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February 10, 1901 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-10

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- $3.00 AND $4.00
We. have pushed this hat to the first place with
careful dres-ers by sheer force of merit...... .n
Michigan C entral '©k' Y3" ''3' F C° f'3C1 ' " '2QC ©I H TheJOE M bANLN
NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE' s O F lvi.t hon ryniirate h
THlE SHORT LINvE- SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar= Scheberle Music Store,
ANN ARBOR 1TO rived and are ready for inspection 11 . iet t, Ann Abhr. MMac
BUFAON R Y B~ D xj D R O ( S 02 3 pint size, pani lamp, Ilandthss
NEW YORK HF L '4 [ .)[a.JQ n hot water pan, absotely ~o
A DBOSTO N + s best in town for the price.
With diect tonneckions at Chicago or t, WmArnod,_Jwel-
LoutoRifle s City St.Paiul tnd the tost.
Ra nomto a trtsiitto~ Papas Had to Shell Ont $15,000 A New Course 'in Early Christian - - -
orritr toR11.iW.HAYES, A ent AnntAbor. i iteatare TO THE..
A\NNI' /RBO)R 5ctotiii t t tii-eittr 115ine 051.JUN O O
RAtItoLeloROADit iti t' i F tittr' iiiHave te uirkeec Sersie -andl
Al7t ais t ttexaggerationi to say tat conist ot lett-titers od r it ttto
itrosit i n st-rage of $25 to sarlis'1'hii totiti i ttol~ tet ti it,et carsages, New lbr tie
xxzs' rp~rxo xxxa~wmS; yonig saito beth is fatylere, to especially tl aiii tt iot ftoits t-coaches. Finest tniarisots n .o i-
TIME TABLEfutenitshliter Ivith lottits, rob tote UtPile, the rsio otti -0 Itii1itu litits-city Backtandlbaggage order
Taking Efuect, Sundaytlaiy 21, 0899. sleigh itles, Gle Stu1111 istinit aitti et -; t iEto 11et t t he ( ii -.i -s;-o1 it promtptly tttendtd tooi.
Trd ins leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- r1el ettertintse iti i t( t oilii i the iii 'i t s' 5
Ij Tine. eriec'15 'etitistiteorli0fti e u~htdi ~l ~n t.:,aSUHNRH 2iaa 2 lh., h4lsi idfii i un I l iiui i ul- Hol e ie
._ilr olmest Liverynn1)e o
-No. B.- 2 .5 . "N .o - isAt1iuri re st8 is tt Itt tii tt t lsi fthet ti d ofti ti lt it i PH ONE 106, 515 E, LIBERTY. S
No. s,-11u .369 . . No. 5.-12:30 P. AH. o-o- ttldes ni ii is a tott tget O to flwt li- iaen slio(se orit tagyo
No. 4.- :35 P . . No. .-4disc P. M. saiy i ii li' tosot if1itie g itit testi1)y t teol-(ii i tiau tlt t e Gr i l
_____ _____ ___________ itt-ita t tatit il o stit ftettti i iitt ati i'ttilyuiitii tsit u- it
Ran betweron Anti Arortied Totedo ony - 't5e i i ti . i o ii ti o tit i tio ti'it-i tt oon is t iteits tol'e't at
t.Ot.H rlr , r. ' C. iPtliiAiand. wit lint' ira t t- i n,-ithiporyof (liiuuuuudiuu. o- ottnti 0 i f -
Hii ( N V LL Y 1 itr a lld it ue -siuu s aon r (nv (1111,1 Iytitis. pe) tolill '
The Railroad that takes the lti t il iak tusis'iit ppa hittte "J'__________
Business In and Out ialt fIttttuto ti ittiti I sit l a tl t'sitt our s i ntitg suit- -
of Michigan. ttun1'_iit.hisHENRY BROS.
DAILY BETWEEN ql'lTEtR -:t'fliS:NaI i you oe the stork of the Toledo a
TOLEDO, COLUliBUS TE fttLtudry Co. you will beo convinced
anLTEN. Ioyaf Tigers, 10u; Tigrettes, 5. IIlat you ttrant no other. Agency 121 S.
W. H. Fsther, L. W. Loodma, AN YENOENE
0. P. A. 0. Trav. Ag. AltartteClocsa t IA7L~tLE'S ,JR- It wilt openureyes oPe n dysiu
-Clumhue, Ohto. Detroit. M i. RLRY I lttttiti, Sya1ti& o Rle tre sole altioif ya hane nvere vseted Hetk's. Dop
__________________tgi-tts for Ypsiltanti tundoerwetir. in there tedai. Stipe oneteof one ihcolmeet sr
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar-,Alereto tyle te make and sett at as
bor Railway. Hst $3 fiat mnade in the Howard. - cents. Every varety of candads onil the
Cars teave for Detroit and Yslnt i yan&Ro, oeaens titi fnsYi.I R~S'E-Waingitgon, '116So. Sttr . S. The PonP
every tiour iegining at r715 a. i. -un-_______-Hll.irst-lass llacs ini ton n t t oster servedi
tt 9:153pinm.; After that to Detroit atl - ttt u-liso-'tg tlti ~ Wtt-iitio ~uiin Fut in -anystyle.
11:15 p. I. Waiting room corner Ann 0 hs ietosru4 !tHny 1Iera r Luhi onan-
rud Mastts-: I btroit~alt Griswolti St. Pei5. tno. $1 Patc, at Schiafllee's Bookstore. Pikwu'fick idParlors-
Cars every half hour Saturdays altnd'IIUI nuu
on Fridays from 2:15 to i:14 p. m Tite Old Rteiable tis OALItf'S 1L ST- . Sigm itpinist ti-th l a- IteglationSizle Tttble,
MONEY LOANED -f--IVRRY.ilitititor:.sti t-iilese tt no ig- ed Everything Ne itert Canto
onewathes, Diamonds,tWheels and othee' Pe-'"iitti -ilrtesoririto igNe an
sonal Property. Offiee t reednre,cli E. Manattati and Wilsonl rs. Shits it ti t tittiss, 5-4S S. State s., .andI StrictlyUyt-a,
Hours . stre. bsns s ofietal o 13a.ma- n d aIto 3:30 and 7Ito 9 fobr sale at RWadiants, RyatHnf~ue- ' rtvir uselail. 77N nvriyAe n ro
p. mn. JOSEPH C. WATTS50 v..Uiest ~ nAlls

..ofM Barber Sat steaminand j EOCH DII EERLE, Funera ma r and reto University 6i3 Easnt Wlliam Street ;
T0m assg raca- utee-half bokws
Shop aubath t, e b ae~~ testa 125 ortofeBohI law heibdin Akdse
Roms77 SAT, naeds 11W1BerlPhOn Soe of re psinaaaibdsa.'ix i .a4
OOMI 22$TT a R rs ki, 12SFort Ae, BthPhne SoeShop pE.Lambert. R nl Photo,
WE P AT R 0 NTZ E G YAR3 RJG 5 T0C_)Risa

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