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April 30, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-04-30

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.our Special Line no... JUDGE JOHNSON WRITES Traing Tbe Starts j TRACK MEN TO GO EAST
EE orinadDo etcSvral Letters A F tec' 4 'Q fr11om tiiiiiandithel lwiingimeitiier jMhieaEntei s Eeois Men for the
AB IS jHim-Had a Safe Voyag ralakeoil u Big Eastern eet-All WillBes
E D i port De to Al ie at M~s::,ta lis,'ull wens i'(l Hils. UlieTlnI er o
FOR SPRING (May 2. ryIKni'tK.;, We'tsIne(li. Weltsi,iDsrves It
1 ltiii %t el ,i(s tw d in n 5('l rtls uh lii i. i i'iiilt.1i (I 'li t ha ls t tiin he Etiei s i fo tr
has al ivecd allis a ar- 11 siiirn f l n s i9s1iis iweiit It' _h, i.Nuif. lee il ii iiuand (D ithI is- t l ei ii ii t(ili'farm rackii e'i
rmiged teor nopetioi. cep%1 iii' 'nit,(.1g . 0. . luto. t }iirub. as fl'tio nthl oil t ' (is.tlie' 26th
We hose tie largest rs-- S tl m in iri 1Aisi ii 'i'r fatiii!i Aforeiiracki woriwill Itie ii ii' r i annul [h eli ii;ti wl, lii'es o thu
surtitiblit u the oil'1111(t1,- l insasied I i''ii'i:iFrt ic'r s H iii'S is tlii siowi'tih'iisles ' S .( 'leit s
io_______in theii N)'ii1'A.A. _ . ( Irae- ll eifan= lilitl
ti, i-I N LDCO.O; fa li ellf P WILL MICHIGAN IN? i ulalUvest.- ild(erly
,vi t e s ii sie oh l r nat t ry Wil Deiver'His Oatio To rti o iii i theyil li o ti delreieis
io8 E. W ashington St. oilo l io e l Tillie 'nnni1 1701 0%i rsi Ui ersitv Hli-Turn p Ii t it iii'i'iii'' Ishit ties'
J______________ar______________:_______ate iis iiii'of CiiIs iiiiitii ii el''iigs-
In s i ndeditI f 1r- l ittlieltgatioit Leves To- (etintof .etci bu 4a' ill ire iitt-
iiile i I iut e1t h.billerllil(. e o ro i git o'Lii' I ii, o f i' I lwill) ws o
liis til'Iii, t'rlillu l h 'cil i nl < i l ' ,tutt ' I rroii' llI .' i oncYi.i'i''i l Ito i Ii i ti iicued iillii 'Inihit ,' thell'i'
te t and lthe'oI "'u if'ii1 riil' ls 'ili .':''tI(-is. tiit t on C illliit i ) hil l ___011, _ll __________ ut_ hit__
{liltt o liiliiito ii'sI'Ico ii o ii s 'Criitiii 11 the i i n ii sis ihlis tit o Lo% pin ase hal rctt
r' n t otr io I s t e II sil' gis atiieiiiie ofil e11r 'i ll (iti'5.I B eii tie~t Ch l l il l 1 111I.t
QUARRY'S ii ii'his he h~sg'. th ;itlilt ti'iiliitiiwasitiliot o Ingii lte' titl''r l l' iiil''''
PHARMACY__________u___u__________ ste g'is t eorn ' rIid' iis"s il 'ti''iwtii'lu~i' s, ni'tlilt liei'i'51iii 1114 hrhi-tiis' i lowad l itlilti
U c l~ d te e t e tlIIriiI e. B ~ h I nn ie 1n e I, I . ': t' il ee, ia ta lt li l
Island'l 1e II is vryii 1111'ti a -.piii Dea° n H thin ciW alt is t ' heLaituss.A h-log
Pcoa y I'tl It ex is e i itt i s Lii lls rti1 ,o.torer ht(gn i ot l 1i i 1 - ittirun \ .tKeClot'
in ii i st ' e li il1 tatlii ' 1li t e sti'ilis'int'll iint-oi' t l.l l ity titl rde 'i I . es Nlu t e l ' liChsit
YO KO wee oge,... ~lltlha- I ld reirii lug ntiii' I i[rs less' isse il site'5
yououh hbuy yourfMr. .0111 hieucnstIhts ii'I ii' x'ltt'51. iluiilh is ih5 ad its' huhtt'ei'lii'ih iis tuu'
G O O Dbs LC N CHOsotiiih i' t it ' i li' 'h I o it li'te hrtioo steulgitl'eiiii it is 5th' par t'Barelsiis s lsies. hl xts
h ANhu s D ca dy tlioin etle.iheiPt' wit'ls tu ltis. It islti tt l's i nar' es' h]iow-i' r ]'ti lliii-littltuts xit yoil bit is
bas , a d ie be T tlih'it'. itliti ithilis ro t it' M ier ida ted td,,, t' lle puc~titi 't iiii 'e to uthe N itr.tttilt ii lit'.turNebiotl i".'
V aloes of gulf baths. ittiillfi.st eittI e"uu t iit ts ihis til t tois e ttit tlhe t'tot-Niol uuitt'itJt'n t
it .J ly 8 8 S t t S r e . " tItt i O iItitiI sh tte.Il tent'tuth's.thelot[t utes" as r rtil i . T u - oitttt'n itson i. Iitii stlt t e

II iIl" S ,tts ie, Mr. Sptel'aand 'ilt' ihtisl:ttt'et'ttOstttettltl't're plan- tite gamte.
3 three ofthjtil eo'sftttihse curt hiei tg itts t'x'aih'' 555'i-iZout. 'Tluy ex- titiu'nsitlteftheditudueu'Saturdasy
(tIti Ilsli is).'STev'unit hotee vaslt et toitpp:Ithit hin thitelfotundtry stilts hy'ai sct'of 53 tuoli, whiile theuet't
' ztr3 hu uhittof setett. ait t erg'thtittg;i tt' t o aof the it Stingitout. ichtigatitcoulo Purdtuehl'ott ttesprilg
W A R ' aio hut i eemtuc in pu'rft'' eethed(r. tI___ trip was 7 to t, auth at that thlegame

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