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October 26, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-26

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rKE UN(vE~tsrry uF MIC rGAN DA[LY

tiii r,o f toef hI trent,1ut, ii ithiii
t__e___ Y(!eytt~uCad hyShoesgon
h11001(1 t i ae hyiturf zitie - ,ifeOcio iOX :i thioi+t
P uscled ODai(Y y liEC ooey ell tritee oib inato ernga arfc
IiIL yaIaJteh~ aosofte attesil H NIVERSITY 01F'MICHIGAN idm1;~:ii e ot 0l-, aliarngiie- *a arfc
ii Sin-(i-i iiiidi hi yi~i ii re 2 The way out hoes aroing will
MA Is Ordr; i~o , iSISlii il s ec e(1 s I r toise "0 teune. I j sotrprise yo, and the prices that
Argl Bl1 iioi,a. si. v rSt~ it t . -- 5 are making them go swil surpise
BothS-Phoone. t3. 'New Si ir PIoh t 81
- - ITit Ui ivosity Whist Clubs First ou still mre It will hr profit
MANAGING EDITORetig able fotyou to e strpised.i rop
i,).i . , o M enig.totoday aidltry it
BUSINESS MANAGER, Tii i i to soil v Whst lub meitsiGLAS'S SHOE STORE,
1". ECoos. uiu) ,'0 L li et- reooo at S o'etockto frthe filst 1 OSo. Main Street..
EDIOl foii-i fsen ra heiiieeor he is fiiif ieOpen evenings until ANN ARBOR, MICH.
AT~i,~iCS, - i. ii. ~rus IO. 1 n lu-year oiii1 ii d uto r tlur einiite alii
A. H. Stico r , t i.t A. K~ca oii I. t . 1iiic i iii'its whihi ire nte-sary to - -
assi t, K. 5rt~o 'C uCiis. Osouoie 'Ut itfectef t celubIifs t year was i Ifa11.f*
H. I. i uuuo~o X '04 5W. iP. CiiH US s t si''y sieu'sttl(i sil0s1aoytuiN N
on______________ ie- to alt uembuu fuestiC(lecliit. ItiWall it l BUi_ z
I ili o-S fil ~ Iihe Is ledo o iwith die result of the
C,:e Whist lu oft vnli eoi"Boorr ndotsyou will hiaiore101'
Th7e oi iuiittoiii ceohe Dmi- i ((I ,oSO I li tis ciiiest: the defefgaes ucariedut
oc iiihe Uneg- eiei0, it ,'iilar ieh ieii si -ii Si((ut-ie.pleased o ild a Stit ir Overcoat =UP 0.y K
loefoeeii<oi noS fiprited.
t n((iinioioii.1i 1', (iflia0nded oiifiat (thi iii i-iliisoieii- iit t ot0 you it the Noe Stoic,.
iiivu 0o00ey 5nb p. ,T' I" r ii x , t I'd o ll eofi A s toeifoiif ee -
p. ni.of he (l pri tot l.Iti (. 0 0 i ii o ii rio il R 5h1 iso-lu'1, e fhof1, lne eo' ifi )if. Tiufs Theoy fll Ufzi5 50o laii([iof couse
il~ci alt pt iidi' pplii stm: iff li l t he 1wroomiis of1
Soo~i~iour ,-i S i pli iii ooo -th 'S wi fb if4H tieol- you wanffto0 hoe in the sssiti.
Reo e 0 o S titi tri o d, t oo - .
Osiiioot . gei- ,r Ssu c (iwill ns t lnl--i iirfasf o-iir of titl o o' s., au t ,i
f~iiiir tt1iiiOiiifcfii iss nil Ian,0 "E(E(Y1ING NEW"UP -zDATE
All efrieo-roin ide ii ii sop (((ittr uuo-t be'hi lot-il at ay lii oiioSb-dIniiit 10f osill le
thei offtli S p.,isn fileodaf p, iou t ha t Sa (1i-sto, ol. ri- yo vii ill b l metiii'HATTERS
oi C1(00 S rtow.( ( (of 1 i'- .0a oa(( .1icii'aubsoSFAELI.ERAN
GOOD GOVERNMENT 1, l yer.olbefore the enmd .of I & W UERTH FURNISHERS
CLUB TONGHT. "l wrlilniloll apoires.
Chaplain Oriek to Lecture sii Prison ti n oiseu'u, $T EA R
Referuu. iii iii ti d s-i i' t (lase:n soonetsa
bus lii tol(ii iraloliiis 1(101ie cofuoiiit'hiieleoo T ENrT EA T E,
uioe Ifio uoly oilil ii~ioo Uto l i on of 1(11 ii willast r e i' ld i ii t e ea
toi f(no "nlen'ils 1;111t1iisiili'iis If.n eon-e otiiliiol,ol 'noghIbeing DAY,1 0e 01tntygve hutqnr opa hecrrl 27ese t
to the fremos l i okt n p 1etl- l gi.2(((0111li 'NA erc' edn Romiatic Actor,
r 11-ii ii10( ot li, 10 i t hea ldese iflii-, ls;ic1n poiity towe lii. Aedtoi'i-ii (h KLA. iIM w II
1liios. h t -ipifwsill he gaitoniIoni ouu ll l111shoi A ~ 1 L
urts pre ndtosu' heu-u lo 1flu 1'li i ndll newol 1110 ' owill onl e ta knin uifiti 111 Famousthrughot the worhd as "The Silver King," will presentu
jblff- this yar'oe i Isnyti' ollsi(f licrou tun1111ap~proved byI the(lii nbetilfr- his frad Senic Melodrama, in Fourn Acts, etiled
lite flast The'lii i m-sfiuludeusnitut iohi ,ship committee.6
-fil urselis olaes of lllouihtilone I-tollliear11' luhiStoiurnamenll'li, opefito
1111i 1s ltuicty of tlfuitg'1 'iu -li 'il~r l liill oiii IS Ilihus i-hotsu'nti'preisenut 111e
}hood.l ovei etlui'. Illi t't'-il iyIineiistateul'meet lat Il(uu'li. AAogtem n usin Ji rv
-itRHR HRF ndBN euuucdand compeuu iuulledl'lh at, lute oli Prof. Iritiloiud fitt. Viy. tilasts' y ART-IJ HILY n BN.TNDEK
in ooidnloh' i urItuS inl tat u i-il1'%vII_________________ or_ Oivet
ytears,.Hoil1Aole ithi lutil tu - hisis's-u inu i-flif Iu_ The en'ti.ire production etnder the direction of Frances R.IS. assin.
r e l i i lo u t t i e' sO a s i t l l . i s5 ( t o fu hi t c h ,[ouft l y ' 0 o u t hi t ro o l l , e o s p e a' k A S P R O D U CO E D I 0 0 0 T I M E S I N 4 I .L O N DI . O N'~ .
pirisonutoinfu-u. if oii "Coilcgi' De not ili-t'1' tl. .l\ s' arod[axnemyalIa llo
Un rth Ilis fheadolis leeluuufu'noteo )lilytf -will deuliue-r his tutu i ou tiouun. -W el- A C ro d of Sp cil cn er an d Mechnilt Effe ts
the qu "lo('sl otu ifiprisotntilllltoteu' it 'tlb 01,15 Iildy touIIlotlie.'' 0(11(1 1 o.
an d1111r utaso[1 (of i i i''lii 'lu uubufuuuu hill e'tutltott ou uuuuou 'ge PRICES: 25, 35, 5o and 75,
logy. 10hi e i oe e luIu au IamI t ool i 1ttolgilt11' blaf ut. O A A
proper iti-efi iiiiof!th1111 iuu eillt o 'iy sIll 'l-tun sotti itut' oiou'i-ssvC C C CI!f '1 4
11-hSI anti ioluleceles it ii -- - - lllgin ute11(11 (5 1Halii o
ssulfourea Ollluuof Ii c t 5I e suflul liiher heis Iit d ivo I R
l-tr llm Iuthe t ndloiitfiellull
fhlu' , t .a i ' a iii ee .ale]ur sTHE O)11) RELIABLE STISIOENTSIHEADQAI ER
cls plu-as oil lu osil oir otheii' Printed lectures for all depart- B L I L A DP R O
liietifiiut -sary tothouerudenvfl-ilu mnets of the University. Type-j,
snout o its truiouth ;11(1fouu-fu' writing and Mineographing. REMODELED, REFITTED, EVERYTHING NEW.
the firs,[ lkuou-r e1ile ll lou-i' l e EDWARDS BROS. BRUNSWICK BALREECOLLENDjER TABLES.
ii icdto) te i1't i u lt ii it IolL. anewit ll sifi ((lee Sieetionol Saute Street W T
l liestion oft 1(1sul tutufill.'I t TII otONLY ,( { )N1B
suh-jectof itihtexjlecturti tI tr ed odK r & o ENUINEI MoN ~ G NsA I? ltEt iftD
Bats,"iet hut hu' lirtlrl, and' Ruu e. ed BAKERS, Co , HIGH GRADE-=- (tS f i4 1-(ftV~
I ri Ml nn teld otc- 41 Wall Street, New York C q Is oqc o ~ 4fT E
ot fili te c t-v a yi quliicaionstu orlo t ls 'i'iansit a genetual baking butoines
prophieliultsloitl. Hnl'lOndepoits subject o druft. DiidendsoDILtY BULLETNS OhP.ALL SOTItttNG EVENTS
.M. (t less-i,P -ufhupt utof t it vb is abditS ertscollectedand remitted. Act uas ED A DO
ascit Agensrnd negotiate Ie ssuafSUCSORU1
concd l ~lby 1111'pnutulitesonu tso- raleons, ntsreet riwss, es cotpaioesost'eatc.so31 S OTH
e ci 11111 beI the1 I uttl ill 151 f111 Securities buitghltd sol on comition TO T T
At Illesnit he i _ s'ic-e -esitii tof file OAL NTR E
C'htutllhinis' ossoietioiuiof heyaie ual 01 111-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. I CQiURu SANITARY PLUMBING.
It'isin lttA511oleiti. Lst or urrent oerings etoniiappieaation, J* [F1 iI.TC 115 O o\TilCTION AND SPiLIS,
Ills suble it iit wllbe 11i' lcussuil PHtLAELHIA CtOREtSPONDENeTS. ~S-TA ANl) lOTerWATITIEAriNo,
ci followss: GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 207 E. Wshinton Street. AhTIiSSIC GAS AND EioTliC FIX-i UIE
1. ThetsCaouseuf (elruulo 1 it'1lSs, 0100GH ADER iANTtELS ANDI OAES.
-.vTlt tnlll o lfiEulfti tl'.hktiif1(,

Indutryht( Io 11et1cu
All of alb so studiisions w1ill 110 Is--
eulle nd lll i laive11 t nritSstillX H R1E il~
i titpinted(1ottf oJ5IIL ~THlE fltOEN4NA
'so tie bhtoutld lto i this nn ishlsiist 1 . MAIN ST.
tlt I, 11 iii It u Oyi tt 1 1it-i115 1 L (alie couse.
ThIto 01Ay ur1111 of 1;0 cnths forst Iie ol-_ ,it ... _

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