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January 09, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-09

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No 76

Our seciallineMinnesota Comes Fresh with Her
Our secial line Football Honors to Wipe Ot Two h:
IF of foreign and Defeats in Debate-Miehigat II"a
domesic farics Means to Defend Our ate
For the Fall and Winter of I1900 has Reputation
arrived and is arranged for inspec- t wiltte the Gophers and the Wo- d
tion. The same careful attention venes oin Friday night, sd if the d- e
batiig team tiit comes ol the wy Ii
is given to the styles and finish of fo h ha ilsi u f h
faroltuofwhoth aepi sisn eoffte
every suit, whether to be used for 1aieroio co ga h psOmn Ii
tuequsitywii beof a vr ih~
buiness purposes or for full dress thegraliy l e er ighC
occasions. That te team whieii representei the t
G. H.WILD 011 niersity of Minnesota at year was o
6. HheWILDghOs, proposition that Mligiml
io8 E. Washington St. oenly admitted ty those -ivio know
_____________________________te relative merit of the teaiis with a.
wvhici we have citested year after
DAINTY year. That team met and defeatedm
XI'TAS owa who had not tisted the itter ti
XfIASroot for two years, and then won out
GIFTS fra: te precihers at Nortiwester,
FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware, had comng to uts to get the finai defeat ri
painted wih god trimnmiigs which it is tteir oie ambition to wieI-
that aceve tanish. ot oii Friday inigt. Mi
FORIOENTLEMEN: Ebony Toile Ses Te Cemtral Deatiig League wa e
siver munteaid. forised in 189, aid the Universities b'
FOR EVERYBODY: Lowne~s Choco- of Mihigan, Chicago, Minnesota aid ii
aes is blan anacy pai-
ages Northwestern made its nmember. Fo- g
SEOURWIviNOWS. owing the set schede Michigan in I1
SEE 189 ieated with Northw-ester, de- tO
w ile'sPamacy wntecaminhpb dfaigt
* Chicago wvto ihad:tpreiosy defeatedT
Minnesota i:te sem:i-inals. I:100 tc
YOU KNOW where to get... iethigaus defeted Cicgo and:: again Ai
A GOODiLN i wonou i: the fnl:s hby defeatig Mi-t
Sne sita. iwiho)had tieate: the pie aeters. t,
AND iTic _Michigan Ice::::o tlisi:occsion 1
S MOKIE is com:posedt of Messrs. loud, Car-d
moity an:d Oliger.Tis yer Micit
R. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. g;an:imets diniiiesl:: ::::thSIe :winier b
_________________ ________ wilt combat tiiaty iith IS:e victor ofS
a liii-theCtic:gi-Niintwstrii :matth.
Lao orator' IMicthign::th:s n iiiito fin i:theC
Laboator prset cnitest. 1' ist v ictoies ito: not
Supplies hinr: a petinsi-il u. irnesita S
com:es with a gnu:l' eteriuii:tiii::tod
wi:. Teir e:m:: i-itt bs si-t ion: te
AND logttr:ptacke bty te:sstrt anl co-n
ege ethiusiasmiiof the whoetiiit viier-a
sis. Tey wllcoiimii::und:iie a bg
)lssectln~' st:ain auittesio:n: :::t il cnisileqece t
Dissecing { iiilt forth tei very best eforts.n
Instruments Or tea::, o: lieiother hand::,rialien
the tig respo:siiiity tait rests oni.
ATtheir shouldties andi meian: :ti oddsit:
Q siv s 0farits5 iis iitiir ailiiity to do
Gtov. usslhs te:en eurd:lt: re-I
__________________________________ siie at the cnitest. Ti: jdigs cwil
____________________________________tibe :. tHary A.IGariedit.ltela-nd~i,
4~....,..I.4.++:d,4F..+.114 .+.; I5:::. Toma::s . Tracy, Toeoi,.O.,I
* anit Iude Jot:::IS. Doyle, Coumbihus,
SEXCELSI OR . Te question: to:be disusscetis,
esldTat it is Unwise for te:
SDIARI ES Stte to attesmpt to Tax Persoa
Irisserty.' Mtinneot, ha:vigiathte
FOR 1901 coc fsds a ae h eaie
.niY::he:disoin:hatssben lctised at 521
± in bidings f clot i-cent, and it bhtoves te studntsc andc
inbnig fcoh ctiensc of Anu Arbor to fun: out i:
and leather, some t:reis~tr uulc~e i u :e
plain, othrs ith+ wd stow the visitors the hositlityz
padded covers ad iicis nt iways l-ink i it:Mici-
god edges. A var gill's:nme.1
i ety of sizes froth the , Minnesoa Debating Team
± L2 C smallest for the vest Ma:i A. Lende is y irt: a Minieso-
t 7 pocket, to the large Iti:. Ile prea:red for colee at te
to desk 'book. Each Fast Side hih -sehoo, Minneap~oli,
diary contains, be 1-aduating i '7; wic a memner of a
S$1-75 sides the space for dehatig teamn which defeated he St.
± each day's entry, a Paul Central higischeo team.
4. vaiety of very useful n tie fal of '51T' he entered the tUn-
itemsrefer nd nce. rstesf anactiveindratorysidne-
convenint form for lie:: cospicuous i: student enter-
t hbating; -has twe take: part Ii nter-
~AI ~. 4.society contests in oratory and debate;
± ~ was twice elected by the Shakespeare
R'U. Literary Society to the Federal So-
_________________________ iety, from which intecollegiate d-

aeco are chosen; is a: miemner of the THE BOER WAR.
_thietir- Board andsu is President of the
elutos Class.
James Mntire of the Minnesota do. As Seen By a Great War Correspond
ting team is a native of Mlinnesota.
to received his high school education et-Winston Churhehll in
tLitchfield in that state. Hoen-ll S. L. A. Tonight.
gred the University of Minnesota Law
chiool with the class of 1901. He is a
iemher of the Shakopean Society. Tonigt the patrons of the S. L. A.
Ale. L. James is a native of Ma- Course wil have am: opportunity of
lit, ii:., was graduated from the hearing one of the most remarkahle
fpestouie, Mnn.. high school in 1898. young men of the day tal on the su-
athe fol of the same year te entered ject which has proved of so much in-
:oe University of Minnesota, and is teret to the world for the last two
ow a junior iii the civic course; was years. For Winston Spence-.- Churchill
lastiau: orator in the Federal Deat- il, war correspondent, .,.-n , poltic-
ig society tat year; was President of iou amd lecturer, whio i ;is acom-
li Federalh Dehatinig Society, and also pished so mucus for a mu> : Itis years
f the Expansion Union, a repuhlican in the way of advetur.iui literature,
ganization. tHe also took part in two wiii speak oil: the war in Siuth: Africa
fe-society debates and this year wcontaste saw it.
place on: this tea::, chichi is to meet Mr. Chuurchiil's career ia shining
Mr-tugs:: in:iebate. Mtr. .Tamis Sc i refutations of the idea of colwiry with
ember iof he Aitl:pha eta iPhil fra- whci-htithe laverage Americani some-
:nuity. tes aissociates the scions of he Eg-
Michigan Debating Team list: noiity. His spendid qualities
f i nd iad body have eabed him to
He-nry Frncis Ja:cob is fromi:Wat-::. eet and:I overcome obstacles that
ousille,-Mi. IHe prepared for the might cweil aipal me:: of deeper x-
iicesity t the high school of his leineadsrngrpyiu.E-
iis-u tiiccn andu at Albiinicollege. tHe orgydaringa~ditongecrecobied n
uterert the Univiersityc of-lichig::::i:hlthis csple-:didl yonig Bitom:. cwio is
~etbn::::y. 1, ion:tthe combined iter- troditof lt-estitiu:ofAmeian: tlood
xy and law icroturse list took his :5:.- whichi minges with the best tutood uof
roe otfIl. B. in: Junue, 10)0. At Atbion i Btaini.,
lollegi-e cc-i::: thei J1uniior-Sohomiore IHis achivemeicnts in: c-ar have tpaceit
ratorica-:cteuust. InIS11IN :-ccwas a iimiimore largey i: the public eye. tie
ieiiiher ut thi:-Albhionidebactinig tetr als tpa:ticipu:te-utiii the pois of ic-c
hat defcatedh the State- Normal College. miriitiryciampa5igs il te short sae
'ihsme yearylie 5ionviithe Abions Ora- of iscears. IHis cotibiutionsc to his-
oricut contest. I1100 htie hd the toil- tic: hbeei tue icture of ight-
lichigan: debatinug teamu that defeatedru g s lehia os seen: it anud fought ii
he Utlhcercty of Pensylvasnia t tubta hIdia, lthe Soudanuiadhthe
'iihadicptiias i Marc. humNovember, raisrcaai.
900, tie ccon:firt tplace iii the sainiuatHit sesa~tionalt escaphe ad lioght
cebate, anur ll -t ed the team: that is fromu thuprsn:: of Pretoria ccas roe
ao smeet Minnsota: .11:. 11, at Au::As- of ith: most thriligicient f the
o. He is a m~embcter of the Websterun oe orwr
ociely. Mr. C iurchill twasmenotiineditfor the
Edwa:rd Somnesichien s a na:tice of Vicioria Cross to the quen: uter clp-
hicago. He prepared for college t tur. It:e casimurel lt Petoriau 21
:h West Dicision:high schoo,chich:daiss.sepiiigsn acssuing tIsrant
ehliooh he epresented is: oratory suit asteutuait i: the Sotth:Africa::
lebate in: the Chicao inter-hightschoolu tiglit Htose to Se I alt the relief of
ontests. tHe enitered the LUiersity ay nih
Af lAictiiga:muin: 1899, ansd at once tools Mi. 'tun:-hnits leture tortos lie::
in actice inteet in oratory andu1 deat- o-e at::u ciontinuus ocation. tie
Ig. Ie(,ccws i emehr of the taimi cmiis o Arm :Aur irect from:ithur
thlt represceted he Literary Detart- Stithe Htusise at Ottawca, cc-here tic c-as
icut dehbt, uasndcc'::: auplace as ater greeted:l ic- an:oerccuielriug crocd.
lae on5 the Uniesity team tha~ttde- 'This cittlie is f irst appearancue in
Peateil Chicago and::l-liuuuusota la~st -ihiga. Itr ges froms:As:::Artbor to
year.Ihi: Nocember, 100u, tere-c:- 'Chicago.HtO:asbusheso5isu:ccesfu
inuit t::-contsts andt i::thehIte- flot -Mj. Poirl thas msaertrafrn:tc
Departument udeate won:second thonor binefcta efr t ndc hmt
miii a place on: the Centra teauguec de- Ipr~olongi his ftur:. 'f. Chiuhilhocw
batng teams. Heu is :a imemibheof thu :ceru-ntiendus tobin 5:Luusondonat thi
Alha ~ sNt: society.iopnintug tftparimeirnt, te inide us
Gleo. Wendrll Maxey is a natice :if Fetruarsy.
Forest City, Pennyvaia. tHe pr-__________
pareidfurr cllege i:: the tpublic scolus
and at the State Normnali, -tairslud, Cirus Seats For the Indoor Meet
Pa. tu H eenteredl theFUiviesity utf
Mic l:hinliry88 nits nowiuitji:nitsrIFon the tInoor m~ets cithmChicago
in he itear deartmet' n hs iue eents hae hocus decidedl uponm.
frshmanyea lu-nh i-it thur .tlhtide1- and the teams are to cosist of te:
batng erminthecupdeate Inhi me:: each. Tie progam wivilibh 40-
sophotmorei::u-ye-arhi:wcc-ir bstholiii::ni
oratory ii:ltir- anualUn~u mi-rsity cl- yadudash hin hueats) 40-mlhurdlus
test, iand was :accardeuthfl:-Chicgo c-aulut, 440-yardtrum, 880-yarrun:. mie
a:itiii medalhanduit lihe rionrof ru-tie- rulandl lie reay race,chichm citt e
seteintlienul lveague ofucums.hum no-n etcveenmteams of 4 men each ad
the orternLeaue ontst.IllNO-each: maml to rum: 3 iasp, making the to-
c-u-uuh:-.19)00t,.li:ccorn :a pacin:the aldistanmce elry a mitt. 1:niewc ut
filter-hDepartmnt udebaute and Iii:tie tne ftct tha~t te first meet withlte
annuululunicerstty contest cc-c: amplce pulled oftiChicago om Feb. 20. just
on: tim: Central League debating tesam:a momtt:uter the opening of Water-
thamt is o met 'Minnuesotam Jam. II. mnai(yn., after tie smallpox scare,
IN~tTATON ~ 1hC~lCAN tie Miehigs:: menm wiii te ushcied for
INVTAIO T MCHGA time to et ito sap.
STUDENTS. Themet i A.:nm Aionciii be hlcid
Presidenut Anugell hias:received fromn oum arch 1. To: provie for Shne ruwd
a:: imterolegiate conmmittee im Wash- wchich may expected to attemd Se meet
ingtouusumnhvitatiomu for sttjdeumts of here cirrus seats withl-e put-r i:: o hi
this PUiversity to take_ part In tie par- floor of he gyanisuin. ' iTis wilt b -y
mie 'at tie inauguration of President a decided improvements over the
Mctttiley in Washington: os: March echairs that have been in vogue in past
4. Unhappily it is probably Impract- years In that everyone can we see
cable for nso accept. the whole performance.

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