Hats foer Easter
In wearing a Knox, 'Varsity or Hawes $3 hat you
can feel assured you are correct. You can get the
ordinary hat styles at any store, but we go a step
6 further with these hats. We not only show you all
6 the regular styles, but also all the variations and
2. exclusive styles. That is the difference between
Q our store and the ordinary store.
You're as welcome olting, as buying.
icbian entrl 3+O+O+O+O+++'O+++4+++O++O+0--++0I+O4 The JOSEPH I~MN
Heceived First Premium at, the Paris Expos
[NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE . 1 , . T I Iro, i900. They are for sale at tie
THE SHORT LINE-+ SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar= Schaeberle Music Store,
ANN ARBOR TO rived and are ready for inspection 2 Il W. Liberty St., Ann Arbn, Mich
CHICAGODental Gold
BUFFALO HI E NI I NI R O SS'~ We sell dental gold and solders
NEW YORK i. ~ We pay cash for old gold an
AND BOSTO N .I +++++ ++O+o+++OO+++++++Or +©. hCsilver.
With directconaaectiosasatt eorS t.---c-- W m Arnold Jeweler____________
Leais, anaamit, t. Pant sad te west e S .A. Ofcr
EoMnomto n hog ikt alo !inesota's 'Woman SDaly"Ne S.C OfirsWn Anod Jw lr
RA IL..R )AD ss" 515 ltto Itinlmyttoatlas t ridayt'tt'tl tttts SX A e 11'. R IN ES T
TAME AR BE R itti e tdue t day 'said) litor ' s t iontt .t s t h et.s itfo r the e si nga.1 iitea r.E. C
Takng ffet, o~atay Sty 5, t9 veitl . Aittittt'l tttmberttotitionilts' i. therti r '' ing prsiet t i ll be /
Trat laeaA rhr y etrl tad \tltu ll'gr lup ltittr is the variousit resli idetistEcrlir1ts t uitis.. ititti
________________________________o__d__________ tti t ot itts tnd ali so a u t ta Itlsss l ' Iiii tn . Stsi
SOUT NORH fsiuitttt BbouS vnish'5555 ant' s ometttststt'st t.-] I-lhf.lCsaLkeean'
Ntt 4.-55 rr.a. Its.i.- 555 " E s i outs l it Dr. s he ttr otitrsii i titt's 'ssiti s. d \ (t. stsst'i ; B res
'IMits'BLErul t~rirt ft he ssist:Lea list' Age.- iBssi DunbI . lNECITdeAT
TRaknghect n daborMand Toled1 only i ts' 'ladingleistolit'entitlet "The t iy 'It eti - I itt Iittsip. ls ici
Ttrains aiyesAnAbo yCep t a l tn.B lei fioy-A si .Lte,
WanT.T'imLS. 'Ag nt. t t 'ls 1 .. itsti u tal As'Il tilt' "tittsi- ittii'''tn i''iA 'tLt
Wo a. 83H P N. BENNETT. P. P . Ados n io t tso tthellil un ive st ttit pe iitt'b titb, . 5. driS.t Bugess.
The Rilroa thattakes The tittariti itttces isttsittit' I H'OU BeacOLDhM De HP r"OURErET.
u n e sIn AAbrandToedtoly "Ne t or isa~tl o sriti i . sofll.ttiaiy t ei SMGtltiDfunottrygomeIeaHan's Pie co
W SR LIBEN E ST UET RAINS nesl ft'httit ude of lt'li th 'liu'ngtIi ' __________--s1ese tse'mat.dscrminaing.Yet
nustlt tosrilt u t sapo 's' t t sl l itc s D n a- 1 L wsn
TOLEDO, COL~~fIBUS utnsoft'esitrls runs' up. tost sity ororSti elt i oftit i itts -.ictitt. oks.1EtS osesfrte liatbti toe.
andATH NS sis''.ttsist i lsve t ', safe t s.fie rit . 'ViiV StO~.20N Iahati;511S.Sae
is H tser. L 'S I. sdosit e t hat555155 e15 relis t heDilty.5'5
0h i rata .ta' e. g. tttsi ttt ssississ ss it tsss ISTWLDFOB E S1r i'"YU'R'IER
Derotsi la ntiand AnO Art 5SstlOKtttiIftilsott,'ttt.ryll'osilt Wilfmtelaveyk'tsalfrapsitacoan
bor Rnilwny st'tI ~~~~~slut scitudelit srii iibe t stfort trhCtDlytitt t e phrm. aeeravs
SOLD ESTBUE TAIS ss is liy tlii' iri b iito sitpres testa sitsi aed peetheItIRSmsee taiapplyinaripersooa
Cs e av D BETroitNaTld eYpsilntt oe h omni el i SmriesMoire tIlee litle Easter ges hebetthr, veNa.hs n
ev Ery One ,egnnti a715 a m.Sin s tho stofthe r55551.huhid'ttt pttstoutldlash roS suc..HA L Rs oser o h eie tbohsoe-
ti. 9:.5 pis.r, After .th adtroit na t , nii f l' T hi s ' i vt iysittitp is t __a______co-____________
11:15P. A, . ' T rm coreA nn sdtaiss' istitt itis stlii iitst .ttilsss'isilts'ud hetills'UTL RSFO T E tsts't'"itBlir
and mus Ma iot.; Deet oit.Gr Mwi.siq uhlt'isupt'ort I ir ts." irns 1'- Tse CiltsaJorl:stt''lt t It.t ik ikP ro s
Cars eve aylwhurSrays s e iid -. o.heii aly1"'lVla~loi i e o alY R.Taeor di e guainSt nl
onaiasfo :15t :1p s Il p otohe c i tliit il Pl fw -apdig theFIRT on toappl fo perona
evr oubgnEYn LO75aED . u ri s a C LIiIS otl tSt.NTIEMosicCshos
11 :1W atches . i ti gro m corta 5 n r A n soth rher o n e& of t h e ae s f n oleel tst nic tt l E a s tE verhp n g a rl rs
Ln anSs;IlotlGibertyst mlt aditireests. ' n n r Ryuean StrictyikBiladCrseeyhlfhu aurasadII 'IIY rH.o rd rm2:5t :5 ,m u Rglto Sz als
p.on Ls OSEH _ Cards.;ATTSSC______I_____Bookstore,_____,._MonarchCushion
on Wateos, I~imonHaveeeallnthehefinish . ar Ald de t all f the very hi hes}t. EeyhnNoad
soalPrpety Ofie t esde price . ad fshoesyand R vile exoe llend y n o t7p n. frpatc. je titl pt-a
Liet see theAl "usneWcofdOUBilE EKR l ot anSre
Hou ol:3 .m nd1 :0a nd 7 toAiagens orYpilant1 isderwe, r.ii707 N.aUnierity v. An ro
U. of M Barber Face steaming and ['{CH DIETE L bEahlmer and n es I IEatWlimSre
msageycal-EOH DL1ELF2eo ietr U iest aehos {eri II*-hl boc es Fine!
Mhop andl Bath ty, done by latest Ios~r irce l f taw buiilding. Alt hinds
mehd.(eln 11 orhAn Oi ~a.a I trpiiglfiydon". INSPhoto
Room 5 STATEC. and Paris 15 .1 k2120. MIS,5 jtlt1fl IS j h o S op o eaErn ty[ambe I. .
Rooms, d~~~. R. TraianaaalSheE.Lmb . ht