VOL. Z.I. ANN ARBO)R. MIC., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 77 1900. No. 13.
S Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Winter of roo has
arrived and is arranged for inspec-
tion. The sari- careful attention
is given to i styles and finish of
every suit, whether to e used for
business purposes or for full dress
io8 E. Washington St.
Wilder's Pharmacy
3-16lS. stain St.
EVRT1N Orspedid liso of
NELW BACCO-even thestr
itself is new. We have remodeled tie
place and invite all our friends to call
and inspect what we have. Yo can't
bet or LUNCHES.
Rt. E. JOLLY, :3088S, Stte St.
can sit be hsd of best (1ual-
ity and at lowest prices . ...
CA'o-t S =Dal'T7O 8=0mm-
Students will find ether of our
stores, Headquarters for Law
and Medical Books, ad all Uni-
versity Text Books.
We offer some second - hand
books at Low Prices. . .1
White XWriing Paper 15 and 20c per lb
Linen Writing Paper 20 and 25c"
I Ream (201.................25
Box of Envelopes (2.01.....
100 Cards engraving and plate... 1.25
Best Students Note Book....20
First-class Fountain Pen... $.0
We sell drafting instruments aid
supplies at Special prices.
Sweaters and Athletic Goods.
Before Buying Your Needs Try Us.
Wabr's Bookstores
Vp Town Down Town
BY A SMALL SCORE pg.IIs,7(-yartl line, and kicked it back ( YESTERDAY'S FOOTBALL SCORES.
_ GO v yards to Kalattizeo s tb-yard -mark,
winre i i entt oustof libtoun. O~eGits-
Michigan Victor Over Kalanmazoo by utis tatdShtaw 'dtii'letthontars it quar- By Speciri Telegrams to tile C. of
11 to 0 terltack. earls takinag a hair, anti neither M. Daily.
_________ ltbsittpt~ to thse disadratitage of thte_
oilier. Woaodardl Itatt few iltan1ces t
I itttitlliii itrawia itedthoitlttwwho earry t ittball-whtilt-litt'was iiinte ++++++++++%+++++++++l+
y cstl (ly lo ked fo i t.11 tatt iito1111t inet iaidiit isdottubtfutl if itt'Mnit tile
1113 a Itiry-es orett('i'tti Kaittitastt. I' ao 'slilitintani of Itose, ttt i li etiti hIis + Nuor e~er n 6 Rush Q
11elater t nt ittly Iplayedtigooditit I Ntilyn. A .s eitttei ii tiiih sit' +Notre lame 69 Englewod 0+
b lie ii lot it till ite tme tit] baits. lithlt. hitt 'wtaic Ititp ist li' y +
th '(1,1so it'll titi nit 1li 1 itttIl 1icltiatiti 'i' irtstwoll't catie as'tin ld abovtis-c+Iowa 66 SlaleNormal 0 +
pte at titisi I iii'itt. 'it't ttw'e'' tbtl' tfter is 'i tanti3t nit-ti oil f llay.S We- +Wsoni s a+
noliii tut liiIbol fortilowns15but toigint't kikini;Ii ly falattfi'te'e- Wsosn+
litt Itint t'e lineiwhnthe hiiatll Win leyi'~ sn-oulitt 'IThe nexikic k-off + Minn, 27 Ames
Whi'lp' ossenni-siotl. 'litir ti' ii tllist o c itt) Svlt \-i i ed o kick ar
lii' it iiii' iiiStltlis slt' itstild, K'il'itit' etisicitria poisst-ssioitt++ C h icaga 17 Part ne 5 ''.
tilt-la. 'lhcy i--i'e tti'ever teld forT wo pluttt"-ts iltoithelinetooil:iit -ith- ______ ____
utilityot iflkttey. whi t Ittia~li ti fresh-' try.i inti-lis nititbir d 'ttclinnlitis The Philosophical Society.
player. s ideo th iie. elit' tittitit. iiis Iittttit Gr' i nics
I t °c1lit' f a tuu' ttn li li t lt Ih hu t tlioiiii'n -lt'waty l Iiti'fi itiit dlii ilittaeoritlniltiil-i' A thets o til
tiitltnt'til' ii ti li tl'ii li- t't'tirt i pasitiiltii1e ii iii' ttfitheit ieldtutu l it t r ilt 'tliint llti t ' s cfityg ' sitti
tutu nitle t liltto. 'I'iIll(, tilt--ti stt-itt v tilt tria to-h t he i ne ret sulteint tl i' 'i' Iilli iiii-- i it i-t
infi--it-tinoilis it 55 tttthe 1 ittstilttu h rutilti' iclut t heiii acit thaithea let'-
itt e iledt - t it e' to ti l l it -i tittit ni- t luie .I ''t1iitotn ititi i SS li il it (ar - n st it ' s t n n el f~l o " z
il t e r 11ti ttle ttu tu ne. t It he l n y T iet tt-u i i o s, 1 - a d fl e i n
w a s 'I a~tl il li ie na i n (d ll a c t~rh i''' '1 e a t il- i n w a y t'G itlk 'ey 1T he r eu t-a r iithree lkin d si of ii t tit-ut s
loll- tatr ii I it I til l y t 0 iv niy -itil-l- it 1.' . ut inu t ut utiu1 uic ucu t l i i's ' i-utended bytu het'ft clty , i' ii' u ui
tlt'of te ;tt e wasI ttus i ii l t i i uu' li.I lt111 ntl ii tl itit it' 1 htu tu .,tu utatn it-l
sia5 it11 iii- tii i -l n w e e eI z e t u"., wh c re o e t l
of perfvvt iterference. ll '1huh'-.1t1sitheiN101111e 'blew
nihhh'n au 11t I a th-i'lit i i -t-t 011 - kazoo~''s 5 itO~'rd111,1 hi'1:~ Ihu
it I . ti-le 1'it- shut t '' a t ila 'ittiuhuhi Itlt11 lI _ il'n l
liee t er t'ct-ruit il i ne ut' tutuin
114oho1 f1icdt is allit-i 5_K 5.,AI A /ott)
liii'.to theli tl-itutn frotiht s a nit ii I -fI eni--Il' l. 'in
"o l 'ilineu-i Ilkds fense tutu iii Itt' t lti iuitl hiltilhhiBrn .
sitde iiof iiithe Tie. Nit . i ll-a c n inugt wagtu u lin t'uuui'u' lttn'(u-aputtiuu.
l lle th-t"1 hitutu. iritlethe l iii u'nluucn Rightl ra-iss ncitais.
h'uoutut tuu uut thun tuhtu's t 'ilet- hroe uuuh 1.u lii ii klet Si Ilitrt.
tutu' tuiulds ito his lu-hi. I~i tii thu -ihtt.
ititldiuld"Iii- liutn \s'ltiler' ldi outhit' Iuitith 51i'e
.oo uNorkta;gu nd ti gt u iut.-ut tins It-- Ieft .llf h-I ttttht.
tuutsitit'it-tn quuliut.uiteu'u'. mutt I tuwho, thi it ak-(11111.
ustuui lusuin-ul tu in tIhut-ent-u-it , tu s tutut. t-ti lg h l f-t Kvstei-u.
tnt-i1 tonitutt- iii i t'uoffenive ' andtu Sl~tt
tlin ttefiune it-tin ululiu- ufss4ontug. Suit' i- flt uutt--lt-tlil,IBrookildi.
lt'illudid not u.'s vl it-l tttuhItls hkickalig left tauclel-Dutunit, Waulkeur.
s toI u t(' si-i-iweelagtuo. IKu Ittaaoi's lift gssts-l--Burlaeisbus.
nlostest n-tll to uttuill' Ig uiuutol usu~i l('t-uuu-r-Wilso n. Brot-stl'.
ututist s 'thi-i-istilt of his tulialuitto lgtgsu-lBis
the scru'nutl. IiiHeshowediul.liutusesur, hItgul-le-it.
liatIlls e e- fits' -litu-s anuitild-uluuiur 'e n- ai iil
thure-u- teiuats tittlodas i-st-. Ills uuirecortd ltnnt-tuou- urin
-- 5tuuuitu-l---3fc Innis, Sst1 i
litgitut' utis lltniuti' ut itisl L oft hauulfltu-woSire-, Bigli-.
the - -h'igl it-it t- Ihlul u 1cI-ug- le r it' u-ti'
n yardsiluit i r-nutce balli'-ifrm fli.k - 31it tI hti,31-I Kuu ntitz -W. ood tird,
aui1ts' elu -lug riiit line Outii. hut it I i t'.ht-.i l tltutu uS ec-c
IleI-gtulof theiethsllhututtau-uhie u''totr iltt'ltuuent--sut-a ttO
ohueiuutgitt h it' 'a-uuuuuh - tbyutu l n ut hut- ttt'i-3t'ti' ituol Nuttil. It-alsucaItit
nitowUtttoiliisult iite ic ti it u 1ity r esuil hitulsi's 13 stutTstutul.
Ile-le sghy ntit1'uts fuist hu. curryitughTe' A ilt-i rdAssituIo arh can bie-
iil."l tutul, uuniile sgond itut dhgeututus en potsuul tut ltuandlNts. l'ts'l sore
is-litru'to laic-ka tuusu s i-hit-orun-tt. Ie Alain at.
ni-isut lthe lollisust lttof tuetu luta
siltfie 'ucceis-d liii- 11u111loutlStiell- .Alarm Clocks atItitllers Je.welry.
Pro. Wslity-,SMc. lilsiuucvand1th 31'.
Situ utahuttiitutu it-veiturat' iiof ilt',ii hulathits
leser 'ot's. lihtc tutu Siloydiitnt
Registration Tsday.
At thuthutyu-nii'rluy liii realnurarlti
fgnut n uu'w'r'u' utiui-u out Si-crurtry
Wadetli' tuu. ta 1-i lutelo.,shouan Iniii-
cretust' overtint yeiur of 133. Evry tde-
ta'tintt i'x--i-pt thaltulotf ltliatt'tiut'3lhas
in-rea'ed andI titu iut huts ftalln 'ofttbuut
msitue. tf tie eusgIneci's ,till head. the lint
iii lieniof huteretase, flue iedic-al de-
partnhttit 'luenui un't. The figsures fol-
1900 1901 G, n L's
Etglut'ut tg d'ept. -2319 f-Is) 71. .
Lite'urary uleput.-..124::a1270 23 ..
Mtedlical dept.-..457 102 453.
fLl s'rudept. -....73s)1 701't -t .
Dtte al dept...247 26t2 335)
Pharmatucysdept. ...- 731 64 . 9
ttittuoluuahlldeput. 66 607 .1 ..-
tlsl....310x3 32,) 56)12 9
SuiuuuuStc uhol ... 138SilS 230 112
0tututtldToutals-....1322 t77 274 9
tuti-uliusa Ftit itrt (Cigura. suniontumaduet.
Antsk yurudohu'utu'cfor hts.
IWadiaus, tRgVan & enle are sole
Isig ents, for Ypsilunut underwsear.