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October 26, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-26

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Abelw d





No. 29J.

I~Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and XVinsssr of i900 has
arrived and is arranged for inspec-
tion. The ,aise careful attention
is given to the styles and finish of
every suit, whether to he used for
hunilness purposes or for full dress
rob E. Washington St.



IWilder's Pharmacy
3l6S.a Stase S
NEW BACCO-even the sture
itself is new. We have remodeled the
lacse and invite all our friends to call
and inspect what we have. You can'
heat our LUNCHES.
IR. E. JOLLY, 308 S, State St.
+ ANDa
,+ INi=41b,,i=2lb & 1lbRBOXEsSa
+ osale sil sare ontase
+ h igh grade geod can-
+ quentiy youarealwaysr
++ sure oatgettinsg them rhall
+ That wear are the kiiid
we will show you if yon
4. will step in and look over
+ our recent arrivals. The)-
ae made of Fine Lamb's
P ool, are Foil Fashioned,
and can be had in Stripes
s and Solid Colors. W'e
Sare- offering Spaniding's
Jerseys and Sweaters at
I pices ranging fioni
$2 to $,5.

TEAM OFF FOR CHICAGO !Prof. Canfield Addresses the Philoso- CONTINUOUS REPORTS
{ phical S ciety. B Y WIRE
Large Crowd Sees the Team Off
GreatEathsissi Butno Speche li' Ii-s'iiii'(o'mss IlaTsppasn lsll wits
GratEthsis Bt oSpe 15 wel illed sitesrinsisy nissis 'srof. Ls The Athletic Assoeaisn-Daily Coi-
isis' isit;),Ieases iii'il siclivered sil papers' lhnation Will Duplicate the Finn
oni ''I s'ssi itss il I.It stissii's."
- Priof. ctsinils'sIaniii tatii''s1 itsis is Service of Last year-Free
( 'sssis ,I : "Wei' veiofs toinIs) ]its liii 'siS'tope 5ei s p ilsophes to Everyone.
w ii: whasmesisiisi ess sill.-' tis')15to 'cu lt t i silt, s jects Iliesai si enis .______
_ 114, drews ' ' s hs direct'~ly risi theiieldfls i t- Theistudesnstllbosssy' will. isisiioubi, be
crature ,anids a isssho e'thati ltesiatuIsisandsit esis d ;5 5 It issinsihaissis rs'sgemetsta
r hlsp ypsest oi nts i ll co'lt- fs'Is i sissssss o~c 'itisni
t .sl ..sis i. si.a . . . . i ils sssi 'sisliis iilssisa is lisseligly rri '. Oin lisi ls
il it esi-wcill heii h uIend - h l o ('I tichiterature isis lii iisitheilytiiros a is
.Itse tui. I lok fr isi!' 5 5 c cissircilsni chiitoesisp secial n-is-i'di-
isi Iais iitl' li w 1'ii lisi s c t iscauiss ll- isststoii[u sh-sill f isi. Iliss S'tssi-
oinildef1en ise sis, l''" sli l -,Ksiiss lsseu-.1ls la i-' i s t Iis ht amstsisi ill sic T thai aoosi, m-
-'isis is'l's'iii'.'' lu. 115ark the i lls- islsisis'- is of sreisailitit aleisa is rs se siesntis rig iaisfrmsithe
u Francie.S' sideclInis-. Presidentir derlc-of Ctsc
't is t pa ~l' i'ii iiictra itu l 1man11i is105AldeIsci-Assiilliilnusl M sanaina
" su icg l'sor ile l's' ,ii'howisevs'ei, d i si l otr ls' S ina s o the is-Pll ' will ie ons,
k'srepreseiit man wi thlii lisi isuiiiiiil state- thesi newsii asicisisa(tisi l-losT tfhsueinim.A
isi-il iio isi iis -s 'riii. Whsl- ile al is footb 55l 55ield 5diagam's l l biiihiwosrkedl
tlti' ii's'nuilsss'il stus ofstcsI'sierth' hl ts ii e uutisi lss wills t sc repossisho1w-
iii'sillr ssist'1iss lisssissisi i n 'l-sto sti, i sis lione Cifl o loivlo , o tlei niii ilst is isis hal as. llstgr
1iii) eed.' ' ,iii ii'i wsihi s to 55555 s of 'lil,5 a ts it]55n55]);istseelu- cur''ied fits-
it ),ile-fiightI - t iihu Si isisi' hoosi-esi hatIitis is is-slr i' uei ii sbyiisi siicie'viicisi tol i
wii Iiss ut5 lss. "Tiei is''siiwills hrlsi ush i ei ti i n o lsisive sr neisIi ted550 its
doi'sltheiriau'- tsiies-sit."lsci li Ifsuin s-tieires ortsi ils l ie sl ll 'e
5515'5seva isis.theI tls' l iilissi 5p si'i'itls'sof Slus ll s i sp iii''s-sils'this stiks'
l ilt n l bhi nd hssiiis i'is'o k. Ivl iiiur ofii ' isi' i si ssis s iis on sa cnisi'r-
tier addedit'i i tis livinl' lils iof isslisi, salits e'xpenis, 'yet is furi'iised'iifie io
compos t'sitio i l . ' For i i lt,., uiui' a se- ''eis''i'iiisnie.li
Ca t Nes~i ii Sinowi' "Ilinis s 5ti'ssii iti PrtCi ied .obs mae oks 'oto"'isis 116'"s it s " oit1 ii'on f nh .
preparediss 5 o5 i'i lIs for twoii sjils li Diiaiis 5ais iiil'li lil il ilauibe- sit inass it the meei 55''tig.
t '' Siu iis'iiliisiiicasillrlsrie' iissd i lis'm to it in'sa5t d av usl '0No ' s - sho ld i i o 1'tii'ropy. for.ss
1 oi esilo t'. is i' lhl t ' i sIs'eiii is silll it III its cient's ii 1tsi Si t ' 1 itee i i s !he f a c m et a co n
s it ies o' v e ril ' it u la s ut ri ng , i s inS au Ili m eanii ' to i e x pslss isi nh o ts__i nd e___ilof____se
e i t iuli s isilli si' i iius-sa ]d - u p of a i ngiis' -- t wel a riensns otio s of the Dainey. a
1 slits's'. Ilihop'ieiihist siy i'h ve ii cdty lits ts la sjus lke g__
t anather ),wady and. that, the'''' sisi s-ItteFf's.ci i rr
w opl, it ta ila dr 1 i '55555 55at 5art: 5as Inau reii ie ed Par isillsn of thei al'silayn. iis
!hero. Sul.iY u linty isliiforlihroughit e p r me t il' a u iI sls . li uhs sis ciii
tilt- iihait''s'' tuh ishill will.' " issuld isuc iii' be iutisils- ups l lh ' sissl i ssu. 'li- SiuilO' issi
h uus i' li sa l'ouua'will r rt t e al w l
iii i i avl onnr a t1 c in ie h ii 11i atis 5 555 55 55
sill it s50lp siistst wt tisiiiempiiofii theas I iii Iii nsu'ss' n a'
5. hu s sls ii 5i5''' iii Is i Iiiv.ii'11sis t e iii i riilu ousa ll l ss.e llsI 1 itoi'-l i'lii iusi' s u
I-i1ii'--st~ ~ i T e sx ti' neh ol ,v a il !a 'ty o crrd id s m
a'The 'r ' i'ef's's' ii litifora(]tic aIols11. tido'twilit 5hhuh' reiatS cuiss
11''''' ' ' a "s ste I5155 ihhilihirove li1.e'r5'5555tilliw- Il au'b s. 'n is's-ii ihesss cviii unq sit'
isis-e isisescsi. ith tsa s-i hsi- t :1114uss' ou -fil 551uiihip eis tigibt weeis nIs' eas i s iu t t i u iashi' ihs''lc's is
cii 'rIss i i it if ler) 1 c ci Sshi wu555 '' alS tts li' il 'i i sI suitbysit ii rous-xis-us ussuss' isl he i-
I f-siahi slusil 5. iii efeS ~i uusm Iu il mill's'is 55115"I v liirsworts of's-.111 p us Isis sll n ps ot s ake' W it oua
iss Isin -l ulci sis nt nn l iii'1Lot s -si iof ithe he i onis ts ols the fs'u rl_i tasuh s uol -' us'' a ws ll' s e sn t-in i'sl u satsI.
sle ots'' iuel5:4. t i !,asll'er s ula ilel), te '' hi's i'si doii alln_' Iss lMus'h'miii I fih' ______________
sisul sf Slt'his it u fslls~siuii s sis ll I'sus l.to 'suthis'isl 5iivu'ensi1s-si hoii 1ii' s thiit tir p relimh inapris fuBegtiT aogt
ustza is''tuulil sudslill's-sm t ii11ii' i' to ii'(,- suumus-emt.sicit sso u s stss l iii's'epc el
pol'ndu'is a p hillowii' w 1a111w1riliin f i ii °1111 iritisussi t cltim iis l i lt-e
'I~isuss 'isisas as-t- lngi li theyr 'S ould-asm b'eit' ymsssiie ifa l'a s , 5'in'lluellulsi'ii' heis iti onta will.' biiuide-
f icr w. i wai'I iila I nis forams peeciii' i ng til's' 11 r 11)1 --vu - s ut s sss'." Siin stsoueisec
nt saiisni Ccid'f itlws- Isurehao' il . biss issiacttoisi l m u b s sinr A isiet t
SS'sillai'i' tu'aobjecislitsSI.'tbutilireWnlas I sll i tionssso'f11ext1r a sist w ilisube hiu
thulietssnit'rgoig',ih st is -c-ts sitesow '01seoas vsi. O AsetsllToday. slid ic- ill his' imurms-u nus rrSsameult P
isilha sums lime'f lihose-sis saswene liusis. ofs'inssn'm'ssul' 1mm'hsi-a Ismc' sntls'llea15-1
tillsu5h thnbout15i'tisiuiThe c-IslfttI 'ii- Os il'a'hisiiun 'ssivslsm sls r-lthu'us'lmsit nsrls'a sit ler lit-
lwa'uis~ iss' a-ails'n ithu12:30-is Iis i'ssu lc'ilsthen ss'Lsscssubseqenty Ide s'rs'cus Ibed lim l. n rc-n-i' at e op.W hs
iii iumhis-sth 'ser millo sS'iiifasall [eseep s issoon prof sa hss f uss 'hsiuuinmsmus lue ls a Pen l ilnie miBeiinhles fa-
st ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ onel ofsiai'ilisusslll -'-e Ii'a is cs-iel he -howlisitheligst-'imiis'ulu
- lno tiscdel omiisllen een t.4 ci preIs't sth eustl'as l isciissiuimhis" e-
The nun w holiwmorm t Sasiel' if Cy rmss' se:li butlllo unIi' ill tisimmt Iuth it s; I snl illfain' theirst
Wlsn ,!lark , Belusa lssHugi S \f'llgiII lim s u 'singcielma d:sl "hed is ith t rlm e 'm- i 1 eni n tsx lmsnl sp'
TC~hI is vfsictibecsit theiquestsimesoffi-st-ofoeffp' lis-a yeiresogeadingstosehia iciudeglim
I 0 Rr eind isisiulse crvies aenabulmBl'1m, regu l iterenstisllybein takeeti1g
and edlie. Te frsteleen ren jaw vs 'O D~t oda ofbamfillC'be tillneioid.Aboturdy5a
BelsIsthe salitem sTheHowarttd.thoe your:lieyo e glasshrepied-byntperiiitheprts illbrresad 'byell
thde nrestryn &eohtte, alte barigenthierTe Lw eler. og'eauTeWbte n errs nsce

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