-Wbet.> E I' o iF M v " " VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSD)AY, MARICHI71 1901. ..Our Special Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as- sortment in the city, 6.H. WILD CO. rob E. Washington St. Help a Fellow Student Our.. Salted Peanuts Are roasted hy a law student who is working his way through college. Every pound you huy helps him. Received fresh every day. WILDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND SMOKE R. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. THE lDERAXND)FOR. ... j PENNSY'S DEBATERS o#' 1804.,sihere hoeseit four years, and troni «. lichliho oas gradluated in theisspring or l8:18, receiv-ing the de- Sketches ef the Men Who Will Repre- gnrei- of Bachelor of Arts. In the fall sent the University of Pennsyl- of the same Year -he entered the lawl vantla is Tomorrosew department of the tatill ersity of Pennl-j syl aria and is now one of the lead- Debate ng nemliers of the (hiss of 1901. Ie' rci-ired hIls training ildehiafti14g Tin tensyirnia dhaliig tea . rgi ly hy the active iiterst lie took. consisting of .M1essrs.. Voatsey, Sloth i heoort iith itri-sitte Mletzgi-i andldir. Parktnson. the altes- .at the Suisqnehiiia I'lin ro1 its-, and nati'. together with Theo5. I. iraysini iin til t ennovirtania I etiating 1'iiion ctiratin of the debiting contiiiittee i t the I 1itrersi ty oh' t'i'isyliaiiia. Of oif tciiiistiia. sr Fill1 ai'iive this a.tlithi latter ocgiiiiriatioii he- is ion bpest- iiooiitat 1 :8. lis- still lie liii-:;inistsdetIlwo the seiiiiilplire if 1$25 Iof tte-ii'Al ttigtiii Oratorti-al Assoiation i ti'ciiiiiii ii h rco at thic took Hoiisie ihring-;toeir st-li' intrIiels in ihebi-te. iiltohiL. 1.. easey owis brillSouth- Faculty Concert Tonight erni M lahoil .p 7,157 fndi ai isiiti' ifL Peoitoke ICits. Ili- is-s Tiii I -iithri c-anuert tolitght. graihiatedl fi'iimiociaok,- ( ii- lit-hl il l be - -'i iiill ) tiltotks lby IVici'hr sihiooliwithliitstini-tiit ltilndtour s-iiis Wa-i-nert' N ,- - -it ofitheis lust imporllt- hatert'thei-degree- of IBache lot f ars -it osxvei-hts #'101t1"I lie Mcttist:iiir %vts cinifirreid upontihtim t ht- h t' t oil"Wilkitet--"'iTristaniandtilde"ii 'aiid erii Mairylaiitd Coili-v. helIii-liut rtt-ll 'lchliihianinlci" it-ill hb' hiri- sttd.- lioni. uilltig hits colrs-t i -t tea ii Nvill proie boh it i titlig eniteriehdItih lts-school of the Sillie--TIeI' liii ioftiesicinidi-ccrt of thei 1811), aind is tllitprse ti-ut i-i- Iof arit 2S." i5tsthi'e 1111p ii itiiiould lthe class itf10112. Aicr. c-isis-is oto(oIn no inii hY v is-It ill y t Ne. 118 PHILIPPINE TEACHERS Numerous Applicants For the Peal- tiens New Open to University Graduates as Teachers in the Philippine islands Jloseph S.. Markley; seesretary. of the asspoiuiiieiit committee of the L'niver- ily, seint to Fred W. Atkinson-ii'De erual speirinutendent of education, Mala,. .,S a list of 13 iiccsoits yes- terday siitiaplplied.hfor 5posittinsas teachers ther'. Six of the 13t ace stu- dentts illi.the University andh the bal- tine ace graduates wi-h have positions ill thei-siciholi fMichigan. - 'The coicitiotislir' thatt the appli- cutsitliist bse gradiuates of a uiier- sity- or ntormual schtool; nmust non'-lie enigagedilliiisimilar stork or positions in thiniiteil Stales: itist he physically strung tuSihihabe to wiithstandihtropical clinnmte;iimust tie willing to .iccept wihthver' posittioniusigited; intist coit- teact fort three yeats. Tilti' salaries prinised ace from $T-5 to $04)I hpi'rimonthi. 12 imotitis iii fle year, aildtih i'itsti-rtit itll he fur- .I woulii ivth' ~e names of the up- licantts," said lMr. Markley, 'but se's-ral oithIliitllis-i'ehpositionistalready silil ith attnd litpitt-ctiotn mitghtt je'iparize thil in thesfluic'nicase they tin' not i.cpieh by MA~t.tktinson, of M laiiia" Sophomores Win at Basket Ball iit--ttoo lc eteetag tasti silt gitthei gits iviiii alit, so'-olld class gattic taot thI' i'istiuh i lay ats'ret'f 3to 1t' I Trowbridge's Chocolate Chips (THlE ORIGINAL) IS GttEATEIZ TIIAN EVERl LUNCH 15 INCOMIPlETE *CIIVT cultslit t 'ii.55EV iithlisa ii'cttia t-itif'rthe iii't'i-iniil a10T. Irs. Evei'eit u-pt acore for C. tL. Ro-i-n St. . Mwls' is- iiis t thl offictai' Sisi'ionftiy iiiut i u''iuuts. liu8 iIr ii--tl il i e f sli'tit-ic- -c-'ishm ltis I II IA ? I~ ~, I;1\ (tas-t uu' ii tt'oftit (Ium l i t. u it tui.111 . ,1 ii - uii i t-YI (',Iiuui Ii a ;1c<1- Ttt iutiuiiii 5 lu Isti f o s: ''nma * u-RY 1tt 11u(itm'i-utof thI'llm'mi I ta im10 ti'. it-s1-l l-(,s--ti s,1 a11lll~nlu ut iltste i Su ti iossi's h tv.i'tt, Iiu s Tho- m -tum 3 CAMPUS DRUG STORE irsta 'tsiii tiat. ii-f iii' t'i iFiaizie d(t~'ii i'ii i~t , ok 1 iilei'futity concrts huIs% 'S. -tt'';11e. AItisoli. Itttmli' ututnd it.l' cuit t ;tathflu' lou utstit h'of i'cuuui At t 'i - tit h ysti,' itltt athl e ti' N t Salle it \a iit. ti-i'lmt -''toil A-ots-. h-'uFmstiuium1- 'ii tiuit. iss Ih ixst' +g+..I . ...I ~ I'~'' mii hit as I tcumm 1 tit. i iitNts -i- '- i- iiii Ii tttinrI al. Slititutiumh. i thtr , F O_0Ril-)I it _ilhetl uivmi - a. It hi' thtm' i iimi. Itim'l( ut~t iof tt11( i olinii Fhutoi tt '.i\Itiiiiite su erineide tiiuii'i'. lh Wil itlcy.11 Aitutatalroll of thm I'litu itouh ' d itsttit fmoir th im' lt itue tu t 51 miii' 88Iimml. I t I h sIel t iias ti-su cci' m stted 'Titusa E'pPtu t-iS m ls huti. ttuu' s i u- i mi Iotf msinitiuii' uut. ii- t ry iii- vvI t h t b th ilt t iti Jo y1h v-11o )=r ti .y. nIi, uu-- - Iiiu t t i t If 193,M r. t In.oithiii i'estimiu 1I;is aul iuii'u-u-smt;mii:' lli ~ry t iC tof time seniote t'ni. 'Slim' ml- hel OuadSwn h'tiisi-ituge 17111isithifhigsiIiu. \ i'im'1i-i'.ov 1 sio i tx>t~usfimttulfi'lis ut' ln(Ih1- - ~a 1ssFoec S 34 in. Coulus hd, Ast'u atihisui.Si.ath0~i'is (fit ci-mut-iitiottif Sthe evit U n I t -s. cuar, po mel.34 I. + -a r uu\\1imiutmh mustin- simc;din189, net s ug ofos $:lsntl)co it i'mmuih i uucum iittsil handle wound ivith 4,I.otsrs.eitfSlu' fumh mit tecommerce 5--mr to___be + red cord, per pair....-$3.00 1+ '.c h n l Auu ihf t'he m' l. hutsittms ii '") c ns T cuiuu r ill i--itm-is t s i mm'mmuttmu fm ti uis e' Wht*fnsmi-ll vasga ustdit he s pruu ingutuli. otfrimuitt18i9t8S m tm so tu h te tilr limh llofil'hil epemi otwSu'Dlul- guar, phmel.34ly. nueni of oltti-t foigniotunttrieihir Foingnae ua aif kwire e isyltthe degimfisotim-ti hum' t uusIomf us it utesp rs Pst illmuii'mei'S: tm'ittiu'iiuh 'ih'ititl sa hr. mLahs es vt igiums. Istihetutalliofth'csuas if 5 l( t tlaeIl tn ot)1ad1x orig earhand w eo u rd . ith' ttutt Nm.I Iim itie-___________ . rdcper pair - -..$3.00 Iien iser idsutmherst C e ge.IIint shiil,-ent -Tiet oal fo Cutui. Mcthisths I p"e a itiol fr the isehitl etDrt rihthndS.KtStge s-tabnndhttti bt hsm v totriel ave te ivleaof For S(Ite ositig the large tuetin f(tetcetutecCoflflu mask~clse mes with fitsarvon-s b fore enteciii0 the fne. renered:_he____________ e ______________ there ~~A7A ~~~ t Mo~~tuneti' i'uthei c.asteofhinahit Irelude.Soata . St1AM(two. iuiet'i - etms men n fc ur, Ii 1sca gsthedusueamtuebtat S the adCanIt s5 tFaukDnesi(TeAse, pe pa:i t: : tmi t hbsc.P. is t...te..fall.00ti) E R's}. W L TS O E Nodyngt