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MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Most Renowned Ladies Shoes Alarm Clocks $1,
The Niagara Falls Route." __________
CENTRAL STANDARD TINE. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic II. of M. Pius 50c to $1.00. Fine
Taking effect September io,go Jeet nnesshReairMillereiaty
4~lotNGhtINGteEAT. The Melba, JStreetillr JatchRpMarNgaESEciLty.
DtotNgtExpress ...........5 55 A. M. andIL CHPAJW ER
Atlantic Express .............stlsD es7sye45______________
G"ran ndapidsExpress......... .s11itS .Allstle' 0' of ress Alsl es, 350 206 Mai Suth.
fiandExpress .prce,...U.Weprce
N. Y. Bten Special ............. 4 58 One rieWar One rcT E
Fet Eastern .........943
Malt and Exprers... 0 ._ .... 40 A. M
BsonNY. and Chcage ........943 " All widthts in Dongola Kids, Enamel Calf, Box Calf and Valoar Calf.A LOCMTechecy
Fat wextern E xess......... 201P.A.5SoleeagentsMtoriAnniArbot.
G.ER. and Ka.Expes........ 545 Sl gnsfo n ro.. 01ffi t ThmaAlarm tict.
iaoeNght Express. ...... 923 4" uisle l lbes.
Paiic Express al. . .to1 38 A. a m p j . ' Anl e ee
Steanmship Tickets, all Classes, te and trem MF CK & C M AN iAnl,Jelr
European points at lowest ate. Fll Ino.-
mation on application. T_____________________________________
G.0 . W. N.OUGLES. H. X. ReEs, Kalamazoo Today. Junior Lit Election Today. 10t hcg. AgtAnAbr
-- lorthe tii.collie'ucofthle. 'Iit' ri lclly Nlltic illeiei u E Wt i eitiocae hnee
dietrI's a s elecig' eodtte le'le3 jtttlliiie'1tli tiitilil S TUgivc ThelSo cargesr ce
ned1 T"es.*511)l41111i-clil eli hl o1 72t'iii1 le t al l ietcll, inn pslce'et , AND1THH o OLDIONES Aea. U
SO THNOTH alvesg fte~u e'ar ni' 11'li o. Tit e re ii;lie 51.11 lhl e, Itand ikieti 'hve iae e s prpre ha e
e~~~~~~~o. ~ ~ ~ ~ hn w.as5A . No . ~~AM ill l ii'ltll c lse nilitlti e tilythis edlr nd ailiir 1Iedlpnaiecl, 'ileace, 'PoNE I0. 55E IET T
No -115A a. N. .1t3 ' srat. z S; c is tii'veti hou lr 51111lthe s sir[ it'' l l.,toowevellheiIoecit'r',catriaie s.rvice,
Tno. 102- ec5tSu nday M y11.-899. . Icat"teirtleazii el e u lt 111r tiyl hi re 5111111 o111 1ete 1 d lillll';(liC'no hvng dedetwo rbbr tie
Transleawee Ann Arbor b tandT lSdo only.ay r yh , wl t M te \. ro s liag ,11, ve pis-c ah s oo rsok
All ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dp trLsdiyexetoua.'liiis is'lleolsil i' uit 1111 delly ,e Il e 5 H ll es L p r
-~N d.6 -72A .MsNoeu-ly6. . at ofth e I. . I roundill il.rll10 I111 I11111 l t 1 1 tell. ,t g , 'HO E 1 6 1 E I E T T
Wo H.- BEN ETT5 0 P. A LIR ,A en. . l'1. r. 1.; Seliltuger;Halr 'lieru ..-i' lli' itI
nth e A r bo t anTokel edoo l Thyit' t lolll ' l e1111 h ille ll'111oa1.,ut- l titi51' c
Allutr indle ptSn da.1lii and Atc 1o~t1 e Ou ii li 1 111I ht 117 t' ie_______
I~nas ofn Michigan.ur nsliyi. 1 t t'cillllil1Ic i'ii'cixb Pt lu i i d esGames
DA B E .G L EN Age t'll.B N ET ,G . e I t ' i los, 1. : .;ille r l at Slli lx . TIih e Irijo l i e lus artile w
a n d A 1 'l - 1 j j ' 4 5 1 e I S i I t i y , r . t ;. L i l m 1 1 . I L ; C l 'p 't t t' r ( l i t t I h i c t i s i tt i l i i F . 1 F N S T A T .
WH . Fiher, .. XV. i. . 1b h sdirsdme ra dl~ a hte i oinlsd, o lI
DetroitYpsilant and Ann A fst 111Cool 1111)' i t'iltr and ilt'lhilt eck upti'hnos ncuv it tu iiiti 1Illl'7 lleltlt
,lib Iitut T hi, Micn~etitlit tuxi.illioldilloftie'illet11,113ph1111113mathat
evrybltouDeinig t7t5a.m.un i'u". 'illll 'l a'17I.i.7 Sti~,l iei
un e; a ftrth t t De rothe 11'.e llii'7' 11111.tingeto't'int lle 1 1 f - _______
at Bu5s.ines940In m.and 11:10 p. in. amII','il tha11a11 h ow nn}1R Ii eg.itl 'fl LI fl >;yr
et ofDtri. M1cGhwoditgan1. li''d 1111'isiurdue'ts 111111 Games.I' Ietit it'ie ":
SOL DeES IB LElRA('Pr ba l t te t I n i ng ' f ei' ga1111m e 1. 1 rlI Y fil c) T l i ui l S ete li C ilitts
en Wtche, Dimosa.Wnela nd oher te fo Iloing1111li e lttle llt ot iii,'otd- 'c
DAna Y Prpry BfiETEiEN ce13 dEOe 1,le.;Sill 1 Tthe e i S . 1rdliewllily - Everyclhnd Ntw {
L ErtyC L r 1 U tr t. A l b s e a o e e NI l. s o r l g I. l u t] l y o r B lis s ,Ic l Wl il e o 11 l fe1s it) li n e " A d erall a ulu ia dte to D at
WHor. Fser11: La. W. Lao3:0ndanto, Completeu r it ayihrl n n
p .m .A.JOSEPHTCavAtTS 1 t iv at treye rdwui. 4S t o ve c t s at Wadhlu lAisnArya o&reue . Un'r t y st A n rb
Coubsbo ePU RITANtt o fIt SH O E C O .,v~r, big c.2--ie1.6yehti tIfta_ cui ejysck terr swesae
Pat n sap site So th ht1aeii nd(1-1 Streetl eypoetat
U. o 4 B r r eciatyal~lrst ENOCH DIETER LE,pFuneral iretor University 61ust Wi-hlf lmotreet 5 "1
So an B ath Cas Work and ot lawtuwmilding. All hinds j ine
SoanBahatsato. 212 S. Fourth Ave,, 0oth 'Phones SoeS orpaiE.ngLambyder. an ' ho
Rooms, B22 aTATE. J. R. TrojanowskilheSo .Lmbr.Rd 1Poo