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May 09, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-09

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U. of

94 P8ais.

VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1900. No. 164.

G. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received our line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect our line at
108 E. WasbigtoO St.
SWe have bought out
Artist th stotc
r Materials from Wet-
nlae al mores Book Store
a f and :hae added tot
is now complete.
Oil Paint., China
andother WaterCol-
ors DrawingPaprs
snd Brushn sf al
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD For several weeks we have
TH y, fuan isw arereadywit
R. E. JOLLY & CO.'
15 per cent off
20 per cent off
25 per cent off
All supplies at low prices.
In New Styles and Patterns

A SOCIETY EVENT Northwestern seems to be hopelessly
out of the race but may always be
The Patronesses for the Minstrels watched for a substantial brace as was
Are the Wives of the Board instanced at the close of last season when
0f Control Members, she won easily from her strongest riv-
The management of the minstrel show als in the west.
basing its opinion upon the number of Northwestern won one and lost two
inquiries for tickets, expects to have a to Chicago and lost to suicsigan and
large attendance. The house will prob- Illinois. She has another game with
ably be crowded and those who do not Chicago and Illinois, three with Wiscon-
secure seats early will be obliged to be sin and one with Purdue.
contented with standing room. The Purdue meets Chicago, Northwestern
reserved seat chart will be opened at and Indiana, but has not a strong team.
Sheehan's tomorrow morning at 9 Indians was defeated by Michigan
o'clock. The price for reserved seats and has games with Northwestern and
has been fixed at 75 cents and $t.oo Purdue only and will not be expected to
Gallery seats will be 50 cents. make a very strong showing.
Several theatre parties have been or- As regards the four leaders Illinois has
ganized for the occasion. This will a pretty clear clait to first place in spite
make the demand for seats especially ac- of her defeat at the hands of Michigan
tive. In spite of numerous requests no as she has played more strong teams and
seats will be blocked off before the lost to Michigan only. Her chances also
charts open. Everybody will have an are brightest with a fast fielding, fair
equal opportunity and the first to arrive batting teat and three exceptional twirl-
will secure the best seats. ers. Michigan is clearly second. The
The patronesses for the performance Maroons are a little unreliable and it is
will be Mesdames J. B. Angell, A. H. difficult to say just what they may or
Pattengill, J. P. McMurrick, V. 15. Lane may not do. The team looks stronger on
and J. H. Drake. paper than it has proven but may take
The songs which will be given are a stiff brace at any time.
some of the most popular ones on the Wisconsin is the most puzzling of all.
stage at present. Most of them will be The critics promised her a weak team
of the coon dialect order, several will and Michigan's players on returning
be ballads. A large orchestra has been from the spring trip seemed agreed that
drilled for the occasion. It will assist Wisconsin was only a shade better than
the Glee club in making the voluin for Northwestern. But her victories over
the choruses. After hearing this per- Michigan and Iowa and later Beloit showv
formance tfhe audience will think in that the team is capable of playing a
rag time for the next few lays. strong game on occasion, and it would
The Olio will contain some splendid be surprising neither if she finished near
specialties. Besides the songs and the bottom or near the top.
sketches there will be a couple of athletic The present standing according to
turns. Williams and Dierson will do n games played is given below:
original act on the parallel bars. Those Played. Won. Lost.
iho have seen them practice for thisIlinois ...... .......6 5 1
event say that it is one of the best ofM icino............6 $ 1
Wisconsin...... .,....2 1 I
its sort ever seen. Some of the posing Chicago .. ... 5 3
and movements are as wonderful as Northwestern .... .....6 1 5 I
they are graceful. Mr. Williams also Purdue ........ ......1 o 15
does a wierd act of swinging lighted Indiana ...... ... . ......
torches. Among the songs in the Olio Ii.e.s.t .........o 00
is a new one by "Rust" Thayer, which
is the peer of rag ti"e airs. BY PETITION
Standing oil Western Colleges-
The western college championship bids Good Government Club Will Nomi-
fair to bepractically a contest between nate Candidates
the four leaders-Illinois, Michigan, Chi- The annual election of the Good Gov-
cago, and Wisconsin. Beloit gave prot- ernment club will be held o01 Saturday,
ise earlier in the season of winning its May 19. This club has provided a meth-
series with most or perhaps all of these. od of election different from any in
Even if it had it would not have been vogue in the University heretofore. Reg-
counted' in the championship race as istrations is required. Only those eandi-
Beloit does not even profess to be strict- dates who are nominated by petition by
ly amateur. Beloit lost to Michigan, at least ten members of the club will be
Illinois and Wisconsin anyway. allowed on the official ballot as candi-
Notre Dame is not rnder the "Faculty dates. These nominations close next
Conference" or "Big Nine," but claims Saturday at Wilders. No one can be
to observe strict rules of amateurism. elected to office who has not been so
They have a strong team and may upset nominated. In order to nominate any
somewhat the calculations. They have one a member must register at Wilder's
defeated Michigan and broken even with on the books of the club there and after
Purdue, winning and loosing one. They registration fill in a blank petition pro-
have still to meet Northwestern, Chica- vided by the club nominating candidates
go, Wisconsin, Purdue and Michigan of for any or all the offices. No member
the league with bright prospects of suc- who has not been nominated on tens
cess. Barring what claims Notre Dane such petitions by Saturday night ca' be
may make because she is not tinder the a candidate for election the Saturday fol-
conference agreement there remain only lowing'
the members of. the "Big Nine." Mit-
nesota is an unknown quantity as she has Engineerinq Banquet.
had no games yet with any of the other The annual banquet of the engineers
nines. The Minnesota schedule shows will be given at Hangterfer's hall on
games with Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois Saturday evening. Dean Greene, Pro-
and Northwestern, and Chicago. Re- fessors Davis, Dennison and Cooley will
ports from there indicate a strong field- be on the program besides alumni and
ing and batting aggregation. representatives of the undergraduates.
Iowa was defeated by Wisconsin and This banquet is open to all students of
Isow d tthe engineering department and the
has one game each with Illinois, North- freshmen and sophomores are especially
western and Minnesota urged to attend.

First Game of the Chicago Series
The first of the series of baseball
games between Michigan and Chicago
is to be pay I today at Regents' field.
This is also the first athletic contest with
Chicago since the resumption of athletic
relations. The Chicago team does not
appear to be quite as strong as it was
last year, but has made a creditable
showing so far. They lost to North-
western 6 to 7 and won later 12 to 2.
They were defeated on April 21 by Illi-
nois i to 1i and last Saturday i to 4.
But Chicago has less off days than most
teams because they always fight clear
through the game to the last minute
whether they are winning easily or are
hopelessly defeated. This gameness as-
sures a good contest.
It has not been given out who will
pitch for Chicago but if it is a warm day
Merrifield is most likely to occupy the
box as he is their most effective man
and a "warns weather pitcher." If the
weather is rough Rogers is likely to
pitch. The line-up will probably be as
follows: Merrifield, p., Place, c. f., Ken-
nedy, i b., Vernon 2 b., Ewing, r. f.,
VanPatten, s. s., Smith, 3 b., Woods, 1.
f., Harper, c. Beisel will occupy the box
for Michigan.
The wire rope around the diamond
has been drawn closer to the players'
bench than it formerly was to enable the
spectators to see to the best advantage.
But in order to allow both teams free
room for play no one will be allowed in-
side the ropes. The management prom-
ses to enforce this rule to the letter.
The weather man promises clear
weather for today's game.
'Varsitq Meet Next Saturda.
The annual 'Varsity meet takes place
next Saturday at 3 p. in. The event is
being looked forward to not alone by
the track squad that has been in traiinbag
since February, but also by the numer-
ous admirers of this form of sport The
team this year, man for man, excels
anything that Michigan has ever pro-
duced in the past and good records may
be expected in all events.
-The records of the old men are all
swell-known. Of the new men, Leiblee,
France, Siegmund. Nufer and Dvorak
have done excellent work. France has
thrown the hammer 128 feet 6 inches and
gives promise to greatly increase the dis-
tance. Seigmund has put the shot over
41 feet, a distance which if duplicated
ought to win a good place at the inter-
collegiate. The cold weather has handi-
capped the pole vaulters but nevertheless
Dvorak did ti feet in practice the other
afternoon. The track being in poor con-
dition up to the beginning of this week
notice has been taken of the time
of the runners. The track is being
worked on daily and the heavy rain
ought to put it in excellent condition.
In short, everything tends towards an
excellent meet on next Saturday.
Todaq's Games.
Illinois vs. Iowa at Champaign.
Amherst vs. Andover at Andover.
Williams vs. Syracuse at Williamston.
Pennsylvania vs. Lehigh at Philadel-
Columbia vs. Fordham at New York.
Maine vs. Colby at Grono, Me.
Yale vs. Dartmouth at New Haven.
Cornell vs. Hamilton at Ithaca.
Princeton vs. Lafayette at Princeton.
Holy Cross vs. Yale Law School at
Vermont vs. Amherst Agricultural at

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