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May 04, 1901 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-04

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.55- _ _ _ _


It's a long time since
partment." We malk
gain that will be re
patterns, colors, vari

S 25c
e you heard from our "Necliwear De-
le up for lost time with a neclitie bar-°
membered. Unlimited assortment of
iety. They won't be long going at 25c.
Vt Vt t Vt c



L I 0+0+I O+ ©' we . '0 °'© i ,0+++0Ow'0+a0+O+0+* '1b o ®0+The JO--EPH IBO1MANN
I ci can~ eniral _ MANDOLINS & GUITARS
TiENIAGARA FALLS ROU;TE F . T ILO S riiLioil iatrnimotie:Ep
TESHORT LINE-+ SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar= Scheeberle Music store,
ANN ARBOR TO rived and are ready for inspection 2 116 W. Liberty St., Ann Ado.,Mich
BUFFALO 01] IDentDVl DG(old
NEW YORK FH .. '4ri L)ii ,,S 2 We sell dental gold sod solders
AND BOSTON We pay cashl for old gold ass
With direct contnectionsc at Cl icaga fae St. - -m A n ld e ee
Louis, KantssICit, St. Patil aid thte test. Brng StdetsHesArnttoldtt't. Jewe12 itlettr
Ear ielermatioa tthtrcttgiticheet ttali ott llb'BlindStd tsH r hc lne S t I',ol una
or write to It. Vt HAVYES. Attet. Annt Arbtor. - lit ittit 211thle tai itif t Shoit
1r'. Flettilig 'ro ', plrofetsstorti tof t. (er t atlttl itt ule ibtytet s. l S 1
j\JN RB R t ittitil yiltlthty iili ist ed F N S
ANN A BOR ial cilrlrfI11en, istrying tttI1tilt' r-III IOUPIWOULD HE HAPPY i
RAI LROAD Royat1tit ilTige 0; TigeretteS,'Ic I.l~
~~ ~ ittpro 1e1to itt a ttltiltSite ' tis (lit t if ' 'IN 1 'EC T A
TI ME TABLE selecuted tt iive'Ialstecil le(tunlt be-t' it- ltt it 5.511Sf It'lfortixi' t.
Taking Eftrr, 5tundaty, lay 21, t899,
Trains lette AttttArbotr hy Central Stand- fluete l tiiltill otulit onlttt"lit 1101
tOUTH N ORTH icii idtideatifratei t it' c'iti tlF''t t'lr ,".Sani usat doew h rctii liiie____-__JPHONE I106, 515 E. LIBERTY S
*No. s - 1:25M. o No. .- 8:50 A.t. a t tilotto by studtentsfo illthe stat Itii US PA IBuiftalot t St so, lucy a Hufaloa
No. n.-d1AeMti *No.i.-12:3e0e. . iiirool it It<nititii. Plitat HiIi.liE1i'S Ifor S5e.'
'IThte publicnt e l eit'tti Itit'but itle____________
idleta oftfilt e itnetiwrsf latis teliilt Oily Alomtirch Cusis in i city 'ste
*Run S twain inn Artor and Toledo ny c olaine yttsae coliltl i 111''be tR S YS
All trains taily except oitndtto. ' t ttiititi'llylit ttl'altii ite i il'tbe tR S YS
W. T 5.ILLSAgent. elcalitit ittof iiiitttliititte vo iii litoc- _ ----__
W H. BENNETT. G. P.A 1itt ititIlvitt ti t h hd li' I ttl li'ltO ya 11 toi' tsitttingsb t
b~G~ AL E~ ee ttit yntuofti t e i nt' inn-i "rim TstteP rte'deo
The Railroad hat takes Ithe tic assi'tiof'thetttilcl setnse . T ing~titit~'s itr t cearitly al rapidt ual ruand
Buin ss In an.Ot L'("rt lil~tt ' tell t ' ait ii a ill ttt i tt.a ~ I5~1 , cl n tw
li it' ' u i i ut '.o it _ii itd pae a .
SOID VSTBLE TRISd e r itl u tto d tlhi itt sitiel li I el' is. e I .t:1 rI dlcrativ
astemdclsueta poti lit yytossilltalPorslaicn an I N i itTY
TOL iEOI C nOL ut"IB oS ttt orec'it ieaofte get it odSted.itlt at SCHALR'S d o atr.
an TH N .l it tic ic lit liii'Ii1'lti1it1'411!to eT
o 5~ 5 ft 'rite Act ecls askedil to ".i,tit't'lturettt ilcl i- IT1'oA _li attoant itnsOiyat Halo
4 i t ' lt e dit t'tt llctii t'tttt't o tttIt'itt -' -- ___,_ I-
aver l AR Tee ENtSiat:a. nI.-et'll illisonotlinirc.detc.ateHIiNlC.tPOSTON
unti H 1 . nF Ai rehtratLtoW. e t'oi ateilie t ~t i ii't: t c'whol lit' tli t11-'S Clur it St. e (trtan <re or vaiu
at1:1a.nodtsttt o man cot i kto l Isifinet toorbet t o l~st' t.,-Pcwc ilad Pros
Ann sidMtA. St .; iTri t, (rs'1,ig'uu'ilUii'i'iAttutelBtluIftlt S fats i'lilt' 0505ksof 1uy t' Titflo t. ltu'itill Sia e Ttbira
Celdm us stree . Dtot ich. i ii of Iabout ii ti l ity?)litli ly liizitlls. tittili'y Co.1yenforiSliac. iet.5lsOiutIc e C reamon
isa'htOaatdsWei adttethr -- ~.ertin t urOan ePo~lae
Dealtraipsy. antieanedeAn Ar- it0: E. ica r llstat lit'"c . )m rs- ite -Si____O________ADil_____r '14 em n il rfrs
Loet' tet Al luana andtiis ci't oft hesho o heely- fiiil n sv fr o crs atis - 1S ?R ' RS
Hears tlaveSforlt o itt d Ypi~stnillatt tl'liit'A N i SS SSSS'lS., 707 . Unirasi ty Ax-c . an eArbo
pvr at f hubeinning C \at -rs.m iclilsrtios t. B RTNC O T
u nnnti :5p.mter t oDt roi~L~n~ t Inrsu1' nn01onxs u f win l nrhe nrmade 1 n90 n'I ...51J' Chrch . rtnJnnnulr ru r's rn'n
It 1115purm itan omcrPai h le atetasson.1sea<i,-erkwckxfordsQ al
For omen NewStyls jut in gO
Shaioperynd fieat ty dnnce 3y E.A se mb Pun<"h - t ol tesa.l50nC Stindtl y J -t-jj e
Liberty Isae2t..AFourthinAve cPhfnserlei"
Rooin s, STA R. WTronShl727. N.I UniversitSho EAve.nAin.Aror
WE PATRONInZ GOODYEA1ll~it11 FL'it lFRS Dt °tL~SRliUG Si 1VylflLTORE, t1 07 MAT1'11'!'Jf1In72t'IN S11 1Tti

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