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March 07, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-07

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I' o iF M v
" "



..Our Special Line of....
Foreign and Domestic
has arrived and is ar-
ranged for inspection.
We have the largest as-
sortment in the city,
rob E. Washington St.
Help a Fellow Student
Salted Peanuts
Are roasted hy a law student
who is working his way through
college. Every pound you huy
helps him. Received fresh
every day.
YOU KNOW where to get..
R. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street.

PENNSY'S DEBATERS o#' 1804.,sihere hoeseit four years,
and troni «. lichliho oas gradluated in
theisspring or l8:18, receiv-ing the de-
Sketches ef the Men Who Will Repre- gnrei- of Bachelor of Arts. In the fall
sent the University of Pennsyl- of the same Year -he entered the lawl
vantla is Tomorrosew department of the tatill ersity of Pennl-j
syl aria and is now one of the lead-
Debate ng nemliers of the (hiss of 1901. Ie'
rci-ired hIls training ildehiafti14g
Tin tensyirnia dhaliig tea . rgi ly hy the active iiterst lie took.
consisting of .M1essrs.. Voatsey, Sloth i heoort iith itri-sitte
Mletzgi-i andldir. Parktnson. the altes- .at the Suisqnehiiia I'lin ro1 its-, and
nati'. together with Theo5. I. iraysini iin til t ennovirtania I etiating 1'iiion
ctiratin of the debiting contiiiittee i t the I 1itrersi ty oh' t'i'isyliaiiia. Of
oif tciiiistiia. sr Fill1 ai'iive this a.tlithi latter ocgiiiiriatioii he- is ion bpest-
iiooiitat 1 :8. lis- still lie liii-:;inistsdetIlwo the seiiiiilplire if 1$25
Iof tte-ii'Al ttigtiii Oratorti-al Assoiation i ti'ciiiiiii ii h rco
at thic took Hoiisie ihring-;toeir st-li' intrIiels in ihebi-te.
iiltohiL. 1.. easey owis brillSouth- Faculty Concert Tonight
erni M lahoil .p 7,157 fndi
ai isiiti' ifL Peoitoke ICits. Ili- is-s Tiii I -iithri c-anuert tolitght.
graihiatedl fi'iimiociaok,- ( ii- lit-hl il l be - -'i iiill ) tiltotks lby IVici'hr
sihiooliwithliitstini-tiit ltilndtour s-iiis Wa-i-nert' N ,- - -it ofitheis lust imporllt-
hatert'thei-degree- of IBache lot f ars -it osxvei-hts #'101t1"I lie Mcttist:iiir
%vts cinifirreid upontihtim t ht- h t' t oil"Wilkitet--"'iTristaniandtilde"ii 'aiid
erii Mairylaiitd Coili-v. helIii-liut rtt-ll 'lchliihianinlci" it-ill hb' hiri-
sttd.- lioni. uilltig hits colrs-t i -t tea ii Nvill proie boh it i titlig
eniteriehdItih lts-school of the Sillie--TIeI' liii ioftiesicinidi-ccrt of thei
1811), aind is tllitprse ti-ut i-i- Iof arit 2S." i5tsthi'e 1111p ii itiiiould
lthe class itf10112. Aicr. c-isis-is oto(oIn no inii hY v is-It ill
y t

Ne. 118
Numerous Applicants For the Peal-
tiens New Open to University
Graduates as Teachers in the
Philippine islands
Jloseph S.. Markley; seesretary. of the
asspoiuiiieiit committee of the L'niver-
ily, seint to Fred W. Atkinson-ii'De
erual speirinutendent of education,
Mala,. .,S a list of 13 iiccsoits yes-
terday siitiaplplied.hfor 5posittinsas
teachers ther'. Six of the 13t ace stu-
dentts illi.the University andh the bal-
tine ace graduates wi-h have positions
ill thei-siciholi fMichigan. -
'The coicitiotislir' thatt the appli-
cutsitliist bse gradiuates of a uiier-
sity- or ntormual schtool; nmust non'-lie
enigagedilliiisimilar stork or positions in
thiniiteil Stales: itist he physically
strung tuSihihabe to wiithstandihtropical
clinnmte;iimust tie willing to .iccept
wihthver' posittioniusigited; intist coit-
teact fort three yeats.
Tilti' salaries prinised ace from $T-5
to $04)I hpi'rimonthi. 12 imotitis iii fle
year, aildtih i'itsti-rtit itll he fur-
.I woulii ivth' ~e names of the up-
licantts," said lMr. Markley, 'but
se's-ral oithIliitllis-i'ehpositionistalready
silil ith attnd litpitt-ctiotn mitghtt
je'iparize thil in thesfluic'nicase they
tin' not i.cpieh by MA~t.tktinson, of
M laiiia"
Sophomores Win at Basket Ball
iit--ttoo lc eteetag tasti silt gitthei
gits iviiii alit, so'-olld class gattic
taot thI' i'istiuh i lay ats'ret'f 3to


Chocolate Chips

cultslit t 'ii.55EV iithlisa ii'cttia t-itif'rthe iii't'i-iniil
a10T. Irs. Evei'eit u-pt acore for

C. tL. Ro-i-n

St. . Mwls'

is- iiis t thl offictai' Sisi'ionftiy iiiut i u''iuuts. liu8 iIr ii--tl il i e f sli'tit-ic- -c-'ishm ltis
I II IA ? I~ ~, I;1\ (tas-t uu' ii tt'oftit (Ium l i t. u it tui.111 . ,1 ii - uii i t-YI (',Iiuui Ii a ;1c<1- Ttt iutiuiiii 5 lu Isti f o s: ''nma
* u-RY 1tt 11u(itm'i-utof thI'llm'mi I ta im10 ti'. it-s1-l l-(,s--ti s,1 a11lll~nlu ut iltste i Su ti iossi's h tv.i'tt, Iiu s Tho- m -tum
3 CAMPUS DRUG STORE irsta 'tsiii tiat. ii-f iii' t'i iFiaizie d(t~'ii i'ii i~t , ok 1 iilei'futity concrts huIs% 'S. -tt'';11e. AItisoli. Itttmli' ututnd
it.l' cuit t ;tathflu' lou utstit h'of i'cuuui At t 'i - tit h ysti,' itltt athl e ti' N t Salle it
\a iit. ti-i'lmt -''toil A-ots-. h-'uFmstiuium1- 'ii tiuit. iss Ih ixst'
+g+..I . ...I ~ I'~'' mii hit as I tcumm 1 tit. i iitNts -i- '- i- iiii Ii tttinrI al. Slititutiumh. i thtr ,
F O_0Ril-)I it _ilhetl uivmi - a. It hi' thtm' i iimi. Itim'l( ut~t iof tt11( i olinii Fhutoi tt '.i\Itiiiiite su erineide tiiuii'i'. lh Wil itlcy.11 Aitutatalroll
of thm I'litu itouh ' d itsttit fmoir th im' lt itue tu t 51 miii' 88Iimml. I t I h sIel t iias ti-su cci' m stted 'Titusa
E'pPtu t-iS m ls huti. ttuu' s i u- i mi Iotf msinitiuii' uut. ii- t ry iii- vvI t h t b th ilt t iti Jo y1h v-11o )=r ti
.y. nIi, uu-- - Iiiu t t i t If 193,M r. t In.oithiii i'estimiu 1I;is aul iuii'u-u-smt;mii:' lli ~ry t iC tof time seniote t'ni. 'Slim' ml-
hel OuadSwn h'tiisi-ituge 17111isithifhigsiIiu. \ i'im'1i-i'.ov 1 sio i tx>t~usfimttulfi'lis ut' ln(Ih1- - ~a 1ssFoec
S 34 in. Coulus hd, Ast'u atihisui.Si.ath0~i'is (fit ci-mut-iitiottif Sthe evit U n I t -s.
cuar, po mel.34 I. + -a r uu\\1imiutmh mustin- simc;din189, net s ug ofos $:lsntl)co it i'mmuih i uucum iittsil
handle wound ivith 4,I.otsrs.eitfSlu' fumh mit tecommerce 5--mr to___be
+ red cord, per pair....-$3.00 1+ '.c h n l Auu ihf t'he m' l. hutsittms ii '") c ns T cuiuu r ill i--itm-is t s i mm'mmuttmu fm ti uis e'
Wht*fnsmi-ll vasga ustdit he s pruu ingutuli. otfrimuitt18i9t8S m tm so tu h te tilr limh llofil'hil epemi otwSu'Dlul-
guar, phmel.34ly. nueni of oltti-t foigniotunttrieihir
Foingnae ua aif kwire e isyltthe degimfisotim-ti hum' t uusIomf us it utesp rs Pst illmuii'mei'S: tm'ittiu'iiuh 'ih'ititl sa hr.
mLahs es vt igiums. Istihetutalliofth'csuas if 5 l( t tlaeIl tn ot)1ad1x orig
earhand w eo u rd . ith' ttutt Nm.I Iim itie-___________
. rdcper pair - -..$3.00 Iien iser idsutmherst C e ge.IIint shiil,-ent -Tiet oal fo Cutui. Mcthisths I p"e a itiol fr the isehitl etDrt
rihthndS.KtStge s-tabnndhttti bt hsm v totriel ave te ivleaof
For S(Ite ositig the large tuetin f(tetcetutecCoflflu
mask~clse mes with fitsarvon-s b fore enteciii0 the fne. renered:_he____________ e ______________ there
~~A7A ~~~ t Mo~~tuneti' i'uthei c.asteofhinahit Irelude.Soata . St1AM(two. iuiet'i - etms
men n fc ur, Ii 1sca gsthedusueamtuebtat S the adCanIt s5 tFaukDnesi(TeAse,
pe pa:i t: : tmi t hbsc.P. is t...te..fall.00ti) E R's}. W L TS O E Nodyngt

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