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January 09, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-09

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1;0+IOver 1023 vaccine p oints were sold iRAIN OR SH N
' ,, see th a is t s ev ebr e n g u fi a e c s in the h s i a , a d i o n dhad T h e " 0 0 ' $ 3 .0 0 S h o e is th e sh o e
Published Daiy (Mndays eepedsrisgbeena vaccinated. evr esn ntw a to :wear when the weather is uncer-
Ciiegeerear as _________ tan. A little rain doesn't hurt it
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Manager Seabolt of the Athens Thea- while t affords plenty of comfort on
MAIN OFFICE BRNCHt E rc ter announces the bookitng of William a the warmest of days.
Ares Bdg,Mais St. 36. State Street. Collier, who will appear here net Sat-9Buofcrswehvlitsos
Boh'hns1. Nwitt Poe12 rday night, in a new Comedy by Aul- for bright days and heavy shoes for
MANAGING EDITOR. ustus Thomttt, entitled "On the- rainy days if you prefer.
OH. HNS, 'a1 Quiet".'GLS' SHOE SOE
BUSINESS MANAGER, Mr. (.olier will be supported by the GASSSOE
F. ENGELHARD, '1 L strongest cotmpany he has ever had, r-
and surrounded, actording to Dlr. W. Q1 9S. Main Sree.
EDITORS: G. Smyti, his matager, by a unique pn evenins until ANN ARBOR, MICH
ATHLETICS, - G. . Hltt,see'r 'es 8 P. M.
A.H5. Men sUGALL'l . W. A. KNIGHT, 'o1tr,
H. Hwoosssowor,'04 4 W.P. CHxs t,'Ot L
>- Our entire stock of all new Clothing at greatly
reduced prices during month of January prior to
we tbe reatplesur in umoncinvoicing. All Suits and Overcoats at less than
intg titat William H. Paynee i,.. D. Manufacturers price during this sale. Avail your
presidentf of fihe Pi-abody-Nortmal Col-sl ftisopruiyan aemny
lege, -Nashville, Tettt., basaca ceptedl tsefohelsopotnt adsvemny
chair of the At and scinice of Teat-i- All Underwear, and Shirts at reduced
ing to whicht ie was elected by thethn
Regents on De. 2. prices. Everythn new.
Dr. Paytne was Dr. Hitstaleslre- aid be atttil"poutiton," painted by
leteser. H~eihedth ie professorship the bettartists of the tmetropolis rout
fromt13579 to 188, wiueni le resigned to actual inatrtne ainte latntscape scenes iia
take the post which he tow leavers. attd adjtcent to thte old college ct
He weas a most successful teacher here, ot Nw'acItven whee most of the ac-
state. The University is inost fortu- seat 'sate -twil opeta tomotiow monig -- -z
tiate its securing bi. -at 9 o clod- 0
His work in awaketning through the _______~ATHENS THEATRE ~
soutth a sew interest its populrar edttca-X E m IU I M
tioit atid its building up educationalsini-t THERE ARE OTHERS BUT NONE I I i f E
stitutions ini that sectiotn, has wets for BETTER
hiti a hight reputation. Royal Tigers, lOc; Tigerettes, 5c. THURSDAY JANUARY 10
Fair Ariua and Strong Ones too sub- - Oliver Scott's Refined M instrels
mit to Science.] h 0-
-Why, thle uican thinug:lie scratCetd Prices; 25 and 35C. Best seats 5oc -wyutlIliottitd"si pca rie o nseggmn ny et o eln
fait- co-d I a iti-ds-.ti i iser iitishte nagmn eas s
ites-eti leeainltg romm ii i l i tilW inQtoln SATURDAY, JANUARY 12
Hail. 'liie ien ithnt-uIititi ittooi VIIUI IAV . G. SMsiTII AND FRANK L PERLEY WIL RSN
bt the stitienttbiody i n ii I took
the hol matorgoodn turely endWILLIAfi COLLIER
lauughed it oi. the iproipet ritiioinhir k l IN THE COMEDY SUCCESS OF THE CENTURY
tow is Did itwrk-
lua-.-iiitic libegan 3-isit iit marni Cu rcU iII
lug r utigt attid eatly 'Tiie liiitit 'ol-
ncsth yoans_____dth hsp-"On The Quiet"
tuls -ro- scee-tes of actiaity. 1 hea-
liansid ustl ing8 iteloek. later e n S AG HMS nhro rznAaatrong and Capable Supporting Cast.
lie, frlil avo gm. teri-lisi the TO IGf Artisic and Realistic Scenic Effects
ott-aniticietiseed ia etireatsonit is
estimtated that tetrly ote-ourth of the retcdI .2 Prices - = 50C, 75C, $.00 and $.50
stuttt botdt inltd lieetivattcititted. T ickes for a le test of the course Sat Sale Thursday
Some ot the- sororities lieldl raccimtting rdce o$1.2 AAAAAADOOOCOOOO
parities litfotri-the- tacatiotn. sothtifthis
dlecre-tse-d tirgely the tittttber- ittwoutl- Resci-ved-----------.25c extra EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME
eta that woauld hate othterwist- applearetd
at the Btarbosut- gym.itodaa. Asit taittAdmissioti Toinight. - ...75c AT _
hit secreaties ofttheIllevurit aslehitart- Chef d'oeuvre Idzosto nvrel
lit" -eefocdtlisftenit stng-j~psfjf niee
tut ustttig exutsesa-Ily-the appl-B
ctsshlettllwe d tilo i sithithe Waton, Sagilo, and Oanper
olierifti.One tudftaenit a yotug ltdy, ADDRlESS, 30 SOUTH STATE STREET
hatd itt-citvaccittid six tutues ri-tily'Te pubieer or this avart received the S E'
findnoneof tem hd ben 4nCPaGrand Pri-.,e asitfGold Medsl t the Paris E-
titul uauicta flt-it ittl ie--tittcris- positon fr its exelense. Alt torks sold on
I uth. 'tutohitit o,ms.httdl lt-itin ti.e. stberpiolt asy.
taft-i ,i yeat- ago tbut hatd cmse tramoul g itL A D A L R
4~ nMautweeteewreR CI11C1K r XC . 00 discsavhteni le left amd his family BANKERS
sill iusisted that he dlid nut need at.4nal-ielNwYr HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES
other vaccination. Invariably thea p.
plaOwore referred to the mdysici- Trasact a general banisg business. IUElSOS 0UT
tins its charge amd were forced to r- Receelve depsits sbjet ta drat. Dividends D AN-U05O5O T
peat thenrtale of wo. aderst Coletsdand remit. citsR EYID N oA E3 2 T T
The hospitals probably itnssed the ratroads, sreet railways, gas campaies, ec. I..N.DS RSNHLR3 2 TREET
most ritial wrk ths moningbefo eSeurities bght and sld n cmms las.
unot citialwore ttheunruhug iefreMembers New York Exchange. _____________________________________
At the hospitals every armu was bared DEAL IN j f uI SANITARY PLUMBING.,
avaond lue party iec edIatynomakH-G o RENVES~TEN .5 pSCIS. lss F.KELTEAMAONDT ATEREATSUPIG,
wsund the party iecedIteyintmakG-G-ito urAeIn ESfierna~ pT RITIS. UIIST ETRIC D OTATEUT HNATN G~r~,
derwent the operatiotn and the red PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. 207 . Washington Street. ARTISSIC GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES.
cross of admission was placed upoms the GRAHAM, KERR &o CO. HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND GRATES.

arm. The homeopathuic hospita and
the medical building were also scenes '
of much excitemenst'all day. Between 7A T
200 and 300 were treated at th home- $3 N T LE O
opatii hospital and a less number at H3 h eia uldn.Tdywl r
alprobability nearly finish the work $ 218 S. MAIN ST. 14
and then all Immediate danger will be

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