o " j 3 j Kellerd in "The Cipher Code." Shoes ,goinc
Theresill hbea perfoimance of un- S c-f
Publised Diiy M ona xcpteddur~inte s;inetand i'taneathe t a Sarfc
THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ~hento jiti E. hcfcler will apperinIm ( I he way our shoes are going will
MNos 0 to a NcHO <r> Chares Kline s play, "Thle Ci pher suprise you, and the prices that
A r,.ai Bd,.Main5St. S. Stoice'Steet. Code," which isiunder the imanage-5 are making thenm go wilurprise
_________m______________int of Mr. 1. C. Whitney,. who has you still more It wil e profit
MAAGN EITR ci i Mr. Kettrd a remiakahy bhit- ahle for ou to e sur prised Drop
o. BH. A'S, '1 talt suporting' company, icudig in Io-day and try it.
Drank AIo:'olsut, J Mt.Colville, Em.
BUSINESS M1ANAG iR, inet i.,iGe. C. Staley, Cecil Mt I- GLASS'SSHE TO ,
F. Lo~c~~osn, 'S e- ~1 9So. Main Street.
A'uTCEDITORS: t,. 5 Open evenings until ANABR IH
A. H. MDOOtt',i','011. 5. A KNIGHT, 'S T,.
H._W*_3___ as_________ O A Waste of Ink
-- -- ' to tell you our's are The Best.
Te:'ubci.oprieo the ioDIi's-1..2.51om
threiir e::ir a , or, 0:1:t0rrooinooito ry Your eysill convince yuthat
1osoadote ne, ,tenddotior poboo we do not exaggerate. See our
01, e, it iedt th>eit tor e O 3 ' 0Strong line of
01:0? 000 noido L pi'e FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS.
Sbs roiiti msn: esob: etoo t t he t ut of.tti fie', /
Mtt or', tr Stoiioet': :: o, to:d, or it: /"/
04000O re::MaLrtiubscr::~ti~itbers: :win fr ta Every garment we show you is
faiure ottorre to1:delitooro toer. anew. "ortoy Suis,
tie offic Oy 3:..:in. ot tite day rey iustothtot - .Sweaters, Golf ants, etc.
0 hictS they r :tofpper.,
Junior Election. l is, LEo.D rerBle andor Brr, ~AND 211 South1
t abheld lwardan Cron Kelr.& U ERTH FURNISHERS Main St.
Quit:' an exciing eet'ionsi h ellTe will btosei~al scenery anti a-
yiiseroloy tioritlitewhn' theis' ntiiittt5 cesories. "Itie Cihes Code'' is ca
,atiihiet't': Roomttt Ci ',Ivrity h ilI, story of life in tWashino e,an115HC.,THsAid
forte lt' i Cs itteletinig this 15t'i'5 deals 'itl ailaattemiptis nolveme:a- AE S T E T E
oticer's0. 'Tt:' slae item tit ltotieli With: hers of tthe governiment is: a finaneil
tfheexc'eption otf .Iarry .Krn. was sandal The 1plt is etinently uod- JDEA N'<I1. SEA BOLT, Lessee (eL9(1 .Xqyr.
r'usnnin~g for fottotll iia)itttritt' o liiern.sad up-to-date, and aosnds lis: ON A
A. IWitettf Fremottnt, Mit-I:..wrstlec- strotg siuations and is speopled with EVE ~A PJNING, OC'W T OBE~D R Q.
ed p1rs'o~:tidet'sy-'thevey cete of tear' eit characters. r LVL4~ v0
45to 43, hR.1. 'T. Hlltebi ngto lu-u'ls _____ --__
::lqlpssesf, t-It) hadt itot t hotuglt :of ris:- ICarolina Brig?:et'Cilotrl ':. union11 R.F. C.VWH ITNEY presents
11isig" aifu w t otuhis':bef tre' the eetec' :s::. A- o ur t d et t:':' itr:hetm.
fttll. 'he it' ti': oit't't'11Et''.b'onti ________ M r. J h . e l r
'oC. Rroottl(",elgo-iu. Itt., 5 i:'" 'ii' Wahlam, Ryan S& Reuise are sole J h
det;tous 51, Xlttuheofoo'teens101- agents for Ypsilanti underwear,
tr:'he e: SIl. Hue-ltfit,.1tshkeg'::seeSt'-INA_______________1Y____SHIN TON____E
rotar: y; I'i''ar 'T I'. liit'g'h, I'~Cluir, .aSlot-n -ochks at Baier's ewelryI. E 1'tE -\T lIA i~W SIIG CN lIE
I11.,sub s ('Dy Al::., ngei's:: tuu iiioley, Wo t:' itrd icurfogt f 15.Ot: 5 c:
'M ,1eirlHElf CI HER C DE"
(itorge A. Wod],t a nd :uill h tdado,00 I:, to:IMis 14iioci' of itrutnitRap
track at'o taoiP'i'lipii Busrley, I trt iteds . Kra seis ;it plct'st':0 005:11
hil nId. u iort. to' anhoesaet'o'lt'ler hbtu'ri':::liTCHARLES KLEIN
'0 oi ii'. Itil. .lt5i~ti : Athor f "Te Hon. Jon Grigfy," "El Casitian" Heasfeae,"etc):
Bihl Stdy mongtheStuents A~~fi Cloks t Hlless Jwel'y.Presented by a Brilliant Company, including
- .- -____ 'Emmett C. King, Frank Mordaunt. J. M. Colviille, George C. Staley, Harry
-- St. Maur, Geo. D. Parker, Oeil Magnus, George Murray, Eeanor Barry,
Fottli yerar i:t ses ihittis 'i Kate Vandenhoff, Mabel Aylward, Katherine Erie and Caroline Keeler.
])mik'listi''d o ifinr s in te numbertf o -
l'ge sudetsis sidvot: rstiiti:andstI t t WSEEYAI)ACSOIS SUEBCSUE
regular studytfot the ibHtle. I t 0i SFeic esaErSEER
fheretwers-tot' 18:0 olleoehlso':' to Prices $1.50, $100, 75 and site Seas 110outnsale.
tolte ol sofeedbyte oug ON SALE SATURDAYf
Dieni' (hristilusi .As oo t:' ii i t he lt
Istill ]nol 'Iiu r i ro fteie ' ited i :' . 'If:h uorgu e adosso :isstutit1
s'oira i o ivi t o f ltutf courss fli' -,
tedL ectures TH L 5)141)TIPNS UADURTR
The 1 ,O'ootilo ga i lto itis niority S SlF '''lE5)1 IT~,
to Y°rics' fluittexitlli B Iit's:". P A R L O R
'f::scyeas'ooi ohi: i t:)re. ut-ri: o I:'i Printed lectures for all depart-
yeto i:ye'ar. Jittgiig lith ])huersts:- ments of the University. Type- REMO0DELED, REFITTED, EVERYTHING NEW.
ltir of ifotltii:'s roceirnol daliy iihe'chss- writing and Mimeographing. BRUNSWICK BALKSE COLLENDEiR TABLES
e n vilie funl iii ytuioeiho' sociuf- EDWARDS BROS. (h_.
rof. Hoswoonrl: toyit3 p. i. ot:.01his GNIN U A D C S I N ON LE
sfsle,:c. Redmond, V & C' 9I 1 N5 )ECEh l-ED
Prof. l-oso'tsliis prfofessor of Nie ±ed on, err & 'C., HIGH011GRADE _-
'lssto s::t'st l mu g'ssi''is: Oelti l ol- BANKERS,
lge isiolransis siill: Iho ot' nuliu il': 4IWall Street, New York
C19q4IS, Iuu4uuu7 lCy4IETTES
i cl't thlr ou tai u i e stl ''fgu'i itisi,
___________Tassteta genes-h aslanigOsinein IDAILY ' UtFL'LENS 5)1 ALLISPRThINlG I NENT,['S
Receis's sepsisasect to drat.,Diideds
STOP e(I OW'tIING AND O0OKE 55:0 lanteret colectedl asdremitted. Act a i D A D scCSOSO T
1ryl''gr,110;'iief',tn iivel hAgents for and neg'otate tthe isuofe L '.vN SUESOSOTH
Secriiei oaghtadslsad onecmmisIo. EV . -RSNHL 3 2
Mensber New Tar: Ehange. 1N..) ~TREET
Thle Toledo Laundsry Co. is repiresent-
ed lis: AssoArhor hy Curl S. Wlag.IGH-RAD DEAL INTSir tTIS.fSHlUHi SANITARY PLUMBING,
Offie at Wagner & Co.s, IMains t, IHRAEIMETET EUITE. )~ffl* Ls ri so's Co'uTUlONAND SnaLSa,
_______ List of erent oseringsssnetas: ajpplictian;EJ1 I IL, ASMANDIHo: WATit IEATINi
Calendar. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 207 E. Washington Street. Asrissics GAS AND ELios:IC Fixit lni0.
Sussitay, ('ct. T-tProf.WIshnly at--
500510 n is: t iauss lisrI Issl intio
slitory lecture of a com-usos: "The
Sunday, Oet. 7, 3 p. so.--Pirof. Moo
-orthi of Oberlisn Coleoe at the hUnsi iver-- 'oTHE218 S.EMAI
shty T. ll. CA. Suhject, Bible Study L~L. S3ILZES 185.MAIN ST. K
for College Mles','L