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May 03, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-03

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t-LiII. ajt ~ 'M"shall have it attached to any
______________Take No Cbances
an h ~crtonrsetul eussblished Daily (Mmodays exceptedd tring that ill selection of Insignia and Colors W I. UIGLLT. ED-OW A
Ctlleer t for class teams te following rules heWENBY GCLT SHAD-O ER
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN observedl: There is only one tort that will never disappoint
Mats Ocrt CF BOAvCO OrFICE' lt ieay ramn x yo 11 th excellence of the fbl corrFectness of
Ar us B cc'\ t St. 336 S. State Steet. to use only -losS onucrals. The Lawvs ,i arc
Bna P1-.- 13. Netw Stcte pho 102. Medics attc Dents the ntunerols nvitil I style and gener al valte-fcur-price and that sort bears
* SNAGINO EDIOR, initial letter attaelted. ! sthe ncame of
0t. 11. II.s *0 2ttd The c~lors for insigncias shtottldl
RSc'ESMNGR ieroticll. tw: cLetrde rmet -TAEstI MedI BLOC CO.~~n
.t I~s MnAGEIS te ass fcLa sos: Liter- cReprat, t lid-
too taco. Ct L ieal departttectt White, Dental depsart- 11. IUIU U I ~
.EDITORS: tcent Red. et .priua
-AvTHLsiL Es cs - Ctt cc. titvcca W __-e have sold tis inake to our most pat cut B-
A.H~rtc~orett. toftE. G. D. xItrr,'(I ccxcit Pr)jau o hsVr tottlers and have nlever heard anything but corn-
Societ Pt Lam fKr This Ws ek 0 .A.Ki r.'1 mendations from the we recs.
-Ue. w-sooDXo-.oa W P wocAoos,otiL III ll:it lIi)AY. AY ' :i We have just received the newest creations in
- W.A tt.era'3 .1 OUTN PcrostlA' 5502I 51tttltte5tot soaric O -. ) St"EIN BLOCK'S MOST FASHIONABLE SPRING
_______Acit- .. cc~tcc. 1i 5L JS.
i)!t utic ct: t'. A\c ucc. .1. iccies. -
MO M-_____________ ilot ~t~-S ctt L. 1tt Itt. o ax -mac l Liindenschnit & pe
The subecrit io price ct the llocc.so2.'O fcot- Atctcccccl 1- . tstc.___ _____________________________
fce the colg it- , . te.- t Sa recolo r deivrc t oe co~l .1. ~~~'t
aeters ionot , oct nay. \occecit. cc tcttic"t- ecu c-cceac I lot u tllt- lhat le iclsc-
tins, stcd otb- t- ,edtin lict htied tot cubic a - cit cliccc 1s c' c i-p l c c V i FOR....
to o te oc toccthe Datcvy taco [a1i1cciI ott e oi vtt i
betore t c. twc. or ocolirci to the ctiitorlcefrlct I 1c l('plit l a cccteic-s ofC titc- ra Cct-l-~A t s i
p. to ot ttcc dtsl Itt e si ci tt day onc lIcc-c I e l c- tic t ity ,jlldItcclc--ioc-c-ti s
abtccctrey o e- roc-ctedtapaSu r ci ,ma be Olet tte7 r: a. M l t - i- * llll ed. fill t e-po i-e
flee, Ncyct~s cr stlebs rt., stancd cri Wit cCn o shalcttiri --m-olicc- t"'E Picture Framing
Boocoess Mawcccosr. anccscribere illc cionfert 1yt cl CIc to -tlclc 1
favor by c-c cclticc precocctleat dci-octa ac p llccitc tilld tonllttctl cc s houdit slicctc
failcctetcrch i r er- to acc sue opicce tdcilrl rte d lb Pitccl is e- . tHcn it It. Q )~ ' c
All ctcr o i toclseuriic macset tttstt bec 0 I a
to thr oclioc It 3p otl occ ccc day prcevios to \ti. T'ilbeItc11. Nrttis- e. .. l . telccce.
that onc wbicb tey are toappear. <. ccccc txl ]. 11 SFn
_______ ]_ ___ .1:1- 1-(~ )NI AN-rI)1 HOES [tAe Pic-u.ntr
Mi-plt lctlclllc yctitc l:3.c t ~-l ccci i- itic GO TO
li(chi11cc lcctiist c-tocict intilil- Cu A it Tos I , 1 , Hylt-c to4~ It . ntll liet-', at nt ea-
testis he reivtOUconest lichi Addrss ^:.Iluled'Geo H.MilerBE FRIES' ART STORE,
banc hlscc -cric- ccl lit- hltlono ts sts--t ,e e ccicotccciic tlccte-Allt 1tilt F.
of. til-t). and Mrn Stlorey trill tWork W. Bccleccstt, Lewis Fogle. 212 S. Main St. 217 S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR
Kucil to tolt lctctllieto tch11c stciti ot ti aIcis- -'J. 1 ' I to cc nI-5 -. .
siclorie-s. tic is - tc- cral itWtc hy Ito- t oltc. , ~ - - --
sut--ssr c o Icchit victotrsc o cr forme cctni (es ic-ctc- D rt - -"}{c ic-l c tchatlc
Ics.Ol- cc i tt c ccc.lcs-Ilt-olctc c-c ctl-tccctc IIi AT L .rN THF1~I~ EAT RE
eit docc o lc t Icit fosrctgtt ithct \tic-i t Irtioct laiih c-ompultcsor-y totters Is en-o{
glill rrst- citle idmsd ittc ls bet to cles its dtctt i Icettle dlslttotic - ~ d y M y 4h
tt-ccc tltl 1 111-cl) l o ccl thli ena S -Ill ~
Senior Laws Rebel pltctt, ts imie S . J. Person . au da,_ay 4h
Mt. 1413ythe-. SUPPOtRTED BY
[Conltinue-d from t-irst Itnge.J ADEtt'aot SATttl)AY m
wocc-I- l vtcct lacted AIti rlct-i t e II I( Lif oil- 0th Vhto 4. ze
must Ite ctrcstl sccttilete antdc by --t'hc Negrots Qlcstittt fromu acIc Ic-h N A ANtl lCORUS OF 410
pocttic of Itt t atttctton ot thtc st ar 11c-aidc s t t' sholdI iccst t(l1cc t i tst ate
Tthe sct denitoy ha lte h fteuin'Utuiie evd "badadistte hcle 0 mcc e C110", ritc h. lOt-itilton ltt-sctlsttl 0,cc liltobI "Papa'1it
re-gtulationtc11c slctilx-cts shldcl ose Blaokeslee. P ~ s ~ ie
thict. It vtsl it ttcctlsllii butt it celis ALtPHA tOJ c ATUIIINAY,
titre d dotw- n lts- c 11. c tiro que tt tf 9 $1.50 4
lcctIcco o W sh ud h ea Ras tih lI -t c. Dcl tt Set ,L Y t rc s ,Sale Thursday.
Iednel An)ilccttie AI ll ttc. COMIJNG! Wm~. A. Brady 's
Atctiticccc 1ccc-c be ltlcliecd lst-,~ it li--sicts-
wasc ttttn dc cdctall icy cc dctisi oteS . t t cc-i itso fttct-
11cc- ~ ~ ~ ~ ile ceoctite ccil 1c::tctI 11htl
Th1 rtss tsill pr, ttoc) cll lbt thlt tice 1 lctlsct ''W YDW ~ S
Ii gtti 1 ttccl ltdd tirsic '000tt IA Finn "- ven m
thi t itg h ullldscicttt ct 1 cttic cs the lc 10002rf itr c i _________________________
ctetdlv s~)I tlstse ic( ccittcctist tlt lt l ec 1.11'ut IoN th 111' N eall RSY S
r5i1tldli Ittt tooti icti, pttacttt1 n t It 0W 10tt Ict ttitc 111 e
tot ofet ildicne builtd. lv, ice tt 'c-i c i scl cc l 1 oce Iil Ol\ ll i a111. tiFN S i~ hth ~ t
itr s of c the cI ilto ss sic t data ced i c ii_____________
sil it Itoto old ntt sill , wthorit NN 10 iOtitiLW C NIG LLt xr- S-ixix ..2 -.
xcty hclct Ildtodg loct. I iftnt- lr Theil~ 111c0 l EFsTrImesPhaveEPYTI I cndNarW
Ctsnt1u~ vii.a il hef d'oeuyr deNI revLTMON RCH CUSHONS
meld r iltt ,tte i ldly- S\ HL) TOMR ROWin, IGHi.nuI
tctitcgefrr ltiro vcc-cti~ ri-atig dayISIII BRUNSWICK 11011 C OLts E'l ABES
hced tries c 1s. have oilch lto WITHtl~IadCaperR O AO O~U C R T E
itc[imacer ci eas trios t tieaing [le Ai~IRS 1. Expot io UTAT e rse le 1111 GRADE
aniwlel:at castriS oOde;th re pubclishereo tis stock receedt thte IDAILY IIULLETtNt OF ALL SPORtTING EVENTS
geettl lt-tic boardi tlcy Ire sinibty Grancd Pt edt soGold Medal at dice ittk b.
tr'yixc to htut cWtirsilt. ccllleiies b poit foteecec. All corks sold oct I t D AND Sicosso TOR OUTH
subsripiOnonl. T STATE
Wfslc Mit Rc gcot cut yt~tctIdy atl ___________ _______ I YN D iRol, oEico R It 2 TREET
the lilddtixig anldi askedi IIOWt mthy of
lte ceitass beolondged to thce tJ~tverccity Redmond, Derr 8& Go,
Atlclelic loss-tcciotx otily otte xiicre- BANKERS
tpondcoot Evt-ry stutdc-it shculdi re- 41 Watt Street, Now York F. SC U SANITARY PLUMBING.
- nne tthalct tile succss tot thte War-ce-- ELETRc-IC CONSTRiUCTION ANt) SUPPIEiS,
city is ptclaxitt." 'Trancct a georacl bcsccingo butrincit s I SiccAxo AND HOe WATERtt HEATING,
Mr, [ird thten giave tics reicorter thte 'eceive depsiets subetu octit af.Oilcdcscds 207 E. Washtington Street. ARtTISTtC GHAS AND EtocEntRI FIXTUREtS
liccd lnt erest co llected atnd remitted. Act as - HIGH GtRADE MANTELS AND ORATES.
printerd oct~ticccttucrco of thce Athletic Fiscal Agents fur and negrotiate the itssue Of

4euurdtirs bought an~d suld 00 coimmis iott
ly distribtutedt latst fall. Thxe ptoiiits ill Members New York Exch-aogr. s otidrnts' roomso,
cotttroversy aree covered is follows: - LAMPS. OIL CANS, PHIOTO R1ACKS, SHADE,
No persoti c-all wear Yellow axid Blue ,ZEAL tN WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUStPIDORtS.
Cap ot Swveater witicout perm isSion IGH-GRADE INVESTM[NT SECURITIES. Otr Prices Yen Will Always Find the Loweat.
from t1ce Mfa n ager. List cclcurrcent ufleritrian*.^ i zc uieotuvo, pVI KH IV'S BAZAAR-
No personi not entitled to [lie Varsity PNILA:DELPHTA CORtRESPONDENTS. A K A S BA f1tR


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