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October 19, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-19

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M NT'...'"M , ,

Vol,. Xl. ANN ARBOR, MICII. ,1i FR1DAY, OCTOBER6 19, 1900. No. 2s3
FENCING CLUB PLANS Purdue Expects a Hards Game. Musical Clubs Must Spend Their
A nnouncemient Ti# g"--tol -W~ rt Nights in Ann Aibur.
ITeams of Fulls and Broadowords to Be ket rtp yt-stet-ilay, ando though no
Our special line ;Chosen -Intercollegi-ate Fe- sac ts--c t o3 it roellt- lvr foset h urtiy
of fo ein n lg las.tha twouldl leadt to "orotstttg, ctisidlet-Ic wt kee tisaliloinitttttt last
in Plns m o sttotat-t oo to felt titer te nttite- NV etliot tttttlt e n i t iho tit faculty
! '-"--- 11)let ;ill-aroutt Iotlotos r enot . Isar1k . ll it itt l it bn hl1Tinttg tite ttttts'1[itt
domestic fabrics li tstthii iu-o tit t-iitt t tted fromit tlekle to gtttt-t White ~ttt tro sr1 at ying out .Nf 0011r overi
For thte Fall andy in tter ot igoo hass t.lst lit or tthe prlmsi-t o ciiu t o-ilid n or il h c l titl euhta 1111 hiv tnoi ootowni tl rte
arrived attd is arrattged for inspec- l1 who shioultd be lotte thbista to in- poltIlin. -t itt ( Irty io itty restttt futr- ilt tttt-
lion. The samte careful attention 41tt1111 tit iiettst titt- t i e Itti eu ri n trea-t nt tu tt gl. iot tttittt t Of ourti ol k itt tes titti
is given to .the styles and finish of I it t-tstty o itt cii lel a- c--- lub ii Itiot- tti. ltt-ig ~t 1 tio Ia i it li i t tttta
ever sut, iehthe to be sed fci oti ttttY t tt it frttt to la -itt g- hartt tof tht pra1 tic tt0 0 let. piitying ttis litti. in'ettiti tR.t it ty-i:
busilness purposes or for ftull dress tti t it uititltit, s litbe t 11111 g is Oil1s tiiit iiiuw 1101 ittisit t thid hun t fou - 11 t iO, tatti tuing that time,
"t itanc of tu lies ithylat- ck titui- too- Ittl 'wi lint hl bael fttt-ss r ot t t - ultttt h t t It ha t ttt i lity" havued t
occaiI- a ngons. s ga ztrIo flth atiiho tioill c- lot hi, to l iii in to t f is ot-il off- p~ ai n' Tay li ii l i e tig A histe i
6 .iHtILt A tx iu.in th tt o ttug- s its hic -ar lur th 'lilitiato lty oiu so u s ii ere lt hatit-t u iit k w -re i yaa e r.th y av
D C .I toiitlo . Iie it-il hti-ts dii e t hatig c it- rughti l oc I tilt . it- d---o e bctutetl lit- i-t- rli totus trtf tea fing-
B t~irt iuvv ELS ouieatil i-of t ti-oil Ia te lti It broad- itudu it m titiial~~ thu tl - Ilooset u st-il till, it h t as th musliittl ticlbiig-
oat.Wahngo St. ,ved s -ille tm ilt-l liti -t t to ti-e i l iet-t-llli g' i t- iif itte i s fed lie -Iit and P i - Itil talliofuth l~eit- Ami cany
meti c t wotit cttin it-tas 0usht s itiis hilt1al' bsle"jut now___ tivitrsitiestt ma eviery yearlitiig. h
iiic ma1 wit, ill tiail-l tiI oitl- mtil r tit Plogtrtat leo r Li ter ti Sotes ireto ts tituclseo I s yti t t iti waf t insrti-
til No Iti bi b open ibiltott titsing by01 he ealiz __Flut _il deeop e tibted Ility cerethoa i t e lt 1 hofe Iat-ti
lyma i t he lb; 3the ko1 it s -t pt lt dl-s tiil secre g pi- ctigetlts at13 i io- clb wougl b eill - iiai
! A d e o b r fi e o-l Giiilol yi ittn ito itt - it wu ldu appea l t h a3 t it-s toiosi r s il nrtlt it i Iti hlt thiisuan t e e w asi-
EVER TH id L le Je ( teitrni-n netii tbtoe11 tiy~ authe tli ":t heiritnttajby ly aaert tLt-cairet-tl to nitti- gret-k
SE ACC -ee thesoe his liioti evi rat an oii t he t eam ti ti it mattin.sti tilt. tibtslitii itme -is (ftie an n onyi r
itself ise new.in Wer haves remodeled tane as a kce'hsau d elite n- sella rterti( shor )tlitt oe o lt-
Plcead RnI E Soefins t call t oit io tioirirri ng fl t-st wite i ,i liii- a itttlt eil: t u ihala-tvbs ceueste ll~ ~y vrhd
andinsec wht w hvesou ran toit e ry It ( ihtl if le Inc ie stlt r WEII1«I2It lie -orlcllnls ok o butt prse teditheor aiitineeo to a r-
-bator UN H S.t~sit bi3 ut iiilPiiuostti Altori- Iturev fiisiii ulle to of~d' the 1111heue fobuting
an tt i 1tis tiitheurfisOi1 t i t tit beoi-i-- tiuitit at1at li- to atutox iii it in heot
Ilto 'itu ,i itt i ihil t ho -t°ttttti of tlhrogbtti' - lub front~ 1tyn Itt or tow Over
~~~~~~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a fornihoitiloi 10li iuiiiittuul (riii- Lj Iitetii Siei es. iaht i Ahe reus Foie oralt tue ra-
fI ,S h-slit Ala ituitst ar tt pittli iltt tic Ip rtue., totr
ilO WNYr Ph rm c sucn cil A. N tesraI b uet iir Ah lie Sau alteil Af tilt Iwioh te oil
INad rh4 fast y2 l & 1lb OX S aoiil 3 t ea hntly bs+"tuts ho-It Silre l iilhed theigo u t e-i s s peirt L aw lectftu eqetion thorro
o a r s a l er Is l a r g o nri
high gr dho d onc 1 o i rlituhtrn more s kilult o t ru ghsi itt- s -iil -y e " e p os o h b lty t i e a h g l ri t c c n e t
ipenl ylia arer c alay last itt-i- la JoitiFe w i ts oite inve toneh ono-u lueh
sure opy LG gO lu g horendi lireo f 'It is eitt l Itl i s oft t e ciilutbo Soft eIn O hitiayso tistnorw hiei ittir u trbal th a it ihe l li addoith
PIES CIAR ad TO- stbt illhutnt ash th t h fliio io asd uttg tit--ln levi oft erlu s i-ins n he
-He SEW ST C -ee ane Ntr )11;VESR hAE ls uteli, "i 15h titilidnl ht-, utith if e flrolowh Ne arc i e Brgar Deh ig bing le b, 111tit! i ~n t el- nais ot rer
itsef isnewWe hve m odeled the te qot-sioti . Tuhese mottit arti le-i (tein lil el oio-tslse. T el l el e t . it k ait~i on ot oicte of-
tntae itt-u toit attl ouruig ofind oio call~t toiiitt-d thtee eeiuttlsn ifotlu hoe etehe su111pt-ler!uuie ou-s--i
nugnu ilnigli tuiriti h o- i i oulr tol- 1AIluihie e ttt s rpn in3 litl itI1111115 d 00i n e
-insec what: we :1 have Yo cn' os lo tril he girt eh i- o it. iiut r~ le aut N guie i Y A iirot
Itt hC C lohe til ttlnes hi uiu I1 01 A~lis. it Lu- n t i hs h tun u fthe 3ettl th t olo ig
beat______ Aourt LU CH S eoddao frat w pi-rrha esden ad de d iv
hante by <O L ,3 8S Sth St use ~ w All 110 icing ai tlue h 'erh I gyluill (=lusieosi h'ls s upor t o ss Brigs, nooly
gooddependalenclubs orlli ln iemipleed ll te spec Af Snouw.iAtoog--rf be naesneIs lus neigls
andlx Spuds' are die i the (APT. it A~u hi N. hl Salnr !hs y Knth; "d tenaoria Thmn , er
good by Dinensehon of pott ila h cnr ilneW~i tideyt l' pe itIo a1tmyh
I osuoi-w tieilan ituel Pudr lhonlsol Sna e r. ehei lien- Clu Int kmamanr nco d oinsoh pa
on/ hatt -ontis tol toth I in t mh e uoto Oapn d iscss o dote i idd -tey ae e e
ThW e IoS ass han day N~Iiru orks f lnt atn drs ~ is C5 Van Chnc Ithen riu r 15minee ofto
hammered-the~~Negll shafts didbetcn Hto aDgu Bet o ohn 1 daei-okrteaor seenlaryo Ril IAve oppo-
aemdrmto- haveLTE tknsi'a bae -In he ht beeno ADEIA1BI sitio In tMiprslofler.wle n
ou out s age son eed wod uusmdg"erofiec o i tt t-A ic-Kii' e - B Modsthe adiaeft
hand-haved Wea rs-nof 11 i h ihedty efit-nyuc atuent (aei vno-mtsh fieofcaskeiue
yuale arvesway s l wlato e ojf Ieet il -omoarow Pvoaesuet fchotsdclee oltes winte poidon a -t havlet
sueofgttn hem reslhlce If isotron tind yell f te( clrs he ithitund hoe Lao e ho vote wher beh n bo ard n wea rmer u a s teiltuof wtll
BugesNihiksLo- ldgrd holdbegiena eaty o~lrleg stuated frsaendahelaceo ScrlsoyI," dnrang lneer.
QUA Ra7Sean comnte ton fat-k, Gitn 1stf gatls taeo-euleetos fimtv:iiGo h wBidn n h ol
}el"tuno the forln of a gran reni al 'he i o gat l hI Iglu 1 NtaegAlahe ( ilthews wrh n fo 0h 11:30s a xctm
river at rting ushioul Laie sytor i h a v bee enrl Thae-cov ."htte ele judes I n c g arge th th nelr of
i nvd cenlitaoe chargefonte irl Uniwho tat e en tor by eveybod wle ll e fih _wi be nd -hes Fh las
night know iho toe sk~saI-thet s, h-l e r-e lw uhrvtAfriav Bgs, ____________ and perap aoog n e iV twoBa
oI e1-L. S icu nde iladdess h e dciI , J.if ler, E idr, I a land yetra -a .H

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