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May 03, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-03

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VOL. XI.ANN'ARBO3. , Mdci.. FR_._Y. MX-, 1901.Nit.-15

VOL. X f.

ANN ARBOR, MICH. FBI J AY. Ml 37 1001.

No. 158

*. ...Our Special Line of.... SENIOR LAWS REBEL Base Ball Practice Goo-d
Foreign a.nd Doniestic They Refutse to Coniply With the ''(¢l'. Hthee i t inild
A J i Ruling of tho Athletic Board - t e ,t l etoo t ot i ot Iai'toni ]iitree.
FA RIC Trouble Occurs Afts-r fit ie t W"fac iii feriols it'd fitl-
p tiesMeeting y1rtii' el'1f()r'sat"nitv's r in t-i 1
FORL SPRIN7G .i~initi~~. Citdon i" Ipitty citrill"
mh) ii rip d 'ni t-hlt it nlt 1n);po tnnt
The neine inaw cl'i-s. tit a nwtig n ali- tiii~ti'i')i"
lean arrc-esed aced en ar- heid 'st-n 'llr litte illt. iltc 'riihi 'elt ' in e-1)Nt i ll : heIn the Bailne ns the
ranged for icnspection. thlat1they tit t nt. fnre I, h e elt . tm ilteilln helm l m i 1nn'. except tonitoti
W e leave the largest as- be itaiteid t libthet IiiAtihti i i- l \\Ill1) a "tt. if the i'ntitt e inl
eoaietitte ct, cii l- 1 -- ephi 1'1) heritie 'ieti of tlast Sis itt tl.
So II8 ti t ect 'leti tst e iiiiil erit tll st io i ii'''i- lhu-' te ii i'"t
of ahigo St ili'goiilltigle casni i~etlso l>te ~.lte-pib~yR11co
________________________________________ ti itit' i'tiin tt'h.I' t t i ll bt'ti i tttttii I i ii it ii) 1!1itt ol f h 1e1
_________________________________ I eeo tatittlii'tstl t 'i'tlll ti -i-itrd.aslit- i t t ic(CoiiI--i i i> o-
t' fee ti t-t0 lsou di"'g ti tim' i i' i- a i- 'ii toh t ti lt e Lhi iet '
joS E . as ing on ' s'tsil nei(g01fmitt''a lt' itic -itt il' ii ' ti t',e it-iniltm suitott nit ttist in
ceintiic ti n i t'a'en i'i ttittg t ho, !ito -1 t t i - i oet', h
SALTED = -- - -
,received freshv
every day: .. .
YOU KNOW where to get...
it. 1,-. Jolly, 308 S. State Street.
_____________________C. L STOREY, F'*ciga-isnOrator

Orators From the Seven Colleg,
Meet fonight at Iowa City-
Short Sketch of Michigan's
ortor"itromtent enis leaintg uniesecities
mee t itontist 'itt'honiors tiedthe
iolingtts iieittgis stittli betpteseted
iiei, Oberiilit', tChMicamgo adMchi
ere lol lttfth'teprevSioucy sttlie
toiiik a t eOuttitiffor.te tio nen
ti-it l-t-i' nceitorteytwts brned-
inii77iiattC'attii-ti He pretp'.afer
foriiii itrt e e i iii - othe gadd sit'o1o5s)ti
Alt. of be ii tinetitnf 100.
t-i,r sof Ate iittheit lasitsi-oli19'01.-
to sit iiIte-linei ti---pursingiii witrth
ini'tt. 'tcltlpitnit tuon iithes-
liiitir. itit itor tylea; 'b'een 'iii'i' t i nl'i'ti
pui' sp.t e-'kigiiro--. ti he eii -tt
cit.te-nrii ethittheii cotttue
i-il i~depa ti'nt 1ti ii' s li s or' t orit oit t hettt
sop iiiore'clt sstt ant i hiti tii'iC utittitit
tttt mstetondi hoo ilthemiatiiii-ed
l-ciii is ttttiintttinlit-itheipit-i
tion' i t t cii' t-i -fo it-liber lii tititan-
ii~l o test oft' hei Noritheirni'irtor!i-'it
Intecaspet. tliii st'.teutuS.
of'nt iniii o tittut C '1itt, i e woSi nl tin-
ra~to rprseCtitltssnrorichiaenin
th tenliv etityiott t hettiner
c'ii cs l i ll )Cai ch.ti1iai 1, P i. a sa
atod ti i-li'thono ',thent C i -~Ott cnii
Jne. ('ticnttit, adgte ilceti' cc L ce
ti'eit ditcgit, theA.1101 au-c
I). itnt.iest heecett"Noterntedatsriscalt
iesmir lof Engtit isetotginze-
Ctvteoanlod ncivegreit. lltouh
AidNNA t tl.Ilk, TOMosseOW=NIGHTf

In a coctvccnioct aced
comifortaeble garmecnt,
beandy to slip on, ai-
ways iookn weli.
Spaiding worsted
jerneys en aney colioc
or coccbnatiotn of
$2.00 to $4.oo-

and- iie w aesiisai c a h lt w el hi' hih'h-huait (5Be lottit. lit-It'
setn''ior tlas. ' mdi i' etti-'t Sii i mit ,esolWit e fsomilditigrilWon
-Iiiyteop it i ttit!lt ol e ly tt ;(ea mm,11(1 f'rln imo Iiiiuisitded 1-to O li euip-.
hitiot hel ii ti I--i ti (itt oti-ti#1e pt i- I ti t'in cai-v o atltd is-nenhsity. ti((thei
nitit irydthil--c is t i'it1i tl t -M tl t mi s\i liengi it1o1 othe elowr t o]
]vas ag ul ,-t i s itit'" olow -fil) h'- 1 ' .1111S cmtt ilte .1 m ifttOtto ttlizeger ion-
hhw 1111that:Mzlma-o Baidilit itt ! im 11e itillfttti hs 1s 'in ;11
01stlc no'tfil]itil it iltitititi'tii lhet ;miii 0 1 tlt) I itiseesity etiOinOitte
Iii'o~l ofititii h i fit it t-tiil tits ______
toil'h li i' s sc i a tionii sl ti iitiel- ttttt ut tFt rces toene
iiitttivei't i h e lofthe it' Cuerst iit it -k titar'. ttinteelfof the d i tte'tcneeeo
tttuit Nottic telitii i ;ttit itt 1i lits(-in i eittig tl' o tUt esiof chmicl-
tuatndi iefo t iel .ticeni-titt i'iitii t 1tin i tehiit. smutoI tesUne sity.cem ent pla t
toe ct e -cMin ec ii.iliiiig i ii z tte. sm-thceliii cider Ont tere daa
itmiii ttcshnttseries.fcc0thaniersitotefedramtheovnmnt
.10on f teeact ~ asofeAtilteAscot-~I-ct h eeeOiiuc nMihgn
Csiwaetliedthat the i-tie-n cltl een in i-ti n report wit C 'hef cano, teeOhbiou.
thepro o ecepla it .clin g elowSO- a. ---

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