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January 20, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-20

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x ~~T HE U N I VE I TY O F , M IC Hm G A N:D A LL Y .S H N
S jdate and urging them to be present. RAIN 10k ShINTeEcm helttrfrmJug
_______________ Doyles partner, announcing that the The "100" $3.00 Shoe is theshoe
Pubishd ail (ondyseceptedduring judge had just een called to New towerwhnth eahr sune
Pulihd al (MaaYork and would not likey rturn n in. t wAliwhean h eeat hrt itc
College 'rearattime for the debate..ta.Alilerndos'hutt
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN This letter was received four days : while it affords plenty of comfort on
MANOFC RNHOFC eoetedbt.Teewsn te h ams fdy.Argu Bidg, Man St. 336 s. State street. alteriative but to proceed with the But of course we have light shoes
Both 'Phoines 3. Ne State 'Phone1e2. list of names sent by the ouncil, to for bright days and heavy shoes for
MANAGING EDITOR, whoml no Objection had been made by rainy days if you prefer.
0. . BNS ils,0 Minnesota, until some one ad accept- -
BUSINESS MANAGER, ed as a substitute. Sut. C. N. Kendall,\ GLASSS SHOE STRE
FInSEC ~Ktdiaitapolis Joni . Clark, Cleve- \ 1 0950. Main Street..
F.ECr~n'lL latit].tand Prof. 11. C. ing of Oberlin, Opneeig-utlANMC
EDITORS: all decline~d. Wen it came to Dr. Ely P . M.nns uti N ARBOR, MC
ATHLiETICS, G. L. Messes-s. 01 E it was fond (lit ini the autary Cos -______________________________________________
A.. MeDOsCALL, 1E. Xw.A. Katoos, 5 L ipositively tt one side Of tPe question,
MB waeaw's t. . ooov5t titttt f t elegaphieng to inneota30 UAYS INVENTORY SALE
Miss L, . 5.-Mao 03 Coo4s. vetats 51 ;ti tlwas therefore itelig ibs. No
W. A. BNSeaOTE. '0 E. 1.HOS-sON,'03 could] ha~ve tmade]: lhimtsottor cold have
______________________ -~forte:d hut: othle jury for Michigan
hldtlIhal wheni tttman, prticularly Our entire stock of all new Clothing at greatly
a speciatlist. comitslhimself publicly
t either ,itle Of a question for dbate, reduced prices during moth of January prior to
lit1 hetteomesieligible ttndt should not invoicing. All Suits and Overcoats at less than
"Michigan's Shrewdness (orivitedi t ottervetos ajudge. Miichl- Mnfcuespiedrn hssl.Aalyu
g ,al: wottltdnotiknowiigly enter a con- Mnfcuespiedrn hssl.Aalyu
While Ainn ti~it is gnttuito est tecietd for or atgainst her before self of this opportunity and save money.
Mchiga ttfor :tli e to treattentlte tebtle.and: it did not occur to us
shownito1:he deltatiitg toant by (letha iititteoltiigt hold a different All Underwear. and Shirts at reduced
latter intitutoin oi tnie occasion of tl'iitlaae hels feiil rice. ]Every thing new.
(lie ,'ecttdebate it is impossible to hjudg e hali edot ty itofel(lea
tooy h}soiwitott cest one tSincident jdb tefo lthibatefit:t teniiheoda
of the 'cottest wichs rflecto no credit bersthe (ieba, wst thelnesoal T m
Montoas ll b chigaithl eriti juge roni there.ayws thov te ti- UIMSTA L EL Rf AND W UERT II
juiest forthle debatte. Somve trouble (le graduate council in Chicago to sd
ju dge byor ( iec gntesn ailasecekureg (ral grond and about eually ditant_______________________________________
udgsmotto e on(le eatro.wc ernprt- fromn the two universities, this coure, _______________ .o. "" 4"r
uoustto th(liebiaatietitf. at Att r-itwould seem to at:rtt:prejudiced r-A
hotr oask iig vbether (le juodges lad i:i~.wseinently fa ir.Te Aichi- 1 ' THENS ONDAYEV
c'' te hosemi and if so hat (e gaitltlid tMiinesota itcietiltethe THE(lieRE M J anuary2
cbeenlaletgebr olit(e esultTH A
namues be sent lt oo-: taticgilt un(ie(l duine ~vi togeter it ctreistain_______________th______t____the___
Mimtiesoa (cain would not eaveMii- tit:ionDiinaoser ; fo' scr(e
5(trolis n too ithejuge (lie e se aiid sent to .Anntsarbor i n o teThe Original Chicago Production
upontl. A - -eram 11s t rceioed ini 1- d btei. Ie, lettelittbt to
letter gielig (1:'I3isthisthe:qutioableait: h 'ofi ieJAis (1( fJhih
oth (lie tlos who had acepted. Wt:Thitosolto o it' teciving TetJoliet ott'-f OIT ERi
toop At: arbor h itucthere il rx ddeoltu fec fte lpo Dye nvruearn::]odiiolythat ottiandthel :'sobsequentl od-epartr' ''T-eHEB R OM S E
iOpdt-oohttht:'ittitaton: o act as judge, fjomtheo's. Ih it'T i arieEBs M A
to' iootimtttion thatcligau'tiedto
ott:]as o oo~te o fct s-s 1:5: t:s'o-Oo'o jdgos favorable to hidooe of
week before. '.nooto to'esss of to'judges of obate ' I
"3ileoa5'i bo: be:ltotlr otoh'tot:neolvttser rie] tooicer- UMUSICI
stanmd that all those onithlte accepted taut td orith oeli' satisfactot fth(le - TIMES ENuENT
list of judoges hattben requoestedb to ltotoosoobts oro' oill informo tmtnhot HICA6 ARTSTSN
srdet tilhatrftt ot](otteafor het' 'looat it tll tree of titt' judges L UITE
gr ot ncichad btleenO atkedl 1o det ho troth teo-itit rs,to be witi.1
solid a;jutdge fronmChictigo,. shich sas hi:'egtooie.(tl iitiobee lnt attwo - t The maost phenominal, artistic and finan- %
oone. it torned out lahterboseer,ofIlttt(togitIlb ieogtotltttclshialotod trtpienou
that Dr. ly of Wisconin, wsoItoso itt'mbotolioc~obt.tatoli onttip~iittlmYu'cl cHAeyEtOumhenurY
o0 (lie aovbo~ed lit haot]neve beet: thtottoots tr--toi.'u thifudst.tet.
requestetdt:oe've, andithtth(le iei- of ''tootd ati tootndh boorablo'.de'tlioo"
^atl authtorities withouttt ev0 len Oto] nd"Micigan shrewdnes" is mnere PRICES - 50, 75c, $1.00, $1.50
knowledge of 3iomosott, had iassed (twahddle; the Minnesotans were out- Seat Sale now o. Free littlimaited to prees.
hint' over because it osas feared li helooe adsnc hy.ol nthl
would not vote for Mlichigan othle judtges to their own views of the merits " " s .
merits of (lie question. othe question they shuld have the
"Now (be odebate is orsanmd Aitite- corage and manliness to acknowledge EV R T IG E EX E TT E N M
sola Iao-i:g acceehte:dtie judges who deetgacfly
served, accepts teir decision without ____________
complaint, but againast the questionable Ce 'eve, T -
act of the Milnailoiatuthoritits in oe- Chef d'oeuvre de
-coo-hg bthrotesoloi OttoIte lie otoii- IExos inUniverseile
(toil 00o ootle of eihtof tot aeit- BY
Inpasu toes alto]1te su:bsequhtent de
parurefro th aprovd lst n s.-ADD)RESS, 303 SOUoTt STATS STREET
-otimg to substitute o rto' jdg e' Doyle, 'rio publih rs cc this w ek received the
slit soseimntly protests. This miatte' Grand Prie ad Gd Mdal at the Paris Ex-
vr broght upsbselpton oly.R
motl}- commen~tetd lup~lotre it: orer -________________________
stito w.itirgardmay itoloet antirto
carrto's its oo'::condenamtion. Perfect BdNKER & o B L L I R A L R
goood fath and hoosrable dealing 41 Wol Sret, New York. bIGHt GRADE CGAR, TOBIACCO AND CIGARETTES.
shioultd olaracteize all iltercolegiate
l'et lbols '-inesots 'Daly,-Jan. y.. tasaco general bakinigcbusiness. EI D AND SUCCESSORS OUTH
We canot ass ver il slene th amd icrteri-ceos t ollected ad etd adremitted.vAol aas tI-Q
retflectonis of the Aimititota Dailyin mFiscal Agents for sd negtiates the isue ccfhi1U/ A ROSENTHALEE 3 12 TREE
readto tie work of (ie Miehigai rairoad, street railways, gas ccmpnies, etc. l UEi ry OJ1JLDSc eur0esbugTREETl o omi in
Debate Comnsitee ii: securing judges Members Now York Echange.---dea.ThfctartesheS NT R PL M IG
graduate council of° Chicago sent DEAL IN t' , SC UI A IA Y L M IG
the comnittee proceeded according to- List of current Oiiernvlse o ipptit~sal5, FSTEAMI AND HOT WATER HEATING,
precedent to secure (lenm, and reported PILADELPIA CORRESPONDENTS. 207 E. Washington Street. ATeissic GAS AND ELECTRIC FixuEs
progress frontithme to (ine to M~ine- GRHMER O
When the telegranm referred to in the -
Dlinnesota Daily was sent the manage- You Cdn Buy tie...
mt were morally certain that a ll h ~ i~ Qn ~~iW A HR
threes of the ideas wouoll ho rsetitan nnrhD tn I lh rQ na.11


v~v ThyE J OeMANH
218 S. MAIN ST. r

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