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October 05, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-05

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A BOON TO THE GIRLS. I Work ii the Literary Societies. TO AROUSE ENTHUSIASM.
Brbour Gymnasium- a Very Busy Alfo'o h ieaysceisWl Tonight Occurs the Annual Athletic
start off toimorrow' evening for the
Our special line Place at Present-Or. Msher year. The prosects sent briht for Mass Meeting.
Says the Co-Eds Should them all, the law societies being essoc'
of foreign and be Halty,. Cultured aly stronig. The following prtorams Tonight tha vry essetial prt of-
hare ben arrangetd: ithe liiier sit's athletics comeo in Ho'
domestic fabrics and Refined tu be wgt'rn.slope of its anna asinoneetin g,ch;r
For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has Ideal College ( sUS- h ii lion to icll. need for which is reter this year titn
arrived and is arranged for inspec- Woen.seniii dr)esti iteriitoiltttrc er lonared. hsit t ats eeno
tion. The tarn- careful attention Tineoldid iea of a girl graiuate ai s Msc'pisIihr al tt tan tt eiiciip~t
is given to ito- styles and finish of at yoiing laity with ruinted hettlth guer- ( i iit I ii tivts-h-trei'in, Jithit almstc 'iicli of gseen siis. ntldot
suit avteter o le ued cirally,inihating' tesacrifice stirhad C 1 ci -' Iistioiii tuG. 1. ('tsi'; t'tles H~ t o aitliieie tedstll te etppor
every sitihehrioheue ilr ae pt o cie altar of ctlture. ito.iii'h is I litreV. ttli ihn.iitiitis tyI'gtti. st
business purposes or for full dress Tiihe iil timiitiuOf todaty is a tStehThIi 5 tsCam('iblll. c titi tetii iti s esnitttetteeiiitself t
letilty wouan, cltrcid tatdlrcfined, I pt ottpto tl. Iliths . 1.. Xwa~r- thle eni t tt asistll auotiti iof et-
occasions. Atd It is tat clss of womten whtich the It'l,-.I. I Itall.I iitiiiioityllith stdti
G O hucriis tre i tltiptiugtio iiusi tti Or thon-Jmslttgetreeti. sithies. iitt i-itlthe present exis ing
6. .tILsCO dias. Invtlids tre out of ltsiic- . .I. 1_reis. ctniititonis teltitig ttiti almithlefg
ro8 E. Washington St. Thie lidiffettnce htiretithe lit style Reistleid. "Ttttaty further disire- nstir.
athte sew is the prolemo of tDr. pet iithelipialt of C'hintat touardsthile tot' this retsion, if foi no other ti-
Xl isslite tnsiiiits'detan. IDr. So- lsits tihouili beauitsaic caise fr t Iii raig's mtass tietisg is Ihelt-'toaotsi'
dr, thiepihisical direi&tOr, aiidter is-theli'piirtitiioing of ('hittiti'hin terist of the eta in' studiet oty
a~iu 'itattotlit.i n ider, titnd it is this Attiti ivi-E. I. tawkls, A. Snow,tani to tring tietritiio closes' too-lih
Onin TOW ELS prollehotwhich is iiitiing very busy It. 1 it Bytt. with tinetiimer of thectami, notui
tutues t Barbour gytitiasittijtst Nu'i-tive-tt. .. ('ili. t. J. lCttbit, tilututi. tandt those wvho cisntrol or atl-
AT now-. A.It. Rtynotldso.letle poicsiy. Itcis hoped lot through
ALL Wheiini th newt-girls tfiltheir elec.Geneal IDibitte. iiitiori'if t i Ittientiets olelege
PRCSItonini D r li.idoher examtird Ieaditng -L . t.. litcrutut. trie tii'tot ut solt lojinths t oitt
FRIEStiim thstily atndl advised swithi te Shi tren aiiittiilofig. tfootatll iens trrceicinig daily,it a
sityung ladies is to their pihisictl atibll Citis Ihport-B. Kir. lhisvi'tiir itterest so woght sp tiiou
YO UR ROOM OR THE GYM it'-sit"gesing additiosns i shii thoug'ht Abhustes meetintg ill follwthtei they wil onlie their stytsson e
loppingioti5 t: i t e hought hii'mitie tt<i --co till lii'hii. T i'hIe'ii-( l it h s been-i' ii iitiingut
hely slortit-i. Of icrse hits16 itito ii I -L 'ItSONIAN. tlsttls it t ihttuhtm
Wilder'S Pharmacy hednvryIityanwarahr \d(-lftc olso. fadaswilethetoi-eii
NEW BACCO-even the store isisw giiitgo thii'rc. _a__y.
itself is ue. We have remoiled thelelr. Mfosetr scuethe ltttlihisr- Iitht Vriy adOgnzs
place and invite all our frienids to call unoty fetifreshittititigil, the cotti-l- hstitiu'Pi'Ttut the cti st iiou Vrst an ranzs
and nipect what we have. You cant
beat or LUNCHES.bittiof tlieu'geetl healtlh, tattilthitic stihltllw h ix, itigiottur isltir
R. E. JOLLY, 308 S, StateSt. inctl lhyicl cond ssititsa. Sicaiy- poiissins." At i ti ~ti' ito'ittheIltiu-sin t[tti
________________________________________ -(fee titisna ti a thiootghtphiyisictl i'Stiti - Ahruttii --ii' Cli tt-ili-i.Fatill. Leoni- hl ttlt i-' gyim ttiititti Itst ngti u i
__________________________ it itt. tiii. ognitionliiftr the ,.i u t"iO5r un ti s
HISTOLOGY and lugn 'ircanedutl t, ht'gils is tgti gonei'diets. tl-ttittnth sn it fthelii'ltin. theti
BACTERIOLOGY tiri'atsidit thiiugt ncssury tiidi- Ittpiort o it'liii-('uth. pticti-airet-bit ritsrt Irs-lorti-
DISSECTING INST'S., Phriats we hh lcin -o asosteCrps- uns ~ ui o et i
DENTAL GOODS, . . . 't'gteuiist vtalue ofi hi t 1stolt XI -lhittitut ithe lit'l-is titto c-'ctiiiitiptiuyIhi t'bailtll luattuaittl1uoot-
xuuttiuatiotts,'host c' s-t o fr the pill'- 1E. 1Dvortaku. u-is t et lt-i n itN'.11. us-ltut el -u
can talbe lad of best qual- iose of itta imgitg the tyttttiitnliii VocVlslo-:Lhti.V. I c itsthiltplaylt htut. fTly till .tuto gu toi
ity ansd at lowest prices .... - wo-irk. Visitstro the twomintsttgymittti. ihiV---~sSX'. Lt. I tit-tagoioilt ''lthistiludirtg it roriltil
uhthI-t ylttatre fortuute uenough to seeil' itsntalt iunoteil s o f'sithe i~ tt- the 'Stison tis t it.(; ssit ttu' itti ti-i
QTV A R \C Iti'u-itI uimgiu. titetu hao hit iisOtFronut t li he -utimocrtsi'sittti- allt iithu ltltii- Asui-iti liut.
Astni-i ltvoguethui-i.Iti'sno iti or'poinit iit. nSnook I; fronut tli, epttubl~ttt'licn Te ogtuuiutn ialst expec-it.."ttke
cazxP~V'S n'xTm- STOm uttss gamute. tEveiry exutrcisiis fi th tol stndpitt(=coet ''Mtaxyt. partin lte'u'iltig)th is ttail if lutei
COR. SAE ST. and N. UNIVERSIY AVE. li'gr1ltIie t iitr i'suhuuit'uiu uu uunuc sst i
-JT Ilutatewhnl e r su- tainutltyouuug tut'rtit-itdtulctmti'andustit t' na- br.5 lutctntiateil ustile pehusunt t
ladty ilt-tihercft'aluly hstoury ta.fet'sontu uwll h'tilemetuintg latnt"igt,. but't hut etu-
day~s sago, her fthallsdotSsesvertal others .5II'tXN I'.it-s ulwin)aet ali ouisinthetlt'batndluill
otiter-tuitily lad died ot hetit touble. Ihe AlpihatiAuuhasutis hs gulau-metu- not be1 lleutil uuihut' uexi 'bitinss
BOOKS lI 0n.ur s hutnsuMiss[Siydrn examnedttlheniJug t S o'u-Iut-1 (Ot I. ''TereiwsllbeIto tutu
uOK % E" ert it wsafftleeed. - Iipogramulof -ittitlstcal tuuniliterayTui ll- flhuuinughut'ivembe tppliation
hayoun1g 'lady supposedtithatmltsuis a tnters. Ness-rien- mereordtily il- fonr i cyhi'-siii (uneisiDtir. tot-
BuuiSK I IAL suffimient'sonk bttots-tsovexyuueihert'. e~tu, -ytitus ruloan, iatl.son ggem.
AL-LWE AK 1gA TIAL stfieut hstiigw oeotuklinrut5lut oshheIwa-stil. Vistors int' t-e .utCients. ('uteit naite atsoi Juusup
students will find either of our sooin changed from that ie,.ftonslie -C('iuoets-Ruissell, utrkeabstoli.Ni,
stores, leadqluarters for Law very thing she needs most is gymm- eisrttnShw Gi. est'r. ields. fernier. Sides-.Vo
atsMdclBos n l lsunt sork of the haractertwhich stll _____ ell,. I ttiucks. hots. Altos-Alen,
Trd fext aBooks.,an ulU ldeselop her 'eart saud thatinhd of Stimebuir.Slrngtt. Cooi. 'robis
versiTty Bok'ork woe prescribed. 'rhms'lst ligoes given outh tite [uni-Catitell. Picoo-Traver. Bass
We offer some second - hand Freshmen girls are never alloted to v'rity of11k-u'itsrtieeretne to th drnm-Carrell. Snatre-Monmro. Bani-
hooks at Low Prices. ilsatethle let'y sork. of thnegy.restuiohod ireete t2K ot - -Nothr. I as-Snotci.
PRICES. In tat -the wo-rkc there is advanced a ser last yes-n'sfiguiris onthe stme A. shut ureearsal wtts held, toa-
A FEWM RIES the girls tougeher." to It.fthe junior date.- Whictinethfollosing,"otleretree elet-
White Wrting Paper 15 and 20c per lbsnub senior girls only e being able to ae- When the otticil' iguin ert--e gui'll cul: Presi'int anil leader. Dater. lMzn-
Linen Wrting Papr 20 and 25C " coiupis the imost fatiguig wsork, l out Monday in le enrollmei acs t t iiteg. seC. Ioatnte S is'i tmvamd
Boxfenaelopes)(2501 aC tu emntatn the proposition at 1in iiexcess of lst ye'ar. T1the shosrsueCubrll
BoofEveoea(60 .2C h oein o hi te:thatufthe etitinitte of 341 hI ifittiy-_________
1100 Cards engraving and plate ...$1.25tIepengof ltthis teusem.into:salan hrei vti
B3est Students Note'Book ...20c ~ sepce hlli soko x u.to s rtil.anti flt-ne P etit00 A_________
First-clasFountain Pen... $1.00 atuuiatilns till last utililtie 23uliat ihatncuiof thle totl ntuuiefi'f101-N
We seill drafting instruments and least, and the real workn of the womaun's [naurk. Extamiationis ton 'arsity. Gee. Ban-
supplies at Special prices gtom still not cuisunute itililfth 'lii us'1 h ilaw tdea'tmet reistrationuJo and Muandoiloii cl-us uauiitute s still
Sweatersand Athletic Goods ticlie. slu tussduecr'ea''tse ut tour upltilo ts.beel It-h utrd atmee-tmig Ot. tt, tit 7

'Before Buying Your Needs Try Us. ____________liit Sseveur-v' ohtisoi ti~iat t'5ilat 1P Iii 11 tiltitl 24,.SIT.I.
thistrill ieoe b n' iiorercomell' atsr _ iANAxT I:S.
W 'Annual Athletic Mass Meeting in Niei seiniors hutise retmurneid fromm 'Iler
W ahr'S B~ stoes Watermran Giynasium, Friday' even- i~ajmoloeign tours. tltcAsciio'icesanb
Up Town, Down Town ing, at 7:30 o'clock. Seats reserved poreid a-I Holler's Jewselry store,
STATE ST. OPP, COURT HOUSE for ladies.Aar Clocks at Halter.'s Jeswetry. M lain a -

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