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October 06, 1900 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-06

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A Burchfields Fine Tailoring Trade...
F IJLL LINE Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the stateVO H LS
G MN SU of Michigan, EXCEPTINGo NONE. NOW is yor chance to owna
ART1TIULT "11 M CHMI LLT complete set of the Standard
rFO TBALL Constitutional and POLITICAL
ru i iiWe will be glad to prove it to you, HISTORY of the UNITED
nir G OD Truly Yours, STATES
S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron oin the Von Host Club now
forming and obtain a set at the
Can be found at Our Store When we fill a prescription it con- SPECIAL PRICE of $10 fo r
ins exactly what the Doctor orders, the 8 volumes.
Sheehan & Co. DALKI S weighed and measured with precision. AIA 0
To bring your prescription to us is A H N (0
320 S.STATESTREET. to be sure that it will be right.. o a e - - POIELWBIDN,30S TT
HIOT LUNCHI lRentscblcr, th bjotographer.
TU T TT1_____L_ cor. Main and HrnSre.
..! ..U '1'Tim lelt iottse oof tte Lot11. \i- ht stit. . Curtis' popular ltelers, Capital, o00.0. Srpus, $0000. Tranact
TU 8?SothISta e S. sonic lub Sritisotutd at :'1. N. ITye(r TheForeign News Notes fom every generalbaknbuies
GRANGER'S SCHIOOL OF Spring page in Chicag;" tie Ades FEDt. a BLL asta hier.
I oat- 1 Itelliato"Iiytle, tartihe'Stories of lie Sreets adtlof te F II* NTIONIALBANK .1 ann ror
DAN I NXG11 ' S"( tttt t Wto t t tic vStt i. , Ft-i- Town," cc liceCcie~oerdl.c-Ii.. f 11 ~L Oganad1
dayor t ug, l tot1t t sloek3. tartie ho it ieol dOtaily fr 1lCe a week. Adtress Capital, 100,00. Srpus and Penil, 4,000
Cinse aew penta ta~eOItt~ o ptooiotook Satte fort okeIlcase bohat t- SeilAgency. Cicgo Recod, 410 rran sctaae neral banking boetaeer. Freig
ollce atGrangeror Acadeecy. Circlro Il .illattiHil. . Stic.le 51.,nn Arbr. cedt.
mtusic stores or maled, BelitleponeaUac 00E. l. KINNE Peer ARISON 50011!
M.M S[ QQ et s Proof.itattocn ioon oo Ngor, as <,. ills tooo h IeMc etlS. W. CLARSON Cashier
let1serlo o l-cotc tt o ork ltse. Iolir eelry Store.
front ,Hiere they will sill bcet(ericootty
atcc tolt-gcc Thein Rn ror savIHUS Ban
CY CLE EMPORIUMtoatra.te epstob e
toeyrotil te ptotbt-sor r ojin Ner G II."CN D I aitlS o ae . 6 .up ,$50,000 .
t 1het thr lonxAugust. Ioyr ies r ieels r. Oranied rnder the Oneal Banintg Laws
__________of thec Stat. tReeiedepoit, obysaUnid11
SE.TCLES, B~~tookedl illedI\Niht Oatt1C o~rk,is-w . Wollootos. Ryanti& It-ll re Sole Stats. echng raftte picplct scahed upon poper identication
_____________ agets for Tioiltti ucerwer. Safey deposit boxes to rent.
- rcEa: Chrisian Mac, Pee.; w, . H art-
_______________5 - - man, VicePeer.; Cha. E Htocok, Cahir; M.
DYL NRIS SlT ttOP CC.IN\G. AND IgI 5115F Alarmc lotks at1 Hllers Jewlr . JFrit, Asitan Caher
ANb JgFF7LIES. tyti 1 Tges. trc Tiot-rttos, 5lNe.
C__________ lubthotrdretfor $300 a week.Leootw.A otra, Ps.TT
W. AnoLe, 1 i 0ce prcc
11 .Wsh etnS ;Ootlitioo Irigloos igort-t9.tt-sircto~atctis,01 irenclocookexira cile co- J. V. Sccax2t icc o o SAVINGS
______________________________________I tt~tofol sll b Io-tt..-Itrlotls. torltt;uctoeby sriaig orchesra. Te Je..Oa~,A o
_________ cootito, 427 Tltoocclsoo. BAND
pzce itoalr'- - hystic Conservatory, Germany, teacher of Banking Businss.
I lic 5. pino, organ and muoical composition;
w i n I * AlotraltClook t-lol Ilolers toeiry. lstolhe aol of eaching. Sudio, 12
~.E FA i11 L, Agent,- Oacllatos. Ryan & Iecle are solo Sileo tlctPi-io-0tlor ctt ly c-t-
a3zS~State St. Ana Arbr RAiot'.aens for Ypsilniunderwear. ooatetootncoolurtnishted; frrcoo-o-hato
ibi f -YOU 11 .11100Clok t H aOller's Jwel-ry. andott.li f S.cThaertS. , n lc T A1
1.1 y ott 00rait to otec-to lote 00strile - -
___aley'tutil boy tote-o, cl ipr f ot iiAntArbtor ty (Car S.Wa O lgcot.
0 T 4 F fth1c tu res ti at1afne&GoslauOPEN ALL NIOT. .1011r0 looeks oil Ilallers Jewelry. Manhattan nd Wilon Bro. shirto
S5JRNSTTw asraa~a~akllaa or sale a1 Wadhbams, Ityan & Rele. D E T S
1 c st $: bot cmadoe is lie Itotoaro. ___ -- _______
0. M MATIN 00 taI0tyan & teole sole a--nto.10100l trin Clo tHal isotewlrondo
Embalminng a speealty. No 209 S 4th
Ave Ambulance nght and day. eo.ti U
dance 302 Fifth Ave COLLARS.
~Try Thze...--. I
NORTH SIDE / . -'*
0003 Broadway 47ePone~ ANR&O
Haberdaheras AU DN S
GOWNS and -0005,( reuivraly sdohree ctegame i
Roting of SGH ,- E'- played, the trade nak being- lie guaantee.
CAPS artS GOWNS., -J'1 The ~ OSulding o0fcial tter-colegiae Foe
A SPECi tLTY. aued by all the leading cocege and
CLASS CNES, TEMPORARY alcetic clbs ot the county. Prie, $4.00.-
Spadngs Officiol oot Ball Guide, ith te
COLLEGE PINS. I'l BINDER,1 D new.us for 19a0, and record, reveo nacd
CLASS snd r° :LeiX ntucions, incld in, pictures of 600 player.
COLLEGE Prieij icnts
HIATS and, Opens like a book. SAN)OwOS SPINGISCP DUM-BELL
CAPSUE. Invented by Snow.daenoeqouoal at a
IyI I I U Beat tIkeold srig oer xcrcisec and developer. Every mscle tote-
W.Gi 1 CR1 6ttt'ct -Letre paper l. fr h fed.100
4YThe eat fount-in pens 50.. A. . SPAULDINGS- BR0S.
411E.Ffty-Seeenth St.;-- nleroratedi

H A E Y O E E T H E F I N E S T L I N E O F S C O T C H A N D ML R r n F N R Y B ' O SE G I H , U T G N T E C T .


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