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March 28, 1901 - Image 1

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-28

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..Our Special Line of....
Foreign and Domestic
has arrived anl is ar-
ranged for insmectnion.
We have the largest a:-
sor inent in the ciy,
6. H. WILD CO.,
wo8 E. Washington St.
received fresh '
every day.:.. .
YOU KNOW where to e...
. . { Jolly, 3105 :14 State 1Street.

. , 9
; ® ,

.' ,
r - i




More Fan For tihs Laws

Tirark Team Ought to Win the Inter!o'~ sn icr .[yfc'h' 111 liii e
colisgiats - Michigan Strong du aI inninn' 8 I i in Ii otInn '
in tihe Dashles and Fisid t(8 ink "MrtoCa i aw gon (i i NnOi 11
E Vents-Hlow Thsye n
Line Up :17:; ti, Inniwoud nestin IP
i'' ' j ltte snlnti i m near ' in m I11' .1
'inNi noc~ .. iv go~-II win n ll linl
t e I i i nnn'l. ii lltin Iii l ir fore-. illn
ca t, fet ilt West er.. iin i Cl ( ,: s ha ewl*rm .'Init to l .1 )1 tit'In
11ni I I 8 ni in nn
All 1 we inn li io inn c01.81 ' ii lL' h iii t th lgllio w -~n
he : Atii1 n mm' .\88c;1n i -a k 1 i inn ' l ( l %in'm nn n nii f INn ior'nu
tit' 11 i'l ( 't0 r n 1,8toi)(' li 1 l1t< ] lf al 111i1 i(ll.
Mon.'i ynln 1 io nlainh (

In Nlorthisrn Oratorical League-The
Prssident, a Wisconsin Mani, He-
signed and Msichigan Oppioses
the Claims of His Would-
Be Successor
111le o ..tits a' tiii glii ' 180ye- Joopi
Loyl)of -I "ol'i~t WL in te liii liii-
l 'ii 1 'ii. iiLoess i I inheI n' vo
i' ti' n 1 ' c t1 8 n' liii 1 11.11, t ie l Le
10 lt't . j i , 8 1>i i t 18 *m! 8ts .1 J
Carl, t i u1tcel Loh. 1111_Mi.8Il

Iw i
1t' 1in -('
1 > ti t f'

;I V(TV "m)(i [t'<IIiI, liti I:
ulli'(l I (v C()Hogl". l il(1( i
mil i' t}! t"itil i(If'i'ill" It l' Iit'l (',
Ilia it I!tI w ill lit' iil It l'
pow I lwt ! Iil' h"NII1, I)Ilt
Illttc l il l} I E''((i III(, ("11.(Iwos
l)frI' , tili(1 ill tllt' tl t 'il'T .
('1?i(,l (> III [l(o Illidd]('
1(1 111i11( i il( (,( (I:t lit w.

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1iBrigftta)diClean' t11 lai\8
jaY l~TODY ftt# ~ 1I <77 iuiKK' I tii ai ii'1
toI ; e m llwil )h i 11t b 111' 8111 ii~111 11111 i
" , ade ro) iii oii ater. 111881*1 1,1 8 1 12 ~~iv :t'ttil8
1 stIrs gly sewed aiid ° ' In'''i 1:n 11inn i' \ 11 11'Ii11
stilte. wih g od ,ed - iii1ii <jii i l l n' 111 l' \'11 )118 iilt::'t
lo1 y s or1t:hul1 l111 - ] iinni 'y nl' ( lii I in il il
he S al i g's tia e. I'lli'8 111111"ll 1 x11 1 ('inn ' Inn \l ' i
W e le v tem a f- iei 1110 -l i'1 ' i o ln1(1 11 lii t 1'ln ' I'lnn l
; ' 11( i nl ' i m I ii '8111, 1\\ Iill 1;( ' 8 1
-i'<, 1\il tin ni iii 11111.nnini tIO ,

191/izc Cup for1t1I lii 'cliil 81.0iik- , i
" 111 3' on st Ha18 imo 1111 1.1;--- t
t \Vms Take i 1ff111Stirgeon11 ei
8 8 ... ' Ih iiili i +i .
111111 Il\1(11 'l i l' l tiohlt\"ll I i
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1.1 111~ l1:1 1 i111 '.itilts flitii ii-
S lt l 1' ii' 11181 ii it lit8 '18

SeiniirLiw Aporil IFnos Dance the ,18 'ii 1ofiii 18w18. a studntnnn
liii ~ ~ ~ n mci 1,.3111]11 i Was iii'' i'lii'l lii' 1 til rl ha
in nil i 11 I 1r811going111o8111111 iI ''iiieen 'nothing8 111iecioi bc t i
ior the l l Inn' "T'ic h the sin ior8111 1ii'i i inlii'1 ini ast1118 II Ii g
laws.8111\0 11 18 iive ' n i _l i'i'11ii'eive n i1i. Ii'i radit'linlnnnandniV111ITliii' ~l-
inili nn nin linl Inn'he8 ''IM' ' Wn 1n. Inn!'' 81111181'visnwith' it1111 olinin' . il
ni' 1111111111t 1181 li 1181111 in'1118 8111111)1h1nupcig. l h m i nsl ms1-uigthetnn frnnn-
ilninininil inn' illhlonsI 1 lu' ni ' Iilni un' linni.m n'. itnnthis year thei 81118
lef" a'l l evniinn. n n m 08 u1'nil e, ,,Y mi ore i C'11n11 i wil8111 e nou 11111 11118 byno1iw
o11e11f i igi ne s.tikn 1i1n thnnnnvmd t e o st ym poni cth emei'oh lne,

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