THE UNIVERSITY -OF MICHIGAN ,DAILY-.. 3 WOUL 'Yu, topTO PIC1K"UP A DOLLAR?-THEM BUY THESE HATS L1-OT ANST. MICHIGAN CE.LRAL OF.....".." 'hei Niagara Falls Route." IR4 lk tchter, the llbbotographer. GMia ls an tEN'rR.hL STANDARDP TIME. i onk NoMffET ie, 18 Such uas Jo ipliHBlman'., Wouhiurn Detroi lt .hiNmsO E .............SAi55A a. adC. ___aen as t h Ale~lani xpeC .. ... ......7"40c> -}1a -(j tr MGlansd Up'kpe...... 3 ...... Si.1ii10a "oioooareonsai.uttiL (ai ~ dand 'pre . . . .....S 7 . 10 U b lrhsop Mu316 StoreU NX Y. ao Special ... ...45'1aiiU-J5-iI I's-I Ea ten...... ..,94V.155 0 fj[Ls only 2 doors frem lee's Corner moil soliP.opeess. ....09 40.. ho ~ n" lnd ~heao......,.48" Te ineTalorngOUR PHOTOS -a I A e'.1T0'"ltxpras...........13w r. Thatn.aioui -Cicg N t xres............. 0 4 3 ren ira...............I230AM.9 p th 7} PEIFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH o,.\V . GLES. a. R. IAae. Tradue .of the City.TH .0t. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Ansn Arbor.T E BURCHEIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET Berryman Studiop Football Knowledge at a remium.I Base Bll MaSa Meeting 1 12 West Huron St. - Anybody lo college who knows enougn The propets for the base all te m State Phone 119. A.S7 S'B SHSIM =1=1=; abot a fotball game to act as reeree, fr next year are unusually brigh just TIME TABLE noon has a chance to spend a pleasant at present. An eatern trip evena better Taking Ere t, Sunday, May 1, 1899 Saturcay in name neighboring City nd than that o last year io ino proepct. TraIns leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand .rd Thee. ae his . pno n Iaic ~y Bta a thletic. and everything'points towards its '- -If SOUTHI NOlTI assoiationfThe associ'ton this yar . lzaton. Every man In college will *Na. U.- :5 o.M. N. 19I.M. o has. aiganized the satet interscolastoc have-a fair chance to make the team, NoaN. 2-11:8 7. [i. 'No. h-14:0 r. C fooball league andl sullies the oA3s and there should be at least 20 ch- Na 480P . Msi . INa. a- 4:0 .M I!!.( t '.102 .-. 8:05 is. 5't .101-0:05 A r[. Silsat for all these games. Latatas d'stce out for poitins. No man will ' day'42 high sehol eams In this state have a poition einhed merely beaue' t Run Sunsday only. Rtun betwen Ann Arbor and Toledo only played under the auspices f the Uni- he Stayed in former year, but the new All othier trains duly ensetSunday. terlty :of MihIgan Athetic Assoia-ien will have an equal compettios EE~T . SS. GI ~ y6 .as ftnmsre I_____n___ieal Dietr U V@' isst ene-hlblc wes.1 Fin s3.mlkc st ra. n eh .iterl o Lady 'i n i v r it f l w bridi r. Alt kd sR an c i a i n e BohPhoesiNo. 110 W.Wueshing. 1.6 i8., Liery Strret. Rlednavea si e ho-- E; soirigr y -une.-:-..Photos ion 5S., Ann "Arbr Furth Ar, Boh Phearl«biS, WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S .DRUG STORE.