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February 13, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-13

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....Our Special Line of.... BASEBALL PROSPECTS
Foreign and Domestic Are the tBrightest in Many Years-
A Good Number of CandidatesI
FAB RI C'' Turn Out-The Schedule
To Date
Lit iiiit the baseal season wyast
opened t the Uiersity of Michigan.
has arrived and is ar- The tcailidtes gathered in the trophy
ranged for inpection. rosi ndaii showed Py their nimbers
We have the largest a- taniiteitlinsiasni as well thtt te year,
woitt heeta prosperos one ot'iliii' Wol-
sortment in the city, verites. Thirty-iieiientriei out ti)
I heat' itadate IDireto BItattO anti
(.tip ISt Iiiiiiicbalk U o tit ltin. Of .
4.11 W ILU) (()ytinnnillnljy~y t were tint
no8 E. Washington St. Nilittna rihtt hieli. There arc!ii
coilieetiotigit of the 1900 'varsity
team totil1 es-ry plac ili te dilaiiiiiii
OUTPIT4on basean hot sti ep.ii li-
I-'an M t eti ' . i ti tveet hse
I ltt is ct ii o -i in it iitti.i
OT TT'PI 1 ' I'lt ret ofth1 nwoaniteats tti list
XJ% j aj follows:pRu5 tit iht'ieldce~f
cwZh i ,:h t iitciti s et: itatti' a I at
hsew lar oti suirei ofii ttiii yoitii
YOU KNWtwher to geiii chityit iiii Itownl
W j O E Stt t e g tet-hctetu.rIi ii e ts
PHARM CY ut.riguitighiiltiiiiits uat c_ ipii1-ci
R. E.Joll, 308S Stte Steet.toiot I'llitottly its tintaelnti yoisng
VOU KNO wh re o gt.... 1111 .) ol iltr oie eoiiiisi'lstioti
1" OwbrdgeNs H -itaiiii ' tt. ot
C ooAte his jtiiaisi hlhbeon lltloe wnel easn
STMEORIGINAL)iteriiit e ae iiie or wa ctie ttsi
40 ent pe lb 0 iick te-it itittoletllwale avieei
N. E doly, 3 8 S.Stat stret ieton tiraisn isi sit'ltf"l e.T gt iuc,
Q- jj j\e p ityii'aioiigtit tie ei tit to o potie
N O H N e hic t n 'it~tOit e t iite ti ore nstict
L IK E T_____ - l no t nic tug al m t t it e o w tt -
e'aiiirett, M is- 1rlatbtie layei byiiets.i
In te w squadeihtviieoseiesi tit at te
~ xtheo towe Tis is the ca"ther tiie to
Trowbridge' tg to intl 20tiet mbasial.
1 tour ateuttn o Tr ibeiiitlayeiwthec
(THE ORIUINA,) gall kindtheIoNs wiTt sttleth
Seco d. pit of NQprIPW I'dle ociio
- i tt l)Ill ur ily fteatfioudigthe
univeri'ty1-of-ll aoptic ret1113
+A1QU1 A7 l11 icit 27 alita-i
ments 5Chcg'sopornonsc
CA. U DRG TOE ,it Sraente
...4.. S"telMay 17,Yat thewPtAeri an
U n v rst w5.iti a is n itaintiridlge."
ta mir tO Iliois an - char
+1 Apriul 1-55 iseonsin imijs it. 1
+ Seco'hd- ATilt7S-leait Annot. ot:

;DNESPAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1901. No 10(9
Jtuiie 15--Cornell at :Ann Artist. TOASTMASTER REAPPEARS
Jant' it-tornell. tpossibly at t eroit.
-ftut(- 17--hI 'tagiiat itc ltago.
Was Not Kidnapped as -unored-
Dean Hutchins to Deliver Founder's Fresh Late Banquet Proceeds as
Day Addir ss at Nebraska Platnned With the Citif
-- Present
I mitt II. 1It. tttt-hlttiof sitii'lass' te-_
ytrei lev liihs liit~ocui Io'uttrie.te Leo-lti' s. Rtiiisaeip.te. trembling,
sill tiaenictabotitit ies-t. te h1shis e e si-elios'oalimisit stdeedoffathis-
Daly adsattti- theilii'Neb'iskatoiotiuter- iig-titlto 1111111 iito ittes t tasto-
Thlisotisilayhelitsctied i ~t itisti nappdity tie -liiPal I rw eo ouftiu-
iti-ttti tit ;111( ist-eIwiisoiet'tiiebraiti - is aptpedt is-yculs't iii s ofatie tilt
wet fthelt ilit' yettr. iissnlt oitiotsigtast 't'liiisoay
room i iirti~it dct -since.
TRACK MEET ON SATURDAY; i itIstyai, Ttod lksoy. a-
Men are is Good Cosfdttel ,it 1 -u f , et i 01 in tu iihott'.it rottoykit-I
eal Rectirds May Be -:sit Itch tll .
i tits-.I ott,-"I ic til nt to le eapturedeildmi
Evont ottve i citstftomtttiscihidisgae.
EV ~"ito I nit to the look Hose taot
lirtem t llic It- lty Psursers. I
'ril gynnninn isnow he T O chnge itothe oldti i tfames, toot the
i gr'cieatesot -us-it ii. loath i iii -it ts ntrlty t unt-latotll11 sercheris y
1tiht 111th pat f til-ti m t- is'ttlilttis uitictly otitlitsight by goin
toi a (inti's oom i. HerecI stayeiItt
to titt o ier ii"TlImm.iiiwho uturi tiur' mii'nti-tiit'theaurquet. whets
Sa luiiay iighti. AS hut litlt'h in,'re- othlii'hill.osneakedini, enaineot
withii t'titsatto.it sils dutu' eii tctto clotheiuciuotiitlit'dulessedotnduileee
u lteithetin the nadit-i-itedbeeittftill'-tIaim. -My itioiutiiu'sues ',s tanid
tuy psacri ii'aind tt')'yliiasieI'ituit'into outsieiibaffled.''
this worik withi eat.'IhTit(, ban it itelt wsatotnt'ot the
.ruints'peaedi il th e oniiof )olit 26tiofuut'is-uerti' bheingin las-en-,
f it Ittt1ttf to -li i ieint-irs ci-it e 'ituot ' t ilt' the guicstsee gttteri'g
t .r(tt. Irelu' 1tt-a ii ttisct-ilii I tltilmIii ito s illt iin gettisi's aequttiut-
ir fto11_:7 frtit e itiwoi imitetis anduil 'ititi-t-ioig ithe' lt'ea-- atdithe
Nen I I a --e- cnsdrs oi tpobaileotcomeiit. Duingeasthe whole
(loi " ,cel~it roll ii thedis tloo riedit
o- ients it- it- Itl,. iitios t'igitt-I-i- titi'e Aftr utbuitif tu s ppe'i,-s''ered y
n asilre'-'iiitii re cet -u-o s- l out steiiiiuii'the utothtnt'otit'iitSt
conty ur, nd-i. ponis o in t-i- d-unt duscidi atec'reiideti
lu-at li i for-ttioutlie- tso. the iiliiisiwhirediet-s.leots.rhfro osD'a-
I(hshr([diii'tact itt-li-it uctn~.cpresi i rge i
ley, the vasitylot'li 'usit shit-g ii-tii t' ti-i-eu'en itt-aos iiahi -
St- "pielts let' lriio'i. tventts. anth his folloss t attes thie act lust the
fin ntltproibability iw i lit',iwell tiltc-i L yisrs wis sthhisalse thiug'' Tile
sit o. I-t~lui-iii t heItI'itlit ien,'ii uck- t--io it utto is-e-isnololnos:
lt', -ain n l 1t-is ol 'tii'tls iiei'i'i'-ti 1iiI Lai ii 5' Happyuiis onti us i
usll lroinehs'tIt erniandshi 's iislit tou -Ie orhinton sith.~
titicitis. thu t utilA' alr eritsil
Ittusak sillhut- In -itt u-it-u'ithi s It rciu-Tomas AItt. -
is-ill, having maiuwrlyuntieeit itl'H't driks
preactice. ti tutu is Slut tutu' s HIatii- I-es
Out Saturdayi e-s -stig Il i ill o titusy
isiis culntswhichs he hiutimse ult'ae. 1Marshlill
Theo' hardest sesteiitisPs-it t stisisduon TeT'hiWu is-iy iof Ii-isi-ern It '"e-
the mencusin ttriinug torthlist- iitsg A1D1w
islet-s has beec1-u esse-byt 'thei'co'tratt Violinsolostncenesftomtto ''naiu
musts- sithi Ciietigo. whichti tviO5 (leulsusit George Woodruft.
that iso als shall it'etu- usd1ais stilt- ro ts.Jh s otit Gfatittil.
only' a tt i'ubberi-rpt':'tsoill blI.tisiwitess prtstit, t.esonusd sitshourt
s scus~lutsit. 'Ithus tus-tw otks is'-p- see s st
- isul harshttips in t l l e. iV'u-ush.t iits-se
this rnuus-tususses-av e dr siofa sits Sping FotbllhPractite.
11 i'st-st ithbilthud iioo. A he iru'blt-
itser mt is'nuttilly affiritslittlitsorit'osThe'lt ats so 'i sut aths'es-is -ili -
protlcetoni. it7u siesius ead initg illstsliii
Cati. Itutoyis its-i-tinsisrniug s'.'s'st' s s-tung liti t-i tfor I 'ithtal umen,
i-ttusrecordisIts stltprobabiity a s s-uiussg citoil. A ssi''tiscoheii'oili
sits isis-tisilhtr tin sthis'vasit-)- sut-sn uiaintila tdiati' Isis'hlist-' mti- slu-
In 'lit ( itssai'sesustohiitis sex-i-lt inaulit--is s-tltti forithists uet-osig t 7
sit -so's's'ssso''loc titsiireus lnetrophsuly siooi]ti itlt'e yuly
lute'hits 's-it uu-si sui et si ''sstts'A. reiglrstystem of i' orits-l il-bes]
detaltidep'iar- ten. Its itprbitsuslty utds-iedupounuu.ands sill ictariedIut.
his still bus'enste'redsIinithe sitst. ItseiCoach X'iYostill arisome s sutimue its
soll tbst- valuabile'adlitisnto tishits' rh anlat'-i ssisotit- rel-ctors'Fifzatuiricii
titlistprovidleileliecsiodes toietesmile'i tra~sints ii st--sime.
summi seery effot Istielig pult forsw-urdil T'ss'work is to bit--real andul lrntcal.
to s-i-tre-hitm monifth t-anim. saldDireetotr lFitpatrick asd tite lt-
-~ imemn uidee tie directiomn sft (apt.
GtEEI CLUB. Whte andt ex-Ouapt. Snmvo ill be pres-
'There'oInlrt ie emeal Icimigt at 7 cemitoIaaidi1 hite wor-ik. ll tfootall
amlocki.moist 24. F. II imicim sre arnety requested to bPa
C' 4HAS.'DOSKEL. preset t at this luneeimg.

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