'hei Niagara Falls Route." IR4 lk tchter, the llbbotographer. GMia ls an
onk NoMffET ie, 18 Such uas Jo ipliHBlman'., Wouhiurn
Detroi lt .hiNmsO E .............SAi55A a. adC. ___aen as t h
Ale~lani xpeC .. ... ......7"40c> -}1a -(j tr
MGlansd Up'kpe...... 3 ...... Si.1ii10a "oioooareonsai.uttiL
(ai ~ dand 'pre . . . .....S 7 . 10 U b lrhsop Mu316 StoreU
NX Y. ao Special ... ...45'1aiiU-J5-iI
I's-I Ea ten...... ..,94V.155 0 fj[Ls only 2 doors frem lee's Corner
moil soliP.opeess. ....09 40..
ho ~ n" lnd ~heao......,.48" Te ineTalorngOUR PHOTOS
-a I A e'.1T0'"ltxpras...........13w r. Thatn.aioui
-Cicg N t xres............. 0 4 3
ren ira...............I230AM.9 p th 7} PEIFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH
o,.\V . GLES. a. R. IAae. Tradue .of the City.TH
.0t. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Ansn Arbor.T E
Football Knowledge at a remium.I Base Bll MaSa Meeting 1 12 West Huron St.
- Anybody lo college who knows enougn The propets for the base all te m State Phone 119.
A.S7 S'B SHSIM =1=1=; abot a fotball game to act as reeree, fr next year are unusually brigh just
TIME TABLE noon has a chance to spend a pleasant at present. An eatern trip evena better
Taking Ere t, Sunday, May 1, 1899 Saturcay in name neighboring City nd than that o last year io ino proepct.
TraIns leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand
.rd Thee. ae his . pno n Iaic ~y Bta a thletic. and everything'points towards its '- -If
SOUTHI NOlTI assoiationfThe associ'ton this yar . lzaton. Every man In college will
*Na. U.- :5 o.M. N. 19I.M. o has. aiganized the satet interscolastoc have-a fair chance to make the team,
NoaN. 2-11:8 7. [i. 'No. h-14:0 r. C fooball league andl sullies the oA3s and there should be at least 20 ch-
Na 480P . Msi . INa. a- 4:0 .M I!!.(
t '.102 .-. 8:05 is. 5't .101-0:05 A r[. Silsat for all these games. Latatas d'stce out for poitins. No man will
' day'42 high sehol eams In this state have a poition einhed merely beaue'
t Run Sunsday only.
Rtun betwen Ann Arbor and Toledo only played under the auspices f the Uni- he Stayed in former year, but the new
All othier trains duly ensetSunday. terlty :of MihIgan Athetic Assoia-ien will have an equal compettios
EE~T . SS. G<ILMIOREFA S S:"i.Aybd h
NV 11. 01NT. . Alo n b yhaundrstansds the During the winter there will be indoor
game and wuld e oilling to offiiato work in the gymnsium in charga f
"Greatest Holiday Present ,.s thew'gmes and have all expenses Ciah Watkins. Friday night there
on Earth. paid by the athletic aocoiatan will will be a mass meeting whieb, every -
please ntify Inerseholastic Maagei person in college intereted In base ball
we se $3.00 Arthur S" Browne by otal soud attend. Managef Lnashre Co6ios I
- willhave charge of the meeting and
I~~~n ~ ~~ ~hursday',Pt.9Prof Trueblood in Coach Watkins, e-Capt. Miller, Capt. Tema ic~iaigwl o
UU l~r 19 Mamlet recital1lau leetus" room G McTinnissnodiscrieainother ofltheiol
Mc~inisandseveal the of he ld Mangterfer's Chocolates at a11 tmes
F nt i tut are codially invted to In hse ball men will speak absolutly fresh pre and on idoter-
Fo n a n d etoi opct iiu5 nloe The Oficial Bltebook. aed hoce Bonbon, Toothsome
Pen catsmens furnishings and halo.
ren - Wadhams y-it a' S Main t The Uiverity news letter will coo- Caamels, Nut Candies Marhmallows,
o - _ menc publication for this year next and eeything in the line of supeir
,O oneweek'satril d Mi00 ell, dressmaking and ladies week. The paper will be doubled i confections dainty and Pone at 2005E,
FORONL ~ tiloing M9. nsoot. dtsize as it will issue weekly instead of Washington and 318 5, State
Iit does not eniitlyo I The rumr that the Forest Inn lis fortnightly.
- moved or changed hands is entirely c- __________________
Wk eBu i oc roneus. Under the same managemamt FURtNISHED ROOMS-A very desi-
U)eGJ' ada h am dro, 1 oet ave ble suite of roam; telephone, gas AIbumClocks I
it is prepared to maintain its standing and electric light. 407 E. HMorn stt. IIUIII UM bAC
asd or ysss$1.Ifofr it.anattesaedrs,61Fostv as one ot the leading boarding housesWarnefo1Ya.
Filted with or ineiee grade dia. of Ann Arbor. Prof. E. J. Miller, teacher Guitar.urne fr1Xu
msaa.lsaolt fod pe. This io6lies Mandolin and Banjo, will play each rn .C
A- t+enmdIo as esdncroperly in Ann Arbor is a evening at Ann Arbor Music Co. d-4Ar W m.Ladin
I t is, youehave imaie a profit, goad investment. t'n my specialty. L Leadingl~i
pirl~lt dapes oc. yooIhaca maea D. Carr, Savings Bank Blck. Deri, pianiad n r-aIweey
sIterS oen this offer nostocomie to b ala.T UT TL E S
ii ly msal. -LOST-Saturday, between 4 p. m. anidbrRiwy
Any way you igureaiti YOU ARIE AHEAD. g8 p .i., a lades' gold wath; hunting Crn leave for Detroit and Y psilnti
caean haeale Fnerpeaeevey half hour, beginning at 3:45 a. 03
Addresee, until 8:15 p. mn. lat cr for )etrit
133 Grisrohi St. DETROIT, M11CH. and receive reward. -23 and Muin sts.t etroit, 111 Griswold St. Is at 338 S. State Street.
, jrEvery Kind E C DIETvHELE >I ~ y6 .as ftnmsre
I_____n___ieal Dietr U V@' isst ene-hlblc wes.1 Fin
s3.mlkc st ra. n eh .iterl o Lady 'i n i v r it f l w bridi r. Alt kd sR an c i a i n e
BohPhoesiNo. 110 W.Wueshing. 1.6 i8., Liery Strret. Rlednavea si e ho-- E; soirigr y -une.-:-..Photos
ion 5S., Ann "Arbr Furth Ar, Boh Phearl«biS,