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January 20, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-20

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I~Our specil line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Witer of i900 has
arrived and is arrangeui for inspec
ton. The same careful attention
is given to the styles anti finish of
every suit.shes hr to e used for
business purposes or for full dress)
6. H. WILD C.,
o8 E. Washington St.
YOU KNOW whee o get..
It. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street.
Chocolate Chips
40 Cents per lb.
anHmlo'Mac wi-extracts from the diary of
Lieut. HI Frankland, a pris-
oner of war at retoria, with
S portrait of Gen. Hamilton,
* acslored map ad several+
* plans $120
London to Ladysmith ±
via Pretoria
An account of Mr. Church-
ilsexperiences as a special
crrespoideI with the Brit-
+ isis armies ins South Africa
from the early days of the
wr until the relief of Lady-
smith. Containing also an
acount of the armoured
tri.Mr. Churchill'sdeten-
L ionsat Pretoria as a prseser
* of war, his ecape and subse-
4quent service in the Natal

Football Game at D trst Wi le Be-
tween Michigan and the Redskins
on Nov. 2 at Bennett Park
'its- "Fithttfusl," who hatve yearly
;ournet yedsto tDetroit t root for i
i-big-st footbatesan. to cheeth iems
wshethesr taeystere'-psayinge-to vistory
or t defeat. still ibe ld to lertChtt
net xIfalli te asnttoilgisrimagtee sil ite
t witntess astgmettt wetttssetMcli'tgtn
stnd te(Carlisle Itisiatt. It sill 5be
l5550 of te iggest gtt-s everi' pitays-t
Iss thes t 55. Ifswill hlithetii-first tints
for severali years that te Inistiaitte
ptiayedtilltte wstsI lotesits105t
settoostheluy fhastist-totisisying the
gre-atest uniisersiies int ietest, so tai
i tokttitrgt-snottif mosstey to is-
itsse tihem to rstsel sotftr west. They
ill reseie t h ie igest gurtttsie eesr
isest anytv(tesit ty _Mi-itgat. Tio
gtait- still tbe Iltsyel at inentett-Cat;e
it Nov. 2.
fTis wil be sits of thist mosst itlort-
sant gtmsssst o its-tpltyedtit inte west
tet fall. fTs-e Idiasarsts slwssa
grettpopuslsar sstirsss-i issswhetrsever- tey
ipicy -'-sien whs-:s thty mtee Hat'trvar
osr YSne. Andiir set stsernt gsmes-wili
ltsvet- s-ess itll stiadded ttrsctio. I wil
its-ad sssetetotsofs-csmptaisns be-
ts'sseinlthe teas-sosf tlisteast'standssthes
wsto. TfeItsntdias owill isity teletd-
stg eastersn-titessiss. Mi anttstill Ito
tketntos5asreresettivse of Cihe-beset
ttscholsis inte west, ifslst-elesinsg
stins. Execursiosswillhtsrun stis io D-
troitiy ol lst-erailrsoasd sss s dageat
sitti ssssssss's is certasis.
Annual Dinner at Washigon
Ts- snnuassl disner of te Michigans
Usisersity Aumni sasscatiot of
Wasinigton will ho held aftte Ebbittil
hosse netxlTuesday snight. Prsiet
Ansgell is goisg frontAtn Arbr to st-
ltisdThfts-Michitgatnt Uniesrsiyhasi
mosre- graduasstes its Congress tisssss aity
educa-stionainsstittion inthlst-U'siteds
Stsstes. fTsre tre 1.8 atlogethse-, tfhree
ssenastorostnd 15 sosgressssst-s. fist-list
is: Sesatoro-tsttn be-s. Not-t Itsks-
t; Qusrles, Wisconsin; sTne, Mis-
ntsout; CongretssmensssGilt., Ktrs antd
Leint of Glht; iBisoip, Mesik aSin ss~
«'. Smitith, Mit-iigas: isosins.ti'csunsy-
stitis Otis-s. Wis-ousiu:S -usfsi .
Colosido; Mercer-. s-trshafssNonansst,
Ilissois; Bris-i, tisdium;tssss ol , isstt. so;
ting, fUtahl; Needhamist Cslifornis. Tse
lsae Seattor Dsavis, wset owntttte s--
cee-etds, wsso asi sgradutet-of Annt
Benefit Cocet-H-ospital Cot Fund
fTs-eiRoysalConscsrt Orhsetrat iill
plaly a msafinee at 3 and a costcrtro-
gramt at 8 p. it. tosay at te Ah-
ens thesatre for fie benefiC of te Elks
free hospittl s-t funid. The program
will be of te ighest order ati as he
cause is a most worthy one iC'will
probaby ho largely attended. The or-
gstnisation lisa for its memers thor-
oghissusiciass who ia-e had a long
andi sccesful experiesce in esetmbe
plasying and solo work. The oy so-
prantoanodte reder have eeu heard
of before in this section of the country.
The affair wiill no dotbt be artistic .n
evcry detail
The ist number of the Proceedisgs
of the Modern Language Association
contains an article y Dr. Warress W.
Florer, instructor in German in the
Unilversity, entitled 'Gender Chneges

N DAY, JANUARY 20, 1901. No 86
Prcf. Taylor, of Chicago Commns, ONE MEDIC SUSPENDED
Thinks Michigan Sto. d Etab ish
a Social Settlement For Getting a Red Crss il a Clan-
- destine Manner- I wo Others Re:
Thse second in as series of locres on primanded for the Snow Ball-
"Stssial sttlemiest work"swas givenlg tsloi
lasttnsightst Newberry Hal by Prof._
Tfsylor f tlttt-tgssConmns.ts
The toustble its the medical deart-
lit- gave'saistiteitrestisig sitd grsa-smeatf oamse-to ass end this morning.
tliis-acots-sotsf te ltitm-ife itsCii- whlens the factlty took final action in
g'sgs.fTs-eis-cure wtas fisely ilius- te caes of the three young sopho-
Cstrsidy svis-sts of te earf of te tiores wits were summoned before
Its opening iis discus-ioo, Prof. Ty- The youngumes expianed as best
istr sitselfisions te reciprocity of settle- fthey could tieir atctions ands then the
ssss-st ssork, idecarisigte isfluessce of faculty ret-essed the cases from both
Miss .tstsns ott people of resourses to sides.
sti-i'ssstosbisvalabesvangelistm. One of te yountg messnswas supendedl
Csof. Tsayor spoke also of te resa- for te resmaisder of te sesester and
tion betsweens the ilabor qutestiont ansisi ti tlitsot te- permittesd -take his
sis-sts of settle-etitw sorkers. He sasis: examsinsatiossunsttCite ents '.he year.
"1'i-sattii insjs-opsardy btse wes si-re- His offens as s sits getftg a "red
fusessto ieclssifsilda essisissgrdorgans- sross" badsge its aicansdestine manner.
test laibtr ashaviss s inuit-t right to He hasd ieens sismissed from his class
our attenstion ss an otholer untison of re- becausse liessis nofiear the sign of the
sourcse sor poser.'"scross. He oots reapeared and sad
Mir. Tayor tssld of ihis itst entranceelieihas gone home std got it. It
its teSociasi Settlsemtenttsix yearasrsediout tat iso had simply o-
ago, gettisig tsgefther at group of 12 rowed it std for lying to the faculty
stutisess to residesietil him. ie wspuishiiesd as aboe stated.
Its re-gard to te scandiisate forsaiss- The otier ts-s yong men were e-
son tste ihome, Prof. Taysrrsasis: vere-sly retrimsandedl for the snow-bali-
"ii-e mstsfknsoss-whis-Iher titers- is aing isscienst. Tiey sre alowed to c-
t-ssssstsstsisity of tempsteramssent. Fr smaiss itssotisge siiisy on probations
isstnis.stan e ecouldntt akeinit 1Ars- and ssilitsetundier sirveilance al the
s-si ssny msor'e'kindsergsar'tns;ws'ousild tinme.
ilives t talc asospsitslcsiess. Desist 'autgiansss not pus resettti1
"Oist'art-sitt melts t-ct is-sssssist's-ete mseeting.
snit itcii''ity.Vitt still th 100resis'nts -
w lenve a ytigiioeSr-Thsi vigng Day Football Gamet
lies sis. besfore''s-chisitisig iiss iewss, siiiaslyedt14 Tiansskgising slay 'gmsse.
''sati eir Is-stes'' s'is'iis-s ft- settlement' MIbAt sthis-e of these ihaive- i---ti playet
lesntis-stisins itt s-cd sithts-isti isCh'isis-so,-Six of te 14 g-ties st-re
thss Cisiss'ssits' sf \i iiigsssssssouldiinsitMihiignt sistories and 5ei..I is-isi
barsiset stliemen'st sof its st-s." 0-sits defets. Sincse 1892 toents551
'Thes pictureis'twels'sitdiemosnstratedsilitlits's-aveibes-iv stesity tamis. Sotvottof
srists- sf hosss'in h ssssssisitsg-ssnt theBfits nsses spisye-di have'obeets 5witisthe
t''stenm t isi. Plosf. 'fTylsrts- i uks Usiss-s-iy of thisicago teasim. fTs-
thi tsii-i pro sits'one f te mossst setius Yars placsssso sf playitg stisscoes'for
tissi-iipli etissihssitll. stets' e ssys'its'e,'Uiersity sf Michisganus anidtfor is
it is almossst Itistssisliis'tos stiisistii- opponens'tssit's-as folowss:
arueti' at-httttts, o.tf IChica'sgoto its1s585--Detroit, Uierity f Mihiiganti
'sises' 1flt-e sIig's-ss-s. 4. ~P5'ttdtstiss-0.
lu-of.'fTylors'iparaded'i satspatetic- pie,- 17 ( 'tiisgt, uist'ssity of iXcs-ig'ss
ft'' sof sweatisshp lift', telling ofr oss' :26, IHarva'rdi Shiooli0.
pfheos'.ie.sxamplttis stIsosworkedf'ti15 hosurs 1885 -'lis'gt, U. of XC.-. tis's's-rsits
sisy for '20ciesi-tis. liteideclstareidlt' C idt'settleamsits24.
pisilIs- shool ts iet l stitmssel ing' t5St-Ctitissgo. U. of . , Ciasgo 2.
sssss-s' e- st' tonly ssiis'ssissssfors'tssst iiS01I C'etels-ittUss.I. siC 2. 4.1-t' t'isttstt
doit'i-ts-ssdts's ipeopile. M.tlsisc ('IulsS.
'li st'staskers sisss'ia'sot mss i tsi M)2---Detioit1. o f 2. 10. Crnell U'iih-
wo-srks of whaistliss-slt-ls t'e "hirsft's-es-aly 0.
lisi.''lt-e sidsthatssisiisis' frsel tlinig 1I Ch ica-sgot. U. ofA. 2, Uisersit-
drinkis. it flritsisss sossm-iisg stisishs (f Chiciasgos. l1.
nothsinsg es oe ss. Saidliss'.'"T'lse'yssssg lt4-C'lsssgs. 0. of 2. 6, Uni'rsitysoi
daugister ofte sumssmuusst liss's-iser of Chicasgo 4.
setey isas mciss-ssyousr -wts'i do sisyou i.St)-5isit'sg'o.U. of Al. 12, Uierits
call theciss osrorties. We tlull abstut of Chiasgo 0.-
prohibition ansd high lices-eohisstead of 1896i-Chsicago, U. of AL. 6;,Uiversiy
subtstituting sometthming stichsstis- sa- of ('hisago 7.
looin suppis. t1897-Chisi-ago, U. of .. 12, Uisersis'
Prof. Taylor spoke of this'exeoellest of Chicago 2i.
work swhichit Mr. Melendy is doisg atl 1898-Chiago, U. of A. 12, Untiseriy
Newcastle, Colorado. tHe says sits-l of Chcago 11.
has beent Mr. lfeletdy's succeca lssIat199-Chicago, U. of 11. 5, Uiesiy
the peope there thinkisof establiishisng of Wisconsin, 17.
Osissi settlemtentf in this-rosigh isnoing 1001Chcago, CU. of -1. 6, Uniesity
s-smps of Colorado. of Chicago 15.
P'rof. Taylor 'isill speak st tieCses- Thss total sores for Mid -- :an are 171
byleriast shissi-l at 4:45 i. i. tosay._ and liii' lie opoets 17.
Victor E. Franc-os, instructor in
Frostsh ini the University, Is pepri" Te Junior Hop' mars-hi composed
for the American Book Co. a second byF - cn uy fteltrr
couse n Fenc copostio tofolow department of the U. of m.. will be
cos Inouo French omposition olo played by the Royl orchestra at the
whsichi was published by the same firmEksfrectunBoed atheA -
last ear.es Theatre next Sunday afternooss
last ear.and evening. Thre march will also be
liissheoussand dinners at moderate on the :f" flop rogram.
pruices furnishegd for spreads, parties -
snd balls. Good service, refined C ble Addison. Ely, '0( L, is now enjoying
appointment$a kd dainty muosic. TIlE a ssseessfsl prctice as an attorney of

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