ayLt } rJ ,ifl r fit The Alumni Reading Room RAIN OR - hI INE
-A geat nanuy of the senilor.students_ The "100'' $3.00 Shoe in the shoe.
Publisohed Daily (Mondays exeptedidnine are taiiigadantage tis year of a1 to wear when the weather is uncer-
cors.ege ea, ts privilege whiclcis never' bees offeredl lain. A little rain doesn't hurt it '
before to thie senios, that s, in saking whlitaodspeyofcmrtn
THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN wh fuegeea ~ssircnto i tewetrmesofrda lntofcmrtn
M~ss 0 sn St sen 0 se aofihe dsgetneril. alss ecit 'oy
AINOFCrRNHFIE2draigro.Atzm.aytewreto as MI Bds. 'ian . St :a SstateStree t t'o ii yuemsdBut of cours e wehave l hoes105
nto'Phostsl3 New' 05 'Phlant182. "' s f tit ay yu(alfn almf light
soen or noe sessors Il tis rosim, fo I.rigfht days and heavy hoes for
MANAGING EDITOR, sndeserilly tisy cosse to loo(k over rainy days if you prefer.
O .NS, o'05lttss' ssigsWiie.s goci spply of 'wviichs AS
RIteINESS MANAGER, uare' ept ott Sbendl.Besides thedi~ly GLAS'SSHOE STORE,
F. so nonsi .on ,. Site rs ~'thfolloswitn-g'an isues are 1 O9So. Main Street.. \
EDsTRS:s'civs'ei Sy ihe lun s SOCsitisssi Opn evenins until ANN ARtBOR, MICH
EDTRnisd ilaiced it its readig table: (''t- 8 P. M.s
Antstss.ksItO -cisis. i~oisA 'i sssry. Scrihnesi'.IIaspe's Montly., At.
- tsi" Mosthsly 'osssopoitan Mc'
5. . Hoisor 'on sP :1 .13e\I c s..c~i' .tt i" c'Sre's s } lapls tky
Issn . 5.sow '0 ,3 wv.A. KNIsGnT, 101sie. t L's W eky
~~. SOFoonn d i.s.Ctaev ' sin tcisfstitic .tsserlissReviesv of lRt'
'mist.H.idgw rsos's. ossiiesSlosseNFr M O EY L - O
W7. A. Sitssa sE, '3Itt .. PHocs, '03 Vi'O S''Ntiiew. Igitc, otsri ty Sesiigt
clh'its Weekly . udsuit~te g wely. Andi we wish o say to youa right Isere
Sh si erpts ries(tets'' 5 R.esIoies thse sregsulssag a ims thelii otanMORE VALUE for/
Sbsurscs r stiscenis ofvr asiss ute' it as'Harvard, yost can oti
beltsret' osiso ~idal. Noseies, es ililitni' 'sitis's'ts. I 'tssi17lasia . 'sstssti, your monisey at or store Stsl anywhere
losite indtsb ssiceinte liedfOr asi ott r otl. ('ticgo ad sui W oiiosi t's n ve
Liens, astid tnt c r aest stheDI to~e 'sissitelse. If yost have re tlsfied i, now r, .
beorsetop. m.sit, isa o t he iditor (mfore3 i 'tes it'l.sil i its111i'roststo ite college t
ps li iiithe dy pevtis us itott day nl eri5~5OsitS itisgiziis siDts' lss filt it s a good tism eto begns. -
wi iab *ths ar'texenssstsd o appris.
Ouiseipiis yb s i e ts asste hussyoft' 11s(ssi.sisy its'tinedis it- sy slsiug lihe s's'
'issyt i's. o 1 sses'snewssti. aeorwith etiis r fothmiss. ' lst' sstssssssi i it r Overcoats 20 per cent OFF from'
fvo byreoring e L ttths f any sctis e'cst'yi1lhit; (tisl is iiiit. is ttr the iManufacturer's Pie
All slhsaisess itssdiertisnsimassr eis.tser is fts'ni o rss of sit si tmetSi'5sris , -."t
inie oticestbyi3p.aIllonsil50Oth d y perioso so 551 l i t'is ts'' fsdltilitt i ts li o s b -isiF rnshno t rqu ly. OW PrcsI-I
Shss sit wlielilien sir sitnapne.umni A5~ssociost AlFntPie
itsiS 'ittheiAtlist'c Alisissisio.1s totSesinitotb
saeis e il'fiit'o ct*s(lttini ST Enl R ir 0 W V R H
ft. ssisi t is1sy no tsueoss httr. I otiledi lels s t o ussil. The
s' i s ile tSboyiissi. w sf1sosioss elected N ov sil ~tit 3Btis' ssisit ecilie if
Ott's lie0jildtiSeelin,-t' 'Ociistiit iis''sit S.nddite ituriiclofasritieof ATHENS"J THFEATRE
its.w l1 is. Not ts'e 1 soot sllsg vou'e T s co panis i oti ut;Ist dtousibt tte
wacs i'scess'slist sgiitoi t ejoitistsavsisis tronst 'l Ititi'( oitr. tostsy. 'Tte MON DAY, MARCH 1i
''o adpis h nett- i l t ii i i tio i n .Miter" sissfsl o' fusi ]tielsen dit
Sit. to(istisipp'ttodiit ts i st[ it. 'ilIsis i 5 music. FrantituS tisisdohistl .I.KIiRKtLASHELLIE Present
idv t ushs-tu tisctist Itth'esssslua sperils 'sst owittlit'. seen site Starictsa ie s
p5iristedi i iiss ilthsols'ssliepsututoing -____- IsuHils Laest and Greatest C'otije Opera Success
liionr s'tde rst o si teits sitleswit si IS V lt'15)SlttI-S
knw b heenra reiesl Roclttrv Ot' ' ''teS .T h e A-e r
St' a555 n istissi its'host it 's intsls.''sItae h ; po iitte n od r t
'slis iuig' t st o irteisi ill ir'e s' to si~n S c < tctie d 0;
Littl is(litS it tIsxtitsif votesic te rn it ,itsits' S ibttt'sty titulstig;. :21 Mssie By VICTOR hERBERT.
bi'ing tradeds'sS sist s is osl wilh ts 5]Intititi 01st: sljis. bciser" Book By FREDRIC RANKEN and DIRK LASH ELLE
ttu'e uttsbl'-l si ience as one siso 'sa e i' ''ii. 7:45. Altt it's,
1st'slis' ii 'stss''ies 'Sts'l~s -_______PRIC:ES: 50C, 75c, tsi.oo and $.50
tw oh' dy'ttJ sto fthse lso-t mls if Sittits Is ills nSWtsues51at modrati SasNwili'i o~a eerptotot g oee heeeu
titonsuid tS isisi ssis tist intheiis'tisilit' i'ii''5 Furnishdrsi~i'Sli'Oil'liiS0n tisi'WEDNFSDAY'VMARCHtos usssi esstssssS ls is13ls us's's iss tsii' i ostssl SasNwSlih.Psa eerp
(six rspoelity flist' is ciaiout a xwes'eI.Studts canis uisstiatsit isisIhsssl BRI'A DIRST'S OLE VER FARCE
uitle, x's'dwwtsrraeisiil iinusa's' instg. 115 11 tC" M'US, 47 T optiuit «'' v Srl:Ii I ff H ~vi-iei
to it.an ow it iis' 'ug 11411Iiioiussst 01he uit ' tk~ L I t ~ i
Iutr ii . t xi's' 55515'ssit sissi ith Stard ___________ '-_____Seat Sae Monday, I1 a. I.
will 1.1 car Slit st s501s tad ntiht liChef d'oeuvre de ~ P~00O000~AAA
aut fte nt t end.' Thissis s . t'Sl t's I. Expsition Universe le _______________________________ _________________
stuissultliei. sBY
Walton, Sagli, and hamnpier EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME
Valuable Paintings Fottnd Yesterday ADS~tES, 23:1 SOUTHI STATE STREETI1(-T- AT
The psblisler otlhs work received te
- lieGrntd Ps'iee and God Medal assie Puris Ex-
Six x'sulsssitltCh'inii'e s iittis n o siions foeits excllence. Allsorlssold on
rie' paperi out'w it''elei tallyfountissltsl- i n..ij
<let' theu sllIciseoess it'ho ~ix'srity EUROPE'
Insiusu ye'sisurday. HwIlsonItig they oscutitest xacatioin psrty-Londson,
hiat tesi lits' tiiliui's tstutx'.I irsSxiterandthle Rhise-ot0
lendbee thre uboly lnols at st it'rs. $)00. Dri. tDraper,'IlSionts.N. 'Y.-
thussg'It to bei't1 hart of lte or5,nlii
fhstir t''''eststusi hsx Redmond, Kerr $& Go,, B IL L IA R D P A R L C
fussg u si noe asnd xxill tis'hotsudinpsics IotIKERSI - - A R D P A
ious. 41 Wal Shreet, New York
h. '. ShildiheSlt'tioltisr 'trsily Tansact a genersut Oiutling bosiness. R A D vcs so s UT
b tli apt ti of t1'ew tt u s go liisetav eosiatis subjet to dsift.Dividends JC SOS A A T
bees's's u s tlb ty th e ortsuu 'sl it r siand Inerestcolleted and remsitted. At s 'o T T
tiscal t'lIs~i5f5 ss'Y'i' in. EsstAgent for and negotiate thin ioe of R E N L...) 12 TREE
tgi'sili thSluttiiu' Iiy 5t ill se'i'uilrailroads, ssa'etrairowavs, gas ompnies, et. OE T A R
qu5S iseatluisnl ts 'lusttsit ile l 'ssithu Seurities Sougtatd sotld on comnmis ion. ERos tiOa'rlr..11t.fya
iso. silt 1ht'siltlusardly try tssris im Members aNose Yorks Etchne. - ___________ ________ _________
Istliox'Y'i',gu'ilo silttt, tOliiheuseto 15DiEALINh, r OlUII SANITARY PLUMBING.
Wsii u is lisuohusIl usen.! hose wex'irs' HIGH-GRADE INVESMENT SECURITIES. JN F.l S IifUf LFtEt~RIC Ci'sTas.CTON AN))SuPpass
grusuatI 'S.Eshut1'_5 sursl ]tilu1sirouses 1.stt it orent oerleers °^Ni lnit, ''.9 'a AND HTls WATER SHEATIN.
fsaiily !iirtile,thist'.1ostiif thelin, stl~ PHILADELPHIA CORREthSPONDENTS, 207 L. WashingtoStreet. AuTSs'ss'GAS AND) Es,;Cticat:FTSXs
S~t' its slsysuSSuultSit'hituuo ii GRHAM KRR&- .HGH5 GRADESMANTELS AND GRATES.
bet tio ' I'.('ui'.olit. he Universt sityIus >You an Buy the....
lau nt ) suoxiitionill n ig liuldr'Out AI
i ThatudoWon'tl Brelak Throegh L2 lOIU TiHE .JOEMAN
"Complete line iiAdler" ssuts antn ver1Ta o' ra hrul 1 MANS
rests at lWashame, Ryan ,& Revile.I
IWAVWM do an dam