. . rjiulture state 20) inches is the least RA IN 0 , S IiI NE
amount of precipitation by which ag '/
-riculture can be properly carried on 'h '0'$.0So steso. "
Discouraging are al tterapto, to trn .,I
Pbishd Dy leg(Mood 'cept)drio5 ee he0) etieprs l bsto wear when the weather is soer 7
couegear~ean. A little rain doesn't hurt it
coscar. S recattnt to agricultural actount. wiei fcmoto
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'Ctnoption is most periseni hlit affords plentyofcmrtnv
'ohi o ne n va oin thliicoast antl the ppalaclii tx; iii the warmest of days.
Arge, lg,Mani Sit. 33 s. Stat tret thermiai the interioer:iialaiia in the But of course we have lght shoes
ciom Pao"1t "ew Stain 'Phon e82.souhi; preumnora west. for bright days and heavy soal for
MANAGING EDITOR, "We have M)300 ies f sson s rainy da y if you prefer
O. H5. II and 12.10exeltise ofBalskla. Rivrs
u5N5MAAE, agie aeailil000 roi's, of unaig'able GLASS'S SHOE STORE,
F. 7NcEiHA~,'0 L length. They ae used il the eaol, for 1 08S0. Aain Street
P Liii 0 tI'O ' I ouve. ir the sout for' traspos'ation, Open evenings Rut AN'IC
EDITORS: 'roil ini t' west foriiviiiatioii.8 P. M. ARBOR, hi~
ATiilETIC. ft G. Orisi 'i.'i5 I E,_,_____
AAA~OO~.SeetsP ~.A. Bil.'II Political Science Club Tonight
Mus. K. oise 510 u w. ln mo1, 1 Thlii'lii Sienrei'.1luli sill hold J30 DAYS INVENTORY SALE
W, A. BesCoos, 3 H. . Hor. O ' 035, a. illrli" utieiLig iinte eI( r'( 'n' n
Fel. 11. 70:r o'ilock. Pif. E. D.
1 lnes fto' Univtersity of lWiseonsisliau niesoko l nwColia ral
The subrirpion price of the Ar.v st't.35ll0'hli iiipar i'iii~adOretr tc falnwC~ilga ral
frishe college year with a regular dleivery ,huIts rep)rierutirig tlhe idustrial rc- reduced prices durl'ig moth of Janitary prior to
before noono each day. N'otcese oomuarcii' sorces f the United Staes whichinocg.AlStsadOeotstlssho
lions, aridoaleo ctter iutrted tr pubico-iviig l)ut ndOecasa esta
tion mosle, i-,,Iin at ho0sri vosaie ie i ni'l ra part of the Social Ecoomics
beore sp. i., or ialeil to the' aliriseiroe'exi'ito f the United States govern AManufacturers price during t his sale. Avail your
p . or he dayrteiour io tit say onliii.
whc hyaerpoe oo~a1 ~ li 'PisEposiin self of this opportunity ald save mianey.
Subscriptios may be loi't at the 4'' -____ot-_,
See, Meyer's, or Stotiet'r Lecstandotit ,
Busines Oanaer. ortscrerr oil) cniere aedrAlUdrer n hrsa eue
favor by reporting promptly a this office any Clna l newaai hrsa eue
failure orcvories to deliverpapev.pie.Eer iignw
Alt chaoges is ariertiso gmattel' ist b i-eeprices. Every thingeetinew.
an he office by 3ap.o. oite dy vrieviostoi iii'sli iii. Ietng f
that oni which they atrtoOapper. i ooliill moni'gtm. at 7:30 p. mi.
- - C I ht sitIt Feb. 1I-Prof. Samiuel
Our Commercial Resurcs slittyAmf,~iin
of li'i'tre's was5bhgunibytProf. . D.Couse
ion's of ltte 'ois'e it' f ll' 'soiioil iuinslii I'eb,1, i::"(l1)ii.iF.irt y dy an ae '2snt~w O h oat nai ncril o H A R
St iesi iitieli'ali'iie ~atit if lii' h tii' toSilnia',lvii. b.0- 21-24-'feAuHE'S AY"R' 2
thorirvex this ote. Teco sc Y iulA. sae eo-setinost's irt6
cmlive the higheva r alcnt sevhrl nd s etity C(-lal -p.hal.
us suiitiGo rah of hi dNeeeyailFe. 204ulU A AWc.
U. ' iiii'ililt's ir unte. iuotrial Re-sloi Ccd itheda o avtiChiago. AtRie tunan aewl Eggmeto
Iourcesio, hi onitry. F5 tldri'rs. iaysgFetboot-1lhi S. I. A. rth-
Po.Jn s ideivery.5 lPhysi, ra Thlertoy, a castuely Cnet~n-D V D B L S
ii t'il lve k le c ltegy ateweek. Fol-n verasi Prgra m) p.I.Pt oan' t ic an R aisBc Dr m
toeigs the program: ui Filay, SMarch -P eiihs'i.
1. iiyiical e rah of l il tihe iNaeibebr ate55v. il l a id B lsc '
lotin: Sex, age, race aind industrial. Friday, Sarchr 15-CDavid Blphanicmp n
I. Litolilulisil and Density of Popon- (Chorl CUiotn Series). Iiniis''Isity flal. PRICES: 25, 35, 50.7Tae $1.00. eat sale onday.
]anoin. -- -_-
.. Indullstrial aptitttde",of PptOiiionl~. 'iiiswnp ABE OTHlERS: BUT NONE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21
7C'hest CIndustry.
0. hetsiiiiAgctlre. "SO GOOD I The~
10. D uairyi ne. S p c'i l s p uneim i p ortation s h ave ar -
1. Sortivulture. rived. HENRY BROS. BYAUTsTOMS l'fte l aoie
12. Forest Idstries. -- B nsu HMS
13 ihre.If you see the work of the Toeds Seat Sale Thursday, February 13th, y a. m.
11. Coal. Laundiy Co. you will be convinedi
1. Iron Ore. that you want no other. Agency 121 S. _________
ito cotnectionwsitht thelecturecthe E E YT IGHE'eX EPiHE N M
frnest series of taps e ver gathiei'e'ilto EVERYTHING___NEW__EXCEPT__THE__NAME
gether and showing every Phiaseiofth i fit euve d
United States geosgrahlicl'ly,.poiti het'ouveAT -
sally. insdustriallyandt uecoomsically, IExpoSition Universele
sill bei' usiud. ih~ey foirtmedilani linus- BY
ig ftruiieeof thCie 1. S. ixuibit"it the Wallton,'Sagio, and Chanper
rxnsitioiira) Paris. -ADuDRESS, 30tSOU0TH STATE STREET
11hu oeninguu addirgiies I'u'if..hliles- The pohlishers of this work received the
sali1: Grand Prie andolsd Medl at the ars ax.
Th etsize f thu t~ilil Stair's Position for its excellence Alt works sold on OEI
suls eltrbcription only.-
gises thu utmost altlsagtuu~gird ws
groat I iiiieeial etlieIa i'y. IC tox e dmond Kerr & "Co -,
sible f~lonure minonruitiie'mugoserun-~II I ~ ~
geat to cosittes alltthe'rtrist', uuu'u' nR~nes, 4l Wal Sree, New York B L I R etbsns nepieoemns
usul iius. transprtation mling.- HIGHC GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES
titi ma~iicuuf r~iig innistia.TRivlost aniga general b widgSuhes. El AN
1'el~trty rttvrn 13011,Yaiid interest ectd and remittedu. Act anI k r I
yoked together. l'he rpper ticuiuuisuitasalc Ageta foor and negotiat the isasuof nTo 1 TATE
~fMu'tga s uelnll uiid iCierairoad, street railways. gas companies etc. ___ ROsENEALEE3112 0
of r~eir rt s uequllybotna o Ot e Seities )ourgh.ard sold on commisio. R(ENTA1110EE
an ogrurphy starrat irnlu ol
trot of the up~per peninsunla. ELI fUI SANITARY PLUMBING.
"Great aid regionts, ompiriigut HIG-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIESj * i imlhf ELECTRIC CNSTaUCTION AND SUvvaLtEs,&
tnge portoni of thes total area, soy e Lit ofatcrrent oseruea e.^*cn priitooton. 7 STEAS AiD HOT WATER HEATING,
relaitned. hut at sast expene Of AARAHAM, KERR & CtO. I HGH GRADE MANTEL AND GRATES.
money. I__________________________
"1 lhe eimtei is exiellent IThreteien-
tories have woriedtn t ileteriosatrouroh
the T:Irope rm ;people planted here~ You Canl Buy the.....
A, 1., rainfalltere is esess iange AR
ll. either gosorhutirhto rnoue at Monarch Patent le t rSh e $3.50 W B I I
all. lInthrtisortou south of latitrudEm tn5PnnrTrsm THlE JIIOE EAI
..,eg_.,,tuna+-- rut ruer51 Annneal10 ..Ta WntBek hog 10 s NA er
deg. longitude. there is ffr1m1 Il 11to .a
bare 20 :inches. Tlse department of ag-
c C T IC V n ~i -I UAA, ii ,"r ' c'2 OA r' C , 2Di' %1 SA AII 11t0 C MM'