THEE UNIVESITY OF AIM FIOAN DAILY .55- _ _ _ _ 55n mo vtb db ode oD'o oGi+ o (io oQo od'o tiQ oA 000' BAT WING It's a long time since partment." We malk gain that will be re patterns, colors, vari S 25c e you heard from our "Necliwear De- le up for lost time with a neclitie bar-° membered. Unlimited assortment of iety. They won't be long going at 25c. GOODSPEEDPS G 117 MAIN STREET Vt Vt t Vt c 4 0 ttti tid'o 00'0 00'0 00'0 0? Oro 0f a L I 0+0+I O+ ©' we . '0 °'© i ,0+++0Ow'0+a0+O+0+* '1b o ®0+The JO--EPH IBO1MANN I ci can~ eniral _ MANDOLINS & GUITARS TiENIAGARA FALLS ROU;TE F . T ILO S riiLioil iatrnimotie:Ep TESHORT LINE-+ SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar= Scheeberle Music store, ANN ARBOR TO rived and are ready for inspection 2 116 W. Liberty St., Ann Ado.,Mich CHICAGO2 DetlG d BUFFALO 01] IDentDVl DG(old NEW YORK FH .. '4ri L)ii ,,S 2 We sell dental gold sod solders AND BOSTON We pay cashl for old gold ass With direct contnectionsc at Cl icaga fae St. - -m A n ld e ee Louis, KantssICit, St. Patil aid thte test. Brng StdetsHesArnttoldtt't. Jewe12 itlettr Ear ielermatioa tthtrcttgiticheet ttali ott llb'BlindStd tsH r hc lne S t I',ol una or write to It. Vt HAVYES. Attet. Annt Arbtor. - lit ittit 211thle tai itif t Shoit 1r'. Flettilig 'ro ', plrofetsstorti tof t. (er t atlttl itt ule ibtytet s. l S 1 j\JN RB R t ittitil yiltlthty iili ist ed F N S ANN A BOR ial cilrlrfI11en, istrying tttI1tilt' r-III IOUPIWOULD HE HAPPY i RAI LROAD Royat1tit ilTige 0; TigeretteS,'Ic I.l~ ~~ ~ ittpro 1e1to itt a ttltiltSite ' tis (lit t if ' 'IN 1 'EC T A TI ME TABLE selecuted tt iive'Ialstecil le(tunlt be-t' it- ltt it 5.511Sf It'lfortixi' t. Taking Eftrr, 5tundaty, lay 21, t899, Trains lette AttttArbotr hy Central Stand- fluete l tiiltill otulit onlttt"lit 1101 tOUTH N ORTH icii idtideatifratei t it' c'iti tlF''t t'lr ,".Sani usat doew h rctii liiie____-__JPHONE I106, 515 E. LIBERTY S *No. s - 1:25M. o No. .- 8:50 A.t. a t tilotto by studtentsfo illthe stat Itii US PA IBuiftalot t St so, lucy a Hufaloa No. n.-d1AeMti *No.i.-12:3e0e. . iiirool it It