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April 07, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-04-07

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u_ ., an the lwt tiger:of it One-horse RA IN O R 5 IIN.
.L +A t L 0not1thly filld with efsiontis of oe-
01stich uiis ots. canotilt 11the wool) The ''00' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe f
Pu~bised Dily (Nodoys seeddiofoe tereys o ttttt5ttilt to wear when the weatherisucr
Otho 10 hs tiledwiliith gi'd, iliitioi-
oieeseor.at a 1111(1adypewriters ais reiturns for tan A little rain doesn't usrt i
MlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN tlher rlnole dvetisings Slit. The while it affords plenty of comfort on
MossOctes s ssrt entDitily is extremsely irts- nto0 its 5551- the warmest of days.
A-gs114 anS. 33 .Saeltet ion in tin~ coteg(I Ivorl. No les than But of course we have light shoes 5
AeBoib'Pons3S. Nw ta--5iS3 two of the cottege dilies sltated atoetr for bright days and heavy shoes for
MANAGING EDITOR, atotiler nit rities werieioteled ilc- rainy days if you prefer.
. 5. HAss, 'Oseodili, toiditef l sl l - ii~tiotis fu-
BUSINES -MANAGER, nisijil O helI tof ,f. Igil,.'Te GLASS'S SHOE STORE,
F. ttssstiistti, 'it IolyiL50editr Iyil eolg 9S. Main Street.."\\
10'-pap 111t011lly coleite uyIII w ist-
EITORS: - Open evenings ~until ANN
woe ~trits imtonredsin oneit00 8P N. A IIBR, MICH
AxHL05Ti' Enrs ot- fit s.Os osa '05 te linhaus1ulDitdr ots init Deyrr. Ins
sy atn wd t isit s iss III'iry ...WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE OUR~i
AH.Me~OstsGos.OtE. G0 . I0. u1Teoo.'05 wily. aiudiie r. e really pity yo-for ..
Mis ABN 3 HA,'1L tletslf sesulipetntou tll~- 2nd Annual Sp in O eni ng
l. . wosssoete,'04 I . P. C stsssx,'llt 4,UIitite il.Wake tp get somse origii-S rn
W. A. BEtSCOER, '03 E. 5. HoStoil, 13 itlIteas Stotpprintinrg love-sirk ipoetry
attdttstories thnt would ot libeepetd
.wi tsisiryweekly. Sll ottit yor e ih " L . I E " C O H N
_________________Stock of ______te ill 'e1an1 strt ovelr ight. AL N EC O H G
lbesabsrtpioa price. stie Dst.YJs2-5 iletprobably uwitt give you Halse oFO
foe the college ar wiih a regoar deiveryFO
orre s ti rach day. Noices, esamouiae- tttre readers thtait'bts bhens your giod-- t
itoa s,and ndtheeatatr inended tot- pihis-fotninyas C-eazehtyo
lisanaus ha e esded Iat the OALY Otieefrtieiiyts.'iretietit yot Me ,ByLnd C ide
beoresap. in., on osed to the eator etoreO tt iiryinsg hard t na se Itgo Of sone-
p.mtof01 te a teoeto50that day on tliiig thas thas tail a harit struggle lto
Sachtetpioste ay et s a h tY 5-leyixs.Orline i oecomplete tian ever and we have all the new shades
Se Meret ie StiitVe etateathsi e D Its-breyeit
ne, eyrsortltetsnestn, r it utyo rehady is he yuand styles of the season. We most cordially invite you to itspect
faorbyreorin pomtl a tisofic ayseektodfnyurefIySiggOr sto ck, complete lte of
Il nge navriigmttrms e1Htthe osates by 3p. si otte day previous t hepulll. I-lit trt'altiiyieldthe l mt aedahrHt, Caps for Spring.
that ott whtch tey are 50 appear, IIt of s ect s-lille sy sitsthe iln
hrsaIii---itiltt is..iistaig y yois T E LE U-[T
pottteD lysie 1 ltlkie15T e ittle iedtt Ille it sit g itlit'sm n.
ciditvlitlthe o"o la ' git 5 'rud iria i p lay iGil Avralyy i tiiktsn ' t ireir ettit -liiii- -
tta takhis It llgttiltl 1"r liil. lit-si iy ltll It ntsder l'sili ear' t-AlTHENS T HEAFT RE
AnWic Vilikie lhis .ju lsisnonisied nti'ftor- you.
th1 b1old haridt iillly serIns 013witly t_______cle_____________r_____TONIGHIT
t ai"bluet'tetncilted'It 'itili'l5teti- ~-- --
051010- e glI uppsetht,, tocab, Itispxing s 'THE W ILL OF IRON"'
O fi ilte B055t3- itt 1011 ill 1,Itit 51551t11 O ffi al M. B STREETER AND LILLIE MORRELL
foriets heidtolstoithehou.Ithe Bat se
till,n Is it'mtrtn g toolil, Base The 'Rnnkle ' children at Very perfortuance
andtat it iserst voiter ite civ 1111 lit Evening Prices: 1, 20c and 3oc. Matinees 10 and 20C
Agiiiuto is inot iiittsslsi tui.we Containing the official TUESDAY, APRIL 9
rtetity'fiarthaittheilt iilt t ttitiisiway code of playing rules l
Se luuuoisei'i by the adirinsig i-edss rules for 1901, together ~ STTTOIN VANE'S GREAT PLAY
'5iio smsatlt oithl ich tiii for sit- with the annual statis -6
trust yerItro be estsptinitinsg potry'h' -tical record of the:1> THE S A F LIE
itit ed p tls'ndln llopuil minor leagne and cot -I/~IJ ~ L
sisuiossis of is'ster sty it flis' lege clubs of 5go0 and
w ritil-. anh t thes sassietletyitigts matter of inerest to t THE GREAT DOAfETTS T~ItorEOF ACRtOBAS
kep ead n sort' tIIltr-l t i iOsDO every lover of ate
wvit h accst-l suite utnly l'iso lIib al. 'Prices 25,:351,.10, 75e. Seat Sale Motday
very exatltd Jtoitilill Theh i nfsta-it
edititiss-s odnititot forit-tI tbyIb11- ti'FRANCIS WILSON:- ''The Monks of r1alabar.''
itoo barti-i ei iittlisitoya ll sl t ii
Ahe 'Llit' hito1ld Bus thi ss 1itsi 1i.RSY S
inIlat i titstts th -il itise t itChef d'oeuvre de R
tbsnsigfu-siteit alirmtpublicly that Io lExpoition Uniersele 'fIlE OLDRELIABLE SUTtDENTStHEADQ'ARTERIS,
Istonly113 iolicliti u t he iii iii Ii tfytiO StY
thnt trimiSnbotthsli Iliii'litle Itsiili2 Walton, Sagli, and Chanitpir B L L J-\ O i-( La
S putlisinsg a toeisiforild,. iise isisctetitThe tubliersnniohtisorb received thin REIILEDh) REFITTED EVERTIING NEW
51115'tiiit itlttti I ii 1 iliy 1111 tllpostionsorts eeellesee. All works soit o lt'SII ILI tlEIEI TltS
only havie snothisg th o li 1t he "blsus'' itss cr t ny ITlH
jt'ti-l iis-i-sitt it'tliili' itit sbanitio sll.THE ONLYMONARCH CU S H IO~NS VE
patosre si tctie dvolid 01fIsruih. Why Rd on5Kerr &GCo. GENINEGH GRADE
tlst 1 jliiil il'I ilt tnIt.tlaiidettt'BAINKERS
thuityonttworettiua williigly isrsst'd 41 Wal Street, New York j q v~ or]etetrl oteAoe-
atlndlhi it 'iitutittluite itittllt Transact a geera bankig bsiness. DIALY IBULLETINS OF' ALL SPOTNGlEVENTS
eRs-ktgsn ilitosalSftsiEeinsrdeposits sbet to draft. Divdeds -CID AND S;fit "SSoRit STH
and interest eslleted stund remitted. At as 50L STT
st ltli'tiiitiOahontlotiher lopire-es-Fisal Agets on andtsegotiate the issue of T
railroads street railwaysgao compnies et. EY NO LDS tlOSEN'TtArt. ilEolii TREETrte buh adsodo Crmsin
Tboii' lsiy- sxulnis 'srielty- ontsiifs Members New York Echange.
meitis,.:u1(1sth ntiftill liii'lttilitf ufSi'f-- n ~ I~f ~ SNT R ~M IG
ngs 1 anditsslstr''iti i' thlat iss ull- AL N rsJ rANT RYPUM IG
L101113gs isi sf urentt oerises ' *1 a 101It~col, I UIUI ST'EASI AND them WATER II tEATSNO,
rat, shor lad5llee Irn isngSAD HA OhN5iNEN5 I207 E. Washington Street. ARTISTIC GAS AND I 'ttI FIYGO
t~iofs uoitelsitig 11111'11513' GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 50GH GRADE MANTELS AND GRATES.
say3'Our ti-ss'ast eX Otit)an osO Is--t___-

ptaper1'm'steo teuituttleitto Is-eusossiut- SEE THOSE....
dlate itttlethiits.st' 1i111a' fieltS tls ie WH
lissssitiisg i titelutoitless n rw utitu situ
paeVintted ovi is lf preI. e. ThRope aStitch Oxfords THEiE . sr
utttilig ovists ofItin set' it- o ctli p S MAIN S

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