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January 26, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-26

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I~Our special line
of foreign and
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For the Fall and Winter of 5900 has
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tion. The ame careful attention
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so8 E. Washington St.
YOU KNOW where to get..
R. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street.
Chocolate Chips
40 Cents per lb.


No 90

Representatives of Two Departments
Will Meet Tomorrow Night-A I
Close Contest is Looked For
For the secosd timie this year rere-1
sesutatives of the law asd literary d-t
sartmnests )fil meet to battle forlio-r
ors in deate. This costest will deter- mn h st ersn ihgni
osr anissal debate witls essylviia.t
The preimsiaries leasisg to tis d-
I bate were held just previoss to the
holidays, andsin s bots departmenets
strosng imen were chosen as teir re-1
spetive repreetatives. Te111011
have all had 00100 exeriece in
uebating asd oratorical work, eithert
sfore or since etering the University.
The debate promises to be a closely cnetdoeadmr neetta
usual is beisg takess us its outcome.
Besides the presesce of department
spirit in the contest there is the fur-
ther determination that a team shall
be chosen whicih will succeed in again
winning over tPennsylvania.
The literary students arc becoming
active and sosse of them will meet
previous to the debate asd proceed to
University al in a body. Upon ear-
isg 4 this action on the part of t heir'
rival brothers oss the campus, the laws
will also probably organize iss sus a'
masner that their presence will be
felt. As the literary department s-
sied twsss ilasen055hise eamstht went
asgasnstlinlinesota, tlieilaws wnt e-
rien, I}se cureingthe imajsority of
placs es-sset Stsrsay ight.
llssi. D eter M. Is-rysf lseiroil will
nef as55 551sidiit sofills-s. 'rhe judges
wsil sbe: .IudgeI%. W. (Chapi, of
Deit Honsl i. C. P. Town-ssed, ack-
ssss: Ms". Eil Balst. lDeltroii: Prf . tl.
AL. Stronsg Ysilntsi. Tliiqusionisto
bes udisusssedi is:, IRsoslvdl Tats
iits-sIStates-aSnatolsrs Sold belis
Chsens-s by teliss-lis-Votesis of te
Blelosw i si i sapp sieda ssr setcshIsof
jsss-ls f tihs-mensws o rleo tslIeipsrt
Ils-sis-lysi (ole. 'iii Lawa pr-pasr-dit
BsssissWss 'is. Ihigischoolsl.le wasssa
mieissberosithIllsJeffesosi tesmswhich
rsssi the essisdelate ii1391). Aloas
membesssr sitfla- teamsilliiitr-dpsat-
ssssis seate lslaiigtoIA iirligsi-is-
isessisicostest. anssl.wss-sltrateill i
isatir debate.
A.5. Irisne, '02tLaw, lreasrel at the
Unsivsersity of Uth-i. He-wsssai iiember
of this-Webster teamisswhich wo the
eup dsebate last y-sr. Alssrrlseseit-
-s itItsersis-ity is thes Minnsotas-sill.ii
trsiet-s-y debastle.
Gustavuss Ollisgs-s.'02 Iscs. "'ss
an inneliissotalst slysar andslwail
the tsentrasllslDaing Lsgis hsi-
lsssonoslslls Ile is ssisesiler f the
Fredi G. Dewey, '), gau-ine sis firt
exp-sriece-iss deatisg at this'Pnitic
iih school, tilefirt appuerassce i
Unisersity debatisg circles was last
yer. whes le rpiresete Adelpisi
socity ii the cull debate.
Dwsigt E. Watisns, '1, prearel il
liii high schools of Laisisg and Foss-
Isison1and later spent somse time at flie
Mtisligsiss Agricultural College. Las)
yeas- le represested the Adephi so-
eiety ini the itfer-society debate of flht
tesnssylvasnia series isis represenfed
the jsunior slass iss the oratorial cos-
* Clyde .Mele'02. wss prearel a
lie Potosiac high school asd while flers
won-el the state high school oraorial
:costest. He was alternfe on t he
t eans that went against Pensylvanis
last year.
"'Olivette" Sniirhtifat the Ahes

Small-pox Patient is Well ANOTHER HOSPITAL
Rosy Watkins-.tre stussest wisho s May Be Located Near Aiii Arbor-
beels ambes) iithi the smaslpoxhass
recovered anis will sooii be eleassed Dean Vaughan Spu as is Favor of
frons the Usniersity lhospial. it-Home for Coissumptives
Whsen seesn by iDsaily representative ____
last sight, Dri. Dock sasis: The lia- At the reqishst (f tie stits-iord of
tiesit has fully resoveresi sanu will be he-slth lRereseststves-lAises of the
releasesi frossithe ihospitall-ili a coupsle
of day. Tuhet isouse will thess be stats- leislsi~re liss just giveni soice
thsorosughly fssssigstes so that these thasheli-wsill itrduciis-i a bill for the
calisi iso spsres) of thes- disease frsoiss estalissisment f' an5isstittioss to
that source." hesknown as the -iiiasi state
Dr. Dock, ass llss'eothrIsiv-sises-
ally authorities intrstedcin thelii-case.Ihosistal for siss nsuslsscs sa-hics
lire to be consgratuslate-dl upisnthess-rei- secretary Basker liaseen quietly
cessfsl freatmisenti of IllsteisIisrbsywosrkinlg toardiiss for severll years. It
pr-eventinig safarther spreasd ofsitmiall- cariies-sanisapsrorition .f $0,000 ass
pos. All Iossibileis- uisis r is sl mes ugto +00o nrcett a
sinid the studeinti 4"dslytass nowas perfirms siie s 450 rasiitt a
liii variouss s-slls-es-uiswaithiouit fesr''ci'ursiussgexpesses.
of beceomisg expseds- to liii-isrsas)(Its- Ti-i- essblishsmest of tc istiutions
ease. is istrsted to the stat board of
--eslth sfter which it passes to the
ACROSS THE CONTINENT 'otrol sf he regent of the Univer-
sity at Michigan. The board of health
is e-mpowesssred to select a site, appoint
United States Governmeunt Sends Dr. asslsrhitect ard superintend the erec-
Novy to California at thle Head tounsf the buildisg. Briefly stated the
bill ges the object of the institution
of an Important Commissoss as the treatmsent of cosumption and
tie roper taiisg of medical st-
Witlils this-plst six isonths several deust. The regents are empowered
of the farcslty ofthtie Uiverisy of to appoint ss medical asd surgical staff
Michigan hisses-bles-essaledil up o sen- of five members, one of whom shall e
der special services for thisasti' or a professor of hygiene sand bacteriolo-
natiossal g-ivernmssiets. tro. U. E. gy, and to fix their salaries
Cooley has recesnity bsien sstimassting tResideits of the state will be re-
this tanible:s aslussislosf rsailroasdi prop- cie reof charge and poo esn
s-ir andf'sof. HI. Adamfusiihis iibeess uwill be suplied with clothing, etc, by
iissfsrssslsst s lk-i- funssioniisswiths regard the coisty is which they reside Pro-
ito itheis- tsansgible propesirty. Psos. visioss is also smade for receiving sbs-
1s scighsisiasnilPrescotthasve salso ben resisests, flh- charges to le fixes by
givisig expiert tsestimonsiy ini seerai the regests.
cass isishihhissv-i-re'ctly asisenin 1
5)ts~l is speakisg of the above Dr
Andsh w sos-ssthesr .ichigssii profesor Vaughan said: "It is a thiig we have
-a encleduo od expert tbeess working foe for some time and
worsk. Thlis timse it is Dr. tFrederick G. I -a n- oe ha ihga ol
Nisvyosit hiss'eicisal faculyswo has be the first state to authorize such a
heenlsen-it tos California to isasestigate hospital But Massachusetts, Nosy
-h ies upsd to b- the Biubonic York aiss Penisylvania ae them It
pliii', whasic h a reentsibokeli-i hs beeii demnsstrated that fifty per
Thliauthsistiecs at Wsashiingtons have cst of the iosmpis cn be cured
place himat th hea -of-acomm s-hensicosfised iiihospitals especially
rsion luhsit he aress to ke tos-sesisiesi oethe treatment of te dis-
osighs investigsationssanid study of the ese. Anid they should go to hospitals
drea ise iaase. Tie caimmiissin is thsenso is ]Ot to spread the disease to thse
his respot t htse governmssent sasdilrec- asbouit theim, as it has beeis clearly
ossissrss soise efecstusal rssmsisy, so thasst prisveci that it is isfectioss. Too misch
theautoriiesmaytak stps osopcannsost be saiis favor of shnsa
thsis msisladly, sshishs is secssrisng is foot- hositailil."
ig inCsliforias. ise resnaiisig tswo '"Where sooldss uc shs a hospitsl be
smscssbers of this comisisioniasee hr- loaedc-his there beesi ay tal, coi-
fessors from thi Sohns Hopkiiss fii- 5crnissg if?"le ws asked
versity. ' Yes, it would be located seowhiere
Dr. Novy is hroessor sit hygiene sldsierAsnn Arbor. I would sot say that
pslysiishsgiech iieimistr'y iii this'iseial it swould be isi te limits f te ity.
depaisrtmentii. its' iicuirieda inhis'but itswouls te sneai hee.
reputaistion asit 5bacter s'iologisindhIis
lust-bhisussnstss he subhjecst isthiss'standss- Oratorial Contest Coming s ou
sn usisithoriy. Biing .spsacedist the-
heasdi sitthis comiiissioni s sishl-Hise- Tl ist'hus cnitst uu'elisiibsssry tthis
its-si recosgitioin solil siisw sihaosg thtiiannuasssl oitst sit tie Norheirtli- osstri-
linse. cal Iesgushlds)ilIoswvs City. I., May
Hete uxpiects tsht is-austo ues'oesimestie.and 1001 will tskse plce it Usiesity
(luisnsgiis sabsessce Mes-sr. Herert H. Hlsl, IisisAreorMui ilmr l . Tie st-
Wsaltesasnd Charles L. Bliss. Iis ssist-uisssiiiigfeisget surig
t inssa-l is- 'is'esi ~.Nscu the Uiveritvfial siill erese-nt
Sclasses. Michiigas o u rator ads altesate ii
the league cotest asd receivi testi-
t Dean' Hutchins 1Ill 1mossiss1lof $7 and$0 sapctively.
The winnser ssil be awardeds the Chli-
cago Htn alusisssm sesa. Oe reiresshts-
t essi .hstlii ftels e ives have wosi seven of the tessos-
psutiueit sss onisssitohi issse 05tests leldi sssser the ausuices offle
ter'dsay by an -ttack- of the grip is Northerns Oratorical Leage The ii-
classes iss the departmsentf sere re- stitstiesns hsving membership is'te
-leased for thle day lit lie houes to be league are Northwestern University,
sable to take charge of hiss work- as Oberliss College. State Uniersity of
t susual todlay. Iowva, Universty of Chicago, Uiver-
e sity of Michigan, University of Mn-
if lie officers of the Alpha Nu Liter- nesta. and University of Wiscosii.
Dasy society for both semesters will _____
ashise a group picture taken Saturday SPIERINOi QUARTETT'E
atltsmdal's. in choral union series to,,,

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