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May 17, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-17

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AY 17, 11901:fi 1 70


..Our Special Line of.... GIVEN A GOOD SEND-OFF ;fti.Oietii'Sihtioan, htinth le return
- -of theitoaoneii of fiiile i t sdeu
Foein ndD nistc ae Ball feam7 Left Last Niglot For Arbor woo tutu. Tieiscores snide oar
ABRICthe E toem To rp - Twelve Men lit)ittip 0 toia olos: ticiii1
FAB IC Taken-Past Games in i1S, Iliijtiii t tichiiia '.i ersuaont
ii; -lie h4-an 0, XYale ic i iiwiii 2
F OR SPR N G tie East Browni 5: cirtianji4, Harvar iii ini
i . Tniity 3; ii lii i--n iWin-
hoe eit riveid aiidl is ar- ll roioiitiers sari-theii' t1o ff it asit Thuis withiitin exeptiioniof O1t94.
li-1t. Biior thes ra'Ci 'iitiniled ot ro tthelM linoan list nioys m dni oi o ' rer-
rang ed for inspectioni. crwdtforetd(Coi-liSextoiniiaidiioirforitniselfitheliiarotsoind aider tie
We Have thle largest as- lei iiiiito liresiponditolithe1 callifor haniic)ofi iio ion tIiavol.
sort nient in the city, speictes. 11v'l' itiiii i clam(' of _ _____
Cooach Sexton war omsdo f iiiliiiiills' NEW ANNEX ASSUVRED
anar. B-,X/II O iit ilti.si iiii ord of Regeit's Adopt Plaits for
Th nli -iiiof theic xeli on le<1tb
io8 . Wshintons~* a wetrn ii i iiiii h alslt teaii 1s Ia f ltilo to3Medical Buiildin-
jii8iE.iiWashingtontittiig Xii n' i ' lliiCost $100 000-Otitor
_________________________________ i trI o ionnisinxlit hut I ruitc inestug li1ho-ws Troestl~ Ied
t iglits iniorden toiplat'idiff'ier'enainsI
X.rtjsts' M~aterial on -iiiceisie lot iioin l" 1tir toells it-i-ii'iiii inii
A Ciomiplete Line for roiid Co get iito I lii iirrilt. itio ll or "'liliul toI the ld l i I
-Not snciie 1814hastChn ierit ly ofii l li' liii- astptin iiiloic .
go t0veyifat esot..lalllI+ iIii t7E l iclipail is anii
China Painting lit tint iiilbecameiirivlsls icietigiil oin 'l Iititiiiii ii'iltliie tis1c ti l ni
\\l j~jj ~ goneC asii far11al t : asoIl'7i 2tha O t !,( tiititi couIrtsii tiiiliiotilit dit wlin
PHARyaroilhe tiCshedeeaediiilconniectdliti ll(ol d 111elit Cii
Ii 101)'.) thinre eatrni a i iiis ier tailiediptn lcallii <-'ttoll y toi e

ThJ Two Captainls Meet Tomoerrow in
the Bal Mile--Both it) Fine
Form-Stagg Lxpects
to Lose
't'omnorroiw' ftiferiiooiiC hiiu'tg'ioill
aiitilliibIii1-ciiiiniilid i liii1.111ifiet-"
Cull tinir by insItracik tvi-tii.lThisis i
Sta.tn'g.otill fiel ratheor tir'id 'iteti-isi
weeis ov itefir to iirinrn'strestnit
it-ill hlitonie-ti- IliWedneiisdayi~'-. 1rsf.?
eitgtiiiisiif ei'iiii ti- ti tutuhis teamo
is 1o i'll iit. F ie ofhi it- 01 itl i'( illOi'-
feai-hin iiohi-accsi' r ill-lit inirop-
t~l! ilt f i ii.thuttil tliitil
1h (i111 1'1i 1It 11( r:iiAvery, a i-lit l;
liii-rr n theu- ii tottu-t10i1tiill ~ nut ich I

'sni liar intil ii i gollO
but ii Chli l ii il i n . .-.-
'AT NlII;.Sit-tiITANN II~IINK 5(iti 105 _i.SN -1
0 iT tut I 'tittO il lii i1li(Il't:'i'tniitiil't ti1(I3hil Itilt' ,tude ill-ithei tiaci
~ ll(l{ f( th tItutot i to ll y I lie(ti. 1 Ihug' l(iI-Ilitil willI i-il
CAMPUS DI'S ohO STOREwillibeloii it-hutil it 1l1)2i1lit-i-it ;1tilt7 1 ttitilrS;r il lllitiihut
_ utt S I 8a ')'' () untoi lttl.°1'1)t t 'i i i t byu t 31;hi ifo t iIitI -,t i i -uu ii it t tii l tht
i i -h( iof t h 1.it-hitii h ii I uuu 'itlt111tutu y r . aIii' . )1\. Ct s tu t tl i iiV tl7{l- i ctiut 0 u - lli
FORS A U TOE11-t !i .
c 1 ho ve , a lit-tool;,stt i lt' 1'( 11i- tirin I ")'.ll-il m t !ai' ll l liii it.11i i llitt 'I S 1 1 1 lthlt i S h titl
E lF -EN lllaboratorti-tiiii Ilixroii'.llhlhthi5'
1" ioi. y a icl'tyiiof r iihi-til-t lttiii)tl hi tit.i Iihas r li 111h uh l ii iii iii31 ioii 0 VI-s it)
In iiit 1t-ti (liti. 1)( it it-111 ll Iii l (ii r . il.hi '. li4r~il, l i ' Iitith, ii I ilii' iil I eltg
A Wem iekeSeetonsiIlotk oC - rui at 'oliso: i hiuiguli Sittillits' iIli()Chi'o. I. IttCiu s '.li{i; liilI1Io-la
Cae eseial s ied lt'llIhi'lliiti h hiuthiit11 e l il 1'.y- luP ll C ii Sluito is ith r n 11it tt li it-s 'iIh
(adom)nfpera c ea (Mt-114 uiits }uil f_Pnl iiiliii 11 hihl nllhttltihil s fi(th e li-s is iiCat11)iii hh iii< liiiit hh Sii-tigr ii
grw ih telbay 15 glli llvt (l liriti(gti . \i)t1troti11 4: liio)'irhy ritti i Iit t' Iinti
LyAmoed,.asil purhase' 1.ii 2hhiotis i. horors leiet'o11;1 . lI Itisoti1nil1111to I 1 ~the ,;)--l,lto I iis'S -t i i i
OnIscton hodig 5 l l 1 ii ll ;: c ilt 1 loi lon) tilil's Oitthi iill t lli otialot '-ali1 ' 1111(1 71>:iii Suti l-, Nlfr th
and bane e i ii ti l ltii us ti'alt : txHarvrdSui t e)itif. F. N i-ott idigot. }iltSlth ilill 5 Ai t li(l11li Ill II tI lt
$5 5 Cr iet lotgiisiil t in)x lloClii U't, e thnedtirsly 11net ' e lih lll Cll-ro Nu lti
eatofIocyMi.Hioi ill ;I liiiiiiihul ii, iulil such lii4 th o li lt lIitlgihlsl- IliioC Clin liiio i ilt101
i .i 1 -1. h1,l11(+ ii ',titl'iil tladoolii, ttotiiiisou -I11. ,o l1''.'1 l C'Oit
Spitae tN'irooi ant SS'iidnsii Mni- M 0115 Mrs Iltus litilige lii it'SutlI illiait21-i tisiu Mitligai
AEDasIusiCAtii euldi ei!S- ssil peiaatoo otot noyti oluonSwcrmil iit'te:oto
W A HaSd iich o-arld t at eas ra iiod, 1'5odde lilioges ill f diluRi g eCii ts ilte li' II AmnoisItri l~tevor a Si<'lrniLn Ciii-'
Osoici dg e ( l'ilt-li e eos i , iiere Cu Ceth r a ny t iiigitaur WCue ton i n odP1etti toPins .T re . Pae,
astreestie e st, the1. ietory 11t ~O cl ert. l. Oleinngo ui Thnf Cook,': Steel, Hoi IIl '', FS

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