p i ti ' M uo li we o k Ex chang l eu-o'. et E I L S .ooT-s AI 1K
adtdress, stree hit ndinumberIa((lilsIoh DEAL0 I illr QSCUR' SANITARY PLUMBING,
'tttt Arbtor (litdress :t Whrsliiots- HI1GH-GRADE INVESMENT SECURIIS. i 1E)IUI.LiCT is iCO'ioauuoaN ND SUPPtIES,
stiiti, SItate itiit.,eoe 1riday iof Ithil List ott-ncrrtttffetring sentoin appliation !7 015 s ANt) Ioc WATIE allEATING,
weik. AnnltttiiiAlilutstwilltheii leiPHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS 207 E. Washington Street Aittssic GAS AND ELFtreluli h-i it L
aide as o a itial <(ir~lr ollltl. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. FI1ihGRAIDE ANTELS AND GRATES

tersity Deittocraticu b lttiat (11i-hits l h p- ~ . -
1rOittsit '17:, 15 I1)T yi'tiittg 'it. "oIl.JI- ~ 4ITHE .iHOENA
lirtiroilahlex ii tllbg 11-218 5 MAIN ST.K
pott lles t1i 11l'to (hhhllbefori'sle

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