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October 03, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-03

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W ht
M1 I
Yk "5
If you are Prticular '
FA Labout your headwear "'
ST L Sbuy the Varsity fatsn
Makers and Sole Owners. m
M CHIEGAN EN TRAL $'+O+ °3 ^O+ $.$ihC+d +O+ G+^I Cdi43 I.:rdO+O+O+O+O+O+O3S+O3f. PIANOS TO RENT
The Niagara Fals Route"'
faking efect September so, 1900 j Now on the tlor at<j
Detoit eno:S Far . ... . 5'70 N.UNVERITYFVE UEShaeerle MscStore,
Deto1ht onot. . 55A. .
Alantic Espee.... 7 45 + We halvenoi our tables an Entirely N4w Lie + 1V. Lib etFt. Ann Arbar
Gand Rapds Epot'.. i...111 " 0' ________________
Mail and Fopo"........ 34 a + Pof Fall antI Winter Sotings. *1.
.aY.tBstonec l..... 41s 3 It Will Pay You to See lUs.
Pu aaelOule.. ...as4 y+
Mai]ad pe.Et. .... 40 .uA+d
Botonoi1(tYad thIl -o . 413 4)
Paciic Eopee. . 4ts.oARTISTIC TAILORS." ni uotr
Steamshsip Tickets, . oi 3Se, l Clases, to oe4 frortal' " 'C"1C o~o~to~i ' 3 3t C;°AG3 C++O+OO+O+ Wi, Arnold, Jeweler
Faopapoitsat lowelurtes. Fullifot-
G . ' a LAn , ia o A,'Aenn Ahtt. ' i e h lhl Nilll I H ii lyi I 1V i l in :it rltl
In fli' . S 1 r ln < ha I Lt 1 ' ols I 1 1.1 1i i 1111c al c ni I
d t1o1 iii ti t 11(k41(ll 1 e 5111 ol c '1
TiME TABLEev.il l int ill 10 (111 '11 1 -,tl t I , rhe l: 0 ,1) 0 i .s evi~s
1 to °,11, ,s-S,,.s.\ tlay, itl 41, isaav,,i- il 11 o f 1 i lw e n i1-Wreb ttrp ep rd z0n e e
AToo -to Atoi sxztt-=tizv tot t lol.lbaitt til1TeI 'fi I lW
too. '11 ma nnincb:ooy 11,199 - 1 sai orurt I iirvlod
S11 NORHISIIit~l ,rtit ~~'tr r1tThei-!;ii1 1ii (i HI iver
No ,-1 ~lN-~101 1. I li.14
NO 24I A N o 5-4'i o N ( l~t .1o 1ip~\L at PHONE 0, 5ELIBERTY ST
Nt 1(.- i1r. 1 o ill 'sr a.(. t T)\ :.
((14111 - I T
.L54iOiE, Ageet I I1t1
_v _ 1N1T i i 1 'M-Stidentlobuy tkilo siaion- llIi 111. i
HOCKING "ALLEY p t 1 -il hotil ioooior, '011 vi
liiliio i\\oolIrIani.,44o1e lsliipi'l11\
The Railroad that takes the 1 l1 , 1 1ae .1h. iililly iiit
Busisness In and Out t 1 tliiitr
of Msihigan. it '' 1hr ;E)l.I~ t S. 1 a, 1111,1
4 DAILY BTWE[N 4. l.i1 ttN- .ri01i1t o,( i
and AITHENS. I11-oIllilltoInN!;N I 0011<lm ii
Co'1b"0ia Ieto . l i -t-lttlo ltttilo, Sot o.o .((1011 4 1 i
Detroit, Ypsilanti ant i AnnA r'-;. \1iiil llo, I 11111tr' 4 .t t~i '. il I . Ht i' 14 . Iiw i 1 r,;t iud o1 , 11111 1111ett
b rRailway.Niia ii l ootto-1 ]-i 01( 1,o _ 111Hl
Cial; leave fitr letroit and Ypilttii Clhll ,1t1d fr ,,t1 o'< M l lll l.1 r1 l au .\tq ol, cl " i ku. tc j, 1
anti' :453 p. IliAfter that to tDetroit loiis; mit i O'111 ingoi-ioInt 'i1.lsciii (a ,ilrur iill i t .Salle110 >, 1 115oa.1
- 8:45 p. in., 9:43 p. in. and 11:13 p. im. 1to n o , -17 loitlp'uitt._ p, pgg
Waiting roos, Cotner Ann andtlMain 'fileol I i tlt o. 1., o lbront P ickwick BG ih arii p 6 tors.
st.; Detroit, 511 llGriwold t. t1If.ll. nlie K- tn .thlCollot Ittl t I 'dill Alto.01111 . Lyott 1 1 1t-S. 1 t\t~g o.,
MONEY LOANED 'ti aiorlty, terniaiiy, ITachertof it 111-iill 't't11.lltA & tS.. Evrythng Nwan
os Watoko Ilo. 1nd0,4,vkeecta attl oter t- 101101, 0m24(11a1d1m11 ial Co mpii o stititn; Eeyhn e 1
'OatIPopertos ff00ce at reidec b1E. F hea t o {aci ngIII. Sudio, 3t2 SManhata ansd Wilon Bins. abits SictN P i U ' -ate.
(((oily tr=t 011A l oleiessa onidntal
Inoure, 'oso l 1o atnhd 0 Sla o Sa ' -' i o l . tor sle t 'i I ms Ityiti & tble N L - r. -it ro
IT l.0I tttaPH C AT,707 N nersly ae n r
in South Nain Street
1N k 11 rt ku r id1 u L nnau, lJ'L u. rsm"1 ut77rV 'LtV'1.tLntun~sn u sst~L1L1N 1.iJE hu !_t iWUOO7.fL tm Lutrn'W15~1 asarerti~ neSJ'L71:J'.l o L~i!7'r.Rt-17117t7.'

Fa of Y sarbe N t i EN Fun T® Ealm iratar Univst y amCo61 Est afWillIam Steet j-
T1e 0to ol Yu BaLErmblmrbnert ot.SitSek T Fn
Shop and Bath ClastsfWrand3Io a tfeepotAgellkinsis Ri aLii n
RootisfactSTATE. D 212 S, Fourth Aye,, Both 'Phones IShoe Shop o E La m ert. / doPnet

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