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April 13, 1900 - Image 3

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-13

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" _ _- =.s r- r-- r--- r- r--- r- r- --- r r-- - r r-- ,- -- r- r r- i-- - -- -_ - = - r--- r ---___T_ -r-=rte r-- -- r- r-- - 1


Those Alfred Benjsain Top Coats come nearer to mlade-to-order coat', than
anything yon ever saw-The, style, work and goods are in them Yon can
polt op) an appearance and Gae wey-1 o -2-
117 south Main Street. j

_ _ _, a
T ---t__ TZ-- '._ -T ' C, _T_" 'T _' =r" _7'_' =, =T-- T--- T -""ir- _'T^ '_ T..-..' Z

The NagaraFalls Roate."itc fw teW htcrne
Atlantic Espsc'... 4,5 ssl c i'pbIc~ss
Mail and Exp . , ii . a.U
NY.BostonSpil.......... d5,S L"3 - D 'h'sccsI c1 N Str
Fmls~ Eistern1 5............1..........16) tO
(M N W .T A I )( S01V'(0 1s fIIM ' O o
Mal n d xpr essol 51.. ........ ...1 t n ait

Q.tR. andlKal. Hii.,-j..'............4
Pacific Ei' o '...................1?3 1
S s ushi pi T'itrlts. all I ':s.'s. o fn .'.f.-11'.I
Euean oint1111 s ni i 1 0.1,ratss 'Fui inor
msation 1on1 pplialtiof
0.AV RBO, i. . __~r

.r .

The Fine Tailoicing
Trade of the City.


Easter Song Seruice Yeoterdata
}. * NA MAfternoon.
'lie far'.eel liiingrecitliifiProf.
T~~ ~ iGardnerS. I'aniii lii il Univers iity ha~ll.
TI ME TABLE was arg.lynal'itci oil .Nearly ecryi
SOUTHII TH I v05 111illtieIame1111aslila recitail
--- ii icctiyear wiscuh iwasso poapular.
"Na, .-7:26 A.If. No.1 I.S5 i a. inc.' clwcoawerc unablceItolhearithis
Noa. 2-11:3 12 . '. No 5 12:30 1.A.N.4 ::51.n. N .3- :6r J ' 'iiion missecd .1a1treat iihicii, be-
caseof li-of. Lamsoncil'; delparturc',
- Run ,1 i-e c.-c icnn '1111 :l 1siSis aro lie repieatedl. 'rie organ5Iac-
AlladTldool l tisslc. :.0 ly ectSudaycllosniliolilwassfiurisihed by' Prof.
H. I.ll 51 en. leelini1,. lienwicktsals iiof ce
wV Ii. illINis 'I F' . '6. 11.A _____________Schoolor Mils IicO'T iiile po,2i'Ollfill
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- jlos sa:
bar Railway. Oiliss, our 111elin Agec pascr
Ciars mleae tor lDetritland1Ypslianti lHanidel.iPassiiiiMuiuc.
Lavery hallf'1o1r, oeginnlinlg it Ic5it. i t ei. Abide ye here.
antil 7:45 p~. in-; Aftec that to lDetritc .-dcir. ylather, not smy' sill but
aE 8:415p.151 , 9:511p. i lid t1I1I5 p. 151. riiise be done.
Waiting P1111111. 11reer Acn and Manl{on isiii.Iiemi'nl.
ste.: Detroit, lii1IGriswold at. Rec.'i'hl is c .15112collia ldiiisI.
________________________________________ Riec'. un 1 111b1tithe sinithi lain.
1 fhs ir, 'iSced Iheadu owons'1sided.f
r Up THEIBaclihr 't.latisews'Pasiosi.
lii 1 isevenide, coo lls'uriof ret
TEN NES S EE Ai. ie 21P bcr m da~
Anie' al t is..Vacat1in1i15.i.1 IEgo sim tn esurroctio fic Vitac. Qui
WAAtf 1:ILRJIOAD Is StI.osd,
'1 is I l lil1110dl l.iN ~ y ott ar,Ithen15e' I cedit in l e, l'.et'ita si lsl~lrlslc issrit,
olliols 1r toI Paducaih, tbescer Tennessee v ivet; Iet go resuscio tlhl 11 1ini
Ricer ,o "I lesrI' An i dea Ispring 1tr1p lillissimo ldie.
ctoIsaslrl' 1.211leilcilds-oldni, oru
[1Splendid sceicrc'5'Iwoa' .ks o lesure 11c51 Rec151. Beholld, II tell1y1ulalmyste.1'
Sarl April l16,
it. S. I Grnwoods. c. ., d till'bead sall be raised.
WvslnahiiR. I. 11e111101555111.
Z 1 scr hope forIcyears to c55515
_ _1111111 thoulor guardliwhsilelo t iseslllast,
Adl ourIPeternsal haose.
HOCKIN VALLE BY. "Lee bevel"' thle icycle expert sod
atlslete ccwich theso a Merry' Tramps'
4 TRIAINS DAILY 4 } Co., sill rice 51u exhibition n 1'5 lIlt of
thle courit louse 011 Tresday t 3 pI. m.
deposcs 'aioth ls sl'slsttlslcsg 11b1Aiand of seven1'lteenl aluicians will
dapel is blls5111Irfurn'li~lshte msc'for thse Lia In- j
Thrcousghs dcpersstoIlWasinsgton ansd Bltimsore. Ifasstr y' Militalry IBall, fis3sClay' sight.
GREAT RAILROAD H-agsterers'will fcrnias a lighct :sauch.
Thlse flosor will be1'iss goosd s'onditisn and!
THEF HOCK~ING VOILLEY everythoing doae to make it ossisyabie
wr'ite for those attendiag. Stcudensts resnain-
in~g illthiPil'cass proculre'isvittions
I... IV., ortAp, Dtoi.at.dGranger's Academy.
I W.Ft.sli.

011thle Spriq Trip.
nlurn thyc111111I imsili Su a,

leas _

Iliis, 1 D ixoisn, 1>11511 losit,
Xoctllil 1 1: i'll .:isnl Notr'el1on:.11111il
10 11111yed. Bli ccc llilllgoro 1B.i:d
a1n1 I. 111111111. lid iCoachiWatisi
1110 fo1111o\\11, 1 itc ill 110falkon: IMe
diuiii, capta1.in, 511111,.Blencoc, licsh-
Ulcy, 1M11111,IBeunetr, and Wh tucy.
it do.ec not iecessarily foliow chat
cthecse i Iiwill com~pose rhoe10ea1thia
011'ar brut 111wishth er55y uncertainican-
dl~iius that thlbs('oachlandmnnlave
labiored'iIunder, ighting rho weather
isid trying to play hall, pootreroords
lilill experiece he f150ilgured largely ier
the chsoicolmaldc'. 'Tie cccoapitc'her's,
lle acl nd111 1tic . slid 1111'catrciers,
teneiiitt 1511d\Whitsney, are rheouoly
'5e i trh ie squad1to wo11Msills.
'Vrity expe11"'11iences ne. 1cc11c
tilliA'c t~ll 101' illSON 'rIJNU\KS.
Tirunkls, sulit 1'cl'5o, sandlsatcisels for
solo at greatly reduiced prices at Vol-
latlid' s har'ess shop.,I116iS. Fsourthls
ave. ote one1xt tcscdasys. 50
A cs~sicpl 't.licie .of ,Adler'tis.til
sutls It W~ltil.Is, 1Rya1 & Reole, 255-
2u2 S.SMain at.

favre YVAou
wh 55 ( i call I c ' P
1Pw ~uru d ~Studi0
112 W. Haren SI. N. S. Phtase 119
1-Fluyeat for
Tribuns, Stsarsand Barnes boy"
cies. Resting asd rspairing at all y
kinds. LEON SHIAW, yS
Ir.117 E.Ass 51''a
Typewriter Copying
0111y l1s I a 1( 100 N'sls.
cssc '. Fi s-its111ITY E.
Grangers Academy.
1Classes wlcr1ontsinule to neat due'
lag vascations-Melelsalill to UMa,
1st,;. Acssmly "'very Saotsrday
eighlt 5011Cents Id'r coup~le.
f r ZeDii ril Gold
;Siale.Cas o
tOld coldand0
Winm. Arnold, Leading

Hiomo-eopatsllc Hospital (uild. Thme ast 'ittitpicte Linsapiof
Ladiieiiof the U.niversity Hoemeopath- LOW NE Y
is' ~osital Gutil ishito thcankcpsiblic- CHOCOLATES
ly lt'efolloinsc sg personls toe their kindai
aosistane'ansicooperation swithiret-! IsticeCity~ct ellsis'lsi t
trensee ro the Scalchi operatic concti
given'siisswsi'skIcfor the bhelct ssf the, T
gulild filnd: Me'ssrs.1B. IH. Cooni Chsas. 338 S. State St.
G'rsiner, EnRoet Gauss, H. I.Brown,
a'rsf. Stainley, Shceehasi & Co. adi e ersett so teAnArI r il MARTIN.
preess. Triey art' particularly snidbted FU E A
to \V.' J. Simmers, whslo gave so genFU E A
c'ioisiy oi.ihisime110andlenergy.,51111to' DIRECTOR
ills piatroeolsses, who so iincdly' tsed blig7aseaty
their ilfluisisce'tmake the affair a mioasigaaelly No. 209 S. 4th
Ave. Ambnlance night and day. fRee-
511c'i.dens 302 Fifthu Ave.


~uirn Ije ot*fne 3.50


Watch our Windows ... .

110 E. HURON ST.{

_ " T '
- _ - - ° - "- C_=fi r- r--- r-- -= 3 .._. --- - i- --- i i--- f-- _7C r=- Z-Z- _

ENOC OITERE, uneal mbamerand613 East Willham Street
Thten ar sak 01Fine
A iet University laton-al bcnws
W R E f Bf Mrs. 'noch Oseterle Fueady ist nt s It law builing. All kind
©unfITEs Si~sIGTBE Na. I16 R.Lbsrty Street. Residnceb9Futle, a shh e Shoe Shop a ber t. j;laI ua Phoies

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