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October 10, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-10

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I~Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Winter of 1900 ha
arrived and is arranged for inspec-
tion. The same caeful attention
is given to A a tyles and finish of
every suit, whether to e used for
husilness purposes or for full (ress
. H. WILD CO.,
rob E. Washington St.
Wilder's Pharmacy
3,116. State St.
EVERYTHING Oa slnddlne ofl
NEW BACCO-even the store;
itself is new. We have remodeled the
plae and invite all or friends to al'
and inspect wat we have. You can't
neat our LUNCHES.
It .JOLLY, 308 S, State St.
can all be lad of best qial-
ty and at lowest prices...
CAMPUtS =2Y StOr _
Students will find etier of our
stores, Headquarters for Law
and Medical Books, and all Ui-
versity Text Books.'
We oier some secod - hand
books at Low Prices.
White wrting Paper 15 and 20c per lt
Linen )Pritiflg Paper 20 and 2c
} Reain (2501 ....:.......... ..2c
Box of Envelopes (250)..... 25
100 Cards engraving and plate... $1.2
Best Student's Note Book....20
First-class Fountain Pen.....$10
We selt drafting instruments ad(
supplies at Special- prices.
Sweaters and Athletic Goods.
Before Buying Your Needs Try Us.
Wahr's ookstores
lUp Town Down Town

MUSICAL CLUB'S SEASON. h Lea Back. Of ths Championship Conteata.
Prospects Bright for a Good Year- One tintg was ntolttieableittltihe WIhen apitroarlied yEoteri'tty' regard-
Places Still Open for Men of Abil- practice yesterdaty. The 'I arsity sritlb Stnsg Micihigan's prospects for briniging
ity-Officers of the Clubs. Poais-i Lea biat-toif it did5 the ptusig hatie the football eitnlpisoiiip of the
__________ ae thelefield wheth-eii otrltlstSad tmiddle -vest tisloyear-, Mtniage-r BairdI
Fritspresetin sdicationtoste esusiniig tbt-isdoinig-it for two !or three. days said: :"lIlthink we trill wits=the -hoot-.
year will bte a stteeessftd site for Ilis Itpast duinitg his absecre.Tse nt re- iotshilt this year. NS's' erttt sits will
tivi-roly itillttal ebtibs. ASstaled stilt of the lotsg, hard orr'itntsage w\as if the spirit mtaitifested at presYent
elsewhlere in t'htr Daily, Slit exanlilt- three toisebidowiso with as islaay goals keeps -oit. Never sircelsty (roitferlioti
titits (if candsidates for -till if te i-bunto the 'tasitys credit -againstrnotiig wit l iio-itgal'4 thitetics tt a eIscat
.front Sthe reservso. Tihe Sply, ititw-ever, sorb aspirlt of ('ttit5isrsti o-it by
girt, baniijo astd matntdolitniis heinig rots-stas, tiponth ie -whole, ragged, a reci l lie oludes-o. WE hare Mll- pottst
tinnst hrottith the week, tutu] the cotnt- deals of foidbing-vtass itndulgedl i.ts, thistterial of all thlecolleges Ili the 'west.
plecte osgthittisii of ste is11ss.isill not beitig exert-,dcS1),stly by ft-efoot thtat it the ty tttr tin-tise rillege-'will
bet definsitely decideds ttttil 5-nutty Grthe mwether waus rolderttta «ewe tter tutemJtutotstoit (Stes attPrintcetont.
Sauray Bt t s af t, ayErtobeets htaving, andth ie'Sall ecosequeintlySIliaise uuiittnsled ftaith its'Mr. LJ.tats
Sisnrd~ ittit s tif tosto fetsrallier lippesy and listd to andlet.sidic. achitrt ald with imio ntspirinig not
te iunstee if sitS sns stick,tindthe(Ti helicpassing stas poor', espet-laily thtat isly the pittyes hut lie men -bhinds
otlirers eu-eil dfis thiis -=aro, thast the bstck for psunts. Onetic meu Wilsosnte teisithue University Itself, with
quiality of St-ecltus sill lie sr-SI iito hreets-the ball -entirely ott-i White's his -ittlitsitis i hercri l -tti icbutoce
te sttndatrd. Altittililit-eri- trei-still seatS- 'with It a.esseqtetit loss itfsouse- resuit.
s goou Inaisisuityei fors. timoistiftheSitelinsg like 25 ytards. WVsootiitl a itto Ie hat ssiattct'isi it
pusitc'sioto itt- eis sits tititsILuliy ltargoI- ili t-eabsences-of Sts-ccli--atiduSelei, all I tttheico-lgis situn ttti-lithey l'ttve
.u1111hi rit(f-tantidaitsofittirst-raet '1i li- wh s--i- isnursing a fe-i- bruises yes- Kitta -lucyl-hats- sit tiitiat otis-it
bty.Th Flit'iTisesanitoldtiltttttlitackiarttt5-ity, Sittist-essayced to kirk forits- Steitt. AS Sit'esto. they etaslonly "0b1
a s follos: si-rubus astirfSi urlytech. Sn asl ex- till lttergttiis. stiihl still liraivi-the
l'ssuist --etlo ItR. Mit t ii aitsga- ts- hoorstaiwst--isasitties-citbe- -liitiinoiiitisisstlaioopell-st a- s-ici
S(55etiry-WillltiamN.Sli-i itt-i- twt-(-imtutantd IWhtiei, stisaiolididtetelt tius, for Ase'Rstlt'sinssllii a
an~ttttgur -'. C. Latishtitre.- puintg oitheli' otetoatti. tctttiici-otitt. Notrlts-iithwser ihs bttell itels-
GIl.5.T:t(I. sitSci-sedi-silei-:35 ytrsi-tSo thit-gottllint- tioisitij rtat-r-tthtetasin tseri -wsill
Is-aihr I httrit .I. Itti it isftirt- tanytunei-cottlditshhtsWl. I tin ssotnsotd~eelopt. 'Jury list-he Sieoistit-isiu.
h5ilt te-tirF . 'Itt ri t it . S .SR-bi mtt uitlefSlt-i-ttits ti styli-qtilte- 1st-a Sr. Hollister is ntta.5futtbltlhplaye-r
bills. Ottit. It- iattghrIst ldt-itiisi r ts--tetatd Hilts hat-SosthSlt-st fuitndamentttl
seco-dtenlustr--t. J. DoSuit t 1 .V W.-IshotuldesatntS"-hunig Its it it ilt-ittl- requitrei-ttttftagtotod -stlt.Sli thhardi
fTihiitii. -ttt5-- fitl.Ihadtilit-beenis-ititor tiginaltin(]thknocsut-ko i pityir <si-to. liltioI Suliest'
isteat Ittiss . S..I it itso.It. it'.iton t11 otis-es IittthehuSltat iitt1Ie Sti to isistihardsi ttuitol sititt. 'Tles-
haveys. ibeen i hutsil titlu-t tuh ilei- SttrttuSgut(i its a tvery(lose'ci-tilt shyeas',te
Set-tidtsh otts-("t. :A. VI itt ii it L.--L>. martti. Itihuhttt hoitD it li lthisguto usdttwok st- is- uttug toist. tnd illthi- Sall i o t-
Iu-rdi5. atd istil hI tsiis. itil d(g isiigtgandtherutitostytmttsit [iet Itie. Wei'tros
BA NiO l :1.Blhardi;-ilsiht iso-tadtuit l'i-intxt lstat-stISits-i.liihltsi'ett still stronisger'tealnlsehis
itttijetuts-.I. IG. soIthst I -S-. "guiltt sofIs-ritleys prat-Iice-his _i-suit iiitt- t aute''fury iti eath-ts oithSi-it1isss.u
i: litsss. A. lt. tRust. I_11 ittt'ei-s-to. fit-30 Itsytts. Ts' is11l ime i tuu-ht-oi-- ts --hetire li tthe chamtionshiptis guuitig-
lIti t a'- i. I. it ituts -itt tutu . I 11 . Tht' stte iitt it-tl na;( as 1t111,011 i-- hiZ titS1' t(1 isid11 lo k fits-it11ii:gsautti\sti1it t1(t1ti. Oii
JaSkt Sit.iK. Kigts. c-stuilht HitseIitalus anditesnis ittibti-O(t. 2',lt hut'(us 11ittdus isw'still -ct
Stuti huu1liis--I'. AV, . lutis i. I.1..- t s. ing this-;oppoussing tuckliu tlhits a ol.
MLANItOLIN IlS. the uswsr ht- w itt- aboltuitiesuo us'sit- St'e tuttofsitheii'peunnats. 't'heir tuusteri-
thur t' 1. VIStlts. :it\. aitIhiatItsit Stst hitutrsdity ~he its'aslitsh it liii'best, atituhiousghtPt-of.
itt sustlalduu iussI' . ('. St ('ti it L'sols-it"itulst ;I It. i is-ru- ti \'tus thy stag;titus thaSgusutsistrss-e
ba Illtr- . . ( s - laug.--it-itora fist- a slight itmproe-uu- - -r. L.eitustitt dii h1ts1utoni'bettet-.
GtT~lsI) F Gnlu'mau.{' M aueth. ISeIs sstill 1tutu ils" for 'tt:art-it--. 11 t. LttiwstnsustksdoStabtuut iut. -issuinig
- Tb. Sf. Kii~i a it -oIllt-1tutu -I-centetsrswhich-l posiltitns teatiisaidlhuuie'suu'(1lilacs tsauy, titsi-
i te-ati? 't'ra eli- 'e lush yi-h hs-u-tnIfiled Io his -eit itr' tively.-'thatt t-u- reiiluug htt-wits, fist
Iutu - I'. F.'luhituit. sit isfact iuon. Ih us-i-u'tttill a si-titiity siuetltitug. tltuuy thinugs. ini taut.,titu
thus VIV . N. ('tutufitei. o itlg utitti istutthui l ist s w iltth ereti-i-u uitust 11i 1i a very shorti e
iltisi-St. ('. ihlti. shouultd hut. at1dino its, itiull osithei- taint -
The I.sol sil tSue - s nlirhtit ty1ty ttuslitisush.tt- Mayo., Msayb-iry Speaks 'V1el of lbs
sate fortsoSuit itiu-osof iile to ti-ill
'esli-u-hi-il tillaitteir. itI' li itt' iiis hs Itts -Universty.
't'e cuts aresitneitsitt-ipil i al buttu4ig~ths t 11111o uutt. tush e olywil l ic"l- lcnh~ 1tat lisyt.-1I1
.kit lie st' t'iouli. su'wve, -t. suillioe
a. --~-~. us -- t- i lstutill gus- tutu1iStiI i1 lus t ils-' tutu- (ilts- lust tutu-EI tilt. uhtuu ()is atu tu tututttuit
of wo vealei",an ayom -11) e1,: u-ud 's s'd lutIt tuiththat o lo hut it ofthI hi S uisu-siy. shosedutheSitu- el'hit
eii hut"s st i ts trui tly al l sh ttl u-stoutI('")>
iii to tt lii'usuuisittsiithisg wihu hu toudevelop s IutusilSttalnl. Its liislts I ll Iththirmorylastt itiutti
lii'ncashi ir aben1"1'11:hadts a wuldih ttikasgte lsouuhtsuuuuigthis''flc .il t oiitis ie-sid:i aSt'
frt1 )I t t i-i>t.t I i si tli i he5-u 'heIl iilg fusslit ity s atbe sat
hes'stu uutitu uuh'Villi iili't S iu- thustid fttitt.Ihutusssandut ottihst .51 ulguforSutslitt - hulnt' ts
sut. 'iiatu-stItl st uu (u ' uustsittu' ut-Soii -lutst-hut-u-u' It is asugus-st
Qldltotlslnutmtu-hlts'-Its it,'is'wthehlloSwit'-



isus(' tut n l it;'1ftuittufsuh 1s+ittUtsi'stlts
Iwutu dontut' lutatst ls-iu'u-tes. list'e-
tt-trutu-t by tutty issugnu"tsp Shiat thuetilt..
uly stitt -'ousilesus ltst- Slt uies'
Athletic Board Com1tohtes.
''hu AthltSis- Boatrudluss tappoinutudS
commtutee of' t hreeu Sto -oiuft's'wih
P esidetit Atgr'hhit xuegsuuu toseetring
thur gyssuussinutftutu'sevuralutAhsicr'
:assoiationts uuers. 't-i' ue Aulless
lt-i're prove'et o tusuo tuotulatIhattit is
hitudst ususe of theistvansshut'hultis
yueur., ,Anouthuer uasusiuuitu't' Wiuiusiut-
'uS tos S-ttttt05 thusfaetulty fur Thitssiu-
polst' if makutinsg usry rotfios'anit
isuhtrutar its sihetu'Utu-rsnt-y us.uuu-uumuur.
if ft'e tIletis ._ssohiutt. 'lThis
strushutinsiure he its aunciasidsu oruasl
suisitouutiuf tse fssoisiy-at siuport
wichel wouldisS islsessee as great 11usaty
snrore studencuts -o jol1tshSlurAtlel is As-

Richardson to Captain 1901.
ut-sitt'tuy liii' usutusuoutu itt tush i-
sut's 19t1tlrtas fuusiuu ttt u su fam it titnS
chowuas Ius fi-r cututthus SsusstruS 5t-s
uuuultsuusilu-u'ceN. St. S-highs. reslguueui.
'This' st-titty situs eusedusa byhu'MSr.
I-lcis sd('tusruiussstiuuu S tush ; ithiles lhutS
wtithithes' 'aisit-'suatt iis5irar uatS
hut s,4lt1y luy ith lt'outheli f tlii ut1155.
'tu'etuews u-sthli ti s tu tituyut tutulHist
thus ht llIasti-e, asuiSitshl s ttfiuliul
gautitt btt'e esu ttuOuSaits its ual-
tiut. 'hu frtush ltso Seasissussisu sstust
[its usstteo stouvt' t-ill it' 'Vtrshty ussr-st
"It bth yrsh e ptt5 'layeu vith til lii'--
ses, binig collssideredu'hLtutulight its
weulgiut fur thur-111ueshly priopser. 1lii.
txtiiltis (Ifhue susuS of tSlur' is1 tshouughs
last s5'555t55hue latutus t sue sttt'uSssu-
tpart osith-SitSitoe. Bots thus teamssauuS
liii'ls-as sest ssatisficud that ftheir its-
loesseIvill -Se curefully lookoedstafte
with1111intSo dil-et thus Seaut.

uuutlem s-r sitthis'(-issetif isysolhutspelling.-
h hokShuts' -titusntututat ionofitwtu
boiys--suits'* ldlutist u high dlehi'anti
s'tubutesot ultighteds ao. 'T'efonts-
-ci- tits :ubendinugsuse5and lightinug tu'a
.candle of st thus'tbhut' . 'is' issr-ilutioss
sud~e thus'iihutstlsutiuusu tits: 'S lost'
usuthisug Sty thus'tight S gisu' -so isty uihi -
Star.' thy g-isug ltigt o thorse of usrigis-
Sor isg st< tes seeisose unothuisg bust gaitt
iushi. He' tu-utn're'salld sm'emoriessof
hus la s rosfessors itstheUs'tniverrsity
anuS said of Dr. Angell: "H~is somsing
sui tahyinug titus hurtsa5 huntiltisnto i
Uuiterl."y life."
'Ths-frstusaddress ofithlist' yisbeuforse
tu' -sUisuersily Mical seoc uuiety twill hi-
-ve gusst 7:30i tomorsrutwt'es-fuing hby Dr.
SWilliamssI. -Mayo, '83it, tutuelussist
ettt'gtttttusf ISohlests', in. T5hsesub-
jest of .thus let-tu's is ",Sturgery :tfflue
Stomach't." Afrter flue lecture a.,a'esqu -
tious toite speaker- seill be given 115
msaio building by te society.

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