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January 26, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-26

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Was Too Quik WithlHisGun. , RAIN ORL SHINE
- About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon $ The "100" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe
Published Daily (Madays exeptedduriag there was quite a little stir in the vi- l to wear when the weather is uncer-
Collet ver, at iity of the law building, when a pis - tan. A little rin doesn't-hrt it
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN tl sht rang ot from the third story, " whl:t fodspetyo omoto
MaOrte seeOrcaand a few intes later cam terewhie iwafforstofeday. ofoto
Areas Bdg an St. 36 S. State Street. port tht one student had started to But of course we have ih shoes
Bth 'Phanes 13. New Sate'whet18s. pull his guin 011 anothter, bt was too fo'rgtdy ndev he o
MAAIOEIO, slow, and the other had shot him.fobrgtdyanhevsosfr
.'H ,EIOParticulrs are about as follows: rainy days if you prefer.
0.H.HSs, 5 The pride of thle Michigan Univer- \* LS' R
BUSINESS MANAGER, sity is the extent of its laboratory 'SO TSiO~
- F. EcEesesa, 'm L practice. Its stndents actually do the . 1 O9So. Main Street..
EDITORS work dring cool life, for which pen eveinsBunti ANN ARBOR, MICH
ATHLETICS, - G. D. HcesUtTr, - E they re practicing for real life. Just 8 P. M.,'
now the great laboratory interest e-
i A. H. M~C~oLL, 'SE. wV.A. llama,' -otelltor hn ie law building. l lm
Mss L, K. SSAs N'03 CA oRAxvees0 -A iprty of senior laws w~re- give::,~N IU
H. H.-Woov o 01 a W. . aN 10 flull instrctioros for thteir action int theDA S I WL UUi A E
w. A. BEaSCOeRs, '03 ElJ. HUSTON, 13 tart (bey should play. One of their DA S I V N O Y AL
______________________________ ltlllotwct to the railway ticket of-
ti-ce011(d purcasted ia ticket from Chi-
-fgo to Alton and return. The agent Our entire stock of all-new Ctigagrty
'111011a 0misitake and made both co- otngagrtl
110155- pll of tihe ticket read "Chicago to reduced prices dtring moth of January prior to
Editorially aoti terwise (the(Daity Athon."inocg.AlStsadOeotstlsshn
has for sotme time beenltryingg to have Chairso'wre 'arranged to representinocg. AlStsadOeots tlsshn
it unudesrstood that Michigant owes no a iar. A bll rope was strung up, and Manufacturers price during this sale. Avail your
little part of her triumipihs on the ros- veytinig showed for tile return trip, self of this opportunity and save money.
trtltl to the Michigan s(t11' of presei- Outto (f till boy-s lersontated tilt' cont-
tatiot. Tho -Minn~esota Daily took oc- ducto:' aiotler (le braketman, a thiitd All Underwear. and Shirts at reduced
asoo last wick to score Micihigans for a neowsboy, otiers were passentgers.rcs vrytignw
tot socalled srewdness,", but in etc. rIe.E rytignw
Wednesdays issue of the same paper When the condtictor- went to the pas-
we itnd the folowintg tcommunlticationsenoiger with thte ticket front -Chicago
which will help disie lie gloom. to Alton" le refttsed to accept it for *BE E E
Cainiii, as it does ithetit ntsnesota the ride from Altoin to Chicago, and STAB LERER AND i IMJ II
Dily tlie sentimsents will e especially after a row, rang toe bell attd stopped
-To the Editor -Mititesti ltly: ge reached for his gun and thereuposn
l.ear Si-Itn cotititction wstil thle re-(le cotdistor wvas too quik for hitt. _____________________________
ct-st Mcliigaulssi-Mndebaite, itttulled hiseosn gunitantd sot him.
,naill soibe doutedit whether jutstic-e Of courlse blasnk cartridges ee tused /
will he do101n1'to (thes-pte sotatilsofif tind51hOto 011wasihurt. ATHENS THEA~ T R- I-I*E.
lthi tttiisii-tssfumislesd, hnd whether Tte codtctor is tunder arrest fot- .a
they w:'reci-tit' Ciiieit fr i ei itex- trial ittlt' pactice court of thte d- II
celle hir laibors. Thse gntle- IMltrIlititnd tho le senior laws who T O N IG H T*
neit gavie a difficsult subjet most ex. ae to letoe attorneys itt thease Join E. Young and Hils Merry Comic Opera Company in
at attention and extensdetd isvestiga. have'abou1t ittsany nice legal ques-
eili mhysastered te facts asid rinsi(ots to look utp as it is would be poty 7
iplos bisicolve init toeiist-tssiosi and ihle lo drag into oste ease itasy
"Thse vrsult was sot duts to iffer- - - Specialties During Performance
covte in acquisitions of kstnow-edge or CONTINUE RIGHT BY USING
msental tbility Itt dialectics. t is ges- Royal Tigers, 10c; Tigerettes, 5. MONDAY, JANUARY 28
orally recognized thait the. Usnivrsity
of Michigan has for years paid sys- M S E , A H R A
(osnatit- atteltiss to (ih' study if tse Waerman or Laughlin Fountain - IS SEH MA
pihysical parts of toe art of oratory. Pens, $1 each, at Schaler's Bookstore. I
It hatlprovied effective'faties ry forAticG IF
the esvolutioni of (lie et deivery. It Best $3 hat made is the Howard. A Y U G W F
ito titeceedeil itt a mostt ftlicitiinsld- lWadiams, Ryan & Reule, sole agents. i'os seitsSre Ilet- e ok
selolnuentt of (t'prnll ettt lesiest itt ___rom ___the __________________________he___tre___New____York.___
debatert. I talked (11hisitoter over If yon 0e0 the work of tha Toledo T UESDAY, JANUitARY 29
recently with a1 letdinig ittitiser f tile Laundry Co. yeu will e convinced
facuslty of thii' 1'nivertty of Poittiyl- (looat you want no oher. Agency 121 S. M RR AND MACI'S COMEDIANS
satiaisterested itt ti'e eatieofltis Main. IN
students itt Michigan.IHo recognizedtl i j
(hat his itstittion affordedl excelent STUDENTS NOTICE!S IN~ A Na B AII..'
opportinite for general mtestal (rast- Thte best laundry is the Toledo Laun-
isig and specific isvestigatioss of topics, dry. 'Toy I. Wrk called for and d-
htut that it wasdefiientlat eotpari'd livered. Leave yor order at 121 .
withi t'ewstitrnlitol inteet t5i-- to Main st. EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME
loctionlto iiiallid a t. __-------_____________--
Vitrts(ili'tiits i'Chef d'oeuvre de- __ AT -
the sulanfest hiindqlein 1 ths diiee lExpsfijon Universede
(lotsI itti-Uniisersity of iMitiesotia. HY
"Vey truly yours, WaltoolSaginQ, and Chaipier
_ Te pubiahtes of tis wort received the_
Grntd Prie and Gold Mdaii at the Paris Ex
Bothi literary and law Stdentls art' position fr its excelence. All works old n
preparintg to trsn out t thein Ite-ile- tubserptioa onty. OE'
prti -tdebate tomttorosvnight antd
cher thirrespective tmesn. we Redmond,(
are glad to iote this spirit, for it BANKERS '
mean tht th cotestntswillwor 41 allStree, New York
tisa harder and evolve a team that whil- HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES
epresent Michigant well in her contest Transact a general battitng buines. /Q T
with P'enneiy. -tReehe depoits bject t drft. DividendsR EID ADaditrscoltetdandrmte.AtasSCSOS
Meicl shaal Agents for and negotate the tssue of ElT ~ - AT
Dr. Tylorto AdressMedicl Soietyrailroads, street rilways, gas companies, etc. T-T T
r.TyotoAdes SceySeurittes botght ansd on comms-io. EY .t fOSNTALII3 1 2 ST EE
rMembers Net York Exchange- ~ Y I% a L~ oE'tAse U L R E
The Medical society will meet .at 7:30 ilEAL IN -I r ffhII SANITARY PLUMBING.
iecture room. Dr. Taylor will address Lit of current ofier leesnas peocasson, I ".SEAMt AND HOT WATER HEATING,
te eeting, telling of liii experiences PHtLADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. 207 E. Washington Street. AETISSIC GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES
in China. He was for en years the GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HIOH GRADE MANTELS AND RATES.

only physician to 13,000,000 of peopleho
itn thte province of Hohant, one of the
Mest vient aitti-foroicti districts of You Can Buy the....
China.'. A
Dr. amel~ns ruehi lectuiredbefore the Mnrh etL "0THE £110 EI1AN
ohrit-edclsociety Wednesday ...That Won't reak Trugh28S.M I ST
1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o1 it MAItN1o aST.aii3,,aa 0

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